[PDF] The anguished cry of a - Free Download PDF (2024)

1 April / May 2015 Price 40p The anguished cry of a distraught woman. Mary Magdalene had a very troubled past. The popul...

April / May 2015


he anguished cry of a distraught woman. Mary Magdalene had a very troubled past. The popular idea that she was a prostitute is not found in the Gospels, but what we do know is that Mary had been demon possessed and that her past reputation followed her. It must have been people like Mary who the Pharisees had in mind when they accused Jesus’ disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with …… sinners?”

Price 40p

don’t know where they have put him” was her anguished cry.

Thousands of Christians since then, have had similar encounters. Although the details Jesus himself bursts onto the of each one are as different as scene - but in a most gentle way. our personalities. The New We read of him introducing Testament makes it crystal clear Himself by asking Mary what the that such an encounter is the problem was! Then the only way of becoming a real momentous single word - Christian. Jesus said to a very “MARY”. Mary went to the different would-be follower, a disciples with the news: “I have religious teacher no less, “You seen the Lord!” must be born again”. Nothing else will do. Churchgoing, Baptism, Confirmation, leading a good life, all good in their Yet, after she met Jesus, we see place, are no substitutes, on a highly sensitive and caring their own, for a real encounter woman; one who constantly with the risen Lord Jesus Christ. accompanied Jesus and who was perhaps the most loyal of all And that is what He offers each his disciples as the awful events of us this Easter. Only the Risen of Easter Week unfolded. Christ can give us true peace In this moving account, we see and reconciliation with Almighty It was Mary who, with other the Christian Gospel lived out. God. The Apostle Paul writes “If women, “followed Him and cared Mary’s life was in a mess; she any man is in Christ, he is a new for His needs”. She was ever was on a downhill path until she creation; the old has passed present throughout His trials and met Jesus. Mary ministered to away, the new has come”. Our sufferings and witnessed His Jesus for many months, then prayer is that this will be the dying moments. When, after His saw all her hopes dashed as she experience of each of us, and death, the other disciples fled in witnessed His agonizing death that it will be this Gospel that fear, Mary stayed to witness his upon a Roman Gibbet. Only on any new Rector proclaims when burial. She knew the being confronted by the risen appointed - “Jesus Christ is whereabouts of His tomb. Lord Jesus Christ is she finally Lord - He is risen!” Mary was the first to see the brought to the transformed life risen Jesus - the tomb was which she now enjoys with Him empty, the body gone, “They for eternity. have taken my Lord away, and I

John Roberts

Copy Deadline for the June / July issue -

Monday 11 May 2015

TODAY April / May 2015




Calverleigh, Cruwys Morchard, Loxbeare, Oakford, Rackenford, Stoodleigh, Templeton, Washfield and Withleigh

EXE VALLEY TODDLERS (For under 5ives)


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Paul and Elizabeth Iliff 6 Southfield Way Tiverton EX16 5AJ. Tel: (01884) 253473 [emailprotected] NOT FRIDAYS PLEASE !! NON STIPENDIARY MINISTER Rev’d John Roberts East Sidborough, Loxbeare, Tiverton EX16 8DA. Tel: (01884) 256302 [emailprotected]

READER Mrs Anna Hansford The Paddock, 2 Kensington Court, Washfield, Tiverton, EX16 9QU Tel: (01884) 253463 [emailprotected]

MAGAZINE EDITORS Jenny & Geoff Parnell Keepers Cottage, Lower Washfield, Tiverton, EX16 9PF Tel: (01884) 254402

oo much to squash in this time …

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CHURCHWARDEN CONTACT DETAILS Calverleigh Aubrey Goldsworthy 01884 255248 Jackie Herniman 01884 255814 [emailprotected] Cruwys Morchard Diana Vincent 01363 860227 Loxbeare Ron Tidball 01884 881362 [emailprotected] Oakford Mike Boynton 01398 351383 [emailprotected] Rackenford Herbert Smith 01884 881375 Mary Cann 01884 881696 [emailprotected] Stoodleigh Margaret Cuningham 01398 351252 [emailprotected] John Fewings 01398 351328 [emailprotected] Templeton Jan Heptinstall 01884 255399 Jan.Heptinstall@BTOpenworld com Washfield Jeanne Jones 01884 254306 Withleigh Brenda Tucker 01884 252431 e-mail: [emailprotected] Paul Iliff 01884 253473 [emailprotected]

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he wonderful workings of the Church of England! It may come as a surprise to some that, technically, Steve was still our Rector until the point at which he was licensed in North Devon on 16 March. Only then did the vacancy begin, and the process of finding a new incumbent could get under way! The Archdeacon of Exeter attended the meeting of the Churchwardens’ Council in January, and explained the process of seeking a new incumbent, and the responsibilities during the vacancy.

However, whilst it may appear, therefore, that we have been in a state of limbo for the past couple of months, a good deal has been going on behind the scenes, with churchwardens and PCCs busy preparing parish and incumbent profiles, and completing a parish fact sheet – a real misnomer if ever there was one, since the ‘sheet’ runs to twenty pages! The parish documents have then to be brought together into documents which reflect the Mission Community as a whole. This will be the task of the Parish Representatives who will have been elected by the parishes, and who will also form part of the interview panel in due course. In the meantime, please encourage your churchwardens as they seek to keep our churches functioning, and please pray for them, and all involved in the selection process which has now begun. Please pray also that the person of God’s choice is already being prompted towards ministry among us.

TODAY April / May 2015

Finally, a big ‘thank you’ to all of the retired and other clergy who continue to enable us to maintain the pattern of services in each of our churches – the Exe Valley would be very much the poorer without you.

Paul Iliff Making the job possible !!


n the front page of the February/March magazine I raised the issue of how we could make the Rector’s job possible. Here I want to fly a kite for a possible way forward.

Whilst you are reading my thoughts about the future, please remember that I am only flying kites, not making decisions! My proposals would decidedly NOT mean the closure of our lovely parish churches - far from it, they might very well make space to give them a new lease of life. I am passionate about there being a worshipping, witnessing community in each village. My ideas would, however, enable each parish to discuss with the Rector what their expectations are, and enable the Rector in turn to say what it would be possible to provide.

