The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

UNION, SPRINGFIELD, Rev. Frank F. Dunn of the Feeding lat Hills Congregational church officiatIng. Burial will be in Springfield St. cemetery, Feeding Hills.

Friends may call at the funeral home tomorrow night front 7 to 10.. 40, Mrs. Nellie Wells Nellie (Twohig) Wells, widow Mrs. of George W. Wells, of 27 Groveland died Sunday at her home after a brief illnesa.

Born in Hampton, she had been a resident of this city for more than 50 years, and was one of the earliest members of Holy Name parish. Sho leaves three sons, G. lison Wells. Frederick 1. Wells Hartford and John J.

Walls, two sisters, Mra, Conningham and Miss Josie Twohle, with whom she made her home, nine grandchildren and seven great -grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held at the Hafey funeral home Wednesday morning at 8.15, followed by a solemn requiem high mass in Holy Name Church at 9. Burial will be in Calvary Comotery, Chicopee. Eugene H. Saunders Cemetery.

Eugene Saunders, 40, of 538 P'lainfield su, died at Springfield Hospital Sunday. He WAS born Sept. 3, 1908, in Springfield, sOn of Mary (Bourdo) and John Saunders, and had lived here all his life. Mr. Saunders had been employed as michinist by the Fisk Rubber Corp.

He leaves his wife, Theresa D. (Moosette) Saunders, five stop-children, Theresa Richardson, of Chicopee, Fred Card. aropli of Oklahoma, and Mary Inyward. Anthony and Eugene Cardaropli, ot Springfield. lie also leaves his mother and step-father, Mr.

and Mrs. Roy G. Buckingham of four sisters, Mrs. Thomas. B.

Rice of North Agawam, Mrs. Karl K. Page of Keane, N. Mrs. Ernest Clowes of Southwick and Joanne Saunders of Springfield, brother, John H.

Saunders of Springfield and his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bourda of Southwick. The funeral will held at the parlors of Co. Wednesday at 10.30. Interment will be in Oak Grove The funeral of Mrs.

Louisa (Hatch) Bliss, 83. of 32 Vassar St. widow of J. Elliot Bliss, was held at the parlors of Dickinson -Streeter Co. Monday at 2.

Rev. Dr. John Homer Miller, pastor of Hope Consregational Church. officiated. Interment was in Longmeadow Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Cora (Pierre) Hanks, 63. wife of Harry A. Hanks of Rockville Somers, will be held at the parlors of DickinsonStreeter Co. Wednesday al 2.

Rev. Ray Allison Heaps will officiate. Interment will be in Quahbin Park Cemetery, Ware. The funeral of, Louis J. Orst, who died Friday from injuries received in an automobile collision in Georgia while on his honeymoon, will be held Tuesday at 9.15 the George B.

Tazzini funeral home. followed by A high mass of requiem in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church at 10.30. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs.

(Bererd) Claing of Allen Hampden. was held Monday at the George -t. Pierre funeral home, followed by high mass in St. Mary's Church, Rev. George K.

Dudley WAS colebrant. The bearers Leo La Belle. Ernald Gelinas, Albert Saczawa, 100 In Belle, Frank and Albert Cling. Fr. Dudloy read the commital service at the grave in St.

Mary's Cemetery. Hampden. The funeral of Miss Annie C. Bush of 20 Tacoma St. was held Monday at the Byron funeral home with solemn high mass nt regulem followIDE in Our lady of Hope Church.

Rev. John J. Power, was celebrant. Rev. Raymond Cashman, Afstant pastor.

WAS deacon. and Rev. tdmund Walsh. assistant pastor was subdeacon. .1 delegation from the Ladies Catholic Henevolent Associaten, comprising Miss Helen Brunton.

