11 4A' DESERET NEWS AND inEGRAm, salt tae City, Wednesday, Nov. 1952 1 Toro R. Romney' Riles Scheduled 1 OBITUARIES Mildred B. Jensen Funeral services will be held rridai at 12:30 p.m. in Second Ward Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints, 704-5th East.
I ,4 for Mn. Mildred 1 Bertoeh Jensen. 44. of 1418 Millstream Lc. who cited MOD.
4 day of I lingering illness. Friends may eall at 260 E. South Tem-1, pis Thursday from 1 p.m., and Fri. day from 10.30 a to noon at the tam- 7-0 ily residence. 560 Z.
ItAv, th I 7th Sou. Burial will be hi Salt Lek City, Cm- awry. tem Jensen Floretta C. Keddington Mrs. Plorette Calton Keddington, wife of Patriarch John K.
Keddington of Park Stake. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter.day Sainte. died Wedneadap at 5:30 a.m. at' hate home. 1131 IL 5th South following a lengthy Illness.
Mn s. Metes had been active in the Relief Societies i of Salt Lake Tenth and Webster Ward. Fortnanyjsars she served as socretarY and as counselor in the Presidency of the Tenth lNant or. At the Urns of her death she was a member Of Webster Ward. Born may I94 AIM Keddinaten in Salt Lake City, she was a daughter of William H.
and Sarah Jana Kingdon Cal. She wu married to Mr. Redding. ton Nov. as.
4906. in the- Salt Lake Temple. In addition to her husband. she Is flautist and John B. Keddington, both of Salt Lake City; four grandchildren; three sisters and one brother Mrs.
Myrtle C. New. ton, Mn. Beth P. Gerrick and Royal Calton, Salt Lake City, and Mrs.
Naomi Kendrick, Oakland. Cal. Funeral services will be announced later from 124-4th Last Katie- Sedar Pezel Katie Sedar4Pesal. 00. died Tuesday about 43 a.m.
at her 443 W. Vine of 'a She wu born Nov. 23. 1883. in Burins, Austria.
a daughter of Daniel and Ann Pich Seder. Sho was mpeazeri 10: 1901. in Salt LW City. Mrs. Pete) spent part ot bar life in Austria.
rams to the United States In 1907. and Moved to Tootle in 1908 where and her husband owned and operated a Erman, store tor about SS years. Mrs. Paul She was member of the Catholic Church. Western SISVOM41 Assn.
and Croatian Fraternal Union. Survivors include her husbarid. Tooelso three NMI, Emil and John Pena both of Tooeles. and Paul Pent. serving with the 1.1, S.
Air Force In 'peas: six daughters. Mn. Edwin Ilaffman. Mrs. John Visher.
Mrs. Marvin Richins. all of Tooele; Mrs. Chester Gritzmacher and Mn. Mark Zeno.
Midvale: Mn. Robert Cudd, Vallejo. a brother, Paul 'The Dallas. and 10 grand. children.
Funeral services will be announced by Tate hiortury. Louise B. C. Gunnell Ma. Louise Buehler Campbell Gunnell.
77. of 1257 E. 3rd North. Bountiful. died Tuesday noon It her home alter a lin.
stng ri illness. She was born Oct 12. 1975, in Been. Switeriand, a daush. ter of Joharmes and Rosins Butt Buehler.
and while a young woman came to the -United States se a 4 ee bolo Church of Jesus Saints. In Novembar. Inc she was 4 married to Albert Richard Canipbell in Logan Temple. lie died in 1904, and In June, 1914. she Viss married to Robert.
B. Gunnell. 11156.11 Mr. GUnlien died in 19311. Mrs.
Gunnell had bean active in clittreli Work. and war a member of Bountiful Second Ward at the tints of her death. From 1922 to 1949 she lived in the Second Ward in Salt Lake City. where she. was ectiv0 Id --Relief soc1etyShe4 is eurvived by four sons.
John A. and M. Richard Campbell. Bountiful; Ray A. Campbell, Logan, and Farrell Gunnell, Salt Lake City; a daughter, Mn.
Della Jokie. Caperton; 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild; two brothers. Feed Buehler, and Richard Buehler. Pocatello. and a sister, Mrs.
Cecilia Swenson, "tiverside. Cal. Funeral services will be held Friday at noon at )90 E. South Temple. with William 1.4-Tast; bishop.
Bountiful boo-end LDS Ward. officiating. Friends may tall at Use place of funeral Thureday from I to I p.m. and Friday prier to services. Burial will be in Salt Lake City Came William' Boyer SPRLMGVILLEWilliam Amberb, alert) Royer.
73, died Tuesday -morning at the fund; residence here causes incident 'teaege. H. was born 14. Me. in Swing- villa.
son of Fran- cis Christian a Elizabeth Maria D. von Mb Boyer. lie was educated In Serletitille Seb001 and attended Brig- ham Young Univer- was employed as a brake- man on the Denver and Rio Grande Rail- road for many years. 4 I. .1 He married Edna -) Hutchings on Jan.
