Two To Wrangle (Hotel Rodeo, #2) (2024)


691 reviews90 followers

January 13, 2016

Release Date: February 16th 2016
Story Rating ~ 4 Stars
Hero Rating ~ 5 SEXY STARS!
Heroine Rating ~ 4 Stars
Romance Rating ~ 4 Stars
Heat Level ~ 3.75
Ending ~ 3.5 Stars
Overall Rating ~ 4, I’m So Glad They Got It Together Stars!

Two To Wrangle is book 2 in The Hotel Rodeo series written by Victoria Vane. It takes place right where Hell On Heels leaves off.

Tom, Monica’s father and Ty’s father figure has passed away. My emotions were totally wreaking havoc on me, I felt Monica and Ty’s loss to my very core. Then Tom’s will came into play and I was fist bumping the air! I LOVE what Tom did to ensure that Monica and Ty were still going to be a part of each other’s lives.

This story is still very much about Ty getting a loan to renovate the Hotel Rodeo which he now owns 75% of and Monica the other 25%. The thing is, Ty does not want to run the hotel on his own, he wants Monica to be his full time partner. Monica on the other hand is having trust issues, she thinks once Ty gets what he wants that he will leave her for another. Then add in Evan, Monica’s ex and Delany, Ty’s ex and things get a little crazy.

Once again my favorite character was Ty. He was one SEXY cowboy! I LOVED how he opened up to Monica, showed her that he had feelings for her and told her his life’s dreams. I liked Monica too but I felt she let her insecurities take hold of her way too much.

Victoria definitely brought the sexy times between Ty and Monica into play. The sex/love scenes were SCORCHERS, leaving me all worked up and wishing that Ty was all mine.

The ending was good, Ty finally got through Monica’s insecurities and they were going to work things out. I just have to say that I thought there was going to be more, I felt that it just ended too abruptly for me. I wanted more details about the hotel’s renovations and to REALLY know where these two were headed for in the long run. I’m hoping these things might get mentioned in the next book, Beauty and the Bull Rider which is scheduled to be released March 15th 2016. This will be Ty’s ex-wife Delaney’s and Ty’s best friend Zac’s story. I can hardly wait to read what Victoria has planned for these two.

Warning, you must read Hell on Heels before reading Two To Wrangle.

*I received an ARC from the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*


549 reviews43 followers

January 14, 2016

Part 2 in the Hotel Rodeo series, this book took up exactly where we left off in part 1. Monica has stayed in Las Vegas to oversee Tom's funeral arrangements and finalise his business affairs. Evan the obnoxious douche is still lingering and trying to convince Monica to return to New York with him and to sell him the hotel. Tom's will puts a spanner in his manipulations because he didn't leave everything to Monica as everyone thought and this gives Ty a chance to convince Monica to stay with him and give the hotel a chance. We find out what Delaney wanted from Ty and though I wasn't all that surprised, I was surprised by what she offered in exchange. I found both exes to be selfish and manipulative but I think Delaney might get a chance at redemption in part 3, we'll see.

I enjoyed part 2 much more than part 1, probably because Ty and Monica actually talked to and listened to each other this time around. There were a couple of occasions when I wanted to slap Monica for her dithering but overall I enjoyed the story and the happy ending. Ty really pulls out all the stops when it comes to something he really wants.

*Received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

    2015-reading-challenge arc contemporary

Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

699 reviews51 followers

February 21, 2016

“Ty gets what he always wanted, controlling interest in Hotel Rodeo. Monica is not sure where she fits in Ty’s life, until Ty asks her to come on board as a partner. Monica always thinks the worst in people, so she assumes Ty only wants her for her money. She is not sure where she belongs with Evan or Ty. Monica only gives Ty one week to pitch his idea, if she likes it she will consider staying. There Ty sits at the bar drowning his sorrows, Monica the only woman he ever made love to in his own bed. The next day she flees and runs back into her ex-finance’s arms. When he had to tell her about Tom, it broke him and his feelings for her confused him. Outside the bedroom they mixed like oil and water, but in the bedroom they lit the sheets up on fire. Ty was still attracted to Monica and couldn’t understand why because she didn’t any interest in his life or his world. When they go to Oklahoma to bury Tom Monica sees a new side to Ty. She becomes more attached to him and that scares her. After a bender Monica helps Ty up to is room to sleep it off, he wants to spill his guts. He wants her to understand how important the Hotel is to him. Ty tells Monica all about Delaney and the only woman he wanted was her. Tom had taught Monica what it was to be oved. That’s the only thing she ever wanted was to love and to be loved. Now Tom was gone and she was hurt and lost, but most of all she felt so alone. She figured Ty was in the same boat as her. But was she ready to take a chance on him and be hurt in the end? She did not know the answer to this and was more confused when she tried to think things thru. They flew back to Texas for the final rodeo. Ty asked Monica to come but she declined. After sorting thru Tom’s affairs, she decided she needed to see for herself what Ty’s world was about. Ty is sitting in the bar when Monica makes her appearance he about falls off his stool. They go to the rodeo and his friend Zac is up second and after his eight seconds he is still on the bull bucking. Ty realizes he is in trouble so he jumps the fence to help. He puts himself in front of the bull and gets hit in the chest full force. Monica is about to go out of her mind thinking Ty is dead. Once he goes back to his seat Monica is Furious at him and is about to walk away when Ty tells her he loves her back. His statement renders Monica dumb and frozen. This book is just as good as the first. There are three books in all and I encourage you to read this series. The story is not fast paced and the characters have solid backgrounds. There are sex scenes but nothing graphic.