Now we know that any new Rector here will have no stipendiary help at all - so are we expecting a Rector of nine individual parishes to work alone? Steve tried to look ahead because he knew that when Rob Brewis left he would not be replaced. Steve realised that the job he would then be asked to do was impossible so, for this and other strategic reasons, he asked the parishes to cut down their services and support a central service on some Sundays. We failed to support him in this! Now I want to make some suggestions which are, I admit, kite flying. I have no authority to bring any of this about and if others have better ideas then let them bring them forward - in the meantime here is my kite! It appears that each of the nine parishes sees the Rector as the Rector of their parish. This puts an onus on the incumbent to fulfil an expectation which might be quite reasonable if it were a single, or even a two or three parish benefice, but it is simply impossible for any Rector to fulfil this expectation nine times over. If they try they will fail!

So we need to change our mind-set from a Parish based expectation, to one For anyone not familiar with the clergy of a Mission Community. That would who have been presiding over the Exe mean that we see the Rector, not as Valley in recent years, let me reminisce Rector of “my” parish but Rector of the - when I first came to the Exe Valley Mission Community with functions there were four and then three full time within each parish which would need to stipendiary clergy. Yes, there were a few be defined, and might vary from parish more parishes but the clergy/parish to parish. In order to achieve this, we ratio was about 1 to 3. This clergy total need a central focus for the work and quickly dropped to 2 during Colin Mee’s worship. Say we select one parish time, continuing over Godfrey’s time church to be the Mission Community although the second stipendiary church around which our Christian became part time with Derek Chedzey community life is focused. Now this and Ben Luck. And for Godfrey, Mary would entail some radical thinking. We effectively acted as a “full time” would need to have a central building administrator. Nevertheless, the work with proper modern facilities - office, load for each of these Rectors was such kitchen, toilets etc. together with rooms that they all had time out with stress. for Sunday school and other activities.

How could we afford this? Well, if we pooled some of our parish reserves we could well get sufficient finances together to carry out the necessary work. The Rector would then be focussed centrally and would be freed from the expectation of being Rector of nine separate parishes. I can already hear howls of protest but I think that some such arrangement could lead the Exe Valley to an exciting future with a Rector who shared our vision for the Gospel to be preached and the Bible to be taught, in a way which would enliven both Parish and Mission Community life. OK - my kite is flown. You might well have better ideas, however there is one thing that we cannot do - we cannot go on as we are, seeing our own parish as the one and only thing that matters and going against our Rector’s advice, as we have consistently done with Steve, on the matter of number of services. That is a recipe for decline and closure. Another point to consider is that unless we have a vision for our Rector’s job which is fresh and new, we are very unlikely to get any applicants for the job - as I talk to clergy I find that the idea of being alone in nine individual parishes is just not on their radar … and if we did get somebody in post, as it stands, they would be sure to fail!

John Roberts Farewell to Steve and Sarah


n the morning of 25 January around 100 people gathered at Templeton Village Hall for Steve’s last Service in the Exe Valley. We were there, not just to say goodbye to Steve & Sarah after their four years of ministry here and to thank them for all their hard work among us, but also to thank God for them and especially for Steve’s ministry.

continued overleaf

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TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP To show our appreciation, Steve was presented with a cheque for £1000 collected from personal donations from the Parishes. Many of us have really appreciated Steve’s passion for teaching God’s Word, and this was reflected in the iced decoration of a large cake shared between us all after the service, which had an open Bible with the words “Word of God” written across it, together with “Thank you and Goodbye Steve & Sarah”. Steve preached on 1 Corinthians 15 v 1-11, where Paul calls on all believers to take a stand for the Gospel against all odds. Why? Because only the true Gospel has saving power and its message is more important than anything else! The heart of the Gospel is the saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ, not secondary things such as traditions: He died, He was buried, He was raised, He appeared to His disciples. Our faith is personal, historical, biblical and Cross-centred. We need to ask ourselves what is the centre of our faith, Christianity or Churchianity?

So farewell Steve, and thank you for preaching God’s Word to us with such clarity and boldness. I for one have learnt such a lot while you have been with us! We pray for God’s rich blessing on you both in your new life and ministry at Fremington, Instow and Westleigh.

HAVE YOU READ ? . . . The House of Bishops’ guidance to parishes, on the Ministry of women. The Bishops warn that their 5 principles, endorsed by General Synod, need to be read one with the other and held together in tension, rather than being applied selectively.




he kind winter carried on into the New Year and days continued to be dry, cold and bright. Night skies stayed crystal clear and for many uninterrupted hours after darkness fell, Orion could be seen passing over Tiverton whilst pointing his sword in an accusatory manner at the light pollution below. Our small Native birds have benefited and, not surprisingly, the robins have been in full colour and paired up before the end of January but I note the blue tit* were still a moulting mess.

Do enjoy their plumage and colour when you can, because by the time we have chosen our latest summer fashions and the ladies have ensured their heels do not sink too far into the Ascot turf, the songbirds are in no mood to dress up. It is no wonder the surviving adults become exhausted and L. C. MORGAN CONSTRUCTION (Oakford) ALL GENERAL BUILDING PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN Specialists in Grade II listed buildings, Traditional builds, Renovations and Insurance Repairs (e.g. storm damage)