14, 1910. in Springville. The marriage was solemnized in 0 Jdr. lover Salt le eMP Church of Jesus Christ Lattetsdai Saints. on Jan.
14. 1951,, Survivors include his widow. two sitns and three. daughters. William A.
and Richard Royer. Stirizurvillet Mrs, Ralph Worthen. Houatoti T1g.1 Mra. Farrell Olsen and Mrs. Clair Bowen.
Spanish Fork; four brothers. Delos and Angus Royer. Salt Lake City; Charles Royer. Springville. and John Boyer.
Los Angeles. and 1 Mrs. Frank tCatherine) Salesbury. Salt Lake City. Funeral will be conducted Friday at 1 PM.
in the Thirty-ninth Ward Chapel. Friende may call at Claudia Funeral Homo Thursday from 7 to 9 pm. and Friday at the famib, residence from 10 am. to time for services. Ritrial will be in Evergreen Ralph 'Andrew Nielsen PORTAGE.
Row Elder CountyFuneral aerobes for Ralph Andrew- Nielsen, 35, who died Mondas, of injuries received while cutting trees on his farm. will be conducted Friday at 1 p.m. in the Rear River Stake Tabernacle, Church of Jesus Christ el Latteriday Saints. Garland. On John.
bishop. Perna 11 Ward. will be in charge. Friends mar call at Rogers Mortuary, Tremonton, Thunder from'? to I p.m. and at the borne of his mother.
Mrs. Ruby W. Nielsen. Garland. Friday from 9:30 am.
tintil time of services. BUtiel will be in Hyrum City Cemetery. Christina Bauer Seefried ABERDEEN. m. Mrs.
Chriettna Bauer Seefried. 84, pioneer homesteader hire. died Tuesday noon in an American Valls hospital after a long illness. She was born In Katzback. Russia.
Aug. 28. 1888. a daughter of Carl and Maria Klaus Bauer. She was-married to Emanuel Seefried Nov.
30. 1894. In Bussig. The otouple came to the United States in 1901 They settled first in Eureka. 8.
D. where they farmed. cont. ins to Aberdeen In 1910. They settled on a homestead 10 miles northwest of town.
In 1930 thee purchased the Jasman Place where they livetcuntil 1938 whaa they retired. She was a member of the Lutheran Church. She was mother of 13 sons and daughters eight of whom survivot Chriat Seefried. Culver City. John Seefried.
Buhl; Carl and Emil Seetried. lAmerican Iralla Mn. Christina Seefried. Blackfoot Mn. Chris Fry, Idaho Paha Mrs.
Chris Mayer and Mn. Henry Krumler. American Falls; 29 grandchildren and 33 greatigrandchildran. Tunend services will be conducted fiaturdat, It 2 1041111 in American Falls Lutheran Church by the Bev. O.
W. pastor. Burial. will be in Pleasant 1Valletr Cemetery in Aberdeen. 1 For Mrs.
Golf Friday Affernoon Funeral services Morris Goff, 73, who was formerly associated with the drab mattes depart. a tient of KSL 11 for 10 years, will I be conducted Friday at 12:15 .4 p.m. in Laurel. crest Ward 7---: I 114. chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2051 Ra.
it IIIVIII Ave. The services Mrs. Goff 'will be conducted by Bishop Harold Hardy. Mrs. Goff, who was also active In church and civic affairs, died Tuesday at 2:45 p.m.
at the borne of a daughter, Eugene (Mary) Cardwell 1757 S. 19th East, of natural causes. She had been president of the Primary in Granite Stake and. was active in promoting the Primary Children's HospitaL Mrs. Goff was also a member of au gh te of Utah Pioneers.
Active in dramatics, she had directed the pageant at the 'University of Utah Stadium for Coy. ered Wagon Days in 1938 in addition to her work at KSL. In 1899, she was graduated from the University of Utah and from 1901-02 studied dramatics in I New, York City. She had taught 1 school in Richfield and Salt Lake City. A daughter of Elias and Mary Parry Morris, she was born Oct.
22, 1879, in Salt Lake City. Od May 23, 1904, she was married to George Arnold Goff in the Salt Lake Temple. He died in August, Get active chlorophyll in Your toothpaste .10914111410 TINITURK Thi Comp lett' Turkey Moor Mine TwitepWhhe rid Derk Paul INAtieos Omsk, Othiat Ofirgy NO WASTE, NO BOTHER, ISEADYrTO-COOKI NOW! AT YOUR Roam II: 9,1 IT II PROOF of active chlorophyll! took icw chlorophyll-grown on your toothbrush when z' you uso CHLORODENT I e't Vili 1 ,:::1 4 4 irt oso. 1.16.,0 A 43 4 69 4 td USI IT AFTER MAU 4010, Ink 1 4,0 1111163, ii111 LII 111 pin v7 12 Al t.J E44-11 1 PROOF of active chlorophyll took lot chlorophyll-9r on your toathbrush when you uso CHLORODENT Eldon Lloyd Jenson HINCIMET. Millard Counts, Eldon Eloyd Jensen, 13.
died Mondai at PM. in a Delta hospital of complications re. suiting from an operation. H. was born Nov.
