48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (2024)

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (1)

A good chunk of parents’ time is spent figuring out what to make that kids will actually eat. (The rest of the time is spent trying to stay awake, budgeting, and figuring out whether something is normal or not.) Once we get passed the tricky breastfeeding and baby mush stage, we have to contend with school lunches. School lunches, practically snacks, are a big consideration. Kids love small, adorable, yummy things so snacks are always a favorite. And it’s always debatable whether they will eat their sandwich/main lunch so we want to make sure the snack is something decent that will keep their tummies mostly full. No pressure, right?

The adage about eating with your eyes first applies to kids as much as adults. If they’re interested in the way something looks, they will probably want to put it in their mouth. (As we have discovered for better or worse.) These kids school snacks ideas look fun and taste great. And unlike some Instagrammable dishes, you don’t have to spend hours perfecting them with a pair of kitchen tweezers. Take a look at 48 Pinterest worthy kids school snacks ideas that look and taste amazing. Go on and make an extra helping for yourself.

Bear Bread With Spread And Fruit

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (2)

Raise your hand if you’re tempted to start crafting all of your pieces of toasts like this? You are not alone. The brilliant thing about this is that it is so easy. The bear bread doesn’t take that much more effort than making a plain old slice of toast. It’s also very easy to change depending on what you have at home. Use whatever bread and spreads you fancy/your little ones like. We guarantee that they’ll be too busy cooing over the adorable faces (and possibly some chocolate spread) to even realize that they’re getting a few extra pieces of fruit into their diet. That’s a win.

Grape And Strawberry Caterpillars

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Do you want to incorporate fruit into your kids’ school lunchboxes but a boring apple won’t cut it? Take a different approach with these sweet strawberry and grape caterpillars. Just make sure to consider the skewer carefully. You don’t want anything with pointed ends and you definitely don’t want to serve them to kids who might not understand that you don’t eat the skewer. A different approach would be to use a “skewer” that’s edible such as a thin bread stick or a chocolate straw. Pocky would also work. Make the eyes as fancy as you want. Try chocolate chips. Or, you can be lazy and skip them all together. The caterpillar effect will still come through from the body.

Banana and Nutella Sushi

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (4)

This is one of those so quick-and-clever kids school snacks ideas that you will wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself. It is also an awesome pick for kids who aren’t crazy about traditional sushi. A wrap or pita hiding chocolate hazelnut goodness and a banana center is something that appeals to all. You could cut the wrap into individual sushi-style pieces or you could leave it whole so kids can munch on it like a burrito. It is your call whether you want to cut the end off and show off the center or whether you want kids to discover the surprise inside when they bite into it.

Crab Apple

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No, it’s not that kind of crab apple. (Those are way too tart to eat raw, especially for kids’ particular palates.) This shows how a few cuts and some chocolate chip eyes can make the classic lunchbox apple so much more interesting. Try putting the crab in a bento box style lunch container so it reasonably holds its shape while being carted to school. You can also use this easy crab design as inspiration to create a whole range of apple animals. And who says you need to stop at apples? We know how creative you can be. Now is the time to use your skills to get the kiddos eating more fruit.

Gold Fish Cracker Celery Boats

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (6)

You probably have a box of Gold Fish Crackers in the house. Instead of stuffing them into a plastic bag for school lunches, upgrade them with this simple snack. The celery boats and cream cheese filling are a nice contrast to the cheesy, salty crackers. Bonus: The kids get more vegetables in a fun treat. Celery can be a literal tough one to sell kids (and adults) on, but they hopefully won’t pick up that they are eating the chewy vegetable thanks to all of the other elements and the cool design. You can further distract them by coming up with a story to go along with the celery boats. Where are the fish swimming? Where are they traveling to?