Romance Readers Retreat

2,346 reviews222 followers

February 16, 2016

Two To Wrangle is the second book in the Hotel Rodeo series and follows on from book #1, Hell On Heels.

We pick up where we left off. Ty has, for the first time in years, opened himself up to the possibilities he's thought weren't what he ever wanted again - only to have them backfire.
But in the face of a tragic loss, he sees one more shot at this new venture.

Monica can't believe that he's gone and is now left not knowing what to do. Does she return to her old life? Loveless, stressful and settling? Or does she dare put her heart on the line? The truth is, Monica has never felt needed and doesn't think that's going to change. She's always been used for what she can get someone and doesn't believe that Ty is any different.

With more than their fair share of arguments and a will that turns things down an unexpected avenue, will the fireworks keep the heat turned up or will they simply fizzle out?

I really enjoyed this book. It flows seamlessly from book #1 and is well written.
It ends rather abruptly but I'm looking forward to book #3, a novella called Beauty and the Bull Rider.


1,880 reviews128 followers

January 26, 2016

4 stars

Two To Wrangle was a good ending to Ty and Monica's love story.

It was heartwarming the way Monica and Ty connected through their grief. They started to communicate more honestly and I was happy to see how Ty finally puts his past hurt aside to acknowledge his love for Monica.
Monica on the other hand frustrated me a little with her insistence that a relationship between them couldn't work. After growing up feeling unwanted by her mother, finding out who her father was at the age of 18, all Monica wants is to be loved. This longing is what creates the insecurities and the fear of opening her heart to Ty.
It took time for her to start trusting Ty and believing his feelings were true and that he loved her unconditionally.

Both books were entertaining and enjoyable to read. I was happy with the conclusion and highly recommend them.

*Thank you to Kensington Books - Lyrical Shine via NetGalley for the advance copies of Hell on Heels & Two To Wrangle in exchange for my honest thoughts.*

    arc-by-publisher lyrical-shine romance


887 reviews86 followers

March 21, 2016

"Two To Wrangle" is the second book in the Hotel Rodeo series and was just as good as the first!
In the case of this series I do recommend you read book one first, since it ends in a cliffy and book two picks right up at that point.
Tragedy brings Monica back to Vegas along with her boss and former Fiancé Evan and the loss of To. Actually helps to clear the air between Monica and Ty , because Tom's will left the Ranch and the hotel to Ty, so he no longer has Monica making decisions, though he could most certainly use her expertise and funds to re- do it right. Though this change helps level the playing field Ty was a bit overzealous I. How he thought Tom's memorial service should go and stealing Tm's ashes from the funeral home to have a good ole boy service at the hotel bar may not have been the best way to start new.
These two go back and forth and then of course Ty's , ex-wife Delaney showing up in Vegas and wanting something from Ty and cozying up a bit makes Monica concerned that maybe Ty is not over his ex.
Ty really wants nothing to do with Delaney anymore, however she has the ability to bring investors to the table and he is in need of funds. Monica and Ty continue to volley back and forth with Ty trying to prove just how much she means to him and it is not easy, but Reisting Ty well, dam near impossible.especially when he is not only handsome but brave, just puts himself in the way of an upset bull to save his buddy Zac , and he is straight forward about what he wants.
Monica is beginning to see that what they have together can be and is special. Monic cuts Evan loose totally and send shim packing choosing to stay and make a go of the new remodeled hotel and to give her and Ty a chance!
Now did you think I gave you the ending, of course not after all Dealney is still looking for something from Ty. Ty's buddy got hurt in the Bull ring, then of course their is still the hotel to remodel and re- vamp.
Looking foward to book Three.
Arc copy generously provided by Iensington books via Netgalley for an honest review.

    challenge challenge-2015 cowboy

books are love

3,134 reviews22 followers

February 16, 2016

This picks up where Hell on Heels left off and is just as sassy, sexy and fun. Ty is still my favorite by far. He is laid back but not really. has a dream and is adaptable. Monica comes into his world and flips it end over end. The man who didn’t want to answer to anyone wants her in his life. He has a vision for the hotel he needs to sell to her and get her to give them a chance. Problem is Monica is one tracked. She is thinking about his past and not what he has done now.
Ty and Monica are great characters. Strong and stubborn. I held my breathe when Ty did what he did at the Bull riding championship. Heart went in throat. That scene shows the type of guy Ty is. Friends he will protect with anything he can. He will help even if it puts him in danger. He has a great mind as well and is so much fun. I love how he gets Monica to see him for him and his ideas. He does have a panic moment but makes up for it.
Monica is doubting Ty especially after the chat with his ex. She wants something outrageous from Ty and I am glad he sticks to his guns on that one. That ex is a character and a half. So is Monica’s ex Evan. Seriously he like ty’s ex are really self centered.
this is a fun, sexy sassy book that is about Ty and Monica and how they learn about each other and come together. Ty trying to save his hotel and get the girl. Monica trying to get over her hangups about ty and cowboys and see him and his world to give Ty a chance. We have two stubborn characters stuck in their ways learn to compromise and learn about each other and adapt to allow love into their life. A fast paced entertaining book on love with lots of sassy moments and sexy times.

