Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ · key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (2024)

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (1)

Asociaţia Medicală RomânăREVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ

Romanian Medical JournalVolumul LXII, Nr. 2, An 2015

ISSN 1220-5478; e-ISSN 2069-606X; ISSN-L 1220-5478Acreditare CNCSIS: Categoria B+ | Cod 769

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Medicale al Colegiului Medicilor din România la poziţia 116 şi este creditată conform reglementărilor în vigoare, astfel: abonament anual –

5 credite EMC; prim autor articol – 80 de credite EMC.

Redactor-şefDr. Grigore BUŞOI

Redactor coordonatorProf. Dr. George Sorin ŢIPLICA

Redactori-şefi adjuncţiDr. Anca BĂLAN – Cluj-NapocaDr. George HABER – Alba Iulia

Conf. Dr. Mădălina MANEA – Craiova

Secretari de redacţieDr. Mariana COMAN – Bucureşti

Dr. Violeta DIACONIŢA – BucureştiDr. Cristina ISAR – Bucureşti

Director editorialDr. Mihai-Cristian POPESCU


Membri de onoare

Acad. Dr. Constantin IONESCU-TÎRGOVIŞTE – BucureştiProf. Dr. Vasile ASTĂRĂSTOAE – Iaşi

Prof. Dr. Sorin Mircea OPRESCU – Bucureşti

Medicină preventivă, medicină de familie, medicină generală

Dr. Valer BISTRICEANU – BuzăuProf. Dr. Viorela ENĂCHESCU – Craiova

Conf. Dr. Dumitru FERECHIDE – BucureştiConf. Dr. Doina FELEA – Iaşi

Asist. Univ. Dr. Zsuzsanna FARKAS-PALL – OradeaProf. Dr. Afi lon JOMPAN – Arad

Prof. Dr. Eugeniu ILICEA – ConstanţaDr. Steluţa Georgescu-MARIUŢAN – Bucureşti

Prof. Dr. Dumitru MATEI – BucureştiŞef Lucr. Dr. Andreea NECULAU – Braşov

Dr. Cristian Sever OANĂ – BucureştiProf. Dr. Sabin OPREA – Cluj-Napoca

Dr. Loredana PILOFF – SibiuProf. Dr. Cătălina POIANĂ – BucureştiProf. Dr. Adrian RESTIAN – BucureştiDr. Rodica TĂNĂSESCU – Bucureşti

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (2)

Editura Medicală AMALTEAEditori: Dr. M.C. Popescu

Dr. Cristian Cârstoiu

Director executiv: George StancaRedactor: Dorina Oprea

Prepress: AMALTEA TehnoPlusCoordonator DTP: Petronella AndreiTehnoredactor: Gabriela Căpitănescu

Distribuţie: Mihaela Stanca______________

ABONAMENTE: [emailprotected]ŢIE ARTICOLE: [emailprotected]


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Medicina omului sănătos şi a longevităţii, sănătate publică

Prof. Habil. Dr. HC. CP. 1, Dr. Sorin RIGA – Bucureşti (stresologie, adaptologie şi sănătate mintală)

Prof. Habil. Dr. HC. CP. 1, Dr. Dan RIGA – Bucureşti (medicina antiîmbătrânire şi ştiinţele longevităţii)

Prof. Dr. Viorel ALEXANDRESCU – Bucureşti (epidemiologie)Prof. Dr. Ioan-Bradu IAMANDESCU – Bucureşti

(psihologie medicală şi imunologie clinică)Prof. Dr. Dana MINCĂ – Bucureşti (medicină socială)

Domenii şi specialităţi medicale

Prof. Dr. Elena ARDELEANU – Timişoara (cardiologie)Prof. Dr. Traian ATAMAN – Bucureşti (ororinolaringologie)

Prof. Dr. Corin BADIU – Bucureşti (endocrinologie)Prof. Dr. Constantin BOGDAN – Bucureşti (geriatrie-gerontologie)Prof. Dr. Octavian BUDA – Bucureşti (istoria medicinei şi psihiatrie)

Conf. Dr. Dragoş BUMBĂCEA – Bucureşti (pneumologie)Conf. Dr. Roxana CĂRARE – Southampton, Anglia (neuroştiinţe)

Dr. Inimioara Mihaela COJOCARU – Bucureşti (neurologie)Prof. Dr. Dan DUMITRAŞCU – Cluj (neurogastroenterologie)

Conf. Dr. Cristian GUJA – Bucureşti (boli metabolice)Conf. Dr. Lorant HECSLER – Târgu-Mureş (medicină legală)

Prof. Dr. Jean HURJUI – Iaşi (geriatrie)Prof. Dr. Traian MIHĂESCU – Iaşi (pneumologie)Dr. Corneliu MOISA – Olt (medicină de urgenţă)

Conf. Dr. Daniela MOTOC – Arad (fi ziologie şi medicină de urgenţă)Prof. Dr. Mihai NECHIFOR – Iaşi (farmacologie)

Prof. Dr. Dan OLTEANU – Bucureşti (medicină internă)Conf. Dr. Ovidiu PETRIŞ – Iaşi (medicină internă)

Dr. Daniela POPESCU – Bucureşti (pediatrie)Dr. Tudor SBENGHE – Bucureşti (reabilitare medicală şi kinetoterapie)

Prof. Dr. Olga SIMIONESCU – Bucureşti (dermatologie)Conf. Dr. Anca Daniela STĂNESCU – Bucureşti (obstetrică-ginecologie)

Conf. Dr. Laurenţiu ŞORODOC – Iaşi (medicină internă, medicină de urgenţă)Prof. Dr. Mihai VOICULESCU – Bucureşti (nefrologie şi hepatologie)

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (3)

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (4)


Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (5)


Prezentări orale

SURPASSING THE ENIGMAS OF THE PANCREAS TO BETTER CARE FOR OUR PATIENTSMircea Beuran1„Carol Davila“ University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Romania2Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Romania

Background/Objectives: The pancreas continues to be an organ diffi cult to manage with, not only during everyday clinical activity, but also for the fundamental research. The main objective of the current study is to summarize the current knowledge regarding acute pancreatitis, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and pancreatic ductal adenocarci-noma, and to analyze the breakthroughs of the latest years in these areas.

Method: An electronic search of the PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Direct, Scopus, and the Web of Science Core Collection was used to identify original articles and reviews about the subject. The terms „pancreas“, „acute pancreati-tis“, „neuroendocrine“, „adenocarcinoma“, „cancer“ and „tumor“ were used in various combinations. The key words were identifi ed as truncated words in the title, abstract or in medical subject heading (MeSH). We did not use any language restriction. Electronic and manual cross-referencing was used further to fi nd more relevant sources.

Results: Targeted with discontinuation of the infl ammatory pathways in acute pancreatitis was one of the most seducing therapeutic approaches, fi nally proved to be ineffective in clinical practice. The major concept changes in the area of acute pancreatitis were represented by an aggressive initial intensive care, with the surgery postponed as late as possible, ideally after 28 days. In an effort to prevent further physiological impairment, a minimally invasive surgical approach is preferred, tailored as a combination of retroperitoneoscopy, endoscopic transgastric or laparoscopic.

The pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma continues to be one of the most aggressive human malignancies, the cumu-lative efforts of imagistic, intensive care, surgical and radiochimiotherapy approaches failing to provide a 5-year over-all survival greater than 6%. The current evidence supports the correlation between epithelial to mesenchymal transi-tion and cancer stem cells with the aggressive biology of the pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are usually slow-growing neoplasms, with a signifi cant better prognosis than pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Due to the lack of randomized control trials and high level evidence studies, the therapeu-tic approach of these patients should be carefully tailored, after an extensive preoperative workup. Surgical resection represents the corner stone of therapy, even for locally advanced or metastatic tumors.

Conclusions: The pancreatic diseases continue to carry a poor prognosis, the major advances made in the under-standing of their molecular basis failing so far in steep improvements of the clinical outcomes. Only a thorough under-standing of the molecular mechanisms of intercellular interaction and their integration in current clinical practice, can provide patients with pancreatic pathology the maximum opportunity for healing. Patients with pancreatic pathologies should be managed by a multidisciplinary team, in a tertiary center, for a lower morbidity and mortality.

Key words: pancreas, acute pancreatitis, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

DEPĂŞIND ENIGMELE PANCREASULUI PENTRU O MAI BUNĂ ÎNGRIJIRE A PACIENŢILORNOŞTRIMircea Beuran1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti, România2Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti, România

Introducere/Obiective. Pancreasul continuă să reprezinte un organ difi cil de managerizat, nu numai din perspectiva activităţii clinice uzuale dar şi din punctul de vedere al cercetării. Principalul obiectiv al acestei lucrări este sumarizarea cunoştiintelor actuale cu privire la pancreatita acută, tumorile neuroendocrine pancreatice şi adenocarcinomul ductal pancreatic, precum şi analiza pregreselor recente în aceste domenii.

Metodă. Cautarea electronică în bazele de date PubMed / MEDLINE, Science Direct, Scopus, şi colecţia Web of Science, a fost utilizată pentru identifi carea articolelor originale si a metaanalizelor referitoare la acest subiect. Termenii

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (6)


„pancreas“, „ acute pancreatitis“, „neuroendocrine“, „adenocarcinoma“, „cancer“ and „tumor“ au fost folosiţi în diverse combinaţii. Cuvintele cheie au fost identifi cate ca făcând parte din titlu, abstract sau Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). Nu am folosit nici o restricţie în ceea ce priveşte limba în care au fost redactate articolele. Referinţele incrucişate au fost utilizate ulterior pentru găsirea altor surse relevante.

Rezultate. Întreruperea procesului infl amator in pancreatita acută a reprezentat una dintre cele mai promiţătoare alternative terapeutice pentru ca, în fi nal, să se dovedească inefi cientă în practica clinică curentă. Schimbările conceptuale majore în domeniul pancreatitei acute au fost reprezentate de terapia intensivă iniţială agresivă, cu amânarea intervenţiei chirurgicale cât mai mult posibil, ideal după 28 de zile. În încercarea de a preveni disfuncţiile ulterioare, o abordare chirurgicală minim invazivă adaptată ce combină retroperitoneoscopia, abordul endoscopic transgastric şi laparoscopia este de preferat. Adenocarcinomul pancreatic ductal continuă să fi e una dintre cele mai agresive afectiuni maligne umane, eforturile cumulate depuse de imagişti, intensivişti, şi radiochimioterapeuţi nereuşind să depăşească o rată a supravieţuirii la 5 ani mai mare de 6%. Dovezile actuale sprijină corelaţia dintre tranziţia epitelial-mezenchimală şi celulele stem canceroase cu biologie agresivă din cancerului pancreatic. Tumorile neuroendocrine pancreatice, sunt în general cancere cu creştere lentă cu un prognostic semnifi cativ mai bun decât în cazul adenocarcinoamelor pancreatice. Din cauza lipsei studiilor randomizate şi a studiilor cu nivele înalte de evidenţă, abordarea terapeutică a acestor pacienţi trebuie atent adaptată, după o pregătire preoperatorie amănunţită. Rezectia chirurgicală reprezintă piatra de temelie a terapiei, chiar şi pentru tumorile avansate local sau metastatice.