Bear Watermelon “Cookies”

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (7)

First of all, we would like to tip our hats to the brilliant recipe developer who dubbed these watermelon “cookies.” Clearly, she knows a name like that will entice almost anyone. Secondly, the name also hints at how the bears are made. Yes, they use a bear-shaped cookie cutter. If you don’t have a bear-shaped cookie cutter ”” or you can’t find it in all of the kitchen clutter ”” feel free to swap it for whatever you have. Any shape will save time in comparison to free-handing a design. The shaped watermelon chunks can be left plain or they can be jazzed up with a topping or even chocolate chips. This recipe uses a healthier version of whipped topping.

Cheese Monsters

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (8)

Those circles of cheese are popular things to put in kids’ lunches because they’re portioned, portable, and pleasing to little ones’ taste buds. Just make sure that kids understand that you’re not supposed to eat the red wax. Same goes if you decide to add the googly eyes. If you are concerned about children eating something they are not supposed to, remove the wax coating entirely and add eyes and mouth details with other food. Pretzels and grapes, anyone? They go great with cheese. Raisins, seeds, and dried cranberries would also be clever additions. We bet kiddos would gobble the cheese up if it had melted chocolate on it, too. Chocolate makes anything great. And cheese is always good.

Cucumber Sandwich Flowers

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (9)

These sweet cucumber sandwich flowers flip the script in a number of ways. First of all, the base is the cucumber which means kids get that much more of it. (Every little helps.) The cheesy mini crackers are on top and a basil leaf is added to complete the pretty picture. Use a cookie cutter to create the flower shape in no time at all. Encourage kids to roll the cucumber and cracker into the basil leaf and eat the thing in one go. Otherwise you know that they will likely just pick off the basil and munch on the cracker ”” and possibly the cucumber if you’re lucky.

Apple, Peanut Butter, And Marshmallow Mouths

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (10)

Who needs to wait until Halloween to try these awesome apple, peanut butter, and mini marshmallow mouths? If you ask us, they are perfect for every day. And we think that kids would agree. Not only is the combination delicious, it provides a bit of protein from the peanut butter and another serving of fruit from the apples. And we all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. The saying is all the more appropriate when kids are eating a mouth constructed out of apple. Marshmallows are admittedly not the top doctor- and dentist-approved pick, but they will be a hit with kids. You could even try some “rotten” teen with raisins and nuts.

Celery, Peanut Butter, And Cucumber Snails

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (11)

It is interesting to compare these snails to some of the previous creations on the list because it shows how you can come up with something totally new using similar ingredients. People who have not tried celery and peanut butter might be perplexed about the combination. But, give it a try then get the kids to taste it, too. It seems like it would be weird, but it genuinely works. Then you can make things interesting by turning the snack into snails. Cucumber adds another bit of fruit and vegetables while the pretzel sticks provide some crunch. Same goes for the cereal “eyeballs.” Use whatever kind of cereal you have in the cupboard.

Graham Crackers With Funfetti Icing, Teddy Grahams, And Rainbow Candy

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (12)

Unlike some infuriating teachers, we aren’t going to judge or shame anyone for their snack choices. A snack is a snack, and if it makes kids happy and they eat it, great. If you’re looking for a special surprise for your kids’ lunchboxes that incorporates color and some of their favorite sweets, these “teddy grahams at the beach” definitely fit the bill. A base of graham cracker is layered with ready-made funfetti icing. The final touches are a rainbow candy strip (they’ve used Airheads) topped with a teddy graham. It is so cute that kids almost won’t want to eat it, but we guarantee they will end up gobbling up all of them.

Minions Bananas

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (13)

You might have seen people decorating banana skins with characters or inspirational sayings. We love the idea of turning something as ordinary as a banana skin into a canvas. Some versions just use markers. We like how this creation went the extra mile with the decorative eyes. Get inspired to come up with your own banana characters or designs. To save yourself some work and occupy restless kids, you can make the preparation into a “turn the banana into a Minion” game. Children will unleash their creativity, you will be able to keep an eye on them, and the kids will have a great, nutritious snack for their lunchboxes.