14. 11)30, at Hinckley. a OM Of Eldon and Edith Margaret Petersen Jensen. He bad attended Delta and Hinckley elementary echools and was a member of the Church of Jesus Chriat of Latter-day Saints. At the time of his death he was a deacon in kindlier Ward.
He also was a Life Scout in Troop 147. Bo, Scouts Of America. Survivors include kit Parent and two sisters Sandra and iiarge Jensen. all of two N. L.
Petersen, Salt Lake City. and Alfred Jensen, Clearfield. rtmeral ervices will be eonducied Friday at 1 p.m. in Hinckley Ward Chapel by Walter Eking. bishop.
Jonathan Nophl Hunt BUHL services are pug. hie for Jonathan Nephi Hunt. 75, Buhl church leader, who died Sundae in Elko. of inJuries suffered in an auto crash Saturday near there. Mr.
Hunt wu born July 11, 1877, at Hebron, Utah. and married Nora Leavitt Doe. 21. 1899, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple in M. George.
Utah. The couple moved to Bunkerville, where Mr. Hunt resided as a boy. In 1921 he sold his rancMng interest in Nevada and moved to Roseworth, there until 1925 when he bought a farm near Buhl. Since hie ratirement In 1940.
Mr. Hunt has SPCA part of each winter doing temple work in Southern Utah and Art. lama. Ho served two Years ea an sion and had been stake Sunday School superintendent tor thi Mona Star in Nevada. He was also president of the Ross.
worth branch for four years. shoo of the Buhl Ward six yearn and kigh councilman in the Twin Palls Stake titres years. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Nora Hunt. still in iterious condition in the Elko Hospital suffering injuries received in the accident; three sons and five daughters, Ralston.
Fay and Paul Hunt. Mrs. Victor lAtt. Mrs. Ernest Brown and Mn.
Edward Roberts, all of SW; Mrs. Geom Blacktottrn. Wendell: Mrs. Lester Skum, Inkom; 44 grandchildren and great-trandchildrefl. Funeral eervices will be announced lat the Albertson Funeral Home in Buhl.
I Surviving are five sons and daughters, E. Arnold and Wayland Goff and Mrs. Cardwell, all of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Harry E. (Virginia) Howe, Murray, and Mrs.
Frank (Kathryn) May, Bountiful; nine grandchildren; a brother, George Q. Morris, and a sister, Nellie Morris, both of Salt Lake City. Friends may call at 2350 E. 13th South. Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m.
and Friday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Entombment will be in Sunset Lawn Mausoleum. Fern B. Anderion Mrs. Fern Bertoch Anderson.
47. Boon. tiful. died Tuesday at 5:30 pot. at the residence of her mother.
560 Z. lth South. after I lingering illness. She was born Atit 76. 1705.
in Salt Lake Ciro. a dangly. i ter of John C. and le. -Charlotte Artia Jonas She was married to Aur Emile Anderson on Feb.
14. 1945. in 3 Salt Lake City. At the time ef '0, bet death she was a I member of Bounti I 4 Nil Second Ward. 1 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sainte.
Prior to her marriage meamber he bad him Ahhinhh been a --Sbeteught-Suaday Scheel. classes for 25 yvars and served a mignon for Liborts, Stake. Mrs. Altdere011 graduated from Business College and was a member of the anteing Mothers Chorus in potw tiful Second Ward Relief Society. She bad worked for Salt Lake Hardwire Co.
from 1934 to 1945. Survivors include her husband; aderralle ter. Miss Colleen Furs Anderson. Bounti full her mother. Salt Lake City; and a sister.
Mrs. Lurie ikatoch Andrews, Sall Lake City. Joint funeral services for Mn. Ander, son and her sister. Mn.
Mildred B. Jen Pen. who died Monday, will be conducted Friday at 12:30 pm. in Salt Lake Cite Second Ward Chapel. 7th South and 5th East.
by Frank A. Hogan. bishop. Friends may can at 260 Z. South Twogdo Thursday from 6 to II p.m.
and Friday at the' mother's residence. 540 Z. lib outh. from 10:30 cm. to noon.
BUlikle will be in Salt Like City Cemetery. Allot Miera Allis Biota. lle 4411 W. lat South. was dead on arrival at Salt Lake General Hospital Tuesday about 9:30 pm.
Police. who reported the man suffered a stroke at 155 S. 5th West. said he apparentb, was alive until seconds before be was taken Into the hospital emergency ward. The said death apparently was due te natural causes.
Eleanor Hill Pierce 1 OGDEN Fumril ervices for Mrs. 13eanor Hill Pierce. 41. St. 3.
Box 46-A. Ogden. win be conducted Friday at 4:30 P.m. in Lindquist and Sons Merlin's Chapel by James Lefgren. bishop of Ogden Twenty-ninth Ward.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-clay Saints. Mrs. Pierce died Tuesday morning in the limit: residence following a length Illness. Friends may call at the Waco of sere. ices Thursday from 4 to 11 p.m.
and rd. day prior to the funeral hour. Burial will be in Ogden City Cemetery. Charles William Ellis OGDENFuneral services for Charles William Ellis. 44.
