God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (2025)

Table of Contents
Lake of Nine Draugr Hole Odin’s Raven Artifact - Stolen Treasures Guiding Light Favor and Lore 1 Berserker Gravestones Guiding Light and Lore 2 Odin’s Raven 2 Guiding Light and Lore 3 Artifact - Stolen Treasures Artifact - Stolen Treasure Raider Hideout Kol Raider Camps Nornir Chest Legendary Chest - Tartarus Rage Heavy Runic Attack Raider Stronghold Kol Raider Camps Legendary Chest - Cyclone of Chaos light runic attack Raider Fort Kol Raider Camps Lore - Viking’s Gift Treasure Map Raider Keep Kol Raider Camps Shores of Nine Yggdrasil Rift 1 Yggdrasil Rift 2 Guiding Light Artifact - Stolen Treasures The Oarsmen Odin’s Raven Lore - An Accursed Name Legendary Chest - Jewel of Yggdrasil Amulet Fragment Artifact - Stolen Treasures Nornir Chest Artifact - Kvasir’s Poems The Derelict Outpost Odin’s Ravens 1 Lore - Blodugr Steinn Odin’s Raven 2 Artifact - Stolen Treasures Lore - The Death of Helgi Legendary Chest - Ivaldi’s Anvil heavy runic attack Well of Urd Nornir Chest Legendary Chest - Rond of Purification Odin’s Raven The Lost Treasury Nornir Chest Legendary Chest - Sigil Punishment Lore 1 - Love’s End Lore 2 - Lost Pages Sigrun’s Curse The Eternal Campfire Across the Realms - Favor Lake of Nine, second visit Buried Treasure - Demise of Dagestr Buried Treasure - Viking’s Gift Legendary Chest - Stamina of Jotunheim Enchantment Lore - Receipt of Purchase Yggdrasil Rift Lake of Nine, final cleanup Remnant of Asgard Well of Urd, final cleanup Remnant of Asgard Hel Tear Sanctuary Grove Nine Realms in Bloom King’s Grave, final cleanup Berserker Gravestone

There’s nothing quite like home — even when home is a frozen-over hellhole. Yes, God of War Ragnarök sends Kratos, Atreus, Mimir, and Freya back to Midgard and the Lake of Nine, the place that started it all. And unlike Svartalfheim, Vanaheim, and even Alfheim, Midgard is really just one big circle filled with a ton of things to do. There are a few side paths, but it all centers around one familiar: Tyr’s Temple.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to find all of the collectibles in Midgard, from each Nornir Chest down to every last one of Odin’s Ravens.

God of War Ragnarök, like God of War (2018), is a game all about exploring various realms multiple times, and uncovering more and more on each visit. This makes posting guides — and screenshots — a bit tricky. Because Kratos wears his gear on his person, there are times where you may see an item in a screenshot that you don’t have access to yet.

However, despite this challenge, we’re going to do our best to preserve the God of War Ragnarök experience for first time players. We’ve listed out each location based on when you visit it, and will create a clear spoiler marker for second and third visits so you can skip over areas you haven’t been to yet.

Lake of Nine

The Lake of Nine is the mostly-frozen lake around Tyr’s Temple — the biggest open world section from God of War (2018). While it might look familiar, it has all-new mysteries to solve and items to collect. The Lake of Nine essentially encompasses all of the areas around Midgard that surround the smaller areas.

Draugr Hole

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (1) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

Follow the main quest to the King’s Grave area. When you leave and hop on your dog sled, head down toward Tyr’s Temple but hang a right.

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Eventually you’ll come across a lip that you can jump over into a small cave. Get off your sled and walk in to find a red chest and the Draugr Hole. Defeat it to claim its treasure.

Odin’s Raven

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From the King’s Grave, head down to Tyr’s Temple in the middle of the lake. When you reach the bottom of the slope, turn left toward the giant metal gates. (If you’ve already revealed it on the map, it’s right outside of the Raider Hideout.)

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Hop off your sled and look halfway up the door on your right. You’ll see one of Odin’s Ravens hanging out by the hinges. Destroy it.

Artifact - Stolen Treasures

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From the King’s Grave, sled down the ramp toward the Temple of Tyr. Before you hit the area where you can cross under the bridge, however, turn around and look back toward where you came from. You’ll spot some stairs.

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Climb the stairs. At the top you’ll see a body holding onto an Artifact. Grab it.

Guiding Light Favor and Lore 1

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Head down to Tyr’s Temple and sled around to the right side. You’ll see a helmet sitting in the ice, smoking.

