Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (2024)

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    Skip to main content [Accesskey 'S'] Go to home page [Accesskey '1']Are you a business customer?

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    Breakdown cover with the UK's number 1

    More expert patrols in more places. Withbreakdown cover starting from £7 a month – that’s what 10% of AA customers pay.*

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (1)

    A Which? Recommended Provider for 6 years running.

    Get a quote Existing members

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (2)

    More UK drivers choose the AA than any other major UK breakdown cover service1

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (3)

    More dedicated mobile mechanics than any other UK breakdown service2

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (4)

    Electric and hybrid vehicles covered at no extra cost

    Our breakdown cover

    With our starting level of breakdown cover you'll get Roadside Assistance, which is 24/7 support from a trained patrol if your car, van or motorbike breaks down more than 1/4 mile from your home.

    • If we can't fix the fault at the roadside, our vehicle recovery service will take you to a nearby garage – it's that simple
    • Get unlimited call-outs, as long as it's not for a recurring problem with your vehicle3
    • You can also add optional extras such as At Home, which gives you cover right up to your doorstep

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (5)

    Rated Excellent on Trustpilot

    Curious about what our members say? Read their genuine reviews of our breakdown cover service.


    What types of breakdown cover are there?

    There are 4 types of breakdown cover policy, allowing you to select the best type of cover for your specific driving needs. We cover any non-commercial vehicle, including cars, vans, motorbikes and electric vehicles (EVs).

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (6)

    Cover for you

    Personal breakdown cover for you as a driver or passenger in any vehicle.

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (7)

    Cover for two people

    Joint breakdown cover for you and someone you live with, as drivers or passengers in any vehicle.

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (8)

    Family cover

    Breakdown cover for you and up to 3 other people you live with, as drivers or passengers in any vehicle.

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (9)

    Vehicle cover

    Breakdown cover for one vehicle, whoever's behind the wheel.

    What options can I add to my breakdown cover policy?

    You can add up to 4 options to your breakdown cover policy. You’ll get Roadside Assistance as standard, including unlimited call-outs throughout the year.

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (10)
    At Home

    If your vehicle won't start or breaks down within 1/4 mile of your home, you'll get breakdown recovery to a nearby garage. This extends our Roadside Assistance coverage straight to your door.

    At Home in more detail

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (11)
    National Recovery

    If you break down and we can't fix your vehicle at the roadside. We'll take you, your vehicle and up to 7 passengers to any single UK destination.

    National Recovery in more detail

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (12)
    Onward Travel

    If you break down and need repairs that stop your journey. We'll help with alternative transport or an overnight hotel stay.

    Onward Travel in more detail

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (13)
    Parts and Garage Cover

    If you need repairs or work done at a garage after calling us out for a breakdown. We'll cover costs up to £535.

    Parts and Garage Cover in more detail

    Get a quote

    What are the key terms of our breakdown cover?

    Please ensure you understand our conditions of fair use.

    • This policy does not cover vehicles used for any commercial purpose.
    • Your vehicle must be taxed, insured and have a valid MOT certificate.
    • We cannot provide assistance if you call us out for the same fault within 28 days.

      Read more in our breakdown cover terms and conditions

      Get a quote

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (14)

    Compare our vehicle breakdown cover packages

    These breakdown cover packages all cover 1 vehicle, whoever's driving it. Compare what’s included in each package and choose the one that best suits your needs. 10% of AA customers paid these prices. Source: survey of new business sales from, 2 November 2023 to 31 January 2024.

    Monthly cover from


    Roadside Assistance

    24/7 cover for breakdowns over 1/4 mile from home. If we can't complete repairs at the roadside we'll take you and your vehicle to a nearby garage.

    At Home

    Brings cover to your doorstep and within 1/4 mile from home.


    Monthly cover from


    Unlimited call-outs

    Call us out as many times as you need to, as long as it's not a recurring problem with your vehicle.