153 Z. WOO North will be conducted Saturday at 1 p.m. in North Ogden Ward Chapel. Church of Jesus Chriet of Latter-day George V. Simmons.
bishop of North Ogden Soo cod Ward. will preside. Mr. Ellis died Tuesday morning in as Ogdea hospital following a six-week ill. nom Friends mat tali at Lindquist abd Sons Mortuary Chapel Thursday from II to II Pm.
and at the family horns in North Ogden Friday evening and Saturday until 1216 p.m. Burial will be in North Ogdea Cemetery. Rai Alexander NEV.Timers! Penises for Ray Alexander. 47. Pioche miner.
who was killed Sunday warning in an automobile accident between Pioche and Pamir', were to be held Wednesday in Pioche Ward Chapel. Church al Jesus Christ al La ter-day Saints. Mr. Alexander wu bent NA 1S. 1904.
In Park CRY. Utah, a son of Henry LeRoy and Susie Davis Alexander. Surviving a son. Dean Alexander. with the U.
5. Anny in Nest Jersey; a daughter. MJI. Paul Milli Carter. Las Vexes.
hta mother, ploche, and the following brothers and tisteew Widiaoe. Dick and George Alexander. Mrs, Rob amid. Mn. Daisy Nielatork, sod Mrs.
litil Austin. all 44 Pioche. J. Owen Carter, Former Utahn, Dies on Coast a. Owen er, 73, former Utahn and founder of Intermountain Life Insurance Company, died Tuesday at his home in Los Angeles of a heart ailment Mr.
Carter was a graduate of the University of Utah and had taught school in American Fork and Lehi prior to entering the life insurance business in 1911. In that year, he founded the Intermountain Life Insurance and in 1928 became president of the firm. In 1922, the company was sold to the California Western States Life Insurance Co. Ot that time, Mr. Carter retired and moved to Los Angeles where be has since resided.
At the time of his death the former Utahn was director of the California Western States and several other companies. Be is survived by his widow, dm Juliet Cutler Carter, daughter of the late Thomas R. Cut-two sons and a daughter, Mrs. W. W.
(Margaret) Wilson, Owen C. and Paul C. Carter; four grandchildren, all of Los An-gales, and a sister, Mrs. Barbara C. Boley, Salt Lake City.
Funeral services will be held Friday In Los Angeles. that we are the only free nation In the world with a truly demo. cradle form of government," he said, We are in a position to show the world democracy can function a tree enterprise rophyll II Tho chlorophyll dontifrico 4. Mrs, Tors R. Roomer.
71. 1176 take died in a Salt Lake hospital Tuesday at 1 p.m. after a lingering illness. She was bons April 20. 1881.
In sot. daughter of Rads and Sena Rap. mums's. She was married to Raymond T. Romney in Salt 4 Lake Cita, on July 11.
w4k 4 1906. He died in October, 7937. Slit a was a member of e. Pviweeten Ward. Church of 4 Christ of Latter.day Saints.
Survivors include two sons. Raimond T. Romney. $alt 11-, balm 1 Ralph ,..........2, 2 RomneyC San Fran- hire. Sesame risco, grandchildren: two brothers.
Theodore Rasmussen. Provo; Fred alaMitalen. kit. Pleasant. Funeral services will be conductml Fri, day at 10 am.
at 36 R. 7th South by Hendrik Poelman. hishoP of Frineet06 1, 13 Ward. Friends May call at place of services Thursday and Friday prior to services. Burial will be in Salt Lake City Violet M.
B. Newcombe TOOELSRequiem seam for Mrs. Violet Mary Burnetti Newcombe. 29, who died Monday at 1:30 in an Ogden hospital after a years illness. will 1, be celebrated Saturday at 1030 a.m.
in St. Margin- rite'il Catholic Ar Church lay the Rev. V. C. Marceau.
Hob, rosary will be recited Friday at it P.m. at the family residence. 111 N. 2nd St. Burial -will be hi Tooele City Censetery under direction of Tate Mortuary.
s' Mrs. News combo P4 le 1 was born March 1923. in ooele. a daughter of chele and Chiarma Mi Azni cone She went most of her life In Tooele where she graduated from Tooele High School and was employed at Tooele Ordnance Depot. Bruce McKay Parnielee SPRINGFIELD.
Bingham County. 1DA. Bruce McKay Parmelee well-known farmer. died Monday in an American Falls hospital altar I long illness. Hs wu 73.
Mr. Parmelee was born Dee. 23. urre. In Youngstown.
0.. a son of Charles Perry and Exantha McKay Parmelee. When be was a small child his parents moved to Michigan where they lived au three or four years. Later the Walls' moved to Rochelle. 111.
where he attended public He attended Northern Illinois Normal School. He worked in Rochelle until 1907 when he came to the allot where Aberdeen was located and was asUciated with Bothwell and McConaughy in early day land clearing and development In 1911 he settled in Springfield where he had farmed. The same year be married Winstead Davie of Anna. 114 the brut school teacher in Springfield. He Is survived by two daughter.