Miss Nora O'Brien. Miss Helen Coughlin. sirs. Minnie Mack, and Mrs. Jane Carmody.

attended the services a body. Active bearers were John James Scahill. Robert Hart land James Kant, all 'of this Burial was in St. Michael's Cemetery, with Fr Cashman conducting the committal rites. Private funeral services for James Atkins nf 320 Wethersfield Hartford.

were held Monday 654 LUNCHEON SPECIAL The Sheraton Hotel TUESDAY, TUESDAY, At the parlors of Dickinson-9treeter 305-307 State Wednesday morning at 10.30, with an organ prelude at 10. Interment will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. The funeral of Joseph Staliare of 70 Norwood St. WAN held Monday at the F. M.

Forastiero and Son funeral home, followed by A requiem high IONS in Our Litdy of Mount Carmel Church. Rev. Edwin Kelley, C. J'. 8., officiated.

Bearers were John and Mimi D'Angolantonio, Dominick Romao, Samuel Ragone, Bart Ashinene, and Joseph Panetta, all of this city. Burial WaN in St. Michael's Cemetery, with Rev. Seraphim I'lazsi reading the prayers at the grave. The funeral of Louis Mango of 143 Cedar who died Friday of injuries suffered In All explosion at Springfield ding Light week ago, WIN hell Monday at the F.

M. Forasthere and Son funeral home, with solemn high mass of requiem ing in Our Lady of Mount Carmel' Church. Rev. George Linse, C. P.

W'AN celebrant, Rev. Arthur Cerino, C. P. 8.. was deacon, and Rev.

Edwin Kelley. C. J'. wag subdeacon. bearers, representing the Gas Light Union, Local 12.026, comprised William Albon, Patrick Foley, Edward Bell and Arthur Apitz Active hearers were James Chechile.

Henry J'oaline, Vincent l'essalano, Louis Mango, and Ralph and Anthony Planzo, all of this city. Burial WAS in St. Michael's Cemetery. with Rev. Seraphim Piazz1.

C. 1'. conducting the committal rites. The funeral of Mrs. I.

Excholz of 122 Maraden was held at Byron's funeral home Monday afternoon. Rev. William F. McCormack officiated. Burial wag Oak Grove etory.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Collette of 37 Elmwond St. WAS held at By- the Byron funeral home. Rev. Burton B.

Sinith of Hope Congregational Church officiated. Burial was Hillerest Park Cemetery. The funeral of Eugene H. Saunders, of, 538 Plainfield will be held ron's funeral home Monday afternoon. Nov.

Chesley S. Lantz and Nov. John B. Lewis officiated. Bearers were Merle Amidon.

Robert Wynn, Harvey Collette. George Beauregard. Armand Berthiume and Fred Roiley. Burial was in Aspen. Grove Cemetery, Ware.

Educators Name Interin Leader Miss Una D. Hilliker was elected interim president of the Springfiell Education Association at A meeting of the executive hoard yesterday, to All the vacancy caused by the resignation of Cyrus Gannon. She will serve until the next general meeting. March 29. when the choice of Miss Hilikor either will be confirmed or someone else named.

Miss Both M. 'Mason. vice-president, declined election as president. The unexpired term of Mr. Gannon runs through June.

GOP Women Hear Ren. Chamberlain Rep. Wendell P. Chamberlain sr4ke to members of the Springfield Women's Republican Club last night at headquarters in the Winthrop Building. lie discussed two bills pending in the Legislature in hich he is particularly interested: One.

Aled by him. to make it mandatory for the commissioner of taxation to distribute to: the cities and towns of Massachusetts. on or before March 15, 000 out of revenue from the income aland corporation tux accounts: the serond. a bill to authorize two judgeships in District Court "The Springfield legislator is ins hard for the bill concerning the distribution of tax money because 'ne money "rightfully belongs to the cities and towns, this will mean A 33 reduction in the Springfield tax Rep. Chamberlain indicated he will qppose the bill calling for two district court judzes in Spring feld when it.

comes un for hearing hefore the Judiciary Committee this morning at 10.30 in Roston. IT'S BY MUSIC THREE THE KINGS DANCING IN NIGHTLY ROOM BRIDGWAY NO NO MINIMUM Out Of Respect To The Memory Of The President Of Our Company 4 Mr. John B. Nelen WHO DIED IN WORCESTER LAST SATURDAY We Will Be Closed TUESDAY MORNING KAVANAGH FURNITURE CO. 4 I MARCH 8, 1949 Deaths REYNOLDS DIES AT HOME Wife of Farmers' Exchange Manager Long Ill Sylvia (Crowell) Reynolds, 57.