Concluzii. Afecţiunile pancreatice continuă să aibă un prognostic nefavorabil, principalele progresele realizate în înţelegerea bazei moleculare neaducănd îmbunătăţiri spectaculoase ale rezultatelor clinice. Numai o înţelegere aprofundată a mecanismelor moleculare de interacţiune intercelulară şi integrarea acestora în practica clinică curentă, poate oferi pacienţilor cu patologie pancreatică posibilitatea maximă de vindecare. Pentru o morbiditate şi mortalitate cat mai reduse pacienţii cu patologie pancreatică ar trebui gestionati de o echipă multidisciplinară, într-un centru terţiar.

Cuvinte cheie: pancreas, pancreatita acută, adenocarcinom pancreatic ductal, tumori pancreatice neuro endocrine.

MULTUM IN PARVOTHE GLASGOW COMA SCALE AT ITS 40TH BIRTHDAY1,2Prof. A.V. Ciurea MD., PhD., MSc. Dr. h.c. Mult, 3A. Mohan MD., PhD, 1H. Moisa MD, 2I. Luca-Husti MD1„Carol Davila“ University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Bucharest, Romania2„Sanador“ Medical Center Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Bucharest, Romania3Bihor County Emergency Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Oradea, Romania

Coma assesment scales have been developed to facilitate ease of communication between emergency team mem-bers and to facilitate ease of clinical assesment for patients with severe impairment of consciousness.

In 1974 Graham Teasdale and Bryan Jennett published in the Lancet a scale which theoretically helped physicians get a quick and accurate status of comatose patients. The scale they described assesed patient behaviour regarding three key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, the scale was dubbed the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) a name which all neurologists and neurosurgeons are well-ac-customed with.

In their description of the GCS, the authors starded from the lack of broadly-accepted criteria by which assesment of patients should be made. This fact was a generator for communication issues between physicians all over the World, who had their own criteria for clinical assesment of comatose patients.

In Romania, for example, physicians used a coma scale described by Constantin Arseni and I. Oprescu in 1972. The scale divided post-traumatic comas in 5 different categories. At the time some Romanian physicians also used Jouvet’s Coma Scale (published in 1969) which evoked perception and responsiveness in patients. Jouvet’s scale was used for its strong insight on anatomical and clinical correlations between the patients symptoms and the existing lesions, how-ever its use was diffi cult and time consuming, which rendered it useless in critical situations demanding instant deci-sions such as brain injury. Furthermore, the use of the Jouvet scale was impossible in patients with language disorders or patients which didn’t speak the same language as the physician.

The use of the GCS is based on the patient’s capacity to react using language and motion to external stimuli. Eye movement, Speech and Motion are graded using 4, 5 and 6 points, for a maximum total of 15 points or a minimum total of 3 points. (See Table 1). A patient with a Glasgow Coma Score of 3 is completely non-reactive, while a patient with a Glasgow Coma Score of 15 is perfectly aware.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (7)


TABLE 1. The Glasgow Coma Scale SystemEye Movement Verbal Response Motor Response

None 1p None 1p None 1pTo Pain 2p Sounds 2p Abnormal Extension 2pTo Voice 3p Words 3p Abnormal Flexion 3p

Spontaneously 4p Confuse 4p Withdraws from pain 4pOrientated 5p Localizes pain 5p

Obeys commands 6p

There still are limits in the use of the Glasgow Coma Scale. One of these reffers to the period of time after brain injury occurs. Emergency medical crews use muscle relaxants and sedatives to make patient transport easier and more effective. The use of such substances will interfere with the assesment of the GCS. Another limit in establishing the Glasgow Coma Score is identifi able in intubated patients which have an non-testable verbal response. Patients which cannot open their eyes due to palpebral edema, again have a non-testable eye response.

Despite its wide use today, the GCS has been seriously criticised due to its incapacity to determine the functional status of brainstem structures. Therefore, various improvements and updates were performed for the Glasgow Coma Scale.

One of the best-known improvementss of the GCS came in 1982 from Born & colab. Who added to the known three parameters the assesment of brainstem refl exes: the fronto-orbicular refl ex (with 5 points), the vertical oculo-cephalic refl ex (4 points), the photo-motor refl ex (3 points), the horizontal oculo-cephalic refl ex (2 points) and the oculo-cardi-ac refl ex (1 point).

One of the most recent improvements in assesing consciousness is represented by the FOUR score (Full Outline UnResponsiveness), developed in 2005 by Wijdicks & colab. This score is almost as easy to use as the GCS, however its usefulness is noticed when patients are admitted in intensive care units and intubated. In such situations the FOUR score allows for a better examination of the patient’s neurologic status.

Over the years, the use of the GCS extended in the entire medical meme despite its criticism. The simplicity and ease of use which characterize the GCS made it a very useful instrument for neurological examination since the fi rst moment a patient is seen by a medical professional.

The Glasgow Coma Scale which recently reached its 40th birthday became an universal language for physicians. Since it has been in use neurological status can be expressed with great ease and without loss of meaning. Through their efforts, the two Scottish physicians made it possible for doctors to communicate easier in life-or-death situations and therefore greatly improved the odds for patients with traumatic brain injuries.

Key words : Glasgow Coma Scale, Traumatic Brain Injury, Neurosurgery


1Professor of Surgery, Principal Investigator I, MD (habil.), PhD, ”Titu Maiorescu” University, Department of Surgical Disciplines, Faculty of Medicine, Surgical Department Hospital CF 2 Bucharest, Romania

2Professor of Surgery, MD, PhD, UMF “Carol Davila”, Department for General and Esophageal Surgery “St. Mary” Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Principles of conservative therapyOverview, the clinical management of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) relies on a number of “key points”: 1) Early

recognition of severe disease, which has a higher mortality; 2) Fluid resuscitation and organ support with appropriate monitoring; 3) Pain management; 4) Removal of underlying predisposing cause e.g. gallstones; 5) Prevention and early recognition of complications; 6) Nutrition; 7) Novel Therapies; 8) Surgical intervention where indicated.

Management of severe acute pancreatitisApproximately 20% of patients develop severe acute pancreatitis with 80-95% mortality.Management of severe acute pancreatitis: „early phase“The initial management of SAP is supportive based on fl uid resuscitation, analgesia and enteral nutrition. These

patients will be treated in intensive care units. All patients should have thrombo-prophylaxis; SAP induces a hiperca-tabolic state, therefore, early nutritional support is essential in order to avoid malnutrition. Patients with acute pancre-atitis (AP) are characterized by loss of the gut barrier function which is involved in both local and systemic infectious complications. Prophylaxis of local complications infection by intravenous systemic prophylactic antibiotic therapy is not recommended. Selective digestive decontamination (DSD) with antibiotics not absorbed from the gut has some

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (8)


benefi ts in preventing infectious complications of acute pancreatitis. Probiotic prophylaxis, not recommended for prophylaxis of infection in acute pancreatitis local complications. Preexisting comorbidities will also be treated inten-sively

Management of severe acute pancreatitis: „late phase“The main event which characterizes the late phase of SAP is infection of the necrotic peripancreatic and pancreatic

tissue. Universally accepted opinion is that surgery is mandatory in certain pancreatic infection, otherwise evolution is fatal. Accurate diagnosis of infected necrosis is represented only by a positive bacterial or fungal cultures obtained by computed tomography-guided fi ne needle aspiration (CT-FNA) from suspected necrosis area. When gas bubbles are apparent in the CT imaging, FNA is no longer neeed.

Surgical interventionSurgery is considered the gold standard treatment for proven infected pancreatic necrosis. In the past, early surgical

intervention was advocated and had a mortality rate up to 80% performed with different approaches such as radiologi-cal, endoscopical and surgical intervention. New surgical approach: alternative surgical techniques, continues to evol-ve and are known as „minimally invasive debridement“. These minimally invasive techniques are developed to reduce operator stress compaing with classical open surgical debridement. Surgical techniques available: percutaneous drain-age; endoscopic approach; laparoscopic approach; retroperitoneal approach.

Current trend: Combined approaches with „step-up philosophy“: probably, management of pancreatic necrosis in an immediate future will not be based only in one of the methods already mentioned. A combination of them (hybrid technique) with a decision making based on characteristics of the patient, necrosis grade, extension and localization will be the key for defi ning the best therapeutic option in ANP. The chances of success are higher when surgery is de-layed ( > 28 days) addressing the encysted infected necrosis (walled-of -necrosis, WON).

Combinations of techniques in the same patient may prove superior to any single approach.

CE E NOU ÎN MANAGEMENTUL TERAPEUTIC AL PANCREATITEI ACUTE SEVERE?Profesor Dr., Cercetător Ştiinţifi c grd I, Doctor în Medicină (abilitat), D. Cochior1, Prof. Dr. S. Constantinoiu2

1Universitatea „Titu Maiorescu”, Departmentul Disciplinelor Medico-Chirurgicale şi Profi lactice, Facultatea de Medicină, Clinica Chirurgie Generală a Spitalului Clinic CF 2 Bucureşti, România

2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Centrul de Excelenţă în Chirurgie Generală şi Esofa*giană, Spitalul Clinic „Sf. Maria” Bucureşti, România

Principiile terapiei conservatoareCheia succesului terapeutic este reprezentată de tratamentul instituit precoce, în primele 12-24 de ore de la debut.

Odată stabilit diagnosticul, conform criteriilor clasifi cării revizuite pe baza factorilor determinanţi (Bologna, 2012), strategia managementului terapeutic necesită, obligatoriu, o serie de etape: Recunoaşterea precoce a severităţii; Resuscitarea fl uidică, terapie suportivă şi monitorizare adecvată; Terapia durerii (analgezia); Îndepărtarea factorilor cauzali, spre exemplu litiaza coledociană; Prevenirea şi recunoaşterea precoce a complicaţiilor locale şi sistemice; Nutriţia; Terapia specifi că; Indicaţia de tratament chirurgical, când se impune.

Managementul pancreatitei acute severeAproximativ 20% din pacienţi dezvoltă forma severă cu o mortalitate de 80-95%. Managementul pancreatitei acute severe: „faza precoce“Tratamentul iniţial al formelor severe de pancreatită acută este suportiv bazat pe resuscitare fl uidică, analgezie şi

nutriţie enterală precoce. Aceşti pacienţi vor fi trataţi în unităţile de terapie intensivă. Toţi pacienţii trebuie să benefi cieze de trombo-profi laxie. Pancreatita acută severă induce un status hipercatabolic şi de aceea, suportul nutriţional precoce este esenţial în prevenirea malnutriţiei acestor pacienţi. Pacienţii cu pancreatită acută au o disfuncţie a permeabilităţii barierei intestinale implicată în patogenia complicaţiilor septice locale şi sistemice (translocaţia bacteriană). Profi laxia infectării complicaţiilor locale prin antibioticoterapie profi lactică sistemică intravenoasă nu este recomandată. Decontaminarea selectivă digestivă (DSD) cu antibiotice care nu se absorb la nivel intestinal are unele benefi cii în prevenirea complicaţiilor infecţioase din pancreatita acută. Profi laxia cu probiotice care nu este recomandată în profi laxia infectării complicaţiilor locale din pancreatita acută. Trebuie tratate intensiv şi comorbidităţile preexistente.

Managementul pancreatitei acute severe: „faza tardivă“Evenimentul central ce caracterizează faza tardivă de evoluţie a pancreatitei acute severe (PAS) este infectarea

necrozelor ţesutului pancreatic şi/sau peripancreatic. Opinia unanim acceptată este că intervenţia chirurgicală este obligatorie în infecţia pancreatică certă, altfel evoluţia este fatală. Diagnosticul de certitudine a necrozei infectate este reprezentat numai de pozitivarea culturilor bacteriene sau fungice din aspiratul obţinut prin puncţie ghidată computer-

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (9)


tomografi c cu ac fi n (CT-FNA) din aria necrozei suspectate. Când bulele de gaz sunt evidente la imagistică CT-FNA nu mai este necesară.