Lisa Zeigler

323 reviews4 followers

February 16, 2016

I was happy to be able to immediately start this book after finishing Hell on Heels and looking forward to what Monica and Ty would do next in this quick and enjoyable story.

Ty and Monica still can’t agree on what to do with the hotel and Monica feels that a personal relationship wouldn’t work with a professional one. Ty has already admitted that he can’t commit to anyone, but realizes as they spend more and more time together, he wants to be with her.

I don’t want to say too much about the plot which could give away the ending from Hell on Heels, but also several important parts of this story. It was interesting to see how Monica kept vacillating between how to handle the personal and professional connections between Ty and herself. They had such an explosive chemistry and I enjoyed learning that Ty was a dirty talker which Monica found herself enjoying. Even when Monica tried to take control in bed, he still liked to give directions.

I enjoyed knowing more about the championship bull riding event and can���t imagine how anyone can live through such physical extremes over several years.

I liked seeing how Monica’s thoughts were changing from her position and life in New York and what her life could be in Las Vegas and with Ty. Evan has shown up in Las Vegas again and boy did she have a good putdown for him and I cheered! It was definitely funny and he deserved it.

There was an unexpected conclusion on the hotel issue and of course the HEA that I always love.


3,361 reviews1 follower

December 21, 2015

Title: Two To Wrangle
Author: Victoria Vane
Publisher: Lyrical Shine
Series: Hotel Rodeo #2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Two To Wrangle" by Victoria Vane

My Thoughts.....

This was a interesting part two story of the Hotel Rodeo series ....'a country boy' Ty [cowboy] and 'city girl' Monica being brought together due to a relationship to a his friend [Tom] and a her father. Now, how will these two get along even more so after the death of Tom? What will they do with the 'Hotel Rodeo now that a new arrangement will be made after Toms death?' Was their something going on between these two? I liked how in this series that Ty and Monica began to talk, listen and let's not forget the hot steamy sex they seemed to have for each other. This author will take the reader on quite a journey that will keep you turning the pages to see what will go on next for these two..Ty and Monica. It was great seeing that by the end of the story...well I will stop here and say you will just have to pick up this read to see how it works out for them. Now, it seems like in part 3 the story will be about Zac...Ty's friend and Delaney..Ty's ex. I am sure that will be a interesting "Hotel Rodeo #3" series that the readers will not want to miss.

Received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

    5-stars a-good-book book-2

RachelW (BamaGal)

746 reviews74 followers

June 4, 2017

This is the second part of 'Hell on Heels', and takes up right where that book ended. After Tom's death, Ty and Monica are left to decide what they plan to do with the Hotel Rodeo. Ty still wants to rebuild and Monica still wants to sell. When Tom's will leaves Ty owning 75% of the hotel; he no longer needs Monica's permission to do what he wants with the hotel. Unfortunately, he still wants her; but isn't confident he can hold her. He's sure going to give it his best try, though.

Very good ending to Ty and Monica's story. There was a little more communication between the couple this time; and finally an honest sharing of feelings, both personal and business. There was also some background story given here setting up the third book of the series, featuring Ty's ex-wife Delaney and his bull riding buddy Zac. Given what's on Delaney's mind from this book; their story will be explosive.


Drue DePompei-Hoffman

260 reviews7 followers

December 30, 2015

Ok its official, I'm in love with Ty and Monica.

This installment picks up right where Hell On Heels left off. Ty and Monica are still grieving and trying to process the things that have happened while fighting their attraction as well.

No matter what though Monica cannot deny what she feels for Ty and pulling away from him becomes harder and harder and then just when you think it can't get much better, Ty does something so amazing it would melt any woman.

I'm loving this series and I can't wait for the next book, I know what couple I hope it involves :-)

Ruthie Taylor

3,690 reviews38 followers

March 19, 2016

~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is the second book in the series, and follows on immediately from Hell on Heels - do read that first. My review assumes that you have read it.

So we left them with the very sad new about Tom, and the fallout of that occupies much of the first part of this book. It has long ranging and some unexpected outcomes, and leaves both Monica and Ty uncertain of the future. However, their chemistry remains strong, even when their brains aren't quite on the same page. I really liked the deliberations about the future of the hotel and how it could be saved. I liked the input from Delaney, Ty's ex-wife, and even Evan was a necessary foil for what was a proper relationship. We also got to attend the bull-riding finals, and see Ty in the context of his first career. I loved the relationship that was building between them, and can't wait for news of how things are progressing.

A very satisfying read, thank you Ms Vane.

Two To Wrangle (Hotel Rodeo, #2) (13)

C Joy

1,761 reviews65 followers

December 13, 2015

This second installment picked up where the first book (Hell on Heels) left off. I have to admit I was a bit disoriented but after reading first chapter it all came back to me.