wit's, Quentin Reynolds, executive general manager of the Eastern States Farmer's Exchange, at her home at 24 Converse Longmeadow Monday after a long illness, A native of Newton Conter. where she was born on March 21, 1891, Mrs. Reynolds was the daughter of Thomas Irving Crowell and, Minnie Helen (LeCrowell. lived in Montclair. N.

from 1399 until 1020. She attended Vassar College and! was graduated in 1914. She married Mr. Reynolds in 1915 and they took up farming in Littleton, N. in 1920.

There she was active in "the Women's Farm and Home League and served as president one year. Her farm activities included the production of a cheeso which became famous throughout the country. It was by Mrs. Reynolds under a formula made, discovered on the Bowles Farm on Sugar Hill. When Mr.

Reynolds joined the staff of the Farmers Exchange in 1923 he moved his family to Springfield, and in 1930 they moved to Longmendow. Mrs. Reynolds had taught in Springpublic schools and in the MacDuffie School. She was all active member of the League of 'Women Voters, the Springfield Women's Club. the College Club.

Vassar Club of Connecticut Valley and the First Church of Christ in Longmeadow until ill health forced her to give up all activities. She is survived by her four children, Agnes, Quentin, Sylvia and Carolyn. and by two brothers, Thomas I. Crowell of Caldwell. N.

and Robert L. Crowell of North Stamford. Conn. Private memorial services will be at 2.30. Friends are requested to omit held at the home Tuesday afternoon flowers.

Sgt. O'Donnell's Body Will Arrive Today The body of Staff Sgt. Patrick J. O'Donnell. son of Mago and Nora (O'Donnell) O'Donnell of 724 Carew will arrive in Springfield Tuesday afternoon.

Sgt. O' Dounell was killed In action Nov. 12. 1944. while serving with the Air Force in Italy.

Entering the service Feb. 23. he 1 ok his training at Wright Field. Lowry Field, and Lorado Field. as an aeriel gunner on a B-24 Liberator.

Before he was killed. 8gt. O'Donnell had received two oak leaf clusters, the Air Medal and the CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our relatives, friends, ness neighbors and sympathy shown us during our and organizations for their cent bereavement. Also for the beautiful Goral and spiritual bonquets. MRS.

VICTORIA ST. MARTIN and Family. DIED William P. Brennan, son of Thomas and ARENNAN-In Italy, Feb. 16, 1911, Priv.

St. Funeral this afternoon at St. MiMary (Brady) Brennan of FO Cambridge chael's Cemetery. Russell service. -At Mercy Hospital.

Springfield the John Cashman. 67. of 13 Dubois Westfield Funeral from the late home Tuesday morning at 8.15. Requiem high mass following in St. Mary's Church at LA Burial in St.

Mary's Cemetery. O'Meara service. OHMURA-At Wilbraham. the 7th, Mrs. Mary Chmura, wife of John Chinura of 1212 Weston Wilbraham.

Funeral Wednesday at 8.15 from the home followed by a high mass of requiem in Immaculate Conception Church at Burtal in St. Aloysius Cemetery, Ochrymowicz service. DELANEY--In Springfield. the 6th. Robert WV.

Delaney, 1338 Linden Holyoke. The funeral will take place at the John B. Shea funeral home. Holyoke, Tuesday at 8.15, followed by a solemn hich mass of requiem at 9 in St. Patrick's Chapel.

Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. FRISBIE- -In G'anville, the 6th, Nelson M. Frisbie, age 95. The funeral will be held at the Firtion-Hollister funeral home. 29 School St.

Westfield, Tuesday afternoon at 3. Rev. Kenneth Brookg will officiate. Interment at the convenience of the family. 5.