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Investigate near the fire to pick up the Breastplate of Guiding Light armor piece, and read the lore on the helmet’s right wing to either start or progress the “Guiding Light” side quest and get the “Tyr’s Helmet” Lore entry.

Berserker Gravestones

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From the helmet of Tyr, steer your sled right to the nearest realm gate (which has a big H for Helheim).

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In front of the gate, lodged in the ice, you’ll find a Berserker’s Gravestone. Activating this will start a particularly tough fight against Fraekni The Zealous. As with all Gravestones, we recommend you try it out once and then come back later if it’s too tough.

Guiding Light and Lore 2

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Sled around the right side of the Lake of Nine until you reach Sindri’s shop. On the opposite side of the wall behind Sindri, you’ll find another piece of Tyr’s statue.

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You’ll see some runes written on what looks to be a gold band sticking in the snow. Read them to continue the “Guiding Light” quest and get the “Tyr’s Left Bracer” lore entry. Dig up the Gauntlets of Guiding Light and move on.

Odin’s Raven 2

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Continue around Tyr’s Temple until you reach the southern side — near the frozen lightning bolt. Hug the temple and you’ll eventually come across a dark alcove in the ice.

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (14) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

Sled inside and look up and to the left. You’ll see one of Odin’s Ravens dancing around on the ice. Because it’s such a dark area, the glowing green Raven is pretty easy to spot.

Guiding Light and Lore 3

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Continue to the east of the Lake of Nine, almost right next to the frozen lightning bolt and the bridge.

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You’ll see another piece of Tyr’s statue poking out of the snow. Dig up a rune for your amulet from the snow, and read the runes to continue the “Guiding Light” quest and get the “Tyr’s Spear” Lore entry.

Artifact - Stolen Treasures

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Continue hugging Tyr’s Temple and make your way under the bridge. On the north side, pass the lit up cave (which will lead to a raider camp) and tuck yourself into what we’ll call the “armpit” of the temple’s circular section.

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (18) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

You’ll see a cave covered in icicles, which might look like a piece of set dressing at first. Destroy the ice and go inside to get a stolen treasure.

Artifact - Stolen Treasure

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Head under the bridge of Tyr’s Temple.

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On the side closest to the temple itself, you’ll see an elevated platform by the large gold circle. Climb up and grab one of the stolen treasures off of a body.

Raider Hideout

From the King’s Grave, ride down the slope toward Tyr’s Temple. Hang a left when you reach the bottom and drive toward the giant doors. In a cave next to the doors, you’ll find the Raider’s Hideout.

Kol Raider Camps

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Kill all the enemies inside the hideout to either start the “Animal Instincts” side quest or make progress in it.

Nornir Chest

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In the Raider Hideout, kill all the baddies.

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When the coast is clear, you’ll find the Nornir Chest on the second level. This is another brazier Chest, and you’ll need to find and light all three if you want the goodies inside.

Brazier 1

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The first Brazier is to the left of the Chest. Use a Hex arrow and your Blades to burn the mushrooms around the area, which is blocking the Brazier. Grab one of the pyro bombs from the pot in the middle of the hideout and throw it at the Brazier to ignite it.

Brazier 2

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Head over to the pyro bomb pot and grab another explosive. Face the Nornir Chest and look at the hole in the wall. Throw the bomb at the gold ore to break it. Grab another bomb and throw it into the hole to light the brazier.

Brazier 3

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Grab another pyro bomb from the pot and do a 180. Walk forward and look left. You’ll see the brazier at the top of a stone pillar, much too far away to light with your Blades of Chaos. Make a Hex sigil chain from the Brazier to the bottom of the pillar. (Remember, you can stack Hex arrows to make the Sigil bigger.) Throw the pyro bomb at the middle of the pillar and you’ll create a chain reaction, lighting the brazer. This one is a little tricky and may take a few tries.

With all the brazers now lit, grab the loot out of the Nornir Chest.

Legendary Chest - Tartarus Rage Heavy Runic Attack

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Take a right from the Nornir Chest we described above.

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When you hit the rock wall, turn left and open the Legendary Chest to pick up the Tartarus Rage heavy runic attack.

Raider Stronghold

The Raider Stronghold is in Tyr’s Temple. Make your way to Tyr’s Helmet and turn left. Look for the flag that’s frozen and climb in under the flaming lantern.

Kol Raider Camps

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Kill all the enemies in here to complete this section of the side quest (or start it).