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TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP bedraggled by this time, after We have to thank Hilda Forward for condensing a lifetime’s work into a few helping us out with playing the organ. months. She is on call for duty when Myrtle feels Nevertheless there are two birds of early that her eyes are not quite up to it. A summer that raise the spirits. The first very big thank you to you both. of these is the skylark, and walkers on We are having another informal the moors and downlands of South gathering in church on the morning of Britain will have had their progress ur belated thanks to Doreen Venn Sunday 3 May as we have no service interrupted by the startled flight of one of for the gift of the Christingles for our these. They will shoot from the ground service back in December. It was that day in Calverleigh. Everyone is very with an unceasing song, usually against omitted from the last issue of "Today". welcome to join us and meet our friends a backdrop of an unfailingly blue sky. Thank you Doreen it was a wonderful and perhaps make some new ones. We have coffee/tea and chat and discuss Conversely they will drop like stones in gesture very much appreciated. things among ourselves. Hope to see advance of any pending storm long We have had so much illness and many of you between 10am and 11am. before it appears on the far horizon. accidents in our village lately and we Ornithologists may explain much of their Dates for your diaries. habits, but I have never been able to hope that everyone is improving. David 16 May. Our annual Day of Prayer. answer why the flight is so vertical; why Evans had an operation before Individual prayer times will be in church so high, and why the accompaniment of Christmas and hopefully is now making later. Ring Aubrey or Jackie for details never ending song? At least it is a good recovery. Julie Hugo also had an if needed. Telephone Numbers are on understandable why this symbol of operation before Christmas and we wish the inside page of "TODAY magazine". freedom and joy has inspired many her all the best for a speedy recovery. 14 June. Our annual Open Air service Reg Holley had a nasty fall and was in poets and musicians. Exeter Hospital for a week or two but at in the Churchyard at 3pm. Music by Ad The second bird is the grey wagtail, and the time of writing he is still in Tiverton Lib. I can recall many days in the company hospital. 16 October. Bingo in Calverleigh Hall. of a pair in the Dickensian gloom of an Details later. industrial site where the purity of their Diane Hopper took a tumble and has yellow colour shone through the dirt and broken her hip and has had it replaced. 21 November. Our annual Autumn the grime. Last summer I was treated In our thoughts and prayers at the Fayre. Details later. to an even more uplifting sight. A misty moment we are thinking of Gerald and There will be a coffee morning or Cream and gently falling Devon rain caught the Joan Blackmore's daughter Karen who tea in the next few months. afternoon and the small midges by is very poorly in Derriford Hospital. We We now have a new volunteer who has surprise. The lane became slick with are praying for you all and anyone else offered his services in compiling who is under the weather, waiting for wet and five grey wagtails enjoyed a Calverleigh's contribution of notes for and undergoing treatment. feeding frenzy on the insects driven the "Today" magazine. Mary thinks that nearer to the ground. The birds became The farewell service for Steve and Sarah it is time to hang up her pen after many like ping pong balls equipped with manic was held at Templeton Village Hall on years and give someone else a chance energy and bounced down the lane 25 January where they were given a to have a go. It is good that one of our enjoying their feast without having to farewell gift from us all. We wish them younger church members is willing to wag a single tail. every happiness in their new home in do this, he is an active member on our The sight of both these birds will always North Devon. PCC and a welcome addition to our make you more contented than before, choir. He also produces our website. and remember that even if much of the Our Holy Communion services on 11 Please help him if you can by passing year is spent on the ground and life may January and 8 February were taken by on any news items, coming events, the Archdeacon of Exeter and there be hard, there are times when it soars. were good congregations at them both.




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TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP people ill etc. He is David Burton and can be contacted on david.burton@ doivedesigns.co.uk or by telephone 01884 560314. The date when news has to be in by is on the front page of the previous magazine. Thank you in anticipation of your help to David.



any congratulations to Cruwys Morchard Young Farmers Club on winning the Exe Valley Group Round We have had two Baptisms in our Pantomime Competition with their Church, two little boys. The first was excellent performance of Robinson Joseph Selby Ethelwuls Amory, son of Crusoe; a very long awaited win, which Patrick and Thierry, Grandson of Sir Ian pleased the members and advisory and Lady Louise Amory. The service committee, after all the hard work and was conducted by Revd. Robert Gordon. commitment - with lots of fun being had The second was Baptised a week later along the way!. The following week, the by Revd. Keith Gale. He was Noah John Club joined with Culm Valley Young Longmire, second son of David and Farmers for an Evening of Pantomime Michelle Longmire and Great Grandson with performances of Robin Hood and of Derek and Mary Herniman. They were Robinson Crusoe; an amazing £2,040 both wonderful occasions when Joseph was raised! On Saturday 21 February. and Noah were welcomed into the the Club represented Exe Valley in the church with many family and friends County Round of Pantomime attending. Competition at Exmouth Pavilion and We are very much looking forward to a came a very impressive third, with visit from the Right Revd. Bishop Nick members having a wonderful experience McKinnel on the 29 March when he is of performing in a theatre setting and coming to take our 9.30am Communion learning new skills with the technicians. The Club would like to thank everyone service. who have helped and supported them Village Hall News. throughout the past few months. Two The village hall committee would like to Bingos have been held during January thank all those who supported the Quiz and February which were very well night, New year's party and skittles night attended. Club meetings are held on the at which a total of £679.67 was raised first Tuesday of every month at 7.3Opm; for hall repairs. Congratulations to Fred please come along if you would like to and Katie Froom and Steven and Selina know more about young farmers. Hill who were the top scoring skittles CRUWYS MORCHARD-GOT TALENT team at the Rose and Crown on 16 FINAL-7 March January. What a night, hall was full and the The date of the 50/50 sale has been audience in good spirits. Variety of acts changed and will now take place on and banter between the comedy judges Saturday 25 April starting at 12.30pm. Miranda Maryan-Lewis( Simone Cowell) Entry forms are now being distributed and Lynnette Parkhouse enjoyed by all. and vendors should contact Sheila Thank you to my guest John Penfold, Greenslade or Jacqui Kingdom as soon accompanied by Steve Dyer and thanks as possible, so that a list of sale items to all who helped cook cakes for the can be compiled. Goods must be refreshments, CMYF for their help. brought to the hall on Friday 24 April Thanks to the sponsors Haldon Plant Ltd, between 3pm and 6pm or before 10am Kingston Building Contractors and Easy on Saturday. Living Ltd and everyone else who The duck race will be taking place on helped, too many to name, over £600 for Marie Curie. Saturday 30 May with the ducks setting raised CONGRATULATIONS JACKIE. The sail from Lurley Bridge at 3pm. There winners are all very talented and Cruwys will be limited parking near the bridge or otherwise at Calverleigh Village Hall Car Morchard should be proud. A full list of winners will be put up in the Pub. Park.

BARN DANCE - 6 March The second Cruwys Morchard Barn Dance in the Parish Hall kicked off with a group whose portable feast immediately set the tone of a dance in a café with much food and chatter. About forty people attended bearing bottles and nibbles. A lack of dance knowledge was more than offset by tremendous enthusiasm and a realisation that not knowing the difference between left and right is of no importance in a social situation. The mix of music and fun was only improved by a large team of young ladies from Puddington. Their appearance on the scene could be likened to the arrival of the US cavalry in the final scene of an early western. Caller John Ridd and band 'Friendy Folk' brought a modicum of order to an evening which proved the correctness of chaos theory and a good time was had by all. Planning of the next dance in a couple of months time has begun. Steve and Diney Dyer, who started this off, are glad to say that they have been able to make a generous donation to the Parish Hall. FLOWER AND CLEANING ROTA March 30 - Decorators for Easter April 6 / 13 - Sue and Pauline Guscott April 20 / 27 – Sonia Notley May 4 / 11 - Cindy Trick and Pat Cross May 18 / 25 - Diana Vincent and Val Randerson June 1 / 8 - Marian Kingdom MOWING ROTA April – Guy Cruwys May – Les and Hilary Tosdevin June – Steve and Sam Ratcliffe July - Dave Berry August – Dave and Diana Vincent, and Peter Lake September – The Notley’s FUTURE EVENTS – in the Parish Hall Saturday 21 March - Mad March Music and Mayhem, to raise funds for the Flower show. Saturday 28 March 7.30pm - Pink Bingo Sunday 29 PALM SUNDAY - Follow the Donkey Procession to the Church. Tuesday 28 April Senior’s Lunch, 12 noon for 12.30pm, do come. To book ring Di on 01363 860 227. Saturday 4 July Annual Breakfast & Brunch. CHIMNEY AND FLUE CLEANING KEVIN JONES TRELAWNEY STATION ROAD WILLAND EX15 2PR