George T. Greenhalgh, husband of the In Pawtucket. R. March late Grace (Page) Greenhalgh. age 83 years of 140 Walcott St.

Angelia wife of Harry A. HANKS--In the 6th. Cora Hanks of Rockville Rd. Funeral at the parlors of the Dickinson-Streete. State Springfield.

Wednesday afternoon at 2. with organ prelude at 1.30. Interment Quabbin Park Cemptery. Ware. Mass.

KIROUAC- -In Chicopee, the 5th, Napoleon Kirouar of Center Chicopee. Funeral from the Grise funeral home, Tuesday morning at $.15. Solemn requ'em high mass at the Assumption Church 9. Burial in Calvary Cemetery. KISIELEWSKI-In Amherst.

the tith. Mri. Ludwika (Dombrowski) Kisiplewski, West Amherst. The funeral will take place at the home Wednesday of at 8. requiem followed by solemn high mass at 9 In Holy Rosary Church.

Hadley. Burial In Holy Rosary Cemetery. ladley. Michalik funeral service, Holyoke. M'AULIFFE-In Holyoke, the 7th, Dennis J.

McAuliffe, 21 Worcester PI. The funera! will take place at the John R. Shea funeral home. Wednesday at 8.10, followed by A solemn high mass of requient At 9 in Sacred Heart Church. Burial will be in Notre Cemetery.

NIETZOLD -In Northampton, the Tth, Gutstav 1. Vietzold. 82. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.

Herbert Sally 303 South St. Private funeral at the Newell funeral home Wednesday at with orKan prelude at 1.30, and burial in Spring Grova Cemetery. Florence. Friends are Asked to omit flowers. NELEN -At Worcester, the 5th, John B.

Nelen, husba of Irene F. (Dickey) Nelen nf 8 Winsor Worcester. Funoral from the State St. parlors of the T. P' Sampson Tuesday morning 8.15, followed by requiem high mass IJoly Family Church at 9.

Burial St. Michael's Cemetery. Friends invited. FRANK M. Page BEAUTIFUL Moderately Priced Howers STORE GREENHOUSES 133 STATE St.

121 Columbus Ave. 7-0235 2-4214 Schlatter's FUNERAL FLOWERS Store SPECIALISTS 12 Pynchon FOR OVER 50 YEARS Greenhouse St. Tel. 2-3107 431 Bay St. Tel.

3-9013 Moderately Priced FUNERAL FLOWERS Attractively Arranged SPRAYS and WREATHS Hithen, Flowers 22-24 Vernon St. Tel. 3.3104 TE I HANco*ck AGENTS REPORT AT NOON Protest What Union Calls 'Stalling' John Hanco*ck I. Life Insurance Co. agenta; members of Local 46, United Office and I'rofessional Workers of America, CIO, after union meeting! yesterday morning went to work! about noon.

Another Soon Aldo Molino, president of Local 46, said it is likely another meeting will held the Arst part of nest week. He said things are "back to normal and will be 80 until further developments. Agents' Protest Yesterday's meeting held when agents ordinarily aro at work. WAS in protest of what the union has called company "stalling" in contract negotiations being conducted in New York on a national scale. Destruction of an airplane on Feh.

24. 1918, led to the entry of a $30,000 suit against the Underwriters at Lloyd's London in Superior Court yesterday. The plaintiff is Abraham Kam- LLOYD'S LONDON SUED FOR. $30,000 Bruning Trustee Claims Destroyed Plane Insured berg. trustee in bankruptcy for BrunAviation, Inc.

of this city. According to the declaration. the plane was covered by a $20,000 policy issued by Lloyd's to pay for its loss hy destruction resulting from flight. and the aft was so totally destroyed last Web-ling runry, with A loss of $20.000. 0 Ely.

King, Kinsbury Lyman are attorney's for the plantiff. Employers' Group New President NORM.AN K. CLARKE Norman P. Clarke, president of the Westfield Manufacturing was elected president of the Employers Association of Western Massachusetts at a meting of the board of directors He yesterday succeeds noon at William G. the T.