This story had a lot of developments and though it doesn't have a cliffhanger, I still felt the it did. I hope there's an "in between" novella after this, before the third book comes out in March. I'm curious about their trip together and being members of the Mile High Club.

Ty and Monica have the usual chemistry beneath the sheets, but outside the bedroom they butt heads. Their sex scenes were really sensual and arousing, there were scenes that just teased but it was worth the wait because they've explosive together.

I thought they were really gonna see eye to eye when it comes to the hotel and I guess I was hoping I'll read about the nitty gritty of it cause I was really excited for some developments. Reading about Ty's passion for rebuilding the hotel and seeing his dream brought to life is inspiring.

After reading this story, I felt that Ty and Monica are really solid. With a Victoria Vane book, I can't wait for the next one!

    contemporary-romance ebooks erotic-fiction

Marissa Michaelsen

Author4 books35 followers

February 17, 2016

Hotels, ranches, and rodeos. Oh! Did I forget to mention one hot as hell, very sexy cowboy CEO?
Victoria has brought to life the ultimate man. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the ARC of Two to Wrangle...


3,097 reviews222 followers

March 4, 2016

Originally published at Reading Reality

The story may be set mostly in Las Vegas, but the relationship between Ty and Monica feels more like a Texas Two-Step, but I’m not sure whether that’s two steps forward and two steps back, or possibly two steps together and two steps apart.

I’m not sure that Ty and Monica figure it out either, at least not until the very, very end.

Two to Wrangle is the second half of a fun “opposites attract” type of romance. The first half of the story is in Hell on Heels. Sometimes it isn’t 100% necessary to read the first book in a series before picking up the second (or subsequent) but Two to Wrangle is not one of those times. Hell on Heels and Two to Wrangle are two parts of the same story, and neither feels complete without the other.

In Hell on Heels, Monica comes to Vegas to take care of her father Tom’s business after he suffers a debilitating stroke – and runs smack into Ty, who manages the slightly broken-down hotel her dad owns at the very edge of the Las Vegas strip.

They are on opposite sides from the very beginning, in ways that are both obvious and not so obvious. While Monica is Tom’s biological daughter, they didn’t meet until her adulthood – her mother only contacted Tom to inform him he had a child after he struck it rich. Mom wanted back child support, and got it, while Tom just wanted to know his daughter and Monica just wanted a father.

On that other hand, while Tom and Ty have no biological relationship, Tom pretty much raised Ty and Ty loves him like a father. From Tom’s perspective, it’s clear that Ty is the child he never knew he had, and the advent of Monica into Tom’s life doesn’t change his relationship with Ty.

But the hotel that Ty manages for Tom, the Hotel Rodeo, is long past its glory days. It’s still a decent place to stay, but Ty is doing the best he can with not enough resources to compete in Las Vegas’ glitzy, upscale market.

Monica is a business analyst, and a damn good one. She wants to sell the hotel, she sees the land it’s on as worth more than the business. Ty had just convinced Tom to renovate when the stroke hit him.

As Monica and Ty bite, scratch and claw their way through too many arguments and one glorious night, they push each other away as much as they can’t stay away from each other. Monica wants to go back to New York, and she’s afraid to give her heart to a man who admits he can’t commit. Ty has his head up his ass and can admit that Monica is the one woman he might commit to.

Just as they pull apart, Tom succumbs to a second stroke, and all the battles have to be fought all over again. But this time, for keeps.

Escape Rating B: Ty and Monica really are opposites. It’s not just the country boy/city girl opposite, or the East Coast vs. open West opposite, it’s pretty much everything. But one of those opposites is that Ty is the people person and the visionary, where Monica is a pragmatic businesswoman who always looks at the bottom line. Ty recognizes that to make his vision of the Hotel Rodeo succeed, he needs Monica’s business sense as well as her consent.

It takes most of the book for him to admit to himself, let alone to Monica, that he also just needs her.

Monica, pure and simple, is afraid to upend her life and give her heart to someone who has always said that he doesn’t do relationships, and seems to have a history of not sticking to the ones he does try. There’s also an element where Monica is used to dealing with men as alpha sharks, and until she sees a piece of that in Ty, a place where he is the king and everyone sees him as such, she has a bit of a hard time getting past some of her own assumptions.

That he nearly gets himself killed does finally move things along. A lot.

One of the hard things in this story as a whole is that Monica and Ty are people who are wired not to lean on anyone. Not to rely on anyone. Ever. So they both put up a lot of roadblocks to a real relationship, not just by pushing the other away, but also inside their own heads. At times, it seems as if Monica is looking for reasons not to trust Ty, and Ty is looking for reasons to fight with Monica.

It takes a major crisis for them to each pull their heads out of their own asses and admit what they feel, instead of talking around and around about what they think the other one feels. When they finally do, they are able to reach for something that has always eluded them, a real shot at happy ever after.

The next book in the Hotel Rodeo series is Beauty and the Bull Rider. While it features characters we have met in the first two stories, it does not follow Ty and Monica but looks at a different and potentially explosive, relationship among their circle of friends. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next!