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TODAY April / May 2015

The size of the New Creation News has been reduced, with permission, for this Issue only. NEW CREATION NEWS Proclaiming the Good News since 1988

… and the trees of the field shall clap their hands … Isaiah 55 v.12 Our EASTER Break The shop will be closed for the weekend on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th and Monday 6th - re-openingon Tuesday 7th April at 9.30am. Open Day Thank you to the amazing number of friends who came to support us on 28 February, in St George’s Extension and give us their suggestions for the future. Overall, the day was very successful and we will be sharing your ideas later. Meanwhile, please think and pray about what you could do to help. FOR EXAMPLE: Could anyone offer a couple of hours on a flexible basis, to cover for sickness and holidays ?? Please call in and we would be grateful for any time you can offer. Road Works We are still open, so please pay us a visit. We need your support even more now !! While you are here you could try a delicious cup of coffee from our new “Bean” machine and enjoy one of Penny’s wonderful cakes. May God bless you all this Easter. 58 Bampton Street, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 6AH Phone: 01884 255769 web site: www.newcreationtiverton.org.uk email: [emailprotected]

PARISH ROUND-UP residents, please contact Sarah Brown at Highgate. Phone 01363 866321 and leave a message with your details, or email [emailprotected]. If we get enough interest then we can all meet up and have a discussion on how we want to proceed. CHAT – The Church has received a letter of thanks from Chat for our donations to them of food after our Carol Service IT IS WITH GREAT SADNESS that we have said good-bye to two much loved and older members of our parish. Edgar Cruwys, died on 23 February, aged 94. Beloved father of Caroline and Guy. Our prayers and sympathy are with them and all their family. Especially Sarah, who’s mother had passed away two days earlier. Margaret Trick died on 14 February, aged 89. Much loved mum, granny and great-nanny. Our prayers and sympathy are with the whole Trick family.

Saturday 11 July Annual Church Fete Sunday 12 April Guest speaker Service, We would like to welcome two new babies into the parish; Annemarie, Saturday 8 August Annual Flower Show Janet Welch 4.30 pm followed by tea daughter of Eileen and Oliver Defew, Sunday 19 April Join Way Village 2.30 YOGA continues every Thursday 10amand Jack, son of Hannah Grant and Ed pm 11.15am. and 11.30am-12.45pm Moggridge and a granddaughter for Di CIRCUIT TRAINING every Sunday Sunday 26 April Adrian’s travels 4.30 and Dave Vincent, Isabella Joy daughter pm followed by tea 6.30-730pm for Tom and Emma, who now live near BELL RINGING. Being able to come out Sunday 3 May Puppets Family Service Oxford. to “practice night” in the daylight again 4.30 pm followed by tea is very pleasant, but thanks to all our Sunday 10 May Mr O Mears 4.30 pm For all those who are not well we send our prayers and best wishes. staunch and hardy ringers who turned followed by Birthday tea out on chilly Monday nights all through Sunday 17 May Join Way Village 2.30 pm If you would like more copies of the the winter. Practices are always Sunday 24 May Songs of Praise 4.30 TODAY magazine there are always enjoyable and anyone who would like to pm followed by tea spares in the church, which you can come along and see what goes on would Sunday 31 May Joint service with C of E pick up at any time. be very welcome – no pressure, no in chapel at 4.30 pm followed by tea ** commitment. Two Saturday morning subject to your agreement branch practices were held at Cruwys Saturday 4 April Easter Pennymoor Morchard in January, which some of our Pop-In coffee morning 11 – 12.30 ringers attended, The February practice Saturday 2 May Pennymoor Pop-In t the time of writing it is so good to was held at Hemyock. It is always fun Fairtrade coffee morning 11 – 12.30 have the sunshine and warmth with going to ring at other towers, mastering Pennymoor Picnic, Holiday at Home for the promise of Spring with flowers, trees different bells and meeting other ringers. ALL ages The bells were rung for the funeral of Mr Wednesday 27 May, 11.00 – 13.00 Cake & shrubs beginning to bud, ready to Cruwys - we rang them half muffled for decorating & crafts, finishing with burst into a lovely Spring display after the cold and wet winter months. this occasion. This gives an echoing Picnic lunch and poignant beauty to the sound of the THE PARISH LIBRARY is now in place With Easter almost here we look forward bells, which we hope was appreciated in the back of the church, do visit it at to a time of reflection on Jesus' death by those arriving at the Church. any time, either to borrow or exchange. and a celebration of his resurrection. The Easter Services begin with the ATTENTION ALL BOOKWORMS CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL Sunday 5 April Easter crafts, Family If anyone is interested in helping set up Agape meal on Thursday 2 April at or joining a "book club" for local Service 4.30 pm followed by tea



Continued on Page 10

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TODAY April / May 2015

EXE VALLEY MISSION COMMUNITY Sundays at 11am in Templeton Village Hall

HOME GROUPS COFFEE PLUS Alternate Thursdays 9.30am - 10.30am. Prayer for the Exe Valley at Church Cottage, Stoodleigh 01398 351364

Teaching Programme “Unexpected Encounters with Jesus”

LOXBEARE PRAISE AND PRAYER MEETING 3rd Tuesday in month at 7.30pm. 01884 881362 - for venues

EXE VALLEY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY GROUP Alternate Tuesdays 2-4pm Churchill House, Loxbeare, EX16 8DX Contact Marion on 01884 256302, for details

WALK THE TALK Withleigh Home Group Alternate Mondays at 8pm (Tel. 01884 253473)

5 12 19 26 3

April April April April May

10 May 17 May 24 May 31 May

EASTER The Sceptic - John 1. 43 - 51 The Insider - John 3. 1 - 7 The Outsider - John 4. 5 - 19 The Wedding Guests - John 2. 2 - 11 The First Christian - John 20. 1 - 18 The Surprised Disciples Acts 1. 1 - 11 The Obedient Teenager Luke 1. 26 - 45 GROUP SERVICE, Washfield