Intervenţia chirurgicalăChirurgia este considerată „standardul de aur“ în tratamentul necrozelor pancreatice certifi cate ca infectate. În

trecut, intervenţiile chirurgicale precoce erau responsabile de o rată a mortalităţii de peste 80%. Tehnici chirurgicale noi, alternative celei tradiţionale, continuă să evolueze fi ind cunoscute sub denumirea colectivă de „necrozectomie/debridare minim-invazivă“. Aceste tehnici minim-invazive sunt elaborate pentru a reduce stresul operator cât mai mult faţă de cel din debridarea chirurgicală deschisă, clasică. Tehnici chirurgicale disponibile: drenajul percutanat, abordarea endoscopică, abordarea laparoscopică şi cea retroperitoneală.

Tendinţa actuală: abordarea prin tehnici combinate: probabil că în viitor managementul terapeutic al necrozelor infectate nu se va baza numai pe tehnicile menţionate. O combinaţie a acestora (tehnici hibride) cu aplicare bazată pe caracteristicile pacientului, gradul necrozei, a extensiei şi localizării preponderente vor fi „cheia“ defi nirii opţiunii terapeutice optime în necroza pancreatică infectată. Şansele de succes cresc semnifi cativ când abordarea chirurgicală este tardivă (> 28 zile) şi se adresează necrozelor închistate infectate (WON). O combinare a acestor tehnici la acelaşi pacient, în mod gradat, se poate dovedi superioară aplicării unei singure tehnici chirurgicale.


1“Carol Davila”, Department for General and Esophageal Surgery “St. Mary” Hospital, Bucharest, Romania2”Titu Maiorescu” University, Department of Surgical Disciplines, Faculty of Medicine, Surgical Department

Hospital CF 2 Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Despite the many aspects of the pathophysiology of the disease, clinical and laboratory severity ranking is quite ambiguous, based on empirical description of clinical changes and the simplistic Atlanta classifi cation (1992), without net demarcation or clear defi nitions, hampering multicenter trials, resulting in suboptimal assessment. New classifi cation clarifi es local and systemic determinants of severity.

Material and method. The study was based on articles published in the fi eld and the world’s experts were con-sulted; 528 invitations were sent and received 240 responses from 49 countries from all continents. Thus, Atlanta clas-sifi cation was considered appropriate for modern clinical practice only of 40 (17%) of respondents. The determinants-based approach to classifying the severity of acute pancreatitis was considered appropriate for modern clinical practice of 188 (78%) of respondents and for clinical research of 191 (80%) of respondents. Resulting the need for an interna-tional consensus (Bologna, 2012), considering this survey.

Results. Defi nitions that have built-in modern concepts of the disease have been issued, clinical evaluation of the severity has been improved and a standardized reporting data to objectively evaluate new treatments and to facilitate the communication of data between centers has been created. New classifi cation clarifi es local and systemic determi-nants of severity. Local determinants take into account the presence or absence of pancreatic or peripancreatic necrosis and, also, if there is necrosis, its quality: sterile or infected. Systemic determinants are considering the absence or pres-ence of organ dysfunction/failures, transient or persistent. Determinants presence has a cumulative effect, they can infl uence each other: the presence of infected pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis associated with persistent organ dysfunction has a much stronger effect on the severity.

Discussions. The new classifi cation of acute pancreatitis based on the determining and sequential factors required a considerable effort, pursuing to establish in this step more precise defi nitions and classifi cations. We defi ned the acute pancreatitis diagnosis criteria, differentiated two forms of acute pancreatitis (interstitial/edematous and necrotic) and the fact that acute pancreatitis as a dynamic pathological process holds two progressive stages (early and late). These two stages are distinct from a physiopathological point of view. The fi rst stage is characterized by the presence or ab-sence of organ dysfunction(s) and very little by the local peripancreatic changes. Thus, we can say it is characterized by „functional“ or „clinical“ aspects that determine a certain therapeutical (conservatory) conduct. As opposed to the fi rst, the second stage is characterized by the symptomatology determined by the evolution of local pancreatic/peripan-creatic complications that can also manifest systemically, thorough bacteremias and sepsis and determining specifi c therapeutic sanctions.

Conclusions. The most signifi cant contribution to this update is redefi ning local complications based on their con-tent, existence or non-existence of the wall, the place of their appearance and their evolution over time (local determi-nants). The main variable that determines the degree of severity of the disease is only dysfunction/failure of the organ (s) transient or persistent. From the clinician’s point of view, the persistent dysfunction(s)/failure(s) are predictive for

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (10)


death. Hence, setting the hierarchy for the severity of acute pancreatitis remains the key element in the approach of this pathology.

NOUA CLASIFICARE A PANCREATITEI ACUTE – BOLOGNA 2012Prof. Dr. S. Constantinoiu1, Prof. Dr., Cercetător Ştiinţifi c grd I, Doctor în Medicină (abilitat) D. Cochior2

1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Centrul de Excelenţă în Chirurgie Generală şi Esofa*giană, Spitalul Clinic „Sf. Maria“ Bucureşti, România

2Universitatea „Titu Maiorescu“, Departmentul Disciplinelor Medico-Chirurgicale şi Profi lactice, Facultatea de Medicină, Clinica Chirurgie Generală a Spitalului Clinic CF 2 Bucureşti, România

Introducere. În pofi da clarifi cării multor aspecte legate de fi ziopatologia bolii, clasifi carea Atlanta (1992) este simplistă, fără demarcaţii nete şi defi niţii clare, îngreunând studiile multicentrice, rezultând astfel o evaluare sub nivelul optim. Noua abordare a clasifi cării pancreatitei acute, de o mai mare acurateţe, are rolul de a conduce către tratamente efi ciente, specifi ce fi ecărei forme conturate.

Material şi metodă. Studiul internaţional a avut la bază consultarea pe web a unor experţi în pancreatita acută: au fost trimise 528 de invitaţii şi s-au primit 240 de răspunsuri de acceptare din 49 de ţări de pe toate continentele. În acest sondaj, clasifi carea Atlanta a fost considerată adecvată pentru practica clinică modernă de numai 40 (17%) din repondenţi, iar abordarea bazată pe factorii determinanţi a fost considerată adecvată pentru practica clinică modernă de 188 (78%) şi pentru cercetarea clinică de 191 (80%). Acest rezultat a determinat necesitatea unui consens internaţional (Bologna, 2012).

Rezultate. Defi niţiile noi au fost emise pe baza conceptelor fi ziopatologice moderne ale bolii, evaluarea clinică a severităţii a fost îmbunătăţită şi au fost standardizate datele de raportare atât în vederea evaluării, în mod obiectiv, a unor tratamente şi proceduri chirurgicale noi cât şi pentru a facilita comunicarea între centre. Noua clasifi care clarifi că factorii determinanţi locali şi sistemici de severitate. Factorii determinanţi locali se referă la existenţa sau inexistenţa necrozei pancreatice sau peripancreatice şi în caz afi rmativ se referă la calitatea acesteia: sterilă sau infectată. Factorii determinanţi sistemici iau în considerare absenţa sau prezenţa disfuncţiilor/insufi cienţelor de organ care pot fi tranzitorii sau persistente. Prezenţa factorilor determinanţi are un efect cumulativ şi se pot infl uienţa reciproc: prezenţa necrozei pancreatice/peripancreatice infectate asociată cu disfuncţii de organe persistente are un efect mult mai pregnant asupra severităţii.

Discuţii. Noua clasifi care a pancreatitei acute în baza factorilor determinanţi a necesitat un efort apreciabil, urmărindu-se, în această etapă, stabilirea unor defi niţii şi clasifi cări mai precise. Sunt defi nite criteriile pentru diagnosticul pancreatitei acute, sunt diferenţiate două forme de pancreatită acută (interstiţială/edematoasă şi necrotică) şi faptul că, pancreatita acută, privită ca un proces patologic dinamic, cuprinde două faze evolutive (precoce şi tardivă). Aceste două faze sunt distincte din punct de vedere fi ziopatologic. Prima fază este caracterizată de prezenţa sau absenţa disfuncţiei/ilor de organ/e, de aceea, are preponderent aspecte „funcţionale“ sau „clinice“ ce determină o anumită conduită terapeutică (conservatoare). A doua fază este caracterizată de simptomatologia determinată (mai ales) de evoluţia complicaţiilor locale, ce se poate manifesta şi sistemic prin bacteriemii şi sepsis, practic, criterii „morfologice“ ce determină sancţiuni terapeutice specifi ce.

Concluzii. Contribuţia cea mai importantă a acestei clasifi cări este redefi nirea complicaţiilor locale în funcţie de conţinutul lor, existenţa sau inexistenţa peretelui, sediul, aspectul şi evoluţia acestora în timp (factori determinanţi locali). Variabila principală ce determină gradul de severitate al bolii este numai disfuncţia/insufi cienţa de organ(e) tranzitorie sau persistentă. Din punctul de vedere clinic, disfuncţia(ile)/insufi cienţa(ele) de organ(e) persistentă(e) este predictivă pentru deces. De aceea, ierarhizarea severităţii pancreatitei acute rămâne elementul cheie în abordarea acestei patologii.

EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF SEPSIS: THE UTILITY OF BIOMARKERSCamelia DiaconuUniversity Lecturer University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Internal Medicine Clinic, Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Romania

Sepsis is a consequence of the progress of medicine. In practice, sepsis can occur suddenly and can be diffi cult to distinguish from SIRS (Systemic Infl ammatory Response Syndrome). The early diagnosis is often diffi cult. Interrela-tion between infection, sepsis and SIRS formed the subject of international consensus meetings. SIRS can be infectious or non-infectious (trauma, pancreatitis, burns). The infl ammatory response is a cascade of very sophisticated events.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (11)


Natural immunity is the fi rst line of defense against a potential threat to the body. Natural immunity critical compo-nents are strongly intertwined, pleiotropic and redundant, which describes a dynamic system with multiple links which reinforce each other, with greater variability in time. Differentiation between sepsis and non-infectious causes of SIRS is diffi cult. The traditional approach to the diagnosis of sepsis was based on clinical signs and symptoms of sepsis, supported by relevant microbiological data. In recent years, increasingly more biomarkers are especially useful for the diagnosis of sepsis and prognosis of these patients. Almost 180 biomarkers were studied in sepsis. Many biomarkers of sepsis are actually mediators of the infl ammatory response in sepsis. Others arise as a consequence of septic process. Due to the complexity of the septic response, different markers may have different roles in terms of diagnosis, progno-sis and therapy guidance. Most used biomarkers of sepsis are lactate, procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, followed by newer markers as TREM-1, CD 163, microRNA, SNP, TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-10.