397 reviews13 followers

February 9, 2016

ARC Review: Two to Wrangle by Victoria Vane
The fun continues in the second installment of the Hotel Rodeo Series, and it doesn’t get much sweeter. Two to Wrangle begins where Hell on Heels ended, with Ty Morgan and Monica Brandt trying to pick up the pieces after tragedy leaves them emotionally strangled in its wake. Amidst the sadness, can two very different souls find peace in one another? As a reader, I was beyond excited to see if it was possible! The chemistry between Ty and Monica has been sexy and explosive since the beginning.
As Monica comes to terms with her loss, she realizes just how much is at stake. Upon finding that the terms regarding her ownership of Hotel Rodeo have changed, she finds herself on a cliff facing the unknown. Unwilling to jump and take a risk, we see her questioning herself, and the truth behind Ty’s actions more often than not. Can she trust Ty? What about Evan who clearly wants her back? Furthermore, what is the motivation behind Evan’s blatantly mischievous business savvy? Will there more trouble in the future if Monica stays involved?
The twists keep on coming, yes they do! Once Ty and Monica realize belatedly that they either need to partner up, or jump ship, we really have no clue where the story is going. Ty needs financial stability, but Monica is fearful of defeat, deception, and heartbreak. She is confused, and it drove me crazy at times. I found myself mentally berating Monica, knowing that if I could meet her, I’d tell her to trust her heart. So naturally, watching her grow throughout the book and finally risk love was a whirlwind of frustration followed by giddy delight.
Then, there is Delaney. All I can say is, “Wow,” because she is one intriguing, unique character. She also wants a piece of Ty, and she has no qualms about the unusual deal she presents him with. Perhaps even more exciting is the knowledge that Delaney and Zac (Ty’s best friend) are the focus of the upcoming third installment. I am definitely going to be reading that next! Ultimately though, I just cannot get over what Delaney is currently after! Her addition to the bits and pieces of potential milestones in which Ty and Monica have to overcome couldn’t have worked out better.
My favorite aspect of this book though was Ty’s character development. While I truly enjoyed watching Monica come into her own, and take control, I loved Ty’s ability to leave everything on the table. Despite his misgivings involving commitment and love, he never gave up and he never sacrificed any part of himself in the process. The author gave us a strong female lead and an impossibly perfect hero in Ty to love, providing us as readers with a wonderful book to immerse ourselves in. Seeing how the story unfolds, experiencing Ty’s final play to win Monica as a partner in more ways than one gave me one hell of a happy ending to enjoy.
I loved seeing Monica stand up for herself. I loved seeing Evan being taken down a notch. I loved learning a bit more about Zac and Delaney. I loved learning about the potential for Hotel Rodeo and how our couple will make it a success. I loved the tender moments, the heated ones full of sexual ecstasy, and the ones full of sharp tongues with innuendo. More importantly, I loved both Monica and Ty. Even better, I cannot wait to see how their partnership will feed into the future novels, the other characters, and the ultimate fate of Hotel Rodeo!
**ARC provided by NetGalley*

Lynn Jones

320 reviews2 followers

March 11, 2016

“Ty gets what he always wanted, controlling interest in Hotel Rodeo. Monica is not sure where she fits in Ty’s life, until Ty asks her to come on board as a partner. Monica always thinks the worst in people, so she assumes Ty only wants her for her money. She is not sure where she belongs with Evan or Ty. Monica only gives Ty one week to pitch his idea, if she likes it she will consider staying. There Ty sits at the bar drowning his sorrows, Monica the only woman he ever made love to in his own bed. The next day she flees and runs back into her ex-finance’s arms. When he had to tell her about Tom, it broke him and his feelings for her confused him. Outside the bedroom they mixed like oil and water, but in the bedroom they lit the sheets up on fire. Ty was still attracted to Monica and couldn’t understand why because she didn’t any interest in his life or his world. When they go to Oklahoma to bury Tom Monica sees a new side to Ty. She becomes more attached to him and that scares her. After a bender Monica helps Ty up to is room to sleep it off, he wants to spill his guts. He wants her to understand how important the Hotel is to him. Ty tells Monica all about Delaney and the only woman he wanted was her. Tom had taught Monica what it was to be oved. That’s the only thing she eve wanted was to love and to be loved. Now Tom was gone and she was hurt and lost, but most of all she felt so alone. She figured Ty was in the same boat as her. But was she ready to take a chance on him and be hurt in the end? She did not know the answer to this and was more confused when she tried to think things thru. They flew back to Texas for the final rodeo. Ty asked Monica to come but she declined. After sorting thru Tom’s affairs, she decided she needed to see for herself what Ty’s world was about. Ty is sitting in the bar when Monica makes her appearance he about falls off his stool. They go to the rodeo and his friend Zac is up second and after his eight seconds he is still on the bull bucking. Ty realizes he is in trouble so he jumps the fence to help. He puts himself in front of the bull and gets hit in the chest full force. Monica is about to go out of her mind thinking Ty is dead. Once he goes back to his seat Monica is Furious at him and is about to walk away when Ty tells her he loves her back. His statement renders Monica dumb and frozen. This book is just as good as the first. There are three books in all and I encourage you to read this series. The story is not fast paced and the character’s have solid backgrounds. There are sex scenes but nothing graphic. Reviewed by: Itsy Bisty Book Bits

Sent from Mail for Windows


Author5 books368 followers

February 18, 2016

After where things left off in the first book, I was eager to plunge in and get the rest of the story on Ty and Monica. Things came to a head between this pair of headstrong, hot, and determined people over Hotel Rodeo, Tom, different ways of doing business, and need to hold people at arm's length. Now they are thrown back together again, but this time, can they find a way to make it work?