EXE VALLEY CENTRAL Each Sunday Templeton Village Hall At 11 am 5 April No EVC Easter Day 12 April Morning Worship 19 April Holy Communion 26 April Morning Worship 3 May Sunday Club 10 May Morning Worship 17 May Morning Worship 24 May Pentecost Holy Communion 31 May No EVC Group Service “Songs of Praise” Washfield

Loxbeare PCC Open Evening “Why we believe in Male Headship” Loxbeare Village Hall 15 April 7.30pm See Loxbeare “Parish Round-up” for more information




3 April GOOD FRIDAY 2.30 pm Service of Meditation

3 April GOOD FRIDAY No Service

3 April GOOD FRIDAY No Service

5 April 9.30 am Holy Communion

5 April 11.15 am Holy Communion

5 April 11 am Holy Communion

12 April 9.30 am Morning Prayer

12 April 9.30 am Family Service

12 April 9.30 am Morning Prayer

19 April 9.30 am Holy Communion

19 April 11 am Morning Worship

19 April 11 am Morning Prayer

26 April 9.30 am Family Service

26 April No Service

26 April 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

3 May 9.30 am Holy Communion

3 May No Service

3 May 11 am Family Service

10 May 9.30 am Family Service

10 May 9.30 am Family Service

10 May 9.30 am Morning Prayer

17 May 9.30 am Holy Communion

17 May 9.30 am Morning Worship

17 May 11 am Holy Communion

24 May 9.30 am Morning Prayer

24 May 11 am Holy Communion

24 May 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

31 May See Washfield

31 May See Washfield

31 May See Washfield


TODAY April / May 2015




3 April GOOD FRIDAY No Service

3 April GOOD FRIDAY No Service

3 April GOOD FRIDAY 11 am Service of Meditation

5 April 9.45 am Holy Communion

5 April 11 am Holy Communion by Extension

5 April 11 am Holy Communion

12 April No Service 19 April 11.15 am Morning Worship 26 April 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

12 April No Service 19 April 11 am Family Service with Baptism 26 April 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

12 April No Service 19 April 6.30 pm Evening Praise 26 April No Service 3 May 6.30 pm Evening Praise

3 May No Service

3 May No Service

10 May 11.15 am Holy Communion

10 May 11 am Holy Communion

17 May 11.15 am Morning Worship 24 May 6.30 pm Evening Worship

17 May 11 am Family Service 24 May 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

24 May No Service

31 May See Washfield

31 May See Washfield

31 May See Washfield




3 April GOOD FRIDAY 11 am Easter Garden Service

3 April GOOD FRIDAY 3 pm Service of Meditation

5 April 9.30 am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion by Extension

5 April 11.15 am Holy Communion

12 April No Service 19 April No Service

12 April 11 am Morning Prayer 19 April 11 am Family Service

26 April 11 am Morning Prayer

26 April 6 pm Evening Prayer

3 May 11 am Family Service

3 May 11 am Holy Communion

10 May No Service

10 May 6 pm Evening Prayer

17 May No Service

17 May 11 am Family Service

24 May 9.30 am Morning Prayer and Holy Communion

24 May 11 am Morning Prayer

31 May See Washfield

31 May 10.30 am Group Service Songs of Praise 9

10 May No Service 17 May 9.30 am Family Communion

3 April GOOD FRIDAY 10 am Informal Service in Village Hall 5 April 8.30 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Service 12 April 11 am Family Service 19 April 9.30 am Holy Communion 26 April 11 am Morning Worship 3 May No Service 10 May 11 am Informal Worship 17 May 9.30 am Holy Communion 24 May 11 am Morning Worship 31 May See Washfield

TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP Cruwys Morchard. Good Friday there will be a service of meditation in Loxbeare Church at 11am to be taken by John. The Easter Sunday Service will be Family Communion at 11am. On 25 January at EVC Templeton there was a good attendance at the final service for Steve & Sarah Goodbody. At the time of writing they will have packed and moved to North Devon to take up their new appointment. We again pray for God's blessing on their future ministry. On Ash Wednesday, 18 February there was held a Mission Community Communion Service in the evening at Loxbeare Church led by John. A Mothering Sunday Service with Donna speaking will have been held in the Village Hall following a full English Breakfast cooked by the men. Thank you to all who will have helped in any way. The A.P.C.M will be held on 18 April in the Church, after the evening service. The Electoral Roll needs to be completely revised this year and everyone wishing to remain or be added to the Roll needs to apply. Please contact Marion Roberts on 01884 256302 for forms. On 3 May the Evening Praise Service at 6.30pm in the church will be taken by members of the St George's/St Paul's youth group. Do come along and join us.

that this is a minority viewpoint within the Mission Community and, indeed, within the Church of England. However, it is a view that the Church recognises as valid, as one of two “integrities”. We believe that this view of “Male Headship” in church leadership fully respects the Bible’s teaching on the complementary rolls of men and women in creation. Loxbeare PCC would like to explain their position to other parishes, not in an attempt to convince or change minds but so that their position should be clearly understood. To this end we are holding an “at Home” in Loxbeare Hall on Wednesday 15 April at 7.30 when our view can be explained to assist mutual understanding. We invite all those interested to join us. We will arrange for refreshments to be available. Our love, prayers and sympathy are with Jean Daniels & family on the death of Eddie, Jean's husband, at only 54. Jan Page would like to thank all friends and neighbours for their support during Jack's illness and all the lovely cards and flowers on his death. It was lovely to see so many of you at his funeral. Thank you so much. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are undergoing treatment; for those who are waiting for operations and for all who have been unwell recently. We hope you will soon be feeling much better.

The Woman's Bible Study Group Congratulations to Jenny Pack on the continues to meet alternate Tuesdays at safe arrival of granddaughter Harriet Christine Weatherley's, Churchill House, Sophie born 13 January to Lucy & Greg Loxbeare from 2-4pm. We are Batten. Love and best wishes to you all. continuing the study on 'Promises Kept, Congratulations to Bob & Gwen Berry the whole story of the Bible'. All Ladies who will be celebrating their Diamond welcome. For more information contact Wedding Anniversary on 9 April. Gwen Marion on 01884 256302. has not been well but we hope she is Loxbeare PCC have included in their feeling better now. Parish Profile their belief that our new Best wishes also to anyone else Rector should be male. We understand celebrating special occasions and