Jean. netts E. Powell. Springfield; Jane W. Parmelee.
San Francisco; a sister. Jane M. Parmelee. Chcago. and four grandchildren.
Funeral services were to be conducted Wednesday at 3 P.m. in Springfield Chapel. Church of Jesus Christ of Lat. ter-day Saints. Burial was to be in Grove City Cemetery.
Blackfoot a Elsie M. Olsen CENTRAL. Sevier CountyMrs. tilde IL Olsen. 94.
Sevier County pioneer vdied at the Sevier Valley Hospital in Richfield Monday at 1130 p.m. of cause' incident to age. She was born Feb. 21. 1858, in Grilles Sam.
Denmark. a daughter of Jens and Elsie Marie Jenadatter Frandeen. She was eonverted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Chris Poulson. a Richfield miesionari who was on a mission to Denmark. After her conversion she came to the United States end lived with the Poulson family for some time.
She was 20 year old when migrated to this count. on Feb. 2L 1833 she was married to Peter Olsen at Richfield. The couple made their home in Richfield until 1897 when they moved to Central "there Mr. Olson was a farmer.
He died Oct. Survivors include two eons, Walt and Frands Olsen, both of Central; a daughter, Mrs. J. L. (lade) Despain.
Venice. Sevier a sister, Mfg. Francis Jensen, California; 13 grandcM1dren and 32 great-grandchildren. Funeral ion-loos will be conducted Saturday at I PM. in the Neal S.
Mitchel), Mortuary Chapel by Delbert Enet. bishop of the Central LDS-Ward. Burial will be In the Richfield City Cemetery. Friends may call at the 111411411117 Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday until tirne of services. Ella McArthur RUPERT.
Ella McArthur. 77. mother of Mrs. O. A.
Moellmer, Su-Pert, died Monday night at Garden Cite. N. y. of a heart ailment. according I.
word received here Tuesday. She had been visiting at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Harold Blackman. since last Mitch. She became ill suddenly and died en route to the Born April 2.
1875, in Scipio. Utah. she marired Louis Simone McArthur Sept. 5. 1900.
in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple at Mend. Utah. They tame to Rupert in 1043. Since the death of her husband in March. 1945.
she divided her time between her daughters in New York and Rupert. Mrs. McArthur Was a lifelong member oi the Church. a member of the Mipert Woman's Club and the Mothers Club of Owlen City. Survivors include- Mrs.
idoelliner. Rupert. and Mrs. Blackman. Garden City; two sisters, Mrs.
Sadie Peterson and Mrs. Levies Martin. Salt Lake City. Funeral services will b4 conducted Pr-day la Garden Citi, and SIIIVSidill rites at the Rupert Cemetery are tentative, set for Monday. Bohai will be directed by the Goodman Mortuary.
Chauncey Christiansen itmo POCA tundras for Chauncey Christiansen. 43, 434 Randolph who died Saturday evening. were to be conducted WedneadaY at 2 111.111. in Thirteenth Ward Chapel. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by Harry M.
Hirechl. bishop. Burial was to be in the family Plot in Moreland Cemetery under direction el McHan-liendereen Funeral Elluterio. do Herera7' POCATICLLO --Funerat vertical for Eluteria da Harare. 50, Spanish-Amaticas harvest worker.
who was killed in a hishway accidant Saturday, will lw conducted Friday at 2 tint. in the Hall-Grant Mortuary Chapel by the Rev. M. Dougherty or U. Catholic Church.
Burial wilt be in the Mountain View Oomettry. John Kirby CRACIt MAY. died Tuesday at the home of a of a heart condition. Mt eras born Oct IL INS. 112 Bid.
Park. Cache County. Utah. a Don -of Edward and Ann Argot Kirbi. and moved to Grace la IMO.
whore had bead a farmer. Oct. S. IMO. be married Leer Lletfill Parker in Franklin.
Ida. He is our vived by eight tons and two daughter Leer. Marvin and Wesley Kirby. all of Idaho Fails; Derbert Kirby Robot James Kirby. Rigby; Frank Airby.
Onk. ley; John V. Kirby and Mrs. Rata John. son.
both of Grace; Mrs. Myra Way. land. Richfield. Utah; di graadeldidras and 23 great-grandchildren.
ADVIIITISEmilorr NEW NOSE DROPS SAFER THAN PURE WATER Powerful. yet-war-so-sands Pinotto Mese Nose Drava Sr. linaturs-bal anted" is a pure water bass to amid fluid within nasal tissues cannot have injurious effects. Just 2 droll' Al tad nostril magically relievos study, sown watery head cold misery. Today for the family, get wale, sure Penstro Loomis Dose Drops.
Always Mises chest cold Waal with Paste Quick-USW; Raba NI 1111111WAUGREEto14.4-4 Aigie Porter Knight Mete Flirter Knigt, employ. of the University of Utah. died Wedneadar at 7:20 au. in a Salt Lake hospital of natural causes. His residence wag El Girarrd Mr.