Legendary Chest - Cyclone of Chaos light runic attack

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Kill all the goobers in the room.

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When they’re all dead, proceed further into the area and you’ll find the Legendary Chest down some stairs. Open it to get the Cyclone of Chaos light runic attack for your Blades of Chaos.

Raider Fort

The Raider Fort is just past Sindri’s camp. Look for the giant plume of black smoke and climb up the side to enter.

Kol Raider Camps

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Kill all of the raiders to complete this part of the “Animal Instincts” side quest.

Lore - Viking’s Gift Treasure Map

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Kill all the raiders in the area so you’re free to explore.

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Will all the enemies dead, look toward the giant rib bones holding the structure. Nestled near some of the stick tents on the bone side of the encampment is a lore scroll. Grab it to get the Viking’s Gift treasure map.

Raider Keep

The Raider Keep is south of Tyr’s Temple, embedded in a wall. Walk up to the ice wall and grapple into the Keep.

Kol Raider Camps

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All there is to do here is kill raiders and their chieftain. Take them down to progress the “Animal Instincts” side quest.

Shores of Nine

The Shores of the Nine is the area just north of Tyr’s temple, and includes part of the area you adventured through as Atreus — alongside Sindri — earlier in the game. To get there as Kratos, hug the northern ice wall until you reach the block that was too heavy for Atreus to lift. As Kratos, though, you can get inside.

Yggdrasil Rift 1

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Once you’ve entered the Shore of the Nine, you should notice some key landmarks from when you were here with Atreus and Sindri. Walk toward the broken piece of Tyr, but turn left and go up toward the realm gate instead of going through the armor.

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Follow the path until you reach a Yggdrasil Rift. Activate it and defeat the enemies that emerge.

Yggdrasil Rift 2

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Follow the path to the last Yggdrasil Rift and then walk forward and activate the elevator on the realm gate. Ride it up.

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When you reach the top, walk forward and activate the Rift to get some resources.

Guiding Light

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Head back to where you entered the Shore of the Nine, by the big block. Walk forward to the broken part of Tyr’s Tower. Crawl through to the other side and kill the enemies.

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When the coast is clear, head back to the hole you crawled through. Turn right and walk along the piece of Tyr’s statue. Read the rune to get the “Tyr’s Right Bracer” lore entry and progress the “Guiding Light” side quest. You can also dig up the Waist Guard of Guiding Light by interacting with the glowing dirt next to the runes.

Artifact - Stolen Treasures

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This Artifact is a real pain to get, as the position of it is a little misleading. Leave the Shores of the Nine through the giant block but don’t get back on your sled. Instead, hug the right wall of ice and walk until you run into a climbable wall on the Helheim realm gate.

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Climb up the wall and grapple across. When you land, walk forward and grab the Stolen Treasure off the ground.

The Oarsmen

Make your way to the Shores of Nine and walk up to the Tyr statue like you’re going to crawl under. Instead, turn right and jump across to the two Oarsmen statues. When you enter, you’ll get the “Sigrun’s Curse” favor. You’ll find a key to Sigrun’s treasure horde in this area.

Odin’s Raven

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Walk forward into the area and defeat all the enemies. Climb up the wall and defeat the enemies that attack you outside. When the coast is clear again, climb up the chain to the next area.

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Walk forward and jump down next to the ship. When you land, look up and to your right. You’ll see one of Odin’s Ravens jumping around just above The Oarsman’s knee. Kill it.

Lore - An Accursed Name

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Proceed to the Odin’s Raven above. When you kill it, move the large chain and then head down the stairs to your left. You’ll be on the other side of the arena you first entered.

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Walk straight ahead to the lore tablet in front of you. Read it to grab the “Accursed Name” lore entry.

Legendary Chest - Jewel of Yggdrasil Amulet Fragment

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Make your way to the Odin’s Raven above and walk down the stairs, which we describe in the lore entry above.

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The Legendary Chest is just to your right when you reach the lower level. Open it for a Jewel of Yggdrasil Amulet fragment.

Artifact - Stolen Treasures

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Make your way to the Legendary Chest that we describe above.

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After opening the chest, turn right and walk to the little area behind the stairs. You’ll see one of the Stolen Treasures sitting against the wall.

Nornir Chest

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Grab the key to Sigrun’s vault and then open the giant metal gate blocking the two halves of the area. Before you move forward, remove the sonic blockade with Atreus’ arrows to reveal the R bell.