    Roadside Assistance

    24/7 cover for breakdowns over 1/4 mile from home. If we can't complete repairs at the roadside we'll take you and your vehicle to a nearby garage.

    At Home

    Brings cover to your doorstep and within 1/4 mile from home.

    National Recovery

    We'll take you, your vehicle and up to 7 passengers to any single UK destination if your vehicle can't be fixed.


    Monthly cover from


    Unlimited call-outs

    Call us out as many times as you need to, as long as it's not a recurring problem with your vehicle.

    Roadside Assistance

    24/7 cover for breakdowns over 1/4 mile from home. If we can't complete repairs at the roadside we'll take you and your vehicle to a nearby garage.

    At Home

    Brings cover to your doorstep and within 1/4 mile from home.

    National Recovery

    We'll take you, your vehicle and up to 7 passengers to any single UK destination if your vehicle can't be fixed.

    Onward Travel

    Car hire, overnight accommodation or costs towards public transport if we can't get your vehicle going again straight away.


    The prices shown are only for new customers and include an introductory discount – prices are likely to rise at renewal.

    Need help choosing?

    Answer a few quick questions to find cover that suits you.

    Help me choose

    What is breakdown cover?

    Breakdown cover is a type of policy that means you’ll get help from a trained mechanic at the roadside if your car, van or motorbike breaks down. This is also known as Roadside Assistance.

    Here’s how our breakdown cover policy works:

    • With Roadside Assistance, if your car breaks down over 1/4 mile from home, a mechanic will try to fix your vehicle on the spot. If they can't, you’ll get breakdown recovery to the nearest garage.
    • You can also add options to your policy like At Home, National Recovery, Onward Travel and Parts & Garage Cover. You can select as many as you like, allowing you to create a personalised breakdown cover policy. This gives you more cover in more places as well as more choices in the event of a breakdown.
    • With personal cover, you can get help as a driver or passenger in any vehicle. Or you can choose to cover whoever’s behind the wheel with vehicle cover.
    • Without breakdown cover, it can be costly to get a repair or to be towed, so it's usually simpler to get cover in advance.
    • Our experienced patrols deal with many car breakdown causes in the UK, including flat batteries, tyre puncture, and lost keys. They can also rescue you in dangerous situations, such as being broken down on the motorway.
    • We're on call 24/7, so having breakdown cover gives you peace of mind that you'll never be left stranded.

      How our breakdown cover works

      Compare breakdown cover products

    Save with Smart Benefits

    When you buy a breakdown cover policy with us, you could save £100s every year with these member deals.

    • Up to 36% off your MOT with Smart Care
    • Up to 15% off airport parking with Holiday Extras
    • Up to 15% off car hire across UK, Europe and North America
    • Up to 10% off service or vehicle checks with Smart Care

    All Smart Benefits

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (15) Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (16)

    Already with us?

    Find out how to get the most from your cover.

    Existing customers

    Breakdown cover explained

    A breakdown cover policy covers you for roadside repairs if your car breaks down while you’re out and about.

    Most car breakdown cover companies will offer roadside assistance as a minimum. This means a trained mechanic will come to fix your car if it breaks down on the road. If it can’t be fixed, our vehicle recovery service will tow it to a nearby garage.

    Our breakdown cover also includes all other vehicles, as long as they’re less than 3.5 tonnes (3,500kg) and no wider than 8ft 3in (2.55m, excluding mirrors). That means we can help if you break down in a classic car, motorbike, van, motorhome or minibus.

    Larger breakdown companies manage a fleet of vans and recovery trucks, with their own staff of expert mechanics. Smaller providers tend to use third-party garages and recovery operators to provide a breakdown service.

    Some policies offer unlimited call-outs a year, while others might limit the number of times you can call for help at the roadside.

    Find out more on what to do if you break down

    Breakdown cover isn’t a legal requirement, but it does offer you support and protection if your car breaks down on the roadside. It also means you don’t have to pay for costly repairs or a tow from a vehicle recovery service if you break down.