Knight. native of Athens. was bon Feb. 11. 1895.
son of Andrew Jackson and Elizabeth Stater Knight. Me had lived in Solt Lake City for the Put I years, coming hers from Athens lie was a painted by occupation. Active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. he was a member of the Seventies group of italt Lake Twenty-eighth Ward. On Jul), IS.
1915. he married Da Gardner at Athens. She survives In addition his.widow. be le stir vivid by two eons and live daughters: Mrs. Patricia Thorup.
Mare Island. Mn. Katherine Zeibist. Lubeck, Mrs. Bettye Cornish rugene.
Gerald. Geraldine and Judy Knigfl t. all of Salt Lake Cityt live grandchildrem three brothers and three sisters: Jack Knight. Hartford. Fred Knight.
Phoenix. Billie Knight. Athens: Mrs. for-nos Reynolds. Callforniat Miss Rebecca Knight.
Dallas. and Mrs. Wayne Belcher. FL Worth. TeL Funeral eervices will be announced later iron Sed E.
South Temple St. Mice Crane Hayes Mn. Alice Crane HUM 88.. 2989-7th East. died Monday 10:13 PM.
in a Salt Lake hospital of a heart ailment. Born Jub, 23. 1888. in Phillips. Ma was a daughter of Charles and Arminda Thomnkins Crane.
She cams to Utah as a child and later was mar. ried to Wilford HaYea in Lehi in 1908. Shs was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving in addition to her are a brother, Harry N. Crane, Salt Lake City; a daughter.
Mrs. Gladys Hayes Granger. and two sons, 1 John Hayes. Omaha, and Elmer 'HAM. Kansas City.
Mo. Arthur Henry Bail Arthur Henry Bang 71, of 1203-2nd diad about 4:20 p.m Monday whila at work in the Arthur frank store, 210 S. Mans St. of unknown but natural causes. Mr.
Bel. a well known 'clothing sales. man. bad been replayed by several clothing firms bafors becoming a salesman at Arthur Franks 30 years ago. Ha was a lifelong resident.
of Salt Lake City having bem born hare Sant 20, 1881. lie was settee in Mason work and held membersde in Salt Lake Elks I Lodge 33; Mt. Morkab Lodge 2, F. and A. M.s Knights Templar Utah Cam-amidst', 1.
and of 23 Kaiak He married Elisabeth Cobb. who died Miro Years age. Funeral servicas have bean tentatively oat for Friday at 1 p.m. in Masonic Temple. OM South Temple to be conducted hy Mt.
Moriah Lads. Smith -Kittrell'r Funeral tervices for Smith Eittren, 20, of 1e0 Mid South St, who was killed early Tuesday morning in a traffic acct. tient, win be conducted in Seattle. Wash. Hr.
Kittrall was born Seek 10, 1924., bt son of Abner and Nora Hs was a veteran of World War 11 having served the U. 1 Navy In Alaska and the Pacific area. On Aug. 1944. he married Maris 1 Reichman in For some tiree.1 he had worked int Anaconda Conner Co.
in Butte, Mont. He bad bean ein. Mond at ths American Smelting and Refining Co. Magna. since AMY of this Mark.
in addition to his widow. be is surrived by his mother. Seattle: a brother and two sisters: J. A. Eittrell.
Seattle; Mrs. Latina Dias. Butte. and Mrs. Christine Queen.
Biloxi. Miss." Rosetta T. McDaniel' CLEVELAND. rrenrr County- Rosetta Tyler McDaniel. 78, Cleveland.
died Monday in a Price hospital after a lingering Ultimo. Mra. McDaniel wag born Jule 4. 1874 In Nephi. Juan County.
the daughter of John and Anna Fullmer Tyler. She was an active member of the 'Church of Jesus Chriet of Latter-day Sainte and was a Relief Society teacher for a number of mars. -tier husband. -Samuel Jamas McDastial. preseeditil km In death about 23 aware age.
Mrs. McDaniel was the mother of 12 children. nine of whom are living. They Samuel McDaniel. Salt ILakis City; Mrs.
Etta Tidwell. Ogden; Clifford MeDanial. asiveland; Oscar Me. kr) Daniel, Bell. Ca14 Mrs.
Matte iambi. Los Angeles. Mrs. Elairia, Piarce. Bingham; Clem McDaniel.
Arum Mrs. Delores Cleat. Cleveland; 28 dren and la moat-grandchildren. he is also survived by her near. manta Peterson.
Salt Lake CitY. Irtuteral arrangements made later by the Whilbecit Fun Moms. Castle Dale. Emery Counts. Jack Deloras Cobbley.
BOISE Emend aerate. for Jack Delano Cobbley, 33. of 2113 Leadvilla who died Monday night as a result of inhales suffered 48 Mars earlier in an automobile accident. will be held at 1 pm. Wednesday in Summar Funeral Home.
Boise. Burial will take plats Fridie in natant rove, Cobbler was fatally injured when his ear went out of control Mat West of Garden City Saturday night. His wife. who was also injured in the accident. was dismissed from (hi hospital Monday while another passenger, Mrs.