DIAGNOSTICUL PRECOCE AL SEPSIS-ULUI: UTILITATEA BIOMARKERILOR Şef Lucr. Dr. Camelia DiaconuUMF „Carol Davila“, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă, Clinica de Medicină Internă, Bucureşti

Sepsis-ul este o consecinţă a progreselor medicinei. În practică, sepsis-ul poate apare brusc şi poate fi difi cil de diferenţiat de SIRS (Systemic Infl ammatory Response Syndrome). Diagnosticarea sa precoce este de mult ori difi cilă. Interrelaţia infecţie, sepsis şi SIRS a format obiectul unor reuniuni internaţionale de consens. SIRS poate fi rezultatul unei cauze infecţioase sau neinfecţioase (traumatism, pancreatită, arsuri). Răspunsul infl amator este o cascadă de evenimente foarte sofi sticată. Imunitatea naturală este prima linie de apărare a organismului împotriva unui potenţial pericol. Componentele imunităţii naturale în stările critice sunt puternic întrepătrunse, pleiotropice şi redundante, ceea ce descrie un sistem dinamic cu multiple legături, ce se potenţează reciproc şi cu o variabilitate crescută în timp. Diferenţierea între sepsis şi cauzele noninfecţioase de SIRS este difi cilă. Abordarea tradiţională a diagnosticului de sepsis s-a bazat pe semne clinice şi simptome de sepsis, susţinute de date microbiologice relevante. În anii din urmă, se utilizează din ce în ce mai mult biomarkeri, care sunt utili mai ales pentru excluderea diagnosticului de sepsis şi pentru prognosticul acestor bolnavi. Aproape 180 biomarkeri au fost studiaţi în sepsis. Mulţi biomarkeri de sepsis sunt de fapt mediatori ai răspunsului infl amator în sepsis, adică sunt jucători esenţiali în apariţia şi dezvoltarea sepsis-ului. Alţii apar ca o consecinţă a procesului septic. Datorită complexităţii răspunsului septic, diferiţi markeri pot avea roluri diferite în termeni de diagnostic, prognostic şi ghidarea tratamentului. Cei mai utilizaţi biomarkeri de sepsis sunt lactat-ul, procalcitonina, proteina C reactivă, urmaţi de markeri mai noi, ca TREM-1, CD 163, microARN, SNP, TNF-alfa, IL-1, IL-10.

MANAGEMENT OF NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES AFTER LSGOana Dumitrache, Ruxandra Pleşea, Mihaela Iordache Ponderas

Introduction. Nutritional defi ciencies are common after bariatric surgery. The etiology is multifactorial owing to impaired absorption and decreased oral intake.

Objectives. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the very late complications – after one year – micronutrient defi ciencies that can result after common bariatric procedures, in particular after LSG.

Methods. One to four years postoperative data were collected retrospectively. We studied only the men – the 54 of them who completed all four years follow-up.We included obesity related co-morbidities and blood test fi ndings.

Results. We studied only the men the 54 of them who completed all four years follow-up. At our clinic, we rou-tinely monitor patient’s serum albumin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, folate, iron and calcium levels at 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery and treat them accordingly, if necessary.

Defi ciencies of iron, after 1 year of surgery – 7.4%, 2 years after surgery – 7.4%, 3 years – 0% and four yers after surgery – 3.7% respectively.

Defi ciencies of vitamin B12, after 1 year of surgery – 9.25%, 2 years after surgery – 9.25%, 3 years – 11.1% and four years after surgery – 5.5% respectively. The most frequent defi ciency.

Defi ciencies of seric albumin, after 1 year of surgery – 7.4%, 2 years after surgery – 0%, 3 years – 1.85 % and four yers after surgery – 0% respectively. Defi ciencies of transferin, after 1 year of surgery – 5.5 %, 2 years after surgery – 11.1%, 3 years – 3.7% and four yers after surgery – 3.7% respectively.

The second most freaquent defi ciency. Defi ciencies of vitamin D, after 1 year of surgery – 0%, 2 years after surgery – 0%, 3 years – 1.85% and four yers after surgery – 0% respectively.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (12)


In our study micronutrient defi ciencies are less prevalent after LSG; however, vitamin B12 defi ciency was slightly more common after LSG.

Conclusions: Routine blood work is therefore warranted after LSG to diagnose vitamin and mineral defi ciencies.Long-term (5 year) weight loss and comorbidity resolution data for sleeve gastrectomy have not been reported at

this time.


Introducere. Defi cienţele nutriţionale sunt frecvente după intervenţiile chirurgicale bariatrice. Etiologia acestora este plurifactorială şi se datorează atât tulburărilor de absorbţie a nutrienţilor cât şi aportului redus.

Obiective. Scopul lucrării este să ofere o privire de ansamblu retrospectivă asupra complicaţiilor pe termen lung, de după un an, ce derivă din defi cienţele de micronutrienţi în urma efectuării operaţiilor de tip bariatric, în special gasterctomia longitudinală laparoscopică.

Metoda. Au fost colectate date retrospective, postoperator, începând cu un an până la 4 ani. În studiu au fost introduşi 54 de bărbaţi ce au fost urmăriţi timp de 4 ani din punct de vedere al complicaţiilor datorate obezităţii şi al testelor de laborator.

Rezultate. Au fost urmăriţi 54 de bărbaţi în clinica noastră postoperator. Uzual recoltăm pacienţilor noştrii deci şi subiecţilor urmăriţi următoarele teste de laborator: albumina serică, vitamina B12, acid folic seric, 25 OH Vita mina D, fi er seric, calciu seric, la 3 luni, 6 luni, 12 luni şi apoi anual. Evantualele dezechilibre şi defi cienţe sunt tratate corespunzător.

Defi citul de fi er la un an postoperator a fost detectat la 7,4% dintre pacienţi, la 2 ani postoperator la 7,4% dintre pacienţi, la 3 ani postoperator la 0% dintre pacienţi şi la 4 ani postoperator la 3,7% dintre pacienţi

Defi citul de vitamina B12 la un an postoperator sa fost detectat la 9, 25% dintre pacienţi, la 2 ani postoperator a fost detectat la 9, 25% dintre pacienţi, la 3 ani postoperator la 11,1% iar la 4 ani, la 5,5% dintre pacienţi. De fi citul de vitamina B12 este cel mai frecvent întâlnit postoperator.

Al doilea cel mai frecvent defi cit postoperator citat în literatura de specialitate este cel de vitamina D. La un an postoperator în clinica noastră s-a înregistrat la 0% dintre pacienţi, la 2 ani la 0% dintre pacienţi, la 3 ani la 1,85% dintre pacienţi iar la 4 ani postoperator s-a înregistrat la 0% dintre pacienţi.

Defi citul de albumină serică la un an postoperator a fost înregistrat la 7,45 dintre pacienţi, la 2 ani postoperator la 0% dintre pacienţi, la 3 ani la 1,85% dintre pacienţi iar la 4 ani postoperator la 0%. Defi citul de transferină serică la un an a fost întâlnit la 5,5% dintre pacienţi, la 2 ani la 11,1% dintre pacienţi, la 3 ani la 3,7% dintre pacienţi iar la 4 ani postoperator la 3,7% dintre pacienţi.

Am observat în studiul nostru că defi citele de nutrienţi nu au fost foarte accentuate, mai ales după operaţia de tip gastrectomie longitudinală. Totuşi defi citul de vitamina B12 pare a fi mai frecvent întâlnit pe termen lung, postoperator după LSG.

Concluzii. Se recomandă testarea periodică a nivelelor de vitamine şi minerale după operaţiile bariatrice pentru a diagnostica din timp eventualele defi ciente de nutrienţi.

Date în ceea ce priveşte evoluţia postoperatorie la peste 5 ani după operaţie nu s-au publicat încă.

ARE THERE SOME RULES IN THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF ISLETS ?: NEW APPROACHES IN THE ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX TISSUESPaul A. Gagniuc1-4, Elvira Gubceac5, Liliana Mardare1, Cristian Guja1, Constantin Ionescu-Tirgoviste1

1National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases „N.C. Paulescu“, Bucharest, Romania2Institute of Pathology „Victor Babes“, Romania3Facultatea of Engineering in Foreign Languages, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania4Institutul of Genetics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania5Universitatea of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania

Abstract. The majority of organs consist of tissues with a clear and easily recognizable structure. For instance, the pancreatic tissue is extremely heterogeneous and therefore diffi cult to analyze. In most cases, histological analysis of tissues is performed in a relative manner, and is rarely made on a global scale (ie. whole cross-sections through diffe-rent organs). The main issue regarding large scale histological analyzes generally occurs when it comes to the correla-

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (13)


tion of an enormous amount of observations. Here we describe a new methodology for approximating some anatomical structures that are diffi cult to elucidate by conventional means. The study of a healthy human pancreas taken from a donor, shows that the islets of Langerhans form a well-defi ned three-dimensional structure. Our approach uses data derived from a set of histological slides that span over several cross-sections through the pancreas. The analysis of the data resulted into an approximation of the internal structure of the tissue in between cross-sections. For this approxi-mation, the method of analysis appeals to an original combination between bicubic interpolation algorithm and the k-Nearest clustering algorithm. In this case, the bicubic interpolation is used specifi cally for drawing maps of density peaks which are connected from cross-section to cross-section using the k-Nearest clustering algorithm. This method creates a spatial correlation between these cross-sections. Thus, in the future we intend to apply this method for the study of other organs of interest.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by „CERO – Career profi le: Romanian Researcher“, grant number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/ 135760, cofi nanced by the European Social Fund for Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013.

EXISTĂ REGULI ÎN DISTRIBUŢIA INSULELOR LANGERHANS?ABORDĂRI NOI ÎN ANALIZA ŢESUTURILOR COMPLEXEPaul A. Gagniuc1-4, Elvira Gubceac5, Liliana Mardare1, Cristian Guja1, Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte1

1Institutul Naţional de Diabet, Nutriţie şi Boli Metabolice „N.C. Paulescu“, Bucureşti, România2Institutul Naţional de Patologie „Victor Babeş“, România3Facultatea de Inginerie în Limbi Străine, Universitatea Politehnică din Bucureşti, România4Institutul de Genetică, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Bucureşti, România5Universitatea de Ştiinte Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară, Bucureşti, România

Rezumat. Majoritatea organelor sunt constituite din ţesuturi cu o structură clară şi relativ uşor de descris. Datorită funcţiei mixte, ţesutul pancreasului este deosebit de heterogen şi în consecinţaă difi cil de analizat. De cele mai multe ori analiza histologică a ţesuturilor este efectuată în mod relativ şi rareori sunt efectuate analize globale. Difi cultatea în privinţa analizelor histologice la scară largă apare în general datorită volumului foarte mare de observaţii. Aici descriem o metodologie de aproximare a structurilor anatomice care sunt difi cil de elucidat prin metodele convenţionale. Prin studiul unui pancreas uman sănătos luat de la donator, arătam ca insulele Langerhans formează o structură tridimensională bine defi nită. Abordarea noastră foloseşte datele extrase de pe un set de lame histologice care acoperă câteva secţiuni transversale prin pancreas. Astfel, analiza acestor date duce la o aproximare a structurii interne a ţesutului dintre sec-ţiunile transversale. Pentru această aproximare, metoda de analiză apelează la o combinaţie originală între interpolarea bicubică şi algoritmul k-nearest clustering. Interpolarea bicubică este folosită în mod special pentru trasarea unor hărţi de densitate a căror valori maxime sunt conectate de la secţiune la secţiune cu ajutorul algoritmului k-nearest clustering. Astfel se realizează o corelaţie spaţială între aceste zone. Pe viitor intenţionăm să aplicăm această metodă şi pentru studiul altor organe de interes.

Recunoaşteri. Această lucrare a fost susţinută de programul „CERO – Profi lul Cariera: Cercetător român“, număr POSDRU/159/1.5/S/135760, cofi nanţat din Fondul Social European pentru Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvol-tarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

THE PHARMACOLOGY OF SOMME VEGETABLE DRUGS USED IN DIABET MELITUS II (DM II)Prof. Viorica IstudorUMF „C. Davila“, National Co-ordinating of medicines` attestation in Apitherapy, Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy

The pharmacologycal drugs used in diabet melitus have hypoglycemiant effects, act upon glucose metabolism or reduce cardio-vascular disorders (nevrites, nefrites, glaucoma etc). Although few medicines practice phytotherapy, I consider that correct information in this domain might help them make a judicious choice in using the necessary veg-etable drugs for the treatment of these disturbs.