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Happy Birthday to all with birthdays in April/May. This month we will be saying “goodbye” to Roger & Viv Abbott who are moving to Tiverton and “welcome” to Matt Shaw who is coming to live in Jackdaw Cottage. Also to Wendy Cook into Churchside, the Isaac family into Twyford View and new people into Deepaller and Highgate. We all hope you will soon be settled and be happy in your new homes. Thank you to all the men who helped with the task of cleaning out a good many years of dirt etc from the belfry tower! and putting up wire to keep out the birds Loxbeare Bingo will be on 30 March 7 for 7.30 in the Village Hall. Contact Carol on 01884 881480. Loxbeare Ladies Dates: 13 April - Skittles at the Rose & Crown. Please ring Sue on 01884 259496 by 6 April if interested. 5 May - 'Exeter Underground' Contact Margaret on 01884 881362. 1 June - Wine & Cheese evening at Christine Weatherley's, Churchill House. Contact Christine on 01884 881566.



e wish everyone a happy Easter and hope the weather will be kind to us for the holiday weekend. Our Easter services are as follows: Good Friday: 3 April at 2.30pm. Service of meditation. Easter Day : Sunday 5 April at 9.30am. Holy Communion. All are very welcome. Our deepest sympathy to Tony Jenner and family on the death of his wife, Carol

TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP and also to Jill Haines, whose husband John passed away recently. Jill and John used to live at Oakfordbridge before moving to Tiverton. The ‘Pancake Day’ proved to be an enjoyable occasion with races for the children and adults. Everyone enjoyed coffee and pancakes and there was also a cake stall and raffle. Many thanks to Brenda and Carla who organized it and to all who helped and supported it. A total of £172.00 was raised for church funds. The ‘Bake-off and Foragers alcoholic tasting’ competition was a great evening and enjoyed by all who entered and tasted! £177.25 was raised for PSPA and hall funds. The Moorland Club: Thursday April 9th at 7.30p.m. Annual General Meeting . Please come and support the club. Advance notice: The Moorland Club Open Flower and Produce Show will take place on 15 August . Schedules (from April) available from the Red Lion, Brenda on 01398 351331 or Chris on 01398 332039. Village Hall Future events: Race Night! Saturday June 6th. Please look out for posters. Village Fete: This will take place on 20 June on the playing field. There will be a ‘Knockout competition’- so get your teams of four together! If you can help or need more details please contact Kelvin on 01398 332039. Parish Council: Elections for Parish Council There is still time to put your name forward if you would like to do this. Closing Date 9 April. Please contact Kelvin on 01398 332039 for more details and help to fill in forms etc.


Repairs & Replacement of Gas or Oil Boilers Phone 01884 254902



e are now into Spring and we have some evidence of that with some nice sunny warmer days and with many flowers - snowdrops, crocus and daffodils gradually appearing on the verges on the common. Beautiful.

best in their new parishes and home. A special cake had been made and tea and coffee was served. We also send our thanks and very best wishes to Steve and Sarah both in work and health. We hope you all saw the posters for our coffee morning at church on 21 March 10.30 to 12.30 this has only just been arranged so doubt you would have had this issue in time.

A memorial Service was held in memory of Percy Stone. This service followed a The sponsored walk is pencilled in for cremation. The church was full of 30 May but has yet to be confirmed. Any friends and family paying respects to information required please contact Liz Percy his wife Pearl and their family. Paxton 01884881331. Tributes were made by his family and total donations of £637.90 were shared Many congratulations to Bella and equally between Rackenford Church and William Barrie on the birth of their Beatrice and also Devon Air Ambulance. Rackenford daughter Church is most grateful for the sum congratulations to the very proud received. Our thoughts and prayers grandparents David and Moy Scott on their first grandchild and great continue for Pearl and family. grandmother Daphne Weston. Lovely Apologies to Daphne Weston for the news. mistake in the last issue. Her late husband was Tony and not David. You Also congratulations to Ryan and Natalie Hallet on the birth of their first child a are very much in our thoughts. daughter Fleur and to another proud The school play due to take place prior grandmother Paula. Hope you are well. to Christmas had to be postponed due to many children away with the various To all who are not well, either in hospital bugs that have been hitting many people or at home, our thoughts and prayers to in the community. However it was held you. We understand that Peter Reynolds in the New Year. “Primary School has been in hospital and we hope you Christmas Musical “ was most certainly are making a good recovery. worth waiting for. It was a very Our Songs of Praise service was taken entertaining show - talent always seems by our church wardens Mary Cann and to be in abundance at Rackenford Herbert Smith and hymns chosen by School. So many laughs with great those who had contacted Marjorie with acting and singing. A very well done to their favourites were sung. Members of the children. the congregation read lessons, poems A service has taken place at Templeton to say goodbye to Rev Steve Goodbody and Sarah. Rev John Roberts thanked Steve for all his years with us in difficult times and for starting Exe Valley Central Church. He was presented with a gift and John wished them both all the very

and prayers. Also many thanks to the bellringers once again. All a great success - hope we can do it again. To anyone who has celebrated special birthdays or anniversaries,