    Find out more on what to do if you break down

    You can still call us to arrange instant breakdown cover and we'll come out to you – just call 0330 053 1100.

    About AA breakdown cover

    Our standard level of breakdown cover (Roadside Assistance) is available once you're more than ¼ mile away from home. We’ll help you any time of day or night in the UK, and if we can’t fix your vehicle by the roadside, we’ll tow you to a local garage for repair.

    You can cover just your vehicle, or you can choose to cover yourself and up to 3 other people in any vehicle you’re travelling in:

    Vehicle cover – cover for one single vehicle in your household, no matter who’s driving it. Great if you’re sharing a car with friends or family.

    Personal covercover for you as a passenger or driver in any vehicle. Perfect if you own, borrow or regularly travel in more than one vehicle. Personal cover is our name for multi-car breakdown cover.

    If you live with others who also need cover as a driver or passenger in any car, you can opt for a policy the covers them too. Choose breakdown cover for 2 people (joint policy for you and one other person), or family cover (you and up to 3 other people in your household).

    If you add the following optional extras to your breakdown cover, we’ll also

    • arrange travel for you and up to 7 passengers to wherever you need to be in the UK, up to 3 times a year (Onward Travel)
    • take you, your vehicle and up to 7 passengers to a single destination in the UK (National Recovery)
    • come to your doorstep (cover At Home), if you have trouble starting the car at home
    • help towards expenses if your vehicle needs parts or garage work after we’ve tried to fix it at the roadside (Parts and Garage Cover).

    We also offer European breakdown cover.

    If you need help deciding on your level of cover, you can compare breakdown cover.

    As the UK's largest breakdown cover provider, we we have more expert Patrols than anyone else2.

    We get to most of our customers in under an hour1 – and we give priority to people in vulnerable situations.

    We’ve got you covered if your car, motorbike or caravan breaks down and needs repairing by the roadside.

    We’ll come to your rescue anywhere in the UK. Call us right away, or use our app to report your breakdown, pinpoint your location and track our arrival.

    If your vehicle needs extra work done, they’ll tow it to a nearby garage, as standard.

    Our Roadside Assistance, National Recovery, At Home and Onward Travel bundle has been awarded a Defaqto 5-star rating.

    Find out more on how our breakdown cover works

    If you purchase breakdown cover with us you can choose to pay annually by card or direct debit, or monthly by direct debit.

    We’ll use the payment details you provide to renew your cover automatically so that you’ll always be covered. Before the end of your first year, you’ll receive a renewal notice with the price of membership for your second year, so you’ll have plenty of time to change or cancel your cover.

    If you pay annually, you’ll pay up front for a fixed 12-month breakdown cover policy and the overall price for a year will be lower than 12 monthly payments. Please note that in some circ*mstances – such as promotions – annual payment may not be cheaper than 12 monthly payments. There’s no refund if you cancel after your 14-day cooling-off period. You can choose how your policy renews when you set up your cover, and can opt-out of autorenewal at any time if you change your mind.

    If you pay monthly, your account will be debited every month until your breakdown cover policy is cancelled. This gives you the convenience of paying per month, together with the flexibility of being able to cancel your cover at any time. After the 14-day cooling-off period, you'll just need to give us 30 days' notice.

    Our breakdown cover will activate 24 hours after purchase. You can also choose to buy cover that starts up to 2 months later.

    Just so you know, you can’t buy cover online if you’ve already broken down. If you need to buy instant breakdown cover at the roadside, call us on 03330 046 046.

    If you have breakdown cover with us, we can help you at the scene of a road traffic accident with our Accident Assist service.

    Once we’ve had the all-clear from any emergency services, we’ll do our best to make repairs to your vehicle so it’s safe to drive away from the scene. If that’s not possible, we’ll recover your vehicle and tow it to a nearby garage.