The object of this work is: classifi cation of vegetable active principles according to their chemical structure and action of mechanism; their pharmacocinetic; vegetable drugs and their administration.

Vegetable products act as: direct insulino-mimetic effect (panaxan B, polipeptide B, chataranthoside, gurmarine, tannic acid); indirect insulino-mimetic effect, such as the inhibitors of: DPP4-enzyme (gymnemic acids, sulfur deri-vates, 4-hidroxi-isoleucine, leucine, arginine); cholinesterase enzyme (catechols, epicatechols); insulinase enzyme (tryptophan, nicotinic acid); PPAR- receptors (isofl avones), or upon glucose metabolism (-glucosidase inhibitors –

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (14)


moranoline; aldo-reductase inhibitors – elagic acid and derivates, proanthocyanidines, fl avones, phenol-carboxilic acids, curcuminoides, vitamin C) and by other mechanism (e. g. antioxidants – polyphenols).

I hope that knowing the active principles used in DM II treatment (chemical structure, pharmacology, spread, drug interactions, adverse reactions, administration forms) might be helpful for a personalised medical recipe.

FARMACOLOGIA UNOR PRODUSE VEGETALE UTILIZATE ÎN DIABETUL ZAHARAT II (DZ II)Prof. Univ. Dr. Farm. Viorica IstudorUMF „C. Davila“, Coordonator Naţional al atestării medicilor în apiterapie, fi toterapie şi aromaterapie

În tratamentul diabetului zaharat farmacoterapia foloseşte hipoglicemiante, substanţe care acţionează asupra metabolismului glucozei ori remediază complicaţiile cardiovasculare (nevrite, nefrite, glaucom etc). Deşi sunt puţini medicii diabetologi care practică fi toterapia, considerăm că o informare corectă, i-ar putea ajuta în alegerea judicioasă a produselor necesare tratamentului acestei maladii.

Scopul lucrării de faţă constă în: clasifi carea principiilor active vegetale în funcţie de structura chimică şi de mecanismul de acţiune; prezentarea farmacocineticii lor, a produselor vegetale aferente şi forma de administrare.

Produsele vegetale pot acţiona ca: insulino-mimetice directe (panaxanul B, polipeptida B şi catarantozida, gur-marina, acidul tanic); insulino-mimetice indirecte (inhibitorii enzimelor: DPP4 – acizii gimnemici, derivaţii sulfuraţi, 4-hidroxi-izoleucina, leucina, arginina; colinesterazei – catechina, epicatechina; insulinazei – triptofanul, acidul nico-tinic şi derivaţii; receptorilor PPAR – izofl avonele), ori asupra metabolismului glucozei (inhibitorii -glucozidazei – moranolina; aldo-reductazei – acidul elagic şi derivaţii, proantocianii, fl avonele, acizii fenol-carboxilici, curcuminoide, vitamina C) şi prin alte mecanisme (antioxidanţi – polifenolii ş.a.).

Cunoaşterea principiilor active utile tratamentului DZ II (structură chimică, farmacologie, răspândire, interacţiuni medicamentoase, reacţii adverse, forme de administrare), sper să fi e de folos în selectarea şi asocierea lor pentru alcătuirea unei prescripţii medicale judicioase, personalizate.


The study of tooth eruption imposed over time, not so much by the anomalies that arise during the development the physiological process of tooth eruption, as evident by interfering with general somatic and mental development of the subjects under the infl uence of environmental factors. One of disturbing factors fi t into the scheme of eruptive norma-lity is the diabetes.

We can accept that the decisive causal factors of the physical changes are the social environment factors and in particular the standard of living in human communities. Acceleration or retardation has proven to be determined by the overall condition of the population living condition and receptivity to environmental factors at different stages of age.

Knowledge of deviations from the processes of growth and development is the basic element in the preventive and curative treatment of young people concerned.

After studies can say that the tooth eruption moment is a good marker of biological age compared with the chrono-logical age. Chronological limits eruption thus constitute indicators in general somatic development being precious in detecting signs of metabolic, genetic or general endocrine disorders - in close correlation with the infl uence of envi-ronment, in all its aspects.


1Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România; Comisia de Antropologie – Academia Română; Societatea Academică de Antropologie

2Institutul de Antropologie „Fr. Rainer“ – Academia Română, Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România, Academia de Ştiinţe Medicale

Studiul erupţiei dentare s-a impus de-a lungul timpului, nu atât prin anomaliile ce se ivesc pe parcursul desfăşurării procesului fi ziologic de erupţie dentară, cât prin interferenţa evidentă cu dezvoltarea somatică generală şi psihică a subiecţilor sub infl uenţa factorilor de mediu. Unul din factorii perturbatori ai încadrării în schema normalităţii eruptive o constituie diabetul zaharat.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (15)


Se poate accepta ideea că factorii cauzali hotărâtori ai modifi cărilor dezvoltării fi zice sunt factorii mediului social şi în special a nivelului de trai a colectivităţilor umane. Acceleraţia sau retardul s-a dovedit a fi determinată de starea generală a condiţiilor de viaţă a populaţiei şi de receptivitatea organismului la factorii de mediu în diferitele etape de vârstă.

Cunoaşterea abaterilor de la procesele de creştere şi dezvoltare este elementul de bază în tratamentul preventiv şi curativ al populaţiei tinere în cauză.

În urma studiilor efectuate se poate spune că mo mentul erupţiei dentare este un bun marker al vârstei reale în comparaţie cu cea cro nologică. Limitele cronologice de erupţie constituind astfel indicatori în dezvoltarea somatică generală, fi ind semne valoroase în depistarea unor afecţiuni metabolice, genetice sau afecţiuni generale endocrine – în strânsă corelare cu infl uenţa mediului înconjurator, sub toate aspectele sale.

THE CAPACITY OF THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS (PBMNC) TO RELEASEPRO-OXIDANTS AND TO NEUTRALIZE THEM; SIGNIFICANCE IN NEWLY DIAGNOSED TYPE 2DIABETIC PATIENTS Daniela Lixandru1, Laura Petcu2, Ariana Picu2, Manuela Mitu2, Janeta Tudosoiu2, Simona Carniciu1,2, Andrada Mihai1,2, Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte1,2

1University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Eroii Sanitari Blvd. 8, 050474 Bucharest, Romania2National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disease “Prof. N. Paulescu”, Bucharest, Romania

Background. Obesity, one of the most priority global public health problems, is defi ned as an excessive accumula-tion of adipose tissue caused by chronic energy discrepancy between energy expenditure and energy intake. Oxidative stress, the imbalance between oxidants/antioxidants in favor of pro-oxidant agents, may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of obesity associated diseases. Monocytes by means of their respiratory burst are an important source of free radicals that can promote atherogenic pathways in the vascular wall while the protection offered by some intracel-lular antioxidant enzymes is still not fully understood.

The aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) to re-lease pro-oxidants and to neutralize them in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients (T2D).

Methods. 367 patients with newly diagnosed uncomplicated T2D were compared regarding clinical, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters with 130 healthy subjects. All subjects were divided into subgroups according to their body mass index (BMI) as follows: subgroup 1 = overweight patients (BMI between 25-29.9 Kg/m2) and subgroup 2 = obese patients (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). The capacity of the PBMNC to release pro-oxidants and to neutralize them was determined by measuring the respiratory burst (RB) and the intracellular antioxidant enzyme paraoxonase2 (PON2). Fructosamine and serum levels of leptin, adiponectin, insulin and proinsulin were determined as well.

Results. PON2 activity in PBMNC was signifi cantly lower in newly diagnosed T2D (p<0.0005) and in obese in all groups while RB do not differ in diabetic patients from those that are non-diabetic. They had decreased levels of adi-ponectin (p<0.05) and increased insulin (p<0.05), proinsulin (p<0.05) and fructosamine (p<0.05) levels. PON2 levels were inversely correlated to measures of adiposity (BMI and Waist Circumference: r – 0.42, p <0.0005), of glucose control (blood glucose, serum fructosamine and HbA1c) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR: r -0.21 p 0.01). In multi-variate models, 39% of the PON2 variance was explained by diabetes and waist circumference.

Conclusions. The lower PON2 enzymatic activity in PBMNC from newly T2D patients is partly explained by ab-dominal obesity and insulin resistance. Up-regulation of monocyte PON2 activity may provide a compensatory protec-tive mechanism against oxidative stress damage in early (prehyperglycaemic) phase of type 2 diabetes.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientifi c Re-search, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0429. Dr. Lixandru Daniela acknowledges the post-doctoral program POSDRU/89/1.5/S/60746, from European Social Fund.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (16)



1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti, România2Institutul Naţional de Diabet, Nutriţie şi Boli Metabolice „Prof. N. Paulescu“, Bucureşti, România

Introducere. Obezitatea, una dintre problemele globale de sanatate publică prioritare, este defi nită ca acumularea excesivă de ţesut adipos cauzată de un dezechilibru energetic cronic între consumul şi aportul de energie. Stresul oxidativ prin perturbarea balanţei dintre oxidanţi/antioxidanţi în favoarea agenţilor pro-oxidanţi, poate juca un rol critic în patogeneza bolilor asociate obezităţii. Monocitele, prin intermediul puseului respirator, sunt o sursă importantă de radicali liberi care pot promova procesul aterosclerotic în peretele vascular, în timp ce protecţia oferită de unele enzime antioxidante intracelulare este încă incomplet elucidată.

Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a investiga capacitatea celulelor mononucleare din sângele periferic (PBMNC) de a elibera pro-oxidanţi şi de a-i neutraliza la pacienţii cu diabet zaharat de tip 2 nou diagnosticat (DZT2).

Materiale şi metode. 367 de pacienţi nou diagnosticaţi cu DZ tip 2 fără complicaţii au fost comparaţi în ceea ce priveşte parametrii clinici, biochimici şi de stres oxidativ cu 130 de subiecţi sănătoşi. Toţi subiecţii au fost împărţiţi în subgrupuri în funcţie de indicele de masă corporală (IMC), după cum urmează: subgrup 1 = supraponderali (IMC între 25-29.9 kg/m2) şi subgrup 2 = obezi (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2). Capacitatea PBMNC de a elibera pro-oxidanţi şi de a-i neutraliza a fost determinată prin măsurarea intensităţii puseului respirator (RB) şi respectiv a activitaţii lactonazice a enzimei antioxidante intracelulare paraoxonaza 2 (PON2). Nivelurile serice pentru fructozamină, leptină, adiponectină, insulină şi proinsulină au fost de asem*nea determinate.

Rezultate. Activitatea lactonazică a PON2 în PBMNC fost semnifi cativ mai mică la pacienţii DZT2 nou diagnosticat (p < 0,0005) şi în lotul cu obezitate, în timp ce RB nu a diferit semnifi cativ statistic la pacienţii diabetici faţă de cei fără DZT2. În plus, pacienţii cu DZT2 au avut niveluri scăzute de adiponectina (p < 0,05) şi crescute de insulină (p < 0,05), proinsulină (p < 0,05) şi fructozamină (p < 0,05). PON2 a fost invers corelată cu markerii de adipozitate (IMC şi circumferinţa taliei: r - 0,42, p <0,0005), cu cei glicemici (glicemia, fructozamina şi HbA1c) şi cu rezistenţa la insulină (HOMA-IR: r -0.21 p 0,01). 39% din variaţia PON2 a fost explicată de diabet şi de circumferinţa taliei.