Continued overleaf

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TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP congratulations to you. We hear that It was a cold, wet and windy day for the hire £5 - to book or for more info: 01398 Philippa Fraser has enjoyed her big 50, marriage of Alice Llewellyn to Robert 351391. Richard Cole 60 and a Diamond Windsor-Clive at Stoodleigh on 28 Tea Dance - Thursday 23 April, 2.30February, but the church was warm, the Wedding for Jan and Brian Peace. 4.30pm. New event for the Parish Hall flower arrangements stunning and the come along and take part in a sociable We continue to remember our friends service flowed with sincerity and lovely afternoon and also enjoy tea and cake. Ken Blackford. Mrs Clark, Mrs Arscott musical contributions. We ask God's For more info: 01398 351391. and Bob Mogridge. blessing on their future life together. Date for your diary: Family Fun Dog We send our deepest sympathy to the The traditional Group Agape Meal with Show - Saturday 8 August. Joint event family and friends of Matt Morrissy who Holy Communion will take place at in aid of St Margaret’s Church and the has died - for several years he lived at Cruwys Morchard Village Hall on Parish Hall. Other events are coming up Malson. Maundy Thursday, 2 April. The Easter – keep an eye on the website at On 10 April an Auction of Promises will Day Holy Communion service at St www.middevon.gov.uk/stoodleigh be held at Rackenford Club 7 for 7.30pm. Margaret’s Church will be at 11am. This is to raise money to buy a A Coffee Morning, for church funds, will Stoodleigh 100 Club: Prizewinners for defibrillator for the village. We welcome be held at Church Cottage on January – 1 Sheila Davis, 2 Peter Ayre, any promises or gifts that you feel able Wednesday 13 May, 10.30am - 12.00pm. 3 Felicity Green, 4 Chris Whitehead; to donate and look forward to seeing you February – 1 Roger Hill, 2 Chris We hope for your support! all for this most worthwhile fund raising Whitehead, 3 Heather Burmeister, 4 evening. Any details you require please The weather dawned bright and clear on Geraldine Talbot. contact Helen Hyland 01884 881386. the morning of January 24 for a walking event, with 3-mile and 7-mile walks Church Flowers Let’s make it a good night. Easter Decorating starting at the Parish Hall. There was 5 April A Mealtime Assistant is Urgently 19 / 26 April Dorothy Ayre breakfast beforehand and a sociable required for Rackenford Church of lunch for 40 afterwards. Thanks 3 / 10 May Enid Hamidullah England Primary School. The hours are to everyone who contributed to make 17 / 24 May Pat Aplin from 11.45am-13.15pm. Duties include Phyllis Hill this such a success – we raised £345 31 May setting up tables, supervising children, towards the Parish Hall Improvement clearing trays etc and then playground Fund. We plan to hold another walk on duty. Please call Justine on 01884 Saturday 12 September. 881354. “Seven Years around Stoodleigh” was an If you have anything you would like to evening slide show enjoyed by over 50 ur Easter Garden Service is on include in the magazine please get in people. Wonderful views photographed Good Friday 3 April at 11.00 am. touch. by Jennifer Rowlandson and other village The children will help to build up the contributors, were shared over mulled garden throughout the Service. Our wine and light refreshments. The event Easter Service is on Sunday 5 April at was organised jointly and £386 was 9.30 am. There will be Morning Prayer raised to share between St Margaret’s followed by Holy Communion. e send our thanks to Steve and Church and the Parish Hall funds. Many Our church bells have been inspected Sarah for all their work in our Exe thanks to Jennifer. and they can now be rung after many Valley Mission Community and pray that Coming events at the Parish Hall years of silence. God will bless them in their new area of Easter Market and Coffee Morning pastoral care, following Steve's The Annual General Parochial Church Induction Service at Fremington on Saturday 4 April, 10am – 12 noon. Local Meeting will be held at the Village Hall businesses with goods for sale, stalls Monday 16 March. on Tuesday 14 April at 7.30 pm. If you selling plants, cakes, vegetables and care about Templeton Church in any more. Coffee, tea and cakes. Tables for






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TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP way, or have questions to ask, then please come along and make those thoughts known.

WASHFIELD Blossom and buds say

Over 60 brain-stormers in 10 teams Winter's had its fling came to the now-traditional village quiz Daffodils and primroses in early February. Given the idiosyncrasies of the question-master, herald the news of Spring everyone did remarkably well, but it was t the time of writing the lengthening the memory banks and powers of recall days are encouraging us to look of the Pearson team that triumphed in forward to Spring and Easter. It is the end, followed closely by the lovely to see that the bulbs planted at Boumphrey team. As usual, a wonderful supper was served; everyone had a the entrance to the village are great time and over £400 was raised for beginning to bloom. village funds. We are grateful to the We said our final farewell to Steve and ladies who kindly prepared the food and Sarah at Templeton on 25 January. We all those who gave draw prizes, to this hope that they are now settling in their overall, splendid community event. new home in Fremington. The Village Hall bar area could do with Our Easter Services begin on Good some redecoration, so some dates have Friday with a Meditation Service to be been planned for volunteers to repaint taken by Anna at 3pm. This will be the walls and touch up the hall (April 11/ followed with a cup of tea and a hot 13/15/16/17). Any help would be very cross bun. welcome please! On Easter Saturday our traditional Egg Also the Village Hall and Social Club Decorating and Rolling competitions will Committee are offering a free drink and take place in the church porch. There snacks at their Annual General Meeting will be Easter Egg prizes for all the on Tuesday 5 May at 8 pm. Please come different age groups in both the along and help make any decisions on decorating and rolling contests. All what is most important for the Village welcome. Following the Egg Rolling, a Hall in Templeton! Coffee morning with hot cross buns and We would like to send our condolences biscuits will be held in the hall. Stalls to Alison Withers who recently lost her will include Plants, Produce, Cakes and sister Margo. We send our thoughts and an Easter-themed Raffle. We would be prayers to Alison and her family at this grateful for any donations for these stalls please and for your company at sad time. this friendly event. Proceeds will go into Flower & Cleaning Rota church funds. Phillida Strong - 5 / 12 April Our Easter Holy Communion Service on Julie Dent - 19 / 26 April Easter Sunday is at the little later time of Ginah Palmer - 3 / 10 May 11.15am so don't be taken unawares by Gloria Woollacott - 7 / 24 May this change. Could all the volunteers Bindy Linden - 31 May / 7 June who kindly decorate the church so


beautifully at the closing of Lent please




be good enough to do so on Easter Saturday, thank you. Our Winter services have been well attended. In February Mr Mac Bridgers from CHAT took the Family Service, which was very enlightening and positive. As a result of this insightful talk, our February donation taken to CHAT amounted to over 30 food items. The church APC meeting will be held on Monday 20 April at 7pm in the Village Hall, with cheese and wine. The business of the evening will start at 7.30pm and we would value your support at this vital meeting, as YOUR church goes through a transitional period before a new Rector can be appointed. The Parish Council AGM will be held on Wednesday 15 April at 7.30pm. The speaker at this meeting will be Tiverton teacher Jon Sowden, who will talk about the Tiverton Community Arts Theatre. We send a sincere welcome to Alistair and Rachel Connor (and Missy the cat) as they settle in at Lower Wynefreds. We hope that you will be very happy in your new home and will find us welcoming. Some new occupants of another Washfield home have this to say "Thank you so much to everyone for making us so welcome in the village since we arrived at Moorhayes Farm in October. We are so pleased to have found ourselves surrounded by incredibly friendly and genuine people and in discovering that there is so much going on. It seems to be quite a special place." Patrick, Grandma Mary, Jim and Annabel Taylor-Ross. We are so pleased to hear that Garth is now making a steady recovery, helped by the dedication of Jeanne and their

Continued overleaf

TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP supportive family. Also in our thoughts and prayers are all those who are not enjoying good health at this time. To anyone celebrating special events we send our good wishes. St Mary's, Washfield is pleased to be hosting the Group Service “Songs of Praise” on 31 May. We look forward to seeing friends from our neighbouring parishes at this Service.

Cleaning Rota April 6/13 Mr & Mrs Ellis April 20/27 Mrs French May 4/11 Mrs Arnold May 18/25 Mr & Mrs Parnell June 1/8 Mrs Harding & Mrs Jones

jars they do not need, they would be much appreciated by Margaret for home-made jams and chutneys for the produce stall.