Cheese, Chocolate Chip, and Pancake Smiley Faces

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (14)

There are a lot of #lunchboxinspiration photos that look great, but are just not realistic for the average parents to recreate on a regular basis. These are. We see the waxed cheese faces again. Plus, we have the adorable face on the pancake. There’s no need for sticky maple syrup when there’s a strawberry jam acting as the “glue” to hold down the blueberry eyes and pumpkin seed mouth. There’s also a third smiley face. Look carefully at the tiny container and you will see that the chocolate chips are even arranged in a smile. The lunchbox will ”” yes ”” bring a smile to any kid when they open the container up at school. And knowing that should bring a smile to you.

Coconut Macaroon Emoji Faces

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (15)

Once you see these fun coconut macaroon emoji faces you might never go back to plain triangular macaroon mounds again. In fact, the kids probably won’t let you. This is one of the delicious and simple kids’ school snacks ideas that is perfect for lunchboxes. If you were planning on making coconut macaroons anyways it isn’t that much more work to pipe a few faces on them. It is not like we’re asking you to recreate the dancing girl emoji or the dog emoji. You just need to do a few roundish shapes for eyes and a line for a mouth. Even basic bakers can do that. We have confidence in you.

Sandwich Veggie Roll-ups

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (16)

A different presentation can totally change the way something is perceived. We guarantee that kids will be significantly more interested in these bread roll-ups than their traditional sandwich. Why? Because they are different. They are also great for smaller hands. Stuff the sandwich with whatever ingredients you fancy, but be mindful of putting anything too watery in it otherwise the bread will get soggy and the whole thing will fall apart. The unique wraps are a great way to add vegetables into kids’ diet because the veg looks intriguing poking out of the top. And if kids like the look of it, they will hopefully eat it without complaints. *Fingers crossed*

Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Penguins

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (17)

These are not the romantic chocolate-covered strawberries that you think about on Valentine’s Day. These are the most adorable chocolate-covered strawberry penguins. Unlike some food animals, these ones aren’t overly complex. Dip the strawberries in chocolate then decorate them with some sugar eyeballs and a yellow Smartie or M&M for the nose. Or, go healthier and use a raisin or a nut. Don’t fuss with the chocolate drip being perfect. Even if the chocolate doesn’t set up, the children will still know that these are meant to be some cool animal. And they’ll be gobbling up the penguins in no time.

Turtles and Cheese

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (18)

Fruit and cheese is a classic snack. This unique presentation is #lunchboxgoals. It is simple, but effective. And that is exactly the sort of thing that busy moms love. You don’t really need to worry about “gluing” each turtle together. But, if you are worried about the creatures holding up to transportation you could affix them with some cheese spread, cream cheese, or nut butter. The spread will provide a bit of textural contrast and a few flavor element. Additionally, it will make it possible for kids to pick up the “turtles” and chomp them in one go as opposed to picking up the individual pieces of fruit.

Apple Fruit “Doughnuts”

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These look mouthwatering-ly good, but they aren’t doughnuts at all. There isn’t any dough to speak of. The bottom is a slice of apple, hence the apple part. If it has fooled you, it will also fool the kids. And once they have the yummy fruit and yogurt combination in their mouths, they will happily finish all of the slices in their lunchboxes. You can see from the photo that there are so many possibilities. If your little ones love cereal, make sure to add the granola on top. It provides some nice crunch. You could even use the children’s favorite breakfast cereal for the topping.

Owl And Fruit Rice Cakes

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (20)

Hoot hoot is hungry? (Sorry.) Who wouldn’t be grinning and making owl noises after opening their lunchbox and finding these cool owls inside? The playful critters are nothing more than a rice cake, cereal, peanut butter, and some carefully arranged fruit. But, look at how striking the finished product is. They taste as good as they look thanks to the contrasts in textures. With the thick layer of peanut butter and sturdy rice cake, this is a brilliant school snack because it will not go soggy and it can stand up to being bashed around in a container in a lunchbox.