This book will not do well as a standalone as it connects strongly to the book that came before it.

Ty now has controlling interest in the Hotel Rodeo, but he still is cash poor and can't start the renovations and plans he has to make it over. He needs Monica and he needs investors. Only trouble is that Monica took off and now wants nothing to do with him other than still stubbornly determined to sell out and run back east and his only investor prospect comes through an ex-wife with an agenda of her own.

Ty never wanted to be connected with a woman ever again after his ex, but now he wants Monica to stay and for more than being his business partner. But can this co*cky, bumbling cowboy say and do the right thing to win her over?

This is one of those stories that I enjoyed to a certain point, but whether it was ultimately enjoyable will depend entirely on what comes next in the series. I liked where it was going, but there was still a lot in the air when it ended abruptly. I guess this is the ultimate in transition books and leaves me reserving some opinion until I get the rest of the story.

Most of this story was fast and furious. Ty and Monica brangle, tease, snarl, seduce, and work to connect in a push/pull relationship from cover to cover. They needed to work things out and then there is the fact that they are both strong-willed and stubborn. They certainly are hot and the fireworks ensue when they are together. I liked the moments when they revealed more of their pasts and actually talked and made a connection. I needed that since much of their story tended to swirl around in a storm of conflicting emotions that it was hard for me to follow.

I had a good time with the swiftly changing settings like the Oklahoma Ranch, Hotel Rodeo, Nat'l Bullriding Championships, and Ty's special date. And those encounters with his ex and her ex added some interesting tension.

So, I enjoyed seeing these two untangle their issues and work toward something good, but I definitely have a strong curiosity to see what happens next. If you like spicy hot modern cowboy romance then I can recommend this series as one to try.

I received this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

    net-galley-reads western-fiction-romance


2,060 reviews291 followers

September 15, 2016

**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**

Two to Wrangle is the second book in the adult contemporary romance series, Hotel Rodeo by Victoria Vane. It is the the continuation of book 1, Hell on Heels, so you need to read that book first or you will be pretty lost. This series is a bit of an interesting setup. Books 1 and 2 are both about Ty and Monica, so Two to Wrangle wraps up their little duology. And then, book 3 is about another couple- Ty's ex Delaney. (I am unsure if their story is going to be a one or two book deal.) Two to Wrangle is a fun read that is very quick. You could easily read books 1 and 2 in one day if you wanted to wrap up Monica and Ty's story. I do have to say that I don't love the covers for this story. They look kind of photoshopped together, and they just don't do anything for me.

Two to Wrangle is a continuation Monica and Ty's story. Right from the start, I knew this was going to be a back and forth battle between the two of them. And I was right-it sure is a fiery story, maybe even more so than the first book. Now that we know what is happening with the Hotel, the issues between Monica and Ty are not over. Ty and Monica still want different things to happen with the hotel, although in this book it is centering about running the hotel. I really enjoyed the bickering/bantering and full out fighting between Monica and Ty. They are one fiery couple, and I was glad to see that aspect of their relationship had not changed. I am kind of hoping we get to check in with these two again in the third book, because I feel like there are still some unresolved decisions and I want to see what they are up to.

Bottom line: Hell on Heels is a fun and fiery read between two people with very dominant personalities. If you like the clashing on alphas, this is the book for you. Ty and Monica are both used to being in charge, and that was interesting to watch play out. I liked this book, but I didn't love it. No real reason why. It is well written, has good characters and has an interesting plot. it just didn't jump out at me while I was reading it. I do think I liked this one a little bit more than the first book. I enjoyed getting to see more of Monica and Ty, and I am interested in continuing the series. I love that the next book, Beauty and the Bull Rider is about Ty's ex- Delaney. That should be interesting.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs


Twinsie Talk Angie J

1,749 reviews

December 28, 2015

3.5 rounded up

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I received this book from the publisher on NetGalley for an honest review.

I loved the ending story for Ty and Monica!!! This story ended in a cliffhanger from book 1. We had no clue what was going to happen to the oil and water couple. When Monica’s dad dies she is sent reeling. He was the only person to ever love her unconditionally. She goes to his ranch to settle his estate and finalize his will. She is stunned that Ty was left so much of her dad’s property but also happy that Ty (Tom’s son essentially) would be getting control of the hotel and the family homestead.

Ty is stunned at what Tom left him and then is thrilled at the hopes of keeping Monica by his side at the hotel in Vegas. He persuades her *giggles* to give him a chance to see if they can work together as a couple and business partners to see if the can fix the hotel.