You’ll see the Nornir Chest sitting right in front of you. It’s another of the bell Nornir Chests, and you’ll need to make sure all three are ringing simultaneously to open the chest.

Bell 1

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The first bell is in the dark crack in the wall next to the mystic gateway. Stand across from the gateway and throw your ax at the bell.

Bell 2

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Move to the little outcropping with the wooden chest. Looking at the chest, look to your right and ring the bell second.

Bell 3

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Turn left and look toward where you got the key for the vault. Throw your ax at the bell, which is sitting right next to the torch.

Artifact - Kvasir’s Poems

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After grabbing the Nornir Chest above, walk to your left and climb back up the hole that you originally used to get outside.

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Because you moved The Oarsmen statues, you’ll be able to reach a new compartment. Walk forward and grab one of Kvasir’s Poems.

The Derelict Outpost

Drive your sled behind Tyr’s Temple, to the winding path where you tried to investigate the Norns. Once you unlock The Derelict Outpost Mystic Gateway, turn around and climb up the chain.

Odin’s Ravens 1

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This Raven is actually before you climb up the chain into The Derelict Outpost proper. Climb down the chain and walk back to your sled. Before jumping over the beam, look right at the shipwrecked and frozen ship hanging above you.

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In the bottom of the ship’s hull, you’ll see one of Odin’s Ravens peeking through the crack. Kill it.

Lore - Blodugr Steinn

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Past Sindri’s shop, take the crane grapple. Walk forward to the troll statue and continue past to the stone wall.

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Hang a right around the corner of the wall. On the other side, walk forward to find a Lore tablet. Read it to get the “Blodugr Steinn” Lore entry.

Odin’s Raven 2

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This Odin’s Raven is really easy to spot, and you can attack it from almost anywhere in this area.

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On the right of the area, you’ll see a wooden crane post that has a grapple section on it. You’ll find the Odin’s Raven on top of the wooden post. You can get really close to this thing to hit it more easily, but if you aim well you can even hit it from the Lore tablet we wrote about above.

Artifact - Stolen Treasures

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Make your way across the second crane in the area, using the chain pulley to bring the grapple point up. Kill the enemies and then take the path to your right.

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When you reach the area below the crane, kill the enemies and break the Sonic barricade ahead of you. Before you leave the area, look in the corner, behind the column, to pick up another of Tyr’s Stolen Treasures.

Lore - The Death of Helgi

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Proceed through The Derelict Outpost and past this area’s third crane. Climb up the wall and you’ll be greeted by two very obvious collectibles: a Legendary Chest and a Lore tablet.

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Walk forward and read the Lore tablet to get the “Death of Helgi” Lore entry.

Legendary Chest - Ivaldi’s Anvil heavy runic attack

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Follow the path to the Lore tablet above.

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Turn left from the tablet and you’ll find the Legendary Chest. Open it to get the Ivaldi’s Anvil heavy runic attack for your Leviathan Axe.

Grab Sigrun’s Vault key and leave the area.

Well of Urd

The Well of Urd is where you’ll meet the Norns, the Norse version of the Fates from Greek mytheme. This area is broken up into two areas: exploration and story. All of the various collectibles are in the exploration section, and there are no collectibles in the story section (which is good, because you won’t be able to revisit those areas).

To get to the Well of Urd, sled past Sindri’s shop and keep going north.

Nornir Chest

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Make your way past Sindri’s shop and into the Well of Urd, where you eventually find the Nornir Chest. Progress forward along the pass until you have to turn right and face a climbable wall.

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Do a 180º from the wall and you’ll spot the Nornir Chest. This is another brazier Chest, meaning you’ll need to light all three torches to open it.

Brazier 1

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The first brazier is located immediately behind the Nornir Chest. Turn around and look up next to the icy wall. Light the brazier and then climb up.

Brazier 2

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Grapple up to the next landing and turn left when you hit the crack in the wall. Look up and to your right. Against the cliff you’ll see the second brazier. Light it.

Brazier 3

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Drop down to the lower level by walking forward. Look up and to your left to see the second brazier. Light it.

Legendary Chest - Rond of Purification

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Climb most of the way up to where you eventually meet the Norns.

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Instead of making the final leap to the top when climbing, look for markings on the wall that will point you left. Follow the markings and climb left instead of up, which will lead you to a small lip.

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Walk off the ledge to grapple to the side of the wall with you Blades of Chaos. When you’re hanging, look across the way. You’ll see a cracked wall.