Dirt and Worms

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (21)

Remember dirt and worms from when you were a kid? If you never had the classic dessert, we feel a bit sad for you. But, you can try some now and then share it with the rest of the family. The “dirt” is traditionally chocolate pudding topped with a chocolate cookie crumb “soil” while the worms are obviously candy worms. It’s easy to whip up a massive bowl for dinner time and then portion a bit of it into small plastic containers for school lunch time. Save yourself some work and used boxed pudding mix and cookie crumbs. That is what the classic recipe would call for.

Face Open Sandwiches

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (22)

These are so sweet that you will want to try the idea for snacks and main meals. We can’t blame you because we are probably going to do the same thing. These open-faced sandwiches are so clever and a sneaky way for kids to eat all of the vegetables and fruit. Who is going to know that they’re eating lettuce when they are thinking that they are eating green hair? Exactly. It isn’t cheating. It is called creative and necessary parenting. And look at the cauliflower hair and the cucumber glasses. Then there is the amazing blueberry hair. There are sooooo many ideas to draw inspiration from here. Use it as a springboard.

Fruit Pizza

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (23)

Most kids would never say no to a traditional slice of pizza so play off of that. This fruit pizza has none of the usual elements of a standard pizza. But, it has a similar shape, it is so colorful, and it has stars on it. All of those details will make it a lunchbox win in kids’ eyes. Try mixing some of your little ones’ favorite fruits with some new ones. This is an easy way to get them to try new things such as cherries or dragon fruit. The mint leaves are optional, but try them and picky eaters might be able to get them down. You could also add some yogurt or coconut cream for a “cheesy” element.

Monkey Peanut Butter Bread With Banana And Pomegranate

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (24)

It doesn’t matter that you don’t have a monkey-shaped bowl or lunch box. Kids likely won’t notice what their food came in because they will be too busy obsessing over this monkey-shaped peanut butter-slathered bread. We can understand why. Use chocolate sauce to draw in the darker features and mix the peanut butter with some chocolate to create different shades, if you are feeling artistic. It is only natural that you serve the monkey with banana. Adding pomegranate into the mix provides more color to the plate. It is also a good way to get kids to experience the flavor. The sweetness of the banana and the rich peanut butter provide a nice balance to the tarter pomegranate seeds.

Harry Potter Cheese Sandwiches

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (25)

This is the one for all Harry Potter fans. No kid would ever say that they are too old to receive these in their lunch bags. Heck, we would be stoked to find the cheese sandwiches in our lunchboxes. It is the snack made for wannabe witches and wizards, but it will not take you a full afternoon to put together. Use a cookie cutter to get the shape right then use ketchup or another contrasting sauce to paint on the letters. If your kids are able to read, or learning to read, we highly encourage you to include a note. It can make all the difference to someone’s day.

Vegetable, Ham, And Cream Cheese Flowers

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (26)

Have you ever seen a ham flower before? It sounds weird to think about and write, but the photo proves that it works. If your kid isn’t receptive to traditional sandwiches and you’ve tried diamonds, little squares, and finger sandwiches, try this more whimsical approach. They are cream cheese sandwiches topped with ham and vegetables with cucumber leaves and celery stems. The daintier portion size could be more appealing to kids who don’t seem to have much of an appetite when it comes to school lunches. If you find that they are eating two or three flowers, you can always increase the number of them. It is all about the tricks.

Fruit Lion and Flower

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (27)

Talk about setting a scene. This works on a plate and it would also work in a lunchbox. It doesn’t take that long to put together. Furthermore, you don’t have to cut any of the pieces into special shapes. You would have segmented the oranges like that anyways. Same goes for the snipped chives. The only difference is cutting the piece of bread into a round. Or, you could make life easier and sub it for a muffin or cookie. Then get decorating to your heart’s content. There is no limit to how many flowers you can construct. Just consider how much your tykes normally eat in one sitting during the school day.