    Find out more on what to do if you’ve been in an accident

    With Roadside Assistance, if we can’t get you going again, we’ll tow you to a nearby garage – where you'll need to cover the cost of any repair work.

    If you add Parts and Garage Cover, we’ll help cover the costs of garage repairs, which might work out cheaper.

    We can’t be called out for routine maintenance or running repairs.

    Along with cheap breakdown cover, membership gives you extra perks such as restaurant deals and offers on car hire, added incentives the longer you're with us, and discounts on our other services.

    Our breakdown cover includes most:

    • Petrol/diesel/electric/hydrogen cars of any age (including classic cars)
    • Motorbikes (including quads and trikes)
    • Vans
    • Motorhomes
    • Minibuses
    • Caravans and trailers on tow at the time of breakdown

    Your vehicle must be under 3.5 tonnes (3,500kg) and 8ft 3in (2.55m) wide, excluding mirrors. The same maximum weight and width separately apply to any caravans or trailers you’re towing. Your vehicle must also be roadworthy, taxed and have an up-to-date MOT.

    Please do not use breakdown cover for vehicles that are heavier than 3.5 tonnes or wider than 2.55 metres. Assistance cannot be provided for vehicles that have been vandalised or subject to malicious damage, as these are insured events usually covered by motor insurance.

    If you have a vehicle-based policy, then the vehicle registered with the AA is covered for all drivers.

    If you change your vehicle, please ensure that you update us promptly.

    If you have a personal-based policy (single, joint, family) then a vehicle is covered only if the member is a driver or passenger in that vehicle when it breaks down. Assistance cannot be provided if drivers or passengers are abusive or uncooperative.

    Our breakdown cover excludes vehicles that are:

    • On trade plates
    • Used to carry items or people for money
    • Non-motorised

    Vehicles that can’t lawfully be used on a public highwayare also excluded.

    Learn more about our cover for different types of vehicles:

    • Electric car breakdown cover
    • Motorbike breakdown cover
    • Caravan and motorhome breakdown cover
    • Business vehicle breakdown cover

    No – this cover provides assistance for vehicles used for private and domestic purposes only.

    Please do not buy this cover for any vehicle used for any commercial purpose, such as:

    Carrying items/people for money
    Delivery or collection of goods
    Transporting passengers
    Carrying equipment, tools or materials
    Moving vehicles for trade purposes, vehicles used for sporting events, or any combination of private, domestic and commercial use

    If you try to use this policy for a vehicle that’s used for commercial purposes, we may not be able to help or may have to charge a service fee.

    For any commercial use, you'll need our Business Breakdown Cover.

    No – this cover provides emergency assistance when a vehicle suffers a sudden or unexpected mechanical or electrical fault that prevents it from being driven or continuing a journey safely.

    It does not cover cosmetic, non-emergency, self-induced faults or where we suspect third-party interference. Please do not try to use it as a replacement for routine servicing, maintenance, or repairs, or to cover faults caused by actions or omissions of the driver.

    If you try to use this policy for a vehicle that has not been serviced or maintained appropriately, we may not be able to help or may have to charge a service fee.

    Yes – this cover provides assistance for vehicles that are roadworthy and road-legal. It does not cover vehicles that are unsafe, unroadworthy, unlawful, overladen or being used improperly.

    Throughout the life of the policy, please ensure that vehicles are serviced annually (or following manufacturers’ guidelines), are maintained in line with manufacturer guidelines, are in good condition and safe to be driven on the road. Please also ensure that vehicles are taxed, insured and have a valid MOT certificate.

    If you try to use this policy for a vehicle that’s not roadworthy or road-legal, we will not be able to help you get back on the road.

    No – assistance cannot be provided if we have attended your vehicle and you call us out for the same fault within 28 days, unless you can provide proof that a permanent repair has been completed by a garage. Please arrange for a permanent repair to be made following a temporary repair carried out by us.