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Leap into it to find the Legendary Chest. Open it to get the Rond of Purification Shield Attachment.

Odin’s Raven

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Follow the path to the Legendary Chest that we describe above. After getting the chest, grapple back onto the lip and walk toward the zipline.

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From the zipline or the flag, look up and to your left. You’ll see Odin’s Raven perched on one of the stone pillars at the top of the mountain. Kill it.

The Lost Treasury

Once you have both of Sigrun’s Vault keys (which you can pick up from The Oarsmen and The Derelict Outpost areas), sled over to the Raider’s Keep, which is just south of Tyr’s Temple. While looking at the entrance, hang a right and go down the path to reach Sigrun’s Lost Treasury.

Nornir Chest

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When you reach the mystic gateway, hop up on the lip and defeat all the enemies that pop up.

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With everything dead, look to your right and you’ll see the Nornir Chest sitting against some ice. This is yet another brazier Chest, so you’ll need to light all three to claim the treasure here.

Brazier 1

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Attach your Blades of Chaos to the big golden wheel in this area and spin it right. Climb up the wheel to the second floor. Break the pot and then head over to the other side of the second floor. Look up and to your left. You’ll spot the first brazier. Create a string of hex sigils to light it with your Blades of Chaos.

With the brazier lit, drop back down.

Brazier 2

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Spin the wheel to the left this time. Just to the right of where you can attach your Blades of Chaos to spin it back, you’ll see the second brazier. Use another hex sigil chain to light it up.

Brazier 3

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Now it’s time to solve this puzzle. Climb up the left side of the wheel after lighting the second brazier. When you land, walk through the door to the other side. Use your Blades of Chaos to slide the pillar forward to block the wheel. Jump back down and spin the gold wheel to the right.

Grab the crank and pull toward you to open the door ahead. Use a hex sigil and your ax to freeze the left cog. Then call your ax back and use it to freeze the right cog. With the cogs frozen, run forward and into the doorway before it shuts. Turn around and hit the lock to open the door for your companion.

Looking toward the now-open door, turn left and you’ll see the third and final brazier nuzzled in the corner. Use some hex sigil arrows to light it and open the Nornir Chest.

Legendary Chest - Sigil Punishment

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Complete the puzzle of the golden wheel to get inside the door so you can access the third brazier for the Nornir Chest, which we highlight above.

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Once through the doorway, you’ll see the Legendary Chest just sitting there. It’s impossible to miss. Open it to get the Sigil Punishment accessory.

Lore 1 - Love’s End

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Use Sigrun’s keys to open the door near the Legendary Chest (after you burn the mushrooms) and kill the traveler — big dude with an even bigger sword — who’s hanging out inside.

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Take the right immediately after the door you used to get in here. Against the wall you’ll find a lore tablet. Read it to get the “Love’s End” entry.

Lore 2 - Lost Pages

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Climb up the chain in the room with the throne, which houses the first Lore entry for this area. When you reach the top, turn around and look down. Use your Blades of Chaos to crash into the floor.

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When you land in this newly-formed pit, walk forward and pick up the lore scroll. This will get you another of the “Lost Pages.”

Sigrun’s Curse

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The Sigrun’s Curse quest ends here in The Lost Treasury, and you’ll only be able to finish it if you first get the keys from The Oarsmen and The Derelict Outpost. Once you enter the Treasury (check out the Nornir Chest section above if you need help with the puzzle), all you need to do is inspect the lore and look around the throne room to complete the quest and solve Sigrun’s mystery.

The Eternal Campfire

The Eternal Campfire is a small area with but a single item to find. Leaving the King’s Grave, take a right and continue up the snowy ramp, rather than heading down toward Tyr’s Temple.

Across the Realms - Favor

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (93) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

On your journey to the Eternal Campfire, you’ll find a wall that you can grapple up. Do so and then walk forward until you reach the campfire with the rainbow smoke.

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Stand by the fire and pick up the nearby book. Mimir will tell you a story of two lovers. This will start the “Across the Realms” quest. This Favor will send you — you guessed it — across the realms to find ingredients.

Here are the locations of all the ingredients:

  • Nordic Gourd (Midgard)
  • Elven Cap (Alfheim)
  • Bantam Melon (Vanaheim, The Crater)
  • Prongfruit (Svartalfheim)
God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (95) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

As luck would have it, the first ingredient is right here in Midgard. Walk back toward King’s Grave from the campfire, drop down, and look for the big orange heart painted on the wall — this symbol will be the indicator going forward that one of the lovers’ ingredients is nearby.