Spalding Hotel Brown, Bros. Kimball. vicepresident of Other officers are: vice-president, M. F. Paterson, treasurer of the Uhited States Envelope secretary.

T. 11. Hutton, who was re-elected; assistant secretary, Walter G. Vrakey. the election Mr.

Hutton gave Before, on the annual meeting of the association last week. HAS NEW MAILBOX John Hall of 517 Wilhraham has patented plastic mailbox that rings the doorbell when mail is placed inside or when any attempt is nade to tamper with it. The box has sevcral other advantages, including hetheftproof. It is made of transrarent plastic, and a person can toll lat a glance whether their is mail inside. Ravioli Take home these delicious pastry squares generously filled with pork, chicken and lightly spiced Italian meats.

dozen AND' VENICE ITALIAN SAUCE pint S1 quart Tortellini to toke out $1.50 Hundred (No order toe large or small) Phone 4-3584 RESTAURANT A 960 MAIN STREET GOP WOMEN TO HEAR NIXON Leader in House Speaks Here April 2 (Special to The Union) Washington, D. March 1-Rep. Richard M. Nixon of California will 1xe speaker at the annual dinner of the Springfield District Women's Republican Club in Springfield Saturday, April 2. it was announced here today.

This date will mark the Arst appearance of Rep. Nixon in Now England this year Rep. is a member of the Comfrittee on Un-American Af. fairs and of the House Labor Committee. The annual dinner of the District Club is its largest affair of the season and each year an outstanding Re.

publican leader addresses the gathering. Rep. w'ho is only 36 years old. comes from Whittier, and. is serving his second term as a member of the House Representatives.

He served as a commander in the Navy during the war. He in An attorney and has written a book on rules in automobile accident litigation. WELSH POET DIES Aberystwyth. Wales. March 7 (AP)Thomas Gwynn Jones.

18, poct, playwright. and authority on Welsh literature died at his home tonight. WEST SIDE: TOWN EMPLOYEES' BANQUET--The first annual banquet of the. West Springfield Employees' Association was held last night at the Wayside. with more than 150 present.

Standing is John F. Shea, general chairman of the committee, and seated are Lawrence D). Brady, left, president of the association, Employees' and A. Omer Union Moulton. of assistant treasurer of the Municipal Credit Springfield.

Purple Heart for wounds received in battle in Balzone. Italy. He WAS graduated from. Cathedral High School in 1941 and had been employed as a clerk at the Mohican Market for a year and a half before entering the service. He was a member of Our Lady of Hope Church.

Besides his parents. he leaves two sisI ters, Drs. Mary Scheuffele and Jirs. Kathleen Canavan, both of Springfield. Full military funeral will be hell at the Edward F.

O'Donnell funeral. home Wednesday at 9.15. followed by a solemn requiem high mass in Our Lady of Hope. Church at 10. Burial will be Michael's Cemetery.

Friends may call at the 1.1- neral home after 7 p. m. tomorrow. Please omit flowers. Harold W.

Fletcher Harold 11. Fletcher of Brookline and well-known in this city. died recently in Brookline Hospital. He was buried in Hillerest Park Cemetery here last week. For many years he was an engineer with the New Eng(land Telephone Telegraph Co.

and belonged to the Masonic Order with membership in 'Knights Templar and loyal Arch Chapter. Te leaves his widow and his father and a sister. William F. Colling William French Collins. formerly of this city, died Monday at a private hospital in Wilkinsburg.

after a long illness. Word of his death was received from William Howes Collins. Funeral services will he held at St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Brentwood, Wednesday morning at 11 a.m.

Mrs. Su-an V. Hinckley Mrs. Susan V. Hinckley.

ST. of 162 Front Chicopee. died Monday morning. She was the widow. of Robert P.

Hinckley. She was born i in Illinois and lived in Springtield many years ago. She was A member of the Methodist Church of Naugatuck, DIED O'DONNELL-In Italy, Nov. 12. 1944.