Concluzii. Scăderea activităţii PON2 în PBMNC la pacienţii cu DZT2 nou descoperit se explică parţial prin prezenţa obezităţii abdominale şi prin rezistenţa la insulină. Creşterea activităţii PON2 poate furniza un mecanism de protecţie împotriva deteriorării compensării stresului oxidativ în stadiul prehiperglicemic la pacienţii cu DZT2 nou descoperit.

METAFORELE PANCREASULUIAcad. Solomon Marcus De mii de ani, corpul uman şi componentele sale au devenit metafore ale lumii naturale şi sociale, dar în acelaşi

timp, medicina se prevalează de metafore dintre cele ma diverse. Este acesta un fenomen colateral, marginal, sau cumva îndeplineşte o funcţie cognitivă deloc neglijabilă?

Argumentăm în favoarea celei de a doua variante a acestei alternative, cu privire specială la pancreas, fi cat şi rinichi.

SURGICAL TREATMENT OF DIABETIC FOOTPetronel Mustatea. M.D.National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases „N. Paulescu“

Diabetic foot is a major and an increasing public-health problem. Lifetime risk of a person with diabetes developing infection or foot ulcer could be as high as 25-30%.

Wounds of the foot are the most common reason for diabetes-related hospital admissions. In many of these cases, surgical intervention is the best option. Etiology is multifactorial: neuropathy, ischemia and infection

Surgical treatment is represented by debridement, drainage, minor amputations or major amputation ( BKA, AKA). The main goal is to control the infection and to attempt to salvage the leg, preserving a functional limb.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (17)


The best results are achieved within a multidisciplinary approach, surgical treatment playing a major role in man-agement of diabetic foot.

TRATAMENTUL CHIRURGICAL ÎN LEZIUNILE PICIORULUI DIABETICDr. Petronel MustăţeaInstitutul de Diabet, Nutriţie si Boli Metabolice „N. Paulescu“, Bucureşti

Piciorului diabetic reprezintă o problemă majoră de sănătate publică, considerandu-se ca 25-30% din pacienţii diabetici vor dezvolta infecţie sau leziuni ulcerative.

Leziunile piciorului diabetic reprezintă cea mai frecventă cauză de internare, în cele mai multe cazuri intervenţia chirurgicală fi ind tratamentul necesar. Etiologia este multifactorială reprezentată de trei elemente principale: neuropatia, angiopatia şi infecţia.

Intervenţiile chirurgicale în cazul piciorului diabetic pot fi limitate, debridari, drenaje, amputaţii de degete sau reprezentate de amputaţii majore, scopul principal fi ind de a controla infecţia şi de a salva membrul pelvin, prezervând un picior funcţional.

Cele mai bune rezultate se obţin printr-o abordare multidisciplinară, intervenţia chirurgicală jucând un rol important în managementul piciorului diabetic.

NEUROCARDIOLOGY OF A PARADOX – SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH CORDEINDEMNO: MECHANISM AND PREVENTIONRadu Negoescu, Serban Dinca-Panaitescu, Dan Dominic IonescuNational Institute of Public Health, York University in Toronto, Craiova Center of Cardiology

In 1980’s Romania about 15% out of sudden cardiac death (SCD) casualties were found corde indemno at hospital post mortems (Rom. Ann. Conf. Cardiol., 1989). This statistic, together with circa 60 percent of CVD mortality attri-butable to SCD (Lown, 1990), suggested a minimum of 9 % of sudden deaths as occuring by an arrhythmic mechanism without manifest cardiac cause. It is recognized that behind malignant arrhythmias lies the exacerbation of cardiac sympathetic drive (CSD), connected by many to chronic psycho-social stress (PSS) – notorious in Romania during 80’s, late 90’s or again during 2008-2011 fi nancial crisis as well. Thus, prevention of SCD corde indemno preserves nowaday an interest depending upon non-invasive quantifying of CSD in the cardiology clinic.

As we have shown previously, in normal young there is a low frequency (LF: 2,4 - 9 cycles/minute i.e. 0,04 - 0,15 Hz) modulation of repolarization duration (ECG’s QT interval), independent of sinus arrhythmia through a dominant β- and perhaps also α1 – adrenergic mechanism activated by acute mental stress. The LF variability in QT time series (QT-LF) emerges as an index of idio-ventricular, as distinct versus the sino-atrial CSD whose exacerbation is benign in association with the dominant vagal tone (Negoescu, 2003).

Method. A direct way to calibrate the indexation value of QT-LF for idio-ventricular CSD under mental stress is refering it to the setting in which a non-controversial higher CSD is induced by exercise performing. 15 healthy mature subjects, averaging 47.8 years, were monitored during a 10minutes Wolf stress interview on their recent life psycho-traumas, then during a sub-maximal bicycle exercise lasting 3-8 min.


Heart rate [beat/min]

RR-LF [ms2]

QT-LF [ms2]

Relaxed sitting 73.7 300.5 2.5Stress interview 80.1 894.9 6.7Exercise (n=8) 131.9 113.3 8.6

Recovery 84.4 242.1 2.4

Results. In the table, QT-LF was computed over 3 minute epochs with stationary RR-grams; group averages sepa-rated by bold lines differ signifi cantly, cf. bilateral Wilcoxon, p < 0.0.

In mature subjects experimentally-inducing mental stress by uncovering chronic PSS puts perhaps the myocardium on a sympathetic tone equivalent to an exercise bearable no more than a few minutes. One can speculate that – syner-getic to pre-existent cardiac disturbances or other lifestyle/hereditary risk factors – an acute stress superposed to

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (18)


chronic PSS can trigger arrhythmic incidents or fatal accidents (SCD) beyond protection of the conventional cardio-logy.

Conclusion. In absence of structural alterations detectable by cardiologists, prevention of stress-dependent SCD features an ethical nature: the exposed individuals stay for the time being outside of conventional diagnose or treat-ment. Protocols and test methods developed in our lab are able to detect subjects/patients at risk, that can be afterwards protected by life-style or medical steps.

NEUROCARDIOLOGIA UNUI PARADOX – MOARTEA CARDIACĂ SUBITĂ CORDEINDEMNO: MECANISM ŞI PREVENŢIERadu Negoescu, Serban Dinca-Panaitescu, Dan Dominic IonescuInstitutul Naţional de Sănătate Publică, York University Toronto, Centrul de Cardiologie Craiova

În România anilor 1980 circa 15% dintre victimele morţii cardiace subite (MCS) autopsiate în spitale erau găsite corde indemno (Consf. An. Cardiol., 1989), ceea ce, coroborat cu faptul că MCS răspun de grosso modo de 60% din mortalitatea BCV (Lown, 1990), sugera ca minimim 9% dintre decese surveneau prin mecanism aritmic fără cauză cardiacă manifestă. Este stabilit că în spatele aritmiilor maligne se găseşte exacerbarea tonusul simpatic cardiac (TSC), pusă în legătură de mulţi cu stresul psihosocial cronic (SPS) – notoriu în România obsedantului deceniu, a sfârşitului anilor 1990 sau a crizei fi nanciare 2008-2011. Prevenţia MCS corde indemno îşi păstrează astfel o actualitate depinzând de evaluarea non-invazivă a TSC în (sub)clinica de cardiologie.

Am arătat anterior că la tinerii normali există o modulaţie de joasă frecvenţă (LF: 2,4-9 ciclii/minut i.e. 0,04-0,15 Hz) a duratei repolarizării cardiace (intervalul QT), independentă de aritmia sinusală (fl uctuaţiile bătaie-cu-bătaie ale intervalului RR), printr-un mecanism dominant β- şi posibil α1- adrenergic activat de stresul mental acut. Variabilitatea LF a seriilor de timp QT (QT-LF) emerge drept index al TSC idio-ventricular, distinct faţă de cel sino-atrial – cu exacerbare benignă într-o companie vagală dominantă (Negoescu, 2003).

Metodă. Un mijloc direct de a stabili capacitatea QT-LF de a indexa TSC idio-ventricular sub stres mental este raportarea la o situaţie cu tonus simpatic indubitabil crescut: efortul fi zic. 15 subiecţi cu miocard normal, în medie 47,8 ani, au fost monitorizaţi în timpul interviului de stress tip Wolf evocând traume psihice din istoria lor recentă (circa 10 minute), apoi sub efort sub-maximal pe bicicleta ergometrică (3-8 minute).

Variabilă →INTERVENŢIE ↓

Puls mediu [băt/min]

RR-LF [ms2]

QT-LF [ms2]

Repaus relaxat 73,7 300,5 2,5Stres mental 80,1 894,9 6,7

Efort fi zic (n=8) 131,9 113,3 8,6Revenire post-efort 84,4 242,1 2,4

Rezultate. În tabel, QT-LF a fost calculată pe epoci de 3 minute cu RR-grame staţionare; mediile de grup separate prin linie groasă diferă semnifi cativ cf Wilcoxon bilateral, p < 0,01. Stresul mental indus experimental la maturi prin decopertarea SPS cronic pune probabil miocardul sub tonus simpatic echivalent unui efort fi zic sustenabil numai câteva minute. Se poate specula că – in sinergie cu afecţiuni cardiace pre-existente sau cu alţi factori de risc stil-de-viaţă/ereditari – stresul acut suprapus pe SPS cronic poate declanşa incidente aritmice sau accidente fatale (MCS) care scapă mijloacelor de protecţie oferite de cardiologia convenţională.

Concluzii. În absenţa modifi cărilor miocardice structurale detectabile de cardiologi, prevenţia MCS stress-dependente îmbracă un caracter etic: cei expuşi se găsesc deocamdată în afara diagnozei şi tratamentului convenţional. Protocoalele şi instrumentele de testare dezvoltate de noi pot depista subiecţii/pacienţii la risc, ce vor fi apoi protejaţi prin intervenţii stil-de-viaţă şi/sau farmacologice.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (19)


THE PATHWAY TO DIABETIC FOOT ULCERATIONL.C. Nwabudike„N. Paulescu“ Institute, Bucharest

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are a dreaded complication of diabetes mellitus. They may lead to gangrene with sub-sequent amputation. Up to 4.5% of patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus have a foot ulcer. Mortality rates for patients with DFU could vary between 32-49% as opposed to 12-35% for those without DFU. They are also costly to treat, accounting for up to 18.2% of US Medicare budgets.

Diabetic foot ulcers are traditionally divided into neuropathic and ischemic ulcers. However, infection is also a fac-tor in the production of foot ulceration. These factors, together with deranged physiology of wound healing, place patients with DFU at a risk of amputatioj.

The „pathway“ leading up to the production of diabetic foot ulcers is discussed, in order to facilitate early recogni-tion of risk of production of DFU and therefore a timely intervention.

DRUMUL SPRE ULCERAŢIILE PICIORULUI DIABETICL.C. NwabudikeInstitutul „N. Paulescu“, Bucureşti

Ulcerele piciorului diabetic sunt o complicaţie de temut al diabetului zaharat. Ele pot conduce la gangrena, urmată de amputaţie. Până 4,5% din pacienţii cu diabet nou-descoperit au un ulcer la nivelul piciorului. Mortalitate pentru pacienţii cu ulcerele poate fi între 32-49%, comparat cu 12-35% pentru cei fără ulcere. Ele sunt costisitor de tratat, însumând până 18,2% din bugetul Medicare al Statelor Unite.