Look for the side quest symbol to appear in front of the heart and dig up your first ingredient.

Lake of Nine, second visit

When you return to Midgard after unlocking the Draupnir Spear, the only stuff you really have left is in the Lake of Nine — assuming you followed this guide the first time you were here. Pop out of the Lake of Nine mystic gateway and get to work on some light cleanup.

Buried Treasure - Demise of Dagestr

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Back in the Lake of Nine, right after exiting the mystic gateway, from the vantage point where you’re looking at Tyr’s Temple, you’ll find a big block of ice next to one of the realm gates north of the Raider Fort. Use your Draupnir Spear to bust it open and climb into the new path.

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When you turn the corner, you’ll see the corpse of the dragon on which you fought Baldur in God of War (2018). Under it you’ll be able to loot the Demise of Dagestr buried treasure, assuming you picked up the corresponding map in Svartalfheim.

Buried Treasure - Viking’s Gift

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Make your way to the Raider Hideout, but don’t go inside.

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (99) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

Just outside of the hideout, in front of the massive doors, you’ll find some buried treasure (assuming you already picked up the Viking’s Gift map in the Raider Fort). Dig it up to finish this treasure map.

Legendary Chest - Stamina of Jotunheim Enchantment

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (100) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

West of Tyr’s Temple, near the Asgard Realm Gate, you’ll find a Legendary Chest. It’s locked behind another ice block, which is nuzzled next to the base of the gate. Break it open with your Draupnir Spear.

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But wait, oh no, a Frost Phantom!

Kill this clown and then claim your loot from the treasure chest. You’ll get a special enchantment for your trouble.

Lore - Receipt of Purchase

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Just to the west of the letter “T” in “Tyr’s Temple,” and north of the Lost Treasury, you’ll find a third ice wall. Use your new Draupnir Spear to break it open.

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Immediately to your left, you’ll see a dead dwarf. Grab the scroll next to them to get the Receipt of Purchase Lore entry. Next to it you can also acquire the Mystical Heirloom Relic.

Yggdrasil Rift

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Head up to the bridge to Tyr’s Temple via the elevator. Walk toward the temple but don’t go in the doors. Instead, turn left while facing the doors and go down the steps.

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Keep following the path down the stairs until you reach the frozen lightning bolt and another Yggdrasil Rift. Grab the treasure inside and move on.

Lake of Nine, final cleanup

Once you’ve beaten the game and unlocked the ability to do the Remnants of Asgard side quests, return to the Lake of Nine.

Remnant of Asgard

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Ride up the bridge to Tyr’s Temple and take out all the Einherjar who are walking around.

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When they’re all dead, grab the chest to complete this Remnant of Asgard.

Well of Urd, final cleanup

The Well of Urd has two endgame collectible side quests to complete: Hel Tears and Remnants of Asgard.

Remnant of Asgard

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Make your way toward the Well of Urd and you’ll find your way blocked by some Asgardian debris.

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Go inside the area and mess the remaining Einherjar up. Once they’re dead, claim the chest and move on.

Hel Tear

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Climb up the grappling points in the Well of Urd and squeeze through the hole in the wall. On the other side you’ll find a Hel Tear.

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (111) Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon

Send your companion to defend it and then claim the rewards.

Sanctuary Grove

Once you finish the main story, Ratatoskr will give you a bag of realm seeds that you can use to travel to Mystic Gateways you previously didn’t have access to. This includes Freya’s home, the Sanctuary Grove.

Nine Realms in Bloom

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When you exit the Mystic Gateway, walk forward and talk to the giant turtle with Freya. Then continue past him to the east of the house.

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You’ll find the Midgard plant for Freya’s Nine Realms in Bloom quest just sitting on the ground. Grab it.

King’s Grave, final cleanup

One of the final things you can do in God of War Ragnarok is defeat the big bad Berserker king. Once you’ve cleared out all the other gravestones, head to the King’s Grave for one final fight.

Berserker Gravestone

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At the site where you first grabbed the sword hilt, insert it one final time to square off against the king of the Berserkers. This dude is a jerk, and one of the hardest boss fights in the game. He uses a combination of all the moves from the other Berserkers and switches up his fighting style constantly. Stay on your toes and memorize his patterns and you’ll eventually take him down.

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This is a tough fight even when you’re rocking fully ranked-up gear, so we recommend finishing most of the other side content and leveling Kratos all the way up before you get here.

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100% completion guide (2025)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.