Butterfly Popcorn Snacks

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (28)

If you love arts and crafts as much as you love meal time prep, you will enjoy this Pinterest worthy school snack idea. Even if you hate craft time, you will like the genius idea. It can get kids involved and it makes snacks that much more interesting. Take some old clothes pins and transform them with glittery pipe cleaners and paints so they look like butterflies. They get their “wings” when the clips separate snacks. Shove whatever you want in those snack bags. Some parents like to put one snack on one side and a different one on the other. Do whatever you think your kids would eat. You could even try a trail mix.

Watermelon Ladybugs

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (29)

Ladybugs, ladybirds, red bugs with pretty speckles. You and the kids can call them whatever you like. We all know what you are referring to. We can also see how the insect makes an Instagrammable snack for school. All that’s needed to create these little guys is watermelon, dark chocolate, and edible eyeballs. You can make your life easier and use chocolate chips. You can stick them pointy side down into the watermelon to form the ladybug’s spots. Then you can melt down some chocolate chips to form the coating for the head. It is another project to get the kids involved with. The combination of chocolate and watermelon is lip-smacking.

Heart-Shaped Beets

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (30)

We’re going a bit rogue with this one, but we encourage you to try it out. If you want to add more diverse options into your little one’s diet, but he/she is super stubborn, turning the food into pretty shapes can be a way to tempt him/her. You might not have realized that these were beets if we didn’t tell you. They were cut into heart shapes then roasted in the oven with a bit of olive oil. Beets are an underappreciated root vegetable that can be great for kids. They have a lot of nutritional benefits. The kicker is that they are naturally sweet which will likely appeal to youngsters’ palates. Another plus is they are colorful. We see golden and red beets here. Also look for candy cane beets which have a gorgeous white and red design.

Tangerine Pumpkins And Banana Ghosts

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (31)

These are two other awesome school snack ideas that we refuse to save for October. When citrus fruits are in season and cheap, make full use of all the tangerines and clementines by turning them into pumpkins. Up the fruit and veg quota some more by using a piece of celery as the stem of the “pumpkin.” And every day is a good day to have a banana ghost. It is nothing more than a banana cut in half and decorated with two chocolate eyes. However, it will have your kid captivated. Some people like to go an extra mile and coat the bananas in yogurt to make frozen yogurt ice pops. It’s a great hack, but best left for after-school treats when the temperature can be controlled better.

Family Apple Slices

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (32)

Is your baby still struggling with being away from you and the rest of the family during school? This snack will provide some reassurance while filling your little one’s belly with some nutritious and delicious eats. What more could we ask for? Start with an apple base then layer jams, spreads, nuts, dried fruits, and whatever else you think will work to recreate your family members. Don’t forget pets. After you have done family members, you can come up with new characters or even use some of your kids’ favorite fantasy characters. Imagine Spider-Man, Peppa Pig, or Harry Potter apple slices. They don’t have to be perfect. So, don’t feel any pressure.

Lucky Charms and Popcorn Mix

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Is precision not really one of your strong suits? Or, was it at one point and you’ve thrown it out the window now that you’ve had kids? We feel you. That’s where this “Lucky Pop” comes in. There’s no need to worry about cutting things up into perfect squares or having the right canvas for your food art. You just need to mix some of your favorite snack treats together. You can do that. Make a massive batch and store it in an airtight container. You can portion it out for lunches when needed and you will have a healthy supply to snack on yourself.

Watermelon And Blueberry Wands

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (34)

Sometimes with picky eaters it is not a matter of what you serve, but how you serve it. If you’re finding that your kids have been returning home with their fruit untouched in their lunch bags, try this new approach. Make fruit kebabs ”” or wands, which is the more kid-appealing term. Having the end fruit be a star is the clincher. A word of warning: This is one of the kids’ school snacks ideas that might inspire envy among other children. So, don’t be surprised if your kiddos start asking if you can make more fruit wands for their friends.