Ulcerele piciorului diabetic sunt împărţite, în mod tradiţional, în ulcerele neuropate şi ischemice. Totuşi, infecţii sunt un factor în producerea ulcerelor. Aceşti factori, împreună cu o fi ziologie a vindecării ulcerelor, pune pacienţii cu ulcerele la risc de amputaţie.

„Drumul“ ce duce la producerea ulcerului piciorului este discutat, pentru a putea facilita recunoaşterea precoce a riscului de producere al ucerelor şi, prin urmare, o intervenţie timpurie.

HOMEOPATHY, TOMORROW’S MEDICINE, TODAYL.C. Nwabudike„N. Paulescu“, Institute, Bucharest

Homeopathy is a medical system begun about two centuries ago by the German physician Samuel Christian Hahn-emann. It is based on a principle once described by Hippocrates that a substance, in a certain dose, which might cause a disorder, could bring about its resolution at another dose. Homeopaths use very small concentrations of medicine derived from plant, animal and mineral or chemical sources. Successful homeopathic treatment is based on matching the symptoms of the patient with the homeopathic profi le of the medicine, which homeopaths have documented in books known as materia medica.

Homeopathy is a growing fi eld and WHO statistics for the market for homeopathic and herbal medicinal use is put at between US$346 million – US$2.9 billion for 2007. There is growing controversy over the use of this method as some physicians feel there is insuffi cient scientifi c evidence to warrant its acceptance, while others are convinced of its use.

In this paper, the author presents the current evidence, accruing from trials and case reports, as well as presents a putative mechanism for the mode of action of homeopathy, in the hope of opening minds to its future acceptance.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (20)



Homeopatie este un sistem medical început în jurul de 2 secole în urmă de medicul german Samuel Christian Hahnemann. Se bazează pe un principiu descris cândva de Hipocrat, cum că o substanţă, care, la o anumită doză, ar putea cauza o tulburare o poate vindeca la o altă doză. Homeopaţii folosesc concentraţii foarte mici de medicamente derivate din surse vegetale, animale, minerale sau chimicale. Tratamentul hom*oepat de succes se bazează pe o potrivire a simptomelor pacientului cu tabloul homeopatic al medicamentului, pe care homeopaţii l-au documentat în cărţi numite material medica.

Homeopatia este un domeniu în creştere, iar statistica OMS pentru piaţa homeopată şi fi toterapeutică este între 345 milioane USD şi 2,9 miliarde USD, pentru anul 2007. Controversele legate de folosirea acestei metode este în creştere, căci unii medici consideră că nu sunt sufi ciente dovezi pentru a justifi ca acceptarea sa, pe când alţii sunt convinşi de folosirea sa.

În această prezentare, autorul prezintă doveziile actuale, acumulate din studii, precum şi raporturi de caz şi prezintă un mecanism posibil pentru modul de acţiune al homeopatiei, în speranţa de a deschide minţiile spre acceptarea î n viitor.

FINDINGS REGARDING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC, PSYCHOLOGICALAND CO-MORBIDITY FACTORS, AND THE FUNCTIONAL STATUS, IN GERIATRIC INPATIENTS A. Capisizu1,4, S. Aurelian3, A. Zamfi rescu4, I. Omer4, M. Haras1,2, C. Ciobotaru5,6, L. Onose7, T. Spircu1, G. Onose1,2 1The University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania2The Teaching Emergency Hospital ”Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucharest, Romania3The ”Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest, Romania4The Hospital for Chronic Diseases ”St. Lucas”, Bucharest, Romania5The University ”Ovidius”, Constanta, Romania6The Teaching Emergency Hospital of the Constanta County7The Medical Service of ”Metrorex”, Bucharest, Romania

Objective. To assess the impact of socio-demographic and comorbidity factors, and quantifi ed depressive symp-toms on disability in inpatients.

Methods. Observational cross-sectional study, including a number of 80 elderly (16 men, 64 women; mean age 72.48 years; standard deviation 9.95 years) admitted in the Geriatrics Clinic of “St. Luca” Hospital, Bucharest, be-tween May-July, 2012. We used the Functional Independence Measure, Geriatric Depression Scale and an array of socio-demographic and poly-pathology parameters. Statistical analysis included Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests for ordinal variables, linear bivariate correlations, general linear model analysis, ANOVA.

Results. FIM scores were negatively correlated with age (R¼ 0.301; 95% CI¼ 0.439 0.163; p¼0.007); GDS scores had a statistically signifi cant negative correlation (R¼ 0.322; 95% CI¼ 0.324 0.052; p¼0.004) with FI M scores. A general linear model, including other variables (gender, age, provenance, matrimonial state, living conditions, educa-tion, respectively number of chronic illnesses) as factors, found living conditions (p¼0.027) and the combination of matrimonial state and gender (p¼0.004) to signifi cantly infl uence FIM scores. ANOVA showed signifi cant differences in FIM scores stratifi ed by the number of chronic diseases (p¼0.035).

Discussion and conclusions. Our study objectifi ed the negative impact of depression on functional status; interest-ingly, education had no infl uence on FIM scores; living conditions and a combination of matrimonial state and gender had an important impact: patients with living spouses showed better functional scores than divorced/ widowers; the number of chronic diseases also affected the FIM scores: lower in patients with signifi cant polypathology. These fi nd-ings should be considered when designing geriatric rehabilitation programs, especially for home – including skilled – cares.

Keywords: Disability, Multi-poly-pathology, Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Geriatric inpatients

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (21)


THE NEUROISCHEMIC FOOT – CHALLENGESRodica Perciun„N. Paulescu“ Institute, „ I. Pavel“ Center of DNMD, Bucuharest

The diabetic foot collects various degrees of neurologic, peripheral vascular disease abnormalities, with or without infection, ulceration or osteoarthropathy.

Peripheral vascular disease is considered to be the most important limiting factor for healing, either ischemic or neuroischemic diabetic ulcers.

Material and Methods. The longstanding nonhealing ulcer, a history of intermitent healing or relapse, should rise suspicion of underlying ischemia or untreated infection, or of architectural abnormalities.

The greatest challenge see ms to be building an effi cient team.The clinical cases selected by us, highlight the interconnected pathologic entities which a diabetic foot could rise.

The diabetic neuropathy, micro-macrovasculopathy, infection, osteoarthropathy could be less dramatic from clinical point of view, so more provocative in terms of diagnosing.

Results and conclusions. Neuroschemic foot is a Continuum. Neuropathy can’t be cured. Even after revascularis-tion the distal perfusion is not fully restaured. Additionally, other negative predictive factors for healing ulcers has to be considered.

PICIORUL NEUROISCHEMIC – PROVOCĂRIRodica Perciun Institutul „Prof. N. Paulescu“, Centrul de DNBM „Prof. I. Pavel“, Bucureşti

Piciorul diabetic reprezintă entitatea complexă patologică la constituirea căreia pot contribui variabil neuropatia, boala macrovasculară, în posibilă asociere cu procesul infecţios, ulceraţia sau osteoartropatia.

Boala macrovasculară este considerată un factor limitativ al vindecării leziunilor tisulare fi e predominant ischemice sau neuroischemice.

Material şi metodă. Leziunile cutanate cu evoluţie îndelungată sau istoricul revelator pentru recidiva acestora trebuie să ridice suspiciunea unui proces ischemic nediagnosticat, sau a unui substrat infecţios netratat corect şi deopotrivă a unor anomalii arhitecturale native sau dobândite necorectate sau minimizate.

Cea mai mare provocare, pare, în acest context, construirea unei echipe multidisciplinare efi ciente.Cazurile clinice pe care le-am selectat pentru prezentare, pun în evidenţă interconexiunea entităţilor patologice pe

care piciorul diabetic le poate prezenta. Neuropatia diabetică, asocierea micro-macrovasculopatie, infecţia şi osteoartropatia pot fi mai puţin exprimate clinic devenind asfel mai provocatoare pentru diagnostician şi în ansamblu pentru echipa medicală.

Rezultate şi concluzii. Piciorul neuroischemic este un continuum. Neuropatia nu este vindecabilă. Chiar şi după procedurile de revascularizare perfuzia distală nu este pe deplin restaurată. Este de adăugat faptul că trebuie cunoscuţi şi reconsideraţi şi alţi factori de predicţie negativă în stabilizarea piciorului neuroischemic.


Between 4-16% of the diabetic patients will develop an foot ulcer. Medical literature is considering high pressure values at the foot-supporting surface interface as the fi rst cause of mechanical nature implied in the initiation and de-velopment of the foot ulcers. From the point of view of the diabetes patient screening, a value grater than 65 N/cm2 it is proposed as the reference level in the evaluation of ulceration risk. After the implementation of the conservative treatment based on medical devices, the reulceration was present in 26-42% of the patients in a time interval of 12-18 months. Biomechanics, representing the application of the mechanical principles to living organisms, is offering answers which are explaining this phenomenon. This article is presenting the challenges generated by the understan-dings of biomechanics and also by their implementation in the conservative treatment of the diabetic foot.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (22)



Între 4-16% dintre pacienţii cu diabet vor dezvolta un ulcer al piciorului. Literatura medicală de specialitate consideră că principala cauză de natură mecanică ce stă la baza apariţiei şi dezvoltării ulceraţiilor piciorului este reprezentată de apariţia presiunilor ridicate la interfaţa suprafeţei plantare a piciorului cu suprafaţa de sprijin. Din punct de vedere al screeningului pacienţilor cu diabet, o valoare a presiunii mai mare de 65 N/cm2 este propusă ca şi nivel de referinţă în cadrul evaluarii riscului de ulceraţie al piciorului diabetic. După implementarea tratamentului conservator bazat pe dispozitive medicale, ulcerele au reapărut la un procent cuprins între 26-42 dintre pacienţi într-un interval de timp de 12-18 luni. Biomecanica, reprezentând aplicarea principiilor mecanicii la organismelele vii, oferă răspunsuri pentru explicarea acestui fenomen. Lucrarea de faţă prezintă provocarile generate atât de înţelegerea biomecanicii cât şi de implementarea acestora î n tratamentul conservator al piciorului diabetic.


Scientists are trying to develop new reliable materials with superior performance. In response to these searches, they used nanotechnology for detecting molecules, using luminescent nanoparticles. Upconversion nanoparticles are luminescent materials that have been shown to be excellent fl uorescent labels. These consist of a host crystalline matrix doped with trivalent rare earth ions in low concentrations. When they are excited in infrared (~980 nm), emit visible radiation, process called upconversion. Compared to classical down conversion markers, the fl uorescence of upcon-verting nanoparticles show signifi cant advantages: excellent photostability, narrow emission band, high signal-to-noise ratio, deep tissue penetration, low photodamage to biological samples and low toxicity. These properties of lanthanide ions doped nanopaticles elicited the interest of researchers involved in imaging experiments. Although using of up-converting nanoparticles for biomedical applications has many advantages, there are still some limitations: nanopar-ticles aggregation, size suited for specifi c samples, low stability in water and biological fl uids, specifi c binding of bio-logical molecules, toxicity. Herein we present recent development of upconverting nanoparticles, related with their characteristics, synthesis methods, characterization of their properties, surface functionalisation for biocompatibiliza-tion, challenges on their use in biological samples, and prospects the future research directions in biomedical fi eld.