Ruby Matthews, 5700 Grover watt reported in -sr factorr condition Tuesday. Mr. Cobble, wax bur Anil .21, 1 IL In Granter. Utah. He had lived in Boise for mice years wham' be wm a tick driver for an on company.
He was married in 1944 in "'cannon. to Helen Schultz, who survives him. He aervad in the Air Force during World War II as a ataff sergeant, He spent his life in Salt LA ats until he entered the tonics. Ho was a member of tha Church of assus Christ of Latterday Saints. Batistes hit wife.
his survived by one son, Johnnie DivWM. one daughter, Kay. li his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Salt Lake City; seven Mrs. Ida Halliday. Pleasantville Utaht, Mrs. Dorothy Streble, Sandy Wyma -1 Honour. Salt Lake, City; Mrs.
Georgia Moore, Spokane; Mrs. Emma Mae, Las Visas, Mrs. Shirley Lisetr and Miss th Carroll bo of Salt and two brothers, Gaston am rv also of Salt Lake Cite. John T. Kephart John Thatcher Kephart.
90. of 733 4th South. Prominent retired wholesale drug firm manager, died Monday noon at his office. 140 W. 2nd South, el airman' thrombosis.
Mr. Kephart wag been Nov. 14. 1986. in Durango, a son of George W.
and Elizabeth Wishart Kephart. and eame to Utah about 1900. He wag manager of Smith.Faus Wholesale Drug Co. for 20 years Prior to big retirement about nix years ago. He was a member et Progress Lodge 22, IP and A M.
Utah Consistom and Rite Bodies and El Kalah Shrine. On 1912. be married Margaret hart, in Green liiver. ViNk She IRO-es him. er-eurriverip an a daughter-rand son.
Mn. R. L. Margaret) Jenkins, Chevy Chase. and John T.
Kephart, Aiken. S. C. two grandchildren, and a brother. George ki.
Kephat. Salt Lake City. Jay Robert Schmidt Jay Robert Schmidt. 3. eon of Robert William and Betty Frost Schmidt, 363 Z.
lth South. died Tuesday at I in a Salt Lake hospital after a abort illness. He was born April Li. .1649. in Salt Lake City.
Survivors include hia parents: two tars. Ann and Gayle Schmidt. Salt Lake Cityt and three grandperents. Mrs. Agnes Frost and Mr.
and MA. Walter R. Schmidt. Salt LakesCity. Funeral 'emir's will be conducted Friday noon at 36 Z.
1th South where friends may call Thursday and Friday prior to services. Burial will be Wasatch Lawn mortal Park. Jayne Mitchell Mrs. Jayne Swift Mitchell. 79, fornier resident of Salt Lake City.
died Saturday In Hemet. Cal-. hospital of a heart aihnent. was born In Liverpool. England, in 1873, a daughter of John D.
and Eliza. bath Hotfoot, Swift. She lived in Salt Lake City for 28 years She was married to Heber Mitchell. Ile died about 18 years ago. Survivors Winds four daughters and a son, Mrs.
George B. Earl. Jake 'City; Mn. A. Stromwell, Arcadia.
Cali 1Mre. Larry Vogelaar, Idyliwild, Mrs. Carroll Vogelear. Idyilwild. and Heber IMitchell, Westwood.
10 grandchilldren and four groat.grandchildretu a brother and three sisters Mrs. E. A. Evans. Salt Lake City; Mrs.
Annie Ford, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Lillian Drake, Washington. D. C. and Allred Swift.
Oakland. Cal. Funeral services will be eonducted Wednesday in California. Burial will be in Fared Lawn Ceme. ten'.
Loa Angeles Alice L. Christensen Mn. Alice Christenen, 89, died Monday about 840 sm. at her home. 839 Floral of eauses incident to age.
She was born July 10. 1883. hi Draper, I daughter of Lars Andreas and Betaer Larson Lundzeen. and was married to Chris J. hrtztenaen in Salt Lake City May 18, 1907 he survives her.
Other survivors are a son. Albert Christensen. Oroville. Cal.t two Mrs. James (Bertha) Webb.
and Mrs Alice Grace. Salt Lake City. HI grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral service, win be conducted Wednesday noon at the chapel at 124 South Fourth East by James H. bishop of Thirteenth LDS Ward.
Friends may call Tuesday from," to 1 p.m. at place of services and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to time for Burial will be in Sandy City Cemetery. Carl E. Hahn Carl Edward Hahn M.
former Salt Lake resident. gied Sunday at his home in Manhattan Beach, of a cerebral hemorrhage. Salt Lake relatives learned Mr. Hahn we born Dec. 1 1911, In Salt Lake City.
a son of Carl Z. and Mildred Wilson Hahn. He is survived by his widow. Iiirg. Mary Ann Hahn.
and two sons and a daughter, Eric. Ronnie and Aanet Hahn. all of Manhattan each his mother. Mrs. Merwin Riddell.
Venice. and a brother. Leland Ashman. Pittsburg4 Pa. A grandmother.