The couple have some issues like her insecurity about his cheating past, the favorite his ex wants from Ty, Her ex wanting to get her back and wanting to get in on the hotel deal that is being shopping around for investors. There were times I did want to smack Monica because she was a bit wishy washy at time toward Ty. Her hot and cold made me a little annoyed at times but I did love how he called her out on her behavior.

I loved the side story of Delaney (Ty’s ex) and her favor. I am excited to see book 3 and who Zac will get involved with her needs and wants.

3,985 reviews352 followers

February 25, 2016

Two To Wrangle (Hotel Rodeo, #2) (23)

Maybe country and city can mix…

Ty Morgan and Monica Brandt were brought together almost against their will. While trying to resolve their business differences in the Hotel Rodeo, personal feelings kept getting in the way. They had to deal with each other but how much and in what ways were still to be determined…

"His words were much like the apple brandy she craved – sweet, warm , and intoxicating…”

Monica was torn and you could see the struggle both she and Ty were having. They wanted each other, that was clear in the hotter than hot physical attraction between them. The problem was all the rest of it - complicated family issues, personal history when it comes to love, as well as the added business pressures. First and foremost they needed to sort out the future the Hotel Rodeo. And that really centered on what the two wanted from each other. Things seem so complicated and confusing but really they are so simple. Can they trust each other and have each other’s best interest at heart?

How that unfolds is the conclusion to a chock-full story of lust, desire, hope and love. Throw in some bulls and cowboys and we have a story with western charm set in the bright lights of Vegas. No cliffhanger with this one but more than a few hints about the story to come. I can’t wait!


992 reviews2 followers

January 11, 2016

Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Publishing Lyrical Shine for my ARC

This starts with where it left off on first one "Hell on Heels" Both had to deal with loss of Tom. Ty is back to drinking and Monica misses not spending time with Tom.
Both had different ideas for the Hotel Rodeo and both hadn't changed their minds yet. Even came back to Monica and wanted her back but she just wanted to go back to work.
She is back in Oklahoma at Tom's ranch and finds out Tom's will. She is surprised to find things changed from before. However, she wasn't completely surprise because she knew Ty was closer to Tom than her.
Both were trying to find a way to satisfy both parties. Both are falling for each other fast but they weren't sure if this love or not. Finally they are opening up to each other but both had doubts.
Ty wanted to win Monica's heart so he does everything he can do to convince her. He even dresses in Armani suit. But Evan comes back and he thinks he has a chance to win Monica back..
I loved when both were facing Monica and Monica says one thing that will quiet both of them.
Will Ty finally win her heart??? after putting everything on line??
I did enjoy reading both books.. It was fun and quick.
I would recommend this series for any one who loves read about opposite's attraction.

    2016 netgalley

Janna ♥ I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book whor* ♥

1,842 reviews212 followers

March 24, 2016

3.5 stars


So if you read my review of Hell On Heels you will know that I was not blown away with it but decided to continue reading the series especially since how Hell on Heels ends. Two To Wrangle picks up where Hell On Heels leaves off so there isn’t a long break in between like some books have. I will say that I enjoyed this one more than Hell On Heels, I am still not blown away but I am warming up to this authors writing style and I think that is helping me like this book more.

Two To Wrangle actually has these two working out their issues, and that was one thing I hated in the previous book, their total lack of communication. Am I a Monica fan now? Well I can’t say I hate her as much as I did in the previous book but I am luke warm to her now so that’s an improvement from cold day in hell right? My heart did break for Monica over the loss of her father, I can’t even imagine what that will feel like when I lose mine. I love Ty even more than I did before, he is one cowboy I would save a horse for ;) Anyways I shall move on from my Big & Rich references and end this review by stating I am glad that I decided to continue on with this series, Two To Wrangle made up for what Hell On Heels lacked. If this trend of each book getting better continues, well then the next book will be even better.

A Klue

1,503 reviews316 followers

December 16, 2015

Two to Wrangle is the conclusion to Hell on Wheels by Victoria Vane. Make no mistake, you need to read Book 1, before starting this one. It is a continuation of the tug of war, work and personal relationship between Monica and Ty. The returning cast of sub-characters, not surprisingly, also factor into the storyline. The stage is also set for Book 3, Beauty and the Bullrider, Delaney & Zac’s HEA. Hopefully, it won’t end in a cliffhanger, so you can read their entire story in one setting.

The writing style and theme stays very consistent with Book 1. That should come as no surprise, since this romantic tale, in my opinion, should have been written as one book in the first place.

If you liked book 1, I guarantee you will like this one. My romance book-loving friends, it’s the same story…just continued.

Title: Two to Wrangle, Series: Hotel Rodeo (Book 2), Author: Victoria Vane, Pages, part of a series, HEA

Book 1 – Hell on Wheels (Ty and Monica), 1/19/16
Book 2 – Two to Wrangle (Ty and Monica), 2/16/16, Pages: 144
Book 3 - Beauty and The Bullrider (Delaney and Zac)…Delaney is Ty’s ex-wife, Zac is his best friend, 3/15/16

(This review is based on NetGalley ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.)