    Cover will not be provided for any known faults that existed before you purchased cover, so please do not try to claim for them. If you try to use this policy for a vehicle with a known fault or still has a temporary repair, we may not be able to help or may have to charge a service fee.

    If we’re unable to fix your vehicle at the roadside and need to tow you and your passengers, we do our best to welcome pets wherever possible. If we can't take your pet, we'll do what we can to help get them home.

    We recommend you use suitable travel carriers for your pet or restraints that you can use on any vehicle – so we can take your pet where they need to go safely.

    Find out more on what happens to your pets when you break down

    Yes – if you have drivers in your household living away from home at university or a temporary address in the UK, they're still included in your family breakdown cover policy.

    Yes – if you use your vehicle for work, we can help. Whether you have one vehicle or a whole fleet, we've got you covered with business breakdown cover.

    Our business breakdown cover includes cars, vans, minibuses, taxis and more specialist vehicles.

    After you buy

    Follow these four steps if you break down:

    1 – Make sure you’re in a safe place. Move your vehicle off the road if possible, or pull up onto the hard shoulder if you’re on the motorway.

    2 – Stay well away from moving traffic – it’s usually safest to get out of your car (using the doors facing away from passing traffic) and wait behind a barrier.

    3 – Put your hazard warning lights on and wear a reflective jacket, if you have one.

    4 – Once you’re safe, give us a call on 03330 046 046. We’ll come and rescue you, even if you’re not a member yet.

    If you’re already with us, you can also report a breakdown and pinpoint your location using our app. It's the fastest way to ask us for help and track our arrival.

    Find out more on what to do if your car breaks down

    You only need to let us know if you have vehicle cover. Tell us as soon as you can, so we can update your membership details – and check your new vehicle is eligible (T&Cs apply). Once you've updated us, you’ll be covered in 24 hours.

    Additional Support

    Call our free helpline on 0800 262 050.

    If you need information in large print, audio or Braille, just ask – you can email our customer services team at [emailprotected], or let us know when you call our helpline.

    If you’ve broken down, you can text us on:

    07860 027 999

    To use the Next Generation Texting Service (NGTS – formerly known as Text Relay), just add 18001 at the start of any of our numbers.

    If you require any additional adjustments (e.g. documents in large print, audio or Braille) or you need us to tailor our service to your specific requirements in the event of a breakdown, call us on 0800 262 050.

    Textphone users can prefix this number with 18001.

    If your current situation is affecting how you manage your finances and you require additional help or support, call us on 0800 262 050.

    Legal and privacy information

    Our breakdown cover policy documents give you the terms and conditions of the contracts that make up AA Breakdown Membership and AA Parts and Garage Cover (AA Breakdown Repair Cover).

    They are split into two parts:

    1. the policy
    2. the membership arrangement and administration contract

    AA Breakdown Membership

    AA Breakdown Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet – February 2024

    AA Parts and Garage Cover (AA Breakdown Repair Cover)

    AA Parts and Garage Cover Terms and Conditions Booklet – November 2021

    Member Extras

    Member Extras Terms and Conditions Booklet – November 2021

    About the price

    *10% of new AA customers paid £7 for monthly vehicle breakdown cover. Source: survey of new business sales from, 1 March 2024 to 30 April 2024.

    Prices shown include insurance premiums payable to the insurer(s) and a fee payable under a separate contract between you and Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited (AAIS) for arranging and administering your cover. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.

    AA Breakdown Cover is arranged by Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You can check their register online. Registered office: Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EA. Registered in England and Wales number 2414212.

    Private and domestic use only

    Please do not buy this cover for any vehicle used for any commercial purpose, such as:

    Carrying items/people for money
    Delivery or collection of goods
    Transporting passengers
    Carrying equipment, tools or materials
    Moving vehicles for trade purposes, vehicles used for sporting events, or any combination of private, domestic and commercial use

    If you try to use this policy for a vehicle that’s used for commercial purposes, we may not be able to help or may have to charge a service fee.