Bear Rice Crackers With Jam And Bananas

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (35)

Adorable bear plus delicious and virtuous bananas equals genius. Throw in some naturally colored jam and things get even better. There is no wasting or off-cuts with the round rice cakes. You use the entire thing. Plus, the banana slices easily into rounds. This version features a quick homemade chia raspberry jam and a passion fruit one. Chia seeds make whipping up jams a breeze, but we totally get if you want to use what you already have in the fridge. The kids will not notice any difference. They will be too busy picking the fruit off their bears then chowing down on the rice cakes.

Deer Celery Sticks

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Call these deer or moose celery sticks for the majority of the year then call them reindeer during the Christmas season. The mix of textures and flavors make the humble celery so much more exciting. To tie in the raspberry, you could even add a bit of raspberry jam with the peanut butter. You could also come up with different reindeer by choosing different fruits for the nose. We love a raspberry for Rudolph, but different colored grapes, cherries, and blueberries could produce some interesting results. Then you can encourage your kids to name the different deer. Fun times all around.

Grape and Apple Frogs

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These frogs look like they could spring to life and jump straight out of a lunchbox. Thankfully, they do not move. They are also a lot cuter than real frogs. It is very likely that you would have put grapes and apple slices into a lunch bag. This just presents them in a much more exciting manner that will get kids excited for their food ”” even when they are stuck at school. Just remind everyone to be careful about the toothpicks. If your kids are old enough to read, you can put a little note in their lunchbox. Consider adding a sweet message so it’s not just instructional.

Cat In The Hat Marshmallows and Strawberries

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If your tykes are reading the Cat in the Hat book this is the perfect snack to put in their lunches. If they aren’t, you can introduce them to the iconic book then you can create the snack together for a fully immersive experience. The chopped strawberries and bananas provide some fruity goodness while helping to create the iconic striped hat. The marshmallows will undoubtedly be a hit for their sugary finish. If you are going to add cat faces to the treat, use melted chocolate or chocolate chips. Alternatively, you can copy what they have done here and use edible markers.

Pita, Cheese, and Blueberry Owl And Fox

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A pita is a delicious and filling snack option. It is also a nice change from the same old sandwich bread. And it is great for those with smaller appetites. These fox and owl designs will be a hit with kids. And you will love them because they’re easy to construct. The toppings are two different types of cheese and blueberries. You could use a bit of butter or even mustard to hold everything in place. Choose the condiment that you think would appeal to your little ones the most. Once you try these two animals, you can play around with other creatures in the animal kingdom.

Cheese Mouse On Cracker

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Forget about all of those animal themed pre-packaged lunches. If you made cheese mice like this for your kiddos, you would be the best mom in the world. Remember: A homemade treat always trumps a generic store-bought one. Crackers and cheese are an absolute classic lunchtime snack, but this version earns major creativity points. It also elevates the taste. Try a long chive tail and little cold cut ears. If your kid is a fan of olives, you could try those for the face. If briny olives are a tough sell, try something like raisins, vegetables chopped into small pieces or even nuts.

Spider Crackers

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Crunchy, salty, and not too scary, these creepy-crawly spider crackers will delight your kids when lunch/snack time rolls around at school. Cream cheese is a great filling because it spreads easily, it is creamy, but it is thick enough to hold the spider’s pretzel legs. But, do not feel limited by it. Try other spreads or get creative and mix things into cream cheese. (You could easily work some herbs and other greens in here.) A thicker homemade hummus could also do the job of a binder and filling. And play around with the design. Remove the eyeballs and we have suns. Remember that the next time you run out of candy eyes.

Open Faced Animal Sandwiches

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So many toasts, so little time. A slice of bread with a creamy spread topped with fruit and/or vegetables will be enough to help your kids power through their afternoons at school. And they will have no complaints about eating something when it looks this cute. (They likely won’t mind destroying your art.) What makes these designs special is that they aren’t overdone. Their simplicity actually makes them more effective. That is music to busy moms’ ears. The different critters also show that they will work with whatever fruits and vegetables you have in the crisper drawer. We suggest using the dregs at the back of the fridge ”” provided they are still fresh!