Patrick Joseph O'Donnell, son of Mago and Nora Donnell) O'Donnell of 74 Carew St Full military funeral from the Edward F. O'Donnell funeral home 494 Chestnut Wednesday morning at 9.13 at Our Lady of Hope Church at 10. followed by a solemn requiem high mass Burial in St. Michael's Cemetery. Friends mAy call at the funeral home After m.

Tuesday. Please omit flowers. Holyoke papers please copy. cis F. a (Bob) O'Neill.

23. son John Italy. June 3, 1944. Sgt. Franand Alice I.

(Conroy) O'Neill of 83 Walnut St. Fuli military tuneral from the State Street parlors of the T. P. Sampson Co. Wednesday morning at 9:13, followed by a solemn high mass of requiem in St.

Michael's Cathedral at 9 Interment in Michael's Cemetery. Friends Invited. ORSI -In Athens. the 4th. Louis Orsi.

35. of 69 Gardner husband of Jirs. Ines (Battigni) Orgi. Funeral will be held from the (jeorze B. Tazzini funeral home.

22 Locust Tuesday morning at 9.43. tollowed by high mass at Mt. Carmel Churc.1 at :0.30. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery.

-Ch: opee. the 6th. Patrick Quinian of West Front St. Funeral from the Jaggerty funeral home Wednesday at b.15. Requiem high masa at Patrick'a Holy Name at 9.

Burial in St. Cemetery. Chicopee Falls. REYNOLDS-At her home in Longmeadow, the ith. Sylvia Crowell.

beloved wife of Quentin. Private memorial service at 2.30 p. m. March 8 at Converse Longineadow. Please omit flow era.

RONDEAU -In Holyoke. the ith, Mrs. Amanda (Arbour) Rondeau, 264 Sargeant St. The funeral will take plane at the Dillon funeral home. Arrangements are incomplete.

ROIKO-In Holyoke, the 5th. Julian Rojko. 78, of 91 lligh hushand of Mrs. Ludwika (Kaza) Rojko. Funeral at the Czelusniak funeral home Tuesday at 8:30.

foilowed by a solemn high maes of requiem at the Mater Dolorosa Church at 9. Burial will be 10 Mater Dolorosa Cemetery. SANFORD-At Ludlow, the 5th, Harry Sanford, 44, of 33 P'rospect husband of Doris Sanford. Funeral services at the Union Church of Christ Tuesday afternoon at Burial in Hillcrest Park Cemetery. Priends may call at the Kapinos funeral home Monday.

2-4 and 7-10. MAUNDERS- In this city, the tith. Eugene HI. Saunders, 40, of 338 Plainfield St. Funeral Al the parlors of DickinsonStreeter State W'ednesday at 10.30 8.

In. with organ prelude at 10. Interment in Oak Grove Cemetery. SULLIVAN-In this city, the 6th, James J. Sullivan.

husband of Edith D. (Garen) Sullivan and son of the late James J. and Mary (McCarthy) Sullivan of 18 Underwood St. Funeral from his late home Wednesday morning at 8 followed by solemn high mass of requiem at Sacred Fleart Church at 9. Interment in St.

Michal's Cemetery. Friends invited. T. Sampson service. TAYLOR-In Feeding IMils, the 7th.

Mrs, Jennie D. (Othick) Taylor. widow of George W. Taylor of 497 South Westfield St. Funeral services at the Curran fuperal home Wednesday Afternonn At 2.34 o'clock.

Burial in Springfield St. Cometory. Calling hours Tuesday evening 7 to TWINE--In New Haven. the 4th. Henry Twine.

aged 73. Funeral will be held from the George Tazzini funeral home. 241 Locust Tuesday morning at 8. tollowed by high mass at St. Mary's Church, East Springfield.

at 9. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery. WADSWORTH-In Becket, the 7th, Harvey R. Wadsworth.

73, formerly of Westfield. Funeral froin the F. C. Haley funeral home, Chester. Wednesday at 2.

Burial in Becket Center Cemetery. WEED -In Noble Hospital. Westfield. the 5th Mrs. Catherine (Lannon) Weed.

wife of Raymond W'eed of 11. Mechanic St. Funeral to be held from 0'Meara funeral home. Funeral arrangements to be announced later WELLS--In this city the 6th, Mrs. Nellie (Twohig) Wells, widow of George W'.