Mrs. Carl Z. Hahn. and several uncles and aunts living In Salt Lakkati oleo sunive. George N.
Robinson DODEMGeorre N. Robinson. 53, 2581 Line012 died Monday at 3:45 a.m. in an Ogden after a 10-4ay illness. Mr.
Robinson was born Oct. 29, Richmond. a son of John D. and Boma Williams Robinson. Ea bad resided in Ogden for several rears and bad been emoloree in tho commissary department at the Union Station.
Larkin and SonV Mortuary will an IMMISICO funeral arrangesnenta. Victor W. Kavorik OGDENPublic Masonie funeral ices for Victor W. Karorik. 158, 3171 Brinker Southern Pacifie Railroad CP- conductor.
who died PlidaY in his home, will be conducted Friday at 1 gam LMdquid and hong' Mortuary Chapel. Barry Carter. worshipful master of George ISashinaton Lodge 24, will officiate and Dr. Ralph E. Clark- will eon-duct the services- The lifiat7 Beatty.
pastor of Orden First Methodist Church. will deliver tho Friends May call at the mortuary chapel Thursday' from to P.m- and Friday WW1 time of IPMniett. Burial will be is Washington Height Memorial Park. Sarah Ann D. Johnson RICIIFIELDFuneral services for Mn.
Saran Ann Dyches Johnsoi al, who died at her home here Friday morning of heart ailment. will be conducted Friday at 10 am. in the Richfield second Ward Chapel. Chureh of Jesus Christ of tatter-day Saints, by Duane Pearson. bishoo.
Burial will be in Murray City Cemetery under direction of the Neal Mortuary. Friends mat call at the family beim Thursday afternoon and livening and Friday -prior to services. Lester, D. Hunt. WAHO FALLS.
WA.Funeral services for Lester D. Hunt. 61. Idaho Faille. retired farmer.
will be conducted Friday at I p.m. in tho Fourth Ward chapel. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. by Karl Devonstort hishoP of the Dram Ward. Burial will be Mt Bose NW Cemetery.
Friends Inas call at the Williams Mortuary chapel, Idaho Falls. until Thursday afternoon. then at the home of Dale Hunt until Mane of 'orrice'. ADVIRTISININT Z' Diaper' flash a- To dean tender parts, owe red, stoarting skin, eand hastan return et dependable 419 i uttegthet vf 4. ito la .11 i 2, i Ittaltir Editor Taken by Death Harry J.
LaDue, 135, editor of American Fur Breeder Magazine and pioneer in the field of animal busbandry, died Thursday eve, ning on a train beaded for Salt Lake City. Death was apparently due to a heart ailment Mr'. LaDue was planning to at. tend the Western International Fur Exposition this week in Salt Lake City as a senior judge in the chinchilla and martin divisions. He was traveling from his borne in Duluth, along with Herbert P.
Mezger, another judge. Mr. Mezger will remain in Salt Lake City to be a judge at the show. For over 25 years, Mr. LaDue was editor and owner of the American Fur Breeder Magazine, which he founded.
Through his publication and by his lifelong I work, be became a leader in the fur breeding Mr. LaDue was born in September. 1887. Among survivors are his widow, Mrs. Marguerite LaDue, and three sons, John, Jay and Billy LaDue, all of Duluth.
Funeral services and burial be conducted Monday at 2 pm. in Duluth under direction of the Johnson Mortuary there. The family requests no flowers be sent I red tape. YOU SIAITE Wil----1S when you choose the complete YOU BUY Gonoral Meson Prock4 "on tims, romomborl Only the GMA; ThriftOuard Pion fn you all low of those big savings SAlfi tun You got your car old your ample ihsanciag moods at ono piece without delay. I SAVE WORRYYou gni considerate, personal km sent financial problams It SAVE EXPENSEYou got a lowisst plan that Ism the omitted volusond with SAVE TROUILEYee get emergency cossistance zitould rut change, titrough more than 220 GMAC Aces In the U.
S. and Canada Anti you fatal. lizio a nationwide credit standing recognized from coast WHEREVER YOU BUY from Is Genera! Motors prociuds, Ito sauna end taw ask yow Beeler fw the oreplete GMAC Thrift.Ciectrd Mani Spiritual Needs Cited by Dawson Development I 'al spiritual attribides, should be the foremost thought of citizens, William A. Dawson, U. S.
representative-elect, told members of the Salt Lake Ad Club Wednesday noon at the Hotel Utah. "We have many things to be thankful for, including the fact GEIIERA1 MOTORS ACCEPTAIICE CORPORATION' The ()MAC Thrift-Dowd PlonHte Compton Ewe Pordseso PlonTbat nun be stored only by In CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE BUICK CADILLAC new corn, owl for nod cars of ell wakes sold by then DECO APPLIANCES GM DIESELS Chl Liu TOOTH PAST! PIOVED UP To 115. TO DAD And dnan Tneth Choned NW PittlitiAlre 43 lr V. ico Of Any Tooth Postnt 1 FLAVOR I nasula an SOAP.