Banana “Sundae”

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It is a banana sundae, but not. Your children would probably love you forever if you packed a proper banana sundae in their school lunches. That isn’t really feasible given ice cream is prone to melting and it makes a big mess. But, all hope is not lost. You can win kids over with this fun take on a sundae. It still has the banana, toppings, and cone, but not in the way you (and the kids) are expecting. And there is no risk of melting. Hooray! Of course, we couldn’t call it a banana sundae unless it had rainbow sprinkles on it.

Star Sandwich

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Parenting hack #231: If you put peanut butter and jam between two pieces of bread, kids will be happy. And if you cut said bread into a star shape, kids will go nuts for it. (There is a peanut pun in there somewhere for you.) The middle of the sandwich can be anything that you like. Just keep in mind that if you choose crunchier items or certain fiddly lettuces, it will be more difficult to cut it into a star shape. You will also want to take oozing into consideration. You want all of the delicious filling to stay inside the star shape.

Strawberry Butterflies

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This is such a ridiculously simple concept that it will make you question why you never thought to slice strawberries this way before. You don’t need any fancy gizmos or decorative extras. All you need is some strawberries and a knife. Place the strawberry with the top leafy end down on the cutting board and cut it down the center, making sure not to cut all the way through the fruit. Make a perpendicular cut, taking extra care not to go all the way through. Gently fan out the quartered strawberry, and you have what looks like the wings of a butterfly. It beats sliced strawberries any day of the week.

Star and Moon Rice Krispies Treats

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (46)

Rice Krispies treats are another one of those classic school snacks that everybody has. They are always a key player at bake sales. Plus, they make lunchboxes even better. This version will stand out with children thanks to the Pinterest-approved star and moon designs. Use cookie cutters to get perfect, symmetrical shapes. You might think that using the cookie cutters would result in a gooey mess, but it is actually pretty easy to cut through the rice cereal and marshmallow mixture. To prevent sticking, you can try spraying your cookie cutter molds with non-stick cooking spray before you cut out the shapes.

Rainbow Graham Crackers With Yogurt

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (47)

Any kid’s boring school day will be brightened when he/she sees this striking snack inside their lunchbox. (Wouldn’t you feel happier if you had this for snack time?) It is the cutest, you guys. The snack is definitely Pinterest-approved, but it is easier to recreate than it looks. It’s graham cracker plus yogurt with blue food coloring, Airheads rainbow candy, and mini marshmallows. You can think of it as a cosmic take on s’mores. It is also one of the kids’ school snacks ideas that can be re-purposed into an entertaining activity. You could use blueberry yogurt and forget the food coloring. If you opt for the DIY color approach, you can get more creative with different colors.

Banana Dolphins With Grapes

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (48)

No, you will never be able to look at a banana the same way again after seeing these incredible banana dolphins. This is one of the simplest ways to transform a piece of fruit. The bananas look so good, they almost don’t look edible. Definitely put something in the dolphin’s mouth to play up the effect. We love how this style has a red grape in the dolphin’s mouth and it is “swimming” in a glass of green grapes. The same effect could be recreated in various kinds of lunchboxes. We encourage you to swap the green grapes for blueberries or blackberries when you’re switching up school lunches.

Grape Marshmallow Little Frankies

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (49)

Those who are worried about their Pinterest worthy snacks making it to school in one piece can try these amazing Little Frankies. Because they’re designed to go into containers, they can hold up to juggling in backpacks. The idea can be re-imagined with so many different combinations beyond green grapes and marshmallows. The combo is obviously great for creating mini Frankensteins, but feel free to play around with it. You can also use reusable containers at home. Just be mindful of what you’re drawing the faces on with. And make sure that you’re doodling on the outside of the container to prevent the color from transferring to food.

48 Pinterest-Worthy Snacks To Put In Your Kid's Lunchbox - Mommyish (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.