Wells of 27 Groveland St. Funeral from the Hafey funeral home, 491 Belmont Ave. Wednesday morning at A.13 followed by requiem high MASS at Holy Name at 9. Burial will he at Calvary Cemetery. TOTO'S SAT.

NITE ONLY SMORGASBORD $2. Min. Person Sun. 5.10 $2 For Good Food 5 Between Holyoke and Northampton PHONE HOLYOKE 2.2923 and then Golden Cross, also of Naugatuck, leaves Three sons, Roselle Wt linckley of Bridgeport. Theodore S.

Hinekley of. Naugatuck, and Robert L. Hinckley of Chicopee: 11 grandchildren am 12 great The funeral will the Methodist Church, Naugatuck, Wednesday afternoon at 2. Rev. Matthew H.

Gates will officiate. Burial will be in Grove Cemetery, Naugatuck. Friends may call at Byron's funeral home Tuesday afternoon from to 5 and Tuesday from 7 to 9. Flowers must be inspected. Robert C.

Stanton Robert C. Stanton. hushand Elizabeth W. (Toomey) Stanton. formerly of this city.

died suddenly of a heart attack in his home in New Rochelle. N. D. Sunday. Mr.

Stanton, who had been in charge of the Boston office of the Kirsch Manufacturing for many years, been transferred to the New York office about a year ago. Besides his widow. he leaves two daughters. Roberta E. and Mary Virginia: six brothers, Rev.

John F. Stanton of Steelton. Walter and of Mount Carmel.I James of Belleville, N. Clement of Pittsburg. and Vincent of Camp Hill, Pa.

The funeral will be at the State St. parlors of the T. P. I Sampson Co. Wednesday at 9.

followed by 3 requiem high mass in St. Michael's Cathedral at 10. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery. W.

I'. Brennan The bout of l'vt. William P. Brennan. son of Thomas and Mary Brennan of 60 Cambridge who died February 15.

1914. As the result of wounds received while serving with the S. Air Force over Italy, arrived in this. city Monday afternoon. I'rior to entering the service, he had attended American International College in 1943 and 1913.

majoring in liberal arts. During the war he took part in aerial campaigns in Tunisia. Salerno and Italy. His parents later received the Purple Heart Besides his parents, leaves a sister. Mrs.

Francis Dunai of Suffield. Conn. Funeral services were held Mon-: day at St. Michael's Cemetery, with Rev. Robert Sullivan of Holy Fam- ily Church officiating.

Bearers. members of VEW Post 70. John W. Welsh, Merritt Clark, Vernon Villenve, Howard Brent, James Cocrane, Joseph Malmborg. The funeral WAS in charge of the Russell funeral home.

Mrs. Jennie D. Taylor Mrs. Innie 1). (O hick) 1'.

ylor. 85. wirlow o' H. Taylor of Westfield Feeding Hills. died stone day At he.

home after long illness. Horn in Girard, Aug. 21. 1863. the daughter of the late James and Sarah (Carpenter) Othick.

she had resided in Feeding Hills for $3 years. She was A member of the Feeding Hills Congregational ('hurch and A charter member of the Feeding Hills Community Grange. Surviving are a 4011. Herbert Taylor of Feeding Hills; two daughters, Mrs. Sara F.

Brown. also of Feeding Hills, and Mrs. Edna Kent of Suffield, a sister. Mrs. Elsie Bowker of Greenfield.

13 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held at the Curran- Jones funeral home. West Springfield. Wednesday at 2.30 with LENTEN MEALS As always, the Highland Hotel features large and varied selec. tion of appetizing lenten dishes daily for your.

enjoyment. SUNDAY SMORGASBORD THE HIGHLAND "EVERY MEAL A PLEASANT When It's Time To Eat, "It's Time To Refresh 1 BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Springfield, Mess. 1949. The Core-Cola Company 1 7.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.