Congratulations to Cruwys Morchard Young Farmers Club who won the Exe Valley Group of Young Farmers’ Pantomime Competition at the High School, Tiverton, which meant they went to the County round at The Pavilion, Exmouth and came a pleasing third.


ur churchyard is once again Dates for your diary adorned with snowdrops and Saturday 4 April Egg Decorating and crocuses with daffodils beginning to Rolling in church porch 10am followed peep through, reminding us that spring by coffee, hot cross buns raffle and is on its way, but at the moment, the stalls in the Hall. weather is not convincing. Saturday 4 April Photographic Quiz at We would like to thank Brenda, Laura Social Club with Washfield images to and Lauren (Paul and Elizabeth’s identify for the grown ups and cartoon granddaughter) for playing the organ for characters for the children. Food from us for our services. We would also like the Ceylon Curry House van later. All to thank all the people on the flower rota. welcome. It is always a pleasure to enter the Tuesday 7 April teatime@the hall from church and see flowers on the altar and 3pm. Come along and partake in tea, in the pedestal during the year except, of cake and friendship. course, during Lent. Thursday 9 April W.I. in hall 7.30pm Our Easter Services are following the Wednesday 15 April Parish Council normal pattern with an Informal Service AGM in hall 7.30pm in the Village Hall on Good Friday with Thursday 16 April Lunch Club in hall coffee and hot cross buns, 10.00 a.m. 12 noon for 12.30. 11.30 a.m. On Easter Sunday there is a Monday 20 April Church PCC AGM in Holy Communion service at 8.30 a.m. hall 7pm followed by breakfast in the Village Hall, Tuesday 5 May teatime@thehall then a short Family Service at 10.30 a.m. from 3pm. All welcome We would be pleased to see you at any Thursday 14 May W.I. in hall 7.30pm one, two or all of these as we celebrate Thursday 21 May Lunch Club in hall 12 Easter. noon for 12.30 There is Fete planning meeting at Bona Saturday 23 May Eurovision Song Vista on Monday, 27 April at 8.00 p.m. Contest Evening at Social Club with Please come along with your offers of food from the Ceylon Curry House Van. help and ideas for stalls and sideshows Altar Flower Rota for the Fete, which is to be held on Saturday, 18 July at Bona Vista. If you April 5/12 Mrs Ellis are unable to attend the meeting, but April 19/26 Mrs S Balment can help in any way, please ring Brenda, May 17/24 Mrs Trout 252431. If anybody has empty small jam May 31/June 7 Mrs Albery

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Secretaries, please note our Christmas Craft Fayre this year will be on Saturday, 28 November.

Two more people to congratulate are Louise Kittow and Richard Tucker. Louise, representing Withleigh Young Farmers, won Senior Member of the Year of the Exe Valley Group and came a highly commendable fourth when competing in the Devon round. Richard Tucker wrote and directed the pantomime for Cheriton / Tedburn Young Farmers Club which came first at Exmouth to represent Devon in the South West Area Pantomime competition at Weston Super Mare where they were again placed first, and now progress to the South of England round. Our Young Farmers in the Exe Valley certainly have some talent! Get well wishes to those not well at the moment and hope the warmer weather will bring forth better health. We also think of all those known to us who have been recently bereaved. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our Easter Beetle Drive will be held on Friday 27 March, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Come along to win an Easter Egg and enjoy the fun. Only £1 per person to play all evening.

TONI&GUY Quayside House 5 Highland Terrace Barrington Street Tiverton Devon EX16 6PT


TODAY April / May 2015

PARISH ROUND-UP Several of us enjoy a game of Short Mat Bowls in the Village Hall every Wednesday evening beginning at 7.30pm. We have some friendly matches at different times throughout the year, and have a competition running within the club every week. If anyone feels they would like to join us, either as a beginner or a seasoned player, you would be very welcome. Call Duncan 252949, or Brenda 252431 if you would like more details.

more details. New members are always welcome. Below is the programme for the next few months. Thursday 16 April, with Dr and Mrs C Holme, speaking on the Charity for Child Bereavement, 'Balloons'. Thursday 14 May, AGM and Resolutions with Washfield at Washfield Village Hall. Thursday 11 June, with Fiona Swan, Nordic Walking, come with suitable shoes for a short walk.

Friday 3 April – Good Friday service in the Village Hall Sunday 5 April – Easter Sunday services, and breakfast.

Withleigh WI, meet on the second Thursday of each month, usually in the Village Hall. Call Rosie on 01884 257123 or e-mail [emailprotected] for

Forthcoming Events; Friday 27 March; Beetle Drive in the Hall @ 7.30pm.

Monthly Diary Dates: First Thursday – Bingo Second Monday – Whist Drive Second Thursday – W.I.

Flower rota: 5 April – EASTER 12 / 19 April Margaret Gale 26 April / 3 May Linda Taylor 10 / 17 May 10 Ann Gornall & Maureen Stubbington 24 / 31 May Janet Stacey

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TODAY April / May 2015

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Hacks, Pony Days, lessons for age 5 and over. Beginners, novice and experienced riders welcome! Experienced and qualified instructors. Licensed by North Devon Council. For details and bookings call Lisa on: 01884 861624. , Cruwys Morchard, Tiverton. We offer both Bed and Breakfast and self catering cottages. Open all year, visitors can enjoy a unique peaceful atmosphere, beautiful gardens and a fishing lake. Our swimming pool is available for use by guests during the summer months. For further information please phone Rosemary 01884 253486 or visit our web-site www.oldfordhouse.co.uk . All breeds welcome for shampooing, trimming, clipping or hand-stripping. Contact Julie Cridland, 6 West Exe North, Tiverton, EX16 5LX. Tel: 01884 798786. Website: www.diamondogstiverton.co.uk. Personal Training and Fitness Small Groups, 1 to 1, Boxing, Circuits, Pilates Jennifer Bricknell Tel: 07090008726 www.jenniferbricknell.co.uk

Satin Touch Sheila Yeo Alterations Repairs Veils Tiaras Bespoke Fascinators Men’s Formal Wear Hire 60 Bampton Street Tiverton Devon

01884 259734 Loxbeare Village Hall Perfect venue for up to 50 people Coffee Mornings, Small Group and Club Meetings, Family Parties, Social Evenings, Reunions All with Full Access. Recently improved and extended 10m x 5m Meeting Room. Full kitchen facilities. Toilet. Rates £5/hour - for further details contact Richard Vickery on 01884 881234 or email [emailprotected]

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.