EXOCRINE AND ENDOCRINE PANCREAS FUNCTION, IN CHILDHOOD OBESITYL. Popescu1, B. Virgolici1, D. Lixandru1, H. Virgolici1, O. Timnea2, M. Mohora1, L. Zagrean1, D. Oraseanu1

1„Carol Davila“ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest2Ecological University, Bucharest

There is an endocrine-exocrine relationship in the pancreas. Insulin binds to its receptor on acinar cells and stimu-lates amylase secretion, while serum C peptide, known as a marker of residual beta cell function is related to amylase and bicarbonate output. Also, obesity or metabolic syndrome are associated with recurrent and chronic pancreatitis.

The aim of this study is to analyze the levels of some serum parameters for endocrine and exocrine pancreas func-tion in childhood obesity. Correlations with complement C fractions, C3 and C4, as infl ammatory and immune param-eters were observed.

In 60 obese children (mean 11.8 years) versus 15 lean children (mean 12.4 years), we investigated the exocrine function by measuring serum lipase, amylase and pancreatic elastase and endocrine function by measuring fasting in-sulin and C peptide levels. HOMA-IR was measured as a surrogate marker for insulin resistance. Spectrophotometric and Elisa methods were used.

In obese children versus lean ones, high serum levels for amylase (p < 0.001), elastase (p < 0.04), fasting insulin (p < 0.001), and C peptide (p < 0.001) and HOMA-IR (p < 0.001) were observed. There were not differences for the se-rum lipase levels between groups. Negative correlations were observed between lipase and HOMA-IR. C3 was posi-tively correlated with elastase (r = 0.37), amylase (r = 0.36) and HOMA-IR (r =0 .27), while C4 was negatively cor-related with HOMA-IR (r = -0.28) and positively with lipase activity (r = 0.37).

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (23)


In conclusion, this study demonstrates a correlation between serum lipase activity and insulin resistance. The serum levels of the components of complement systems are associated with the dual function of pancreas.

FUNCŢIA EXOCRINĂ ŞI ENDOCRINĂ A PANCRESULUI ÎN OBEZITATEA INFANTILĂL. Popescu1, B. Virgolici1, D. Lixandru1, H. Virgolici1, O. Timnea2, M. Mohora1, L. Zăgrean1, D. Orăşeanu1

1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti2Universitatea Ecologică, Bucureşti

Există o relaţie între funcţia endocrină şi funcţia exocrină din pancreas. Insulina se leagă de receptorul său pe celulele acinare şi stimulează secreţia amilazică, în timp ce peptidul C seric, cunoscut ca un marker al funcţiei celulare beta, este corelat cu excreţia de amilază şi bicarbonat. De asem*nea, obezitatea sau sindromul metabolic sunt asociate cu pancreatita recurentă şi cronică.

Scopul acestui studiu este de a analiza concentraţiile serice ale unor parametri ce releva funcţia endocrină şi funcţia exocrină în obezitatea infantilă. S-au observat corelaţii cu fracţiunile C3 şi C4 ale complementului, cunoscuţi ca parametri infl amatori şi imuni.

Pe un lot de 60 de copii obezi (cu o medie de 11,8 ani) şi pe un lot de 15 copii normali (cu o medie de 12,4 ani), am investigat funcţia exocrină, măsurând lipaza serică, amilaza şi elastaza pancreatică, precum şi funcţia endocrină, măsurând concentraţiile à jeun ale insulinei şi ale peptidului C. HOMA-IR a fost măsurat ca un marker surogat pentru rezistenta la insulina. S-au folosit metode spectrofotometrice şi Elisa.

La copiii obezi versus cei normali, au fost observate nivele plasmatice mari pentru amilază (p < 0,001), elastază (p < 0,04), insulina à jeun (p < 0,001), peptidul C à jeun (p < 0,001) şi HOMA-IR (p < 0,001). Nu au fost diferenţe pentru nivelele lipazei serice între grupuri. Au fost observate corelaţii negative între lipază şi HOMA-IR. C3 a fost corelat (p<0.05) pozitiv cu elastaza (r = 0,37), amilaza (r = 0,36) şi HOMA-IR (r = 0,27), în timp ce C4 (p<0.05), a fost corelat negativ cu HOMA-IR (r = -0.28) şi pozitiv cu activitatea lipazei (r = 0,37).

În concluzie, acest studiu demonstrează o corelaţie între activitatea lipazei serice şi rezistenţa la insulină. Nivelele serice ale componentelor sistemelor complementului sunt asociate cu funcţia duală a pancreasului.

FROM GENETICS TO EPIGENETICS OF CANCER DISEASE Adrian R estian„Carol Davila“, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

Because the cancer is one of the most important problems of human pathology, researchers strive to discover the cancer etiology. Based on family transmission of some cancers, researchers have gradually discovered the role that genetic factors have in the cancer etiopathology. Then they found that genes involved in the pathogenesis of cancer are actually some normal genes involved in cell division and suffering certain mutations they can cause uncontrolled divi-sion of cancer cells. So they found a lot of proto-oncogenes and suppressor genes whose activity can be infl uenced by various carcinogens factors. Then it was found that the presence of a single mutation is not suffi cient to cancer develop-ment and that several mutations are necessary to trouble both oncogenes and suppressor genes. But to our surprise we found that the mutations was not suffi cient to cause cancer, because in the genome there are certain mutants gene which not cause cancer. These things are possible because most of our genes are kept dormant for some epigenetic factors. These factors include methylation of the genes and their binding to some protein that blocks DNA copying. Therefore to be copied must fi rst demethylated genes that stop copying them. And this can be achieved by some internal or ex-ternal factors. Epigenetics is thus a real interface, between the genome and the environment factors that can lead to cancer. Epigenetics would like a conductor, or a pianist working as some piano keys of our genome. But earlier this year, two American scientists studying stem cells from different tissues divisions, published in the prestigious journal Science, a work which shows that most cancers are the result of bad luck. I mean they do not depend on external fac-tors, but only by the chance. This conclusion is questionable because it abolishes actually our ability to prevent cancer. On the other hand, a short time ago it was announced that famous actress Angellina Jolie underwent bilateral ovarec-tomy. As you know, she suffered a few years ago preventive bilateral mastectomy because it is the bearer of mutant BRCA1 and BRCA2, genes which increase the risk of breast cancer. But they increase the risk of ovarian cancer, too. This year Angellina Jolie showed signs of ovarian tumors and underwent a double ovarectomy. All these challenges always bring the issue of causation of cancer, risks, opportunities, fate and destiny in human pathology.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (24)


DE LA GENETICĂ LA EPIGENETICA BOLII CANCEROASEAdrian RestianUniversitatea de Medicină şi Faramacie, „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti

Deoarece cancerul reprezintă una dintre cele mai importante probleme ale patologiei umane, cercetătorii depun eforturi deosebite pentru a descoperii cauza cancerului. Plecând de la transmiterea familială a unor forme de cancer, cercetătorii au descoperit treptat rolul pe care îl au factorii genetici în etiopatogenia cancerului. Apoi ei au constatat că genele care intervin în patogenia cancerului sunt de fapt nişte gene normale care intervin în diviziunea celulară şi care suferind anumite mutaţii pot determina diviziunea necontrolată a celulelor canceroase. Astfel ei au descoperit o mulţime de protooncogene şi de gene supresoare a căror activitate poate fi infl uenţată de diverşi factori cencerigeni. Apoi s-a constatat că prezenţa unei singure mutaţii nu este sufi cientă pentru apariţia cancerului şi că sunt sunt necesare mai multe mutaţii care să infl uenţeze atât genele oncogene, cât şi genele supresoare. Dar spre surprinderea noastră s-a constatat că nici mutaţiile nu sunt sufi ciente pentru a produce cancerul, deoarece în genomul uman se pota afl a anumite gene mutante care să nu producă cancer. Acest lucru este posibil deoarece majoritatea genelor din genomul nostru sunt ţinute în adormire de nişte factori epigenetici. Aceşti factori sunt reprezentaţi de metilarea şi de legarea genelor de nişte proteine care blochează copierea ADN. De aceea pentru a putea fi copiate, genele trebuie mai întâi demetilate şi dezlegate de proteinele care opresc copierea lor. Iar acest lucru se poate realiza de nişte factori interni sau externi. Epigenetica reprezintă astfel o adevărată intefaţă dintre genom şi mediul extern, care uneori este reprezentat de nişte factori care pot duce la apariţia cancerului. Epigenetica ar fi ca un fel de dirijor, sau ca un fel pianist care activează anumite clape ale genomului nostru. Dar la începutul acestui an, doi cercetători americani, studiind diviziunile celulelor stem din diferite ţesuturi, au publicat, în prestigioasa revistă Science, o lucrare în care arată că majoritatea cancerelor sunt rezultatul unui ghinion. Adică ele nu depind de factorii cancerigeni, ci doar de întâmplare. Această concluzie este foarte discutată deoarece ea desfi inţează de fapt posibilităţile noastre de prevenire a cancerului. Pe de altă parte, cu puţin timp în urmă s-a anunţat că cunoscuta actriţă Angellina Jolie a suferit o ovarectomie bilaterală. După cum se ştie, ea a suferit acum câţiva ani o mastectomie preventivă bilaterală deoarece este purtătoarea genelor BRCA1 şi BRCA2 mutante care cresc foarte mult riscul de a face cancer de sân. Dar ele cresc şi riscul de a face cancer de ovar. Iar anul acesta Angellina Jolie a prezentat semnele unei tumori ovariane şi a suferit o dublă ovarectomie. Toate aceste provocări aduc mereu în discuţie problema cauzalităţii cancerului, a riscurilor, a şanselor, a soartei şi a destinului în palogia umană.


1Ponderas Hospital – Center of Excelence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Bucharest, Romania2Elias Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Objective. To study the effects of weight loss after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) on glycaemic and li-pidic metabolisms in obese patients with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Methods. The retrospective study included 60 concomitant subjects submitted to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in Ponderas Hospital between February – June 2013, with a median body mass index of 41,75 kg/m2. BMI, waist cir-cumference, glycaemic and lipidic parameters were studied in the fi rst 6 PO months.

Results. Statistically signifi cant improvements were noticed after six months postoperatively in BMI values (p < 0.0001), waist circumference (p < 0.0001), glycaemic levels (p < 0.0001), insulin (p < 0.0001), C-peptide (p < 0.0001), high density lipoprotein in males (p < 0.0019) and triglycerides (p < 0.0001). The glycaemic control was signifi cantly improved starting with postoperative day 10.

Conclusions. An improvement of glucose and lipidic metabolism associated with an important weight loss enables us to consider that sleeve gastrectomy is an effi cient method for improving the metabolic status even in normoglycae-mic patients.

These results can also explain the remission of T2DM and even its prevention in patients with morbid obesity, thus considering that LSG can be indicated for prevention of metabolic syndrome.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (25)



1Spitalul Ponderas – Centru de Excelenţă în Chirurgia Metabilică şi Bariatrică, Bucureşti, România2Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Elias, Bucureşti, România

Obiectiv. Studierea efectelor scaderii ponderale după gastrectomia longitudinală laparoscopică (LSG – laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy) asupra metabolismului glucidic şi lipidic la pacienţii cu obezitate, cu sau fără diabet zaharat tip 2.

Metodă. Studiul retrospectiv include 60 de pacienţi concomitenţi ce au benefi ciat de operaţia de gastric sleeve în spitalul Ponderas în intervalul Februarie – Iunie 2013, având un IMC mediu de 41,75 kg/m2. IMC-ul, circumferinţă abdominală, parametrii glucidici şi lipidici au fost investigaţi în primele 6 luni postoperatorii.

Rezultate. Îmbunătăţiri semnifi cative au fost notate după şase luni postoperator în valorile