    For any commercial use, you'll need our Business Breakdown Cover.

    Breakdown not routine maintenance

    This cover provides emergency assistance when a vehicle suffers a sudden or unexpected mechanical or electrical fault that prevents it from being driven or continuing a journey safely.

    It does not cover cosmetic, non-emergency, self-induced faults or where we suspect third-party interference. Please do not try to use it as a replacement for routine servicing, maintenance, or repairs, or to cover faults caused by actions or omissions of the driver.

    If you try to use this policy for a vehicle that has not been serviced or maintained appropriately, we may not be able to help or may have to charge a service fee.

    Roadworthy and road-legal vehicles only

    This cover provides assistance for vehicles that are roadworthy and road-legal. It does not cover vehicles that are unsafe, unroadworthy, unlawful, overladen or being used improperly.

    Throughout the life of the policy, please ensure that vehicles are serviced annually (or following manufacturers’ guidelines), are maintained in line with manufacturer guidelines, are in good condition and safe to be driven on the road. Please also ensure that vehicles are taxed, insured and have a valid MOT certificate.

    If you try to use this policy for a vehicle that’s not roadworthy or road-legal, we will not be able to help you get back on the road.

    Repeat call-outs and pre-existing conditions are not covered

    Assistance cannot be provided if we have attended your vehicle and you call us out for the same fault within 28 days, unless you can provide proof that a permanent repair has been completed by a garage. Please arrange for a permanent repair to be made following a temporary repair carried out by us.

    Cover will not be provided for any known faults that existed before you purchased cover, so please do not try to claim for them. If you try to use this policy for a vehicle with a known fault or still has a temporary repair, we may not be able to help or may have to charge a service fee.

    Covered vehicles and drivers

    The policy covers vehicles that are up to 3.5 tonnes (3,500kg) in weight and up to 8 foot 3 inches (2.55m) wide.

    Please do not use breakdown cover for vehicles that are heavier than 3.5 tonnes or wider than 2.55 metres. Assistance cannot be provided for vehicles that have been vandalised or subject to malicious damage, as these are insured events usually covered by motor insurance.

    If you have a vehicle-based policy, then the vehicle registered with the AA is covered for all drivers.

    If you change your vehicle, please ensure that you update us promptly.

    If you have a personal-based policy (single, joint, family) then a vehicle is covered only if the member is a driver or passenger in that vehicle when it breaks down. Assistance cannot be provided if drivers or passengers are abusive or uncooperative.

    How do you use my data?

    To find out how we use your data, please read our website privacy notice and our specific roadside product privacy notice.

    For more information, there's also our cookie policy and website terms and conditions.

    What does the Which? endorsem*nt mean?

    The AA is the only major breakdown service provider to be Which? Recommended in 2023 and for the last 6 years in a row. The Which? Recommended Provider endorsem*nt is only awarded to companies that score highly in their category and based on Which?’s assessment benchmarks, plus customer scores and star ratings gathered through their regular surveys.

    1Source: AA Intermediate Co Limited Interim Report 2023 (3.3m paid personal members) and RAC Bidco Limited Interim Report HY 2023 (2.7m consumer members). Verify at

    2Source: AA Annual Report 2023 (2,700 patrols) and RAC Class A Prospectus 2023 (1,750 patrols). Verify at

    3Repeat call-outs for the same fault within 28 days will not be covered. Your call-out levels may affect future renewals.

    Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (17) Broken down now?

    Don't buy online – call us 24/7 for instant cover: 03330 046 046

    Don't buy online – call us 24/7 for instant cover: 03330 046 046

    Call now

    Call now to buy breakdown cover

    0330 053 1100

    We're open 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday;9am to 5pm, Saturday.

    Call now

    Call now to change or discuss your cover

    0343 316 4444

    We're open 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday;9am to 5pm, Saturday.

    Call now

  • Breakdown Cover - Unlimited AA Callouts from £7pm (2024)
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    Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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    Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.