Karen Roma

2,758 reviews33 followers

February 6, 2016

The second book in this series picks up where book one left off after the tragedy that rocks both Monica and Ty to the bone.

Monica is still struggling with her doubts about Ty’s ability to commit to a long tem relationship, and added to her confusion is Evan’s persistence and determination to convince her he’s changed.

Ty is reeling from the recent events and can’t quite find the light at the end of the tunnel. With a whole in his heart, and believing life as he knows it is over, Ty is overwhelmed to discover he is now the CEO of Hotel Rodeo with a controlling interest in the business he loves to his bones. But he still needs a partner who can fund the renovations to keep his dreams alive and convincing Monica that a business partner isn’t all he wants in her is proving to be harder than he thought.

While I did enjoy this story, Monica’s constant turnabout started to make me dizzy. Doubts and reservations aside, she was quick enough to consider returning to New York with Evan, even though she knew he didn’t love her, or she him. I stated to find her rejection of Ty, childish and annoying.

But bring on book three, as I’m sure Zac and Delaney will be explosive!

    my-books netgalley read-in-2016


295 reviews2 followers

February 22, 2016

Two to Wrangle

Victoria Vane

5 Stars

Contemporary Romance

Ty Morgan, ex rodeo star, now running a hotel in Las Vegas.

Tom Brandt, took Ty in and raised him like his own when Ty’s own father died.

Monica Brandt, Tom’s daughter which he didn’t know about for years. And the only woman Ty took to his own bed (in 8 years).

Evan, Monica’s ex, the man she left Ty for because he was safe. He didn’t love her and she didn’t love him.

Settling Tom’s estate is going to be a bit more complicated than they think. He’s changed a few things and all is not what it seems. Will Monica be willing to work with Ty? Will she take him up on what he has to offer? Will she take the time he’s asked for and spend a week with him to see just why he needs to keep the Hotel? What is Evan after?

First book I have read from this author!! It won’t be my last. I loved it!!!

Two To Wrangle (Hotel Rodeo, #2) (29)

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Lisa from Alpha Book Club



1,357 reviews38 followers

January 18, 2016

Monica returns from New York with her dreaded fiancé in tow, which does nothing to improve Ty’s foul mood. He doesn’t really want to admit it, but he does miss Monica. And because of unforeseen circ*mstances, they have no choice but work more closely than before. There is only topic on which Ty and Monica seem to agree, and it’s certainly not regarding business. Ty is looking for investors to make some renovations, and the offer he gets leaves him nonplussed.

TWO TO WRANGLE is book two in the Hotel Rodeo series, and I enjoyed it much more than book one; Ty and Monica are still at it like rabbits, but there were bull riding passages that were very exciting and hints at what’s to come that bode very well, at least for Book 3. I’m very happy that Ty’s ex-wife Delaney will be featured in the next instalment, because she’s something else!

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


2,376 reviews

February 9, 2016

This is part 2 of a contemporary series . It takes place in Vegas and Oklahoma .
I love this story . It has a lot you have to compromise to find happiness .
We have Monica going back to New York back to Manhattan now that her father is better . She's on a plane leaving because she thinks her and Ty are done . Ty puts in a call to her . At first she ignores all the calls and all the Texs.
Monica finally picks up the phone and that is when Ty tells her about her father . Monica goes back to Vegas and her father had passed . She's ready to have the service when she finds out the Ashes are gone . And not only that have the people didn't show up. She has an idea what happened . Grab it and see and you will laugh your head off .
Ty and Monica go back to Oklahoma to sprinkle the Ashes from her dad . That is where Monica meets Ty's ex . The will is read and there are a few suprises for Monica and Ty . Grab it and see

Kristen Johnson

1,170 reviews50 followers

March 24, 2016

This book continues Ty and Monica's story.

While they are both coming to terms with the big changes wraught at the end of book one, they have another big misunderstanding. Things have changed in a big way, but they have also remained somewhat the same. Ty is still in the position of needing funds to go through with the renovation plans, and Monica is still bent on getting out of Vegas.

In this book, though these two finally work through some of their issues and gain an understanding of the other. They finally see more than their, wrong, first impresssions. As they start working together, they are able to see more in the other person, something to build on.

Two to Wrangle was an emotional journey for both of these characters, they did some soul searching and discovered they had more in common, and really felt for the other person than they would have beleived. And decided maybe they could give it a shot, find more than a reluctant buisness partner in the other.

    arc blog-tour review-on-the-blog

Therese Scacchi

80 reviews9 followers

February 16, 2016

This is part two of this hot story and picks up right where Hell on Heels ends. Ty and Monica are still not in agreement about the hotel, she wants to sell it but he wants to renovate it and keep. This is an explosive story with two strong willed people who know what they want and know how to get it. with both their ex's driving them crazy they really had to figure out how to make it work with each other. Their trust in each other had to grow and once they realized that was the important thing and their love for each other, everything else would work out. I can't wait to read Zac and Delaney's story I know it's going to be amazing. If you love sexy, alpha cowboys and the sassy woman who love them, than you will love this book.

A copy was provided by Netgalley for a honest review of this book.

Two To Wrangle (Hotel Rodeo, #2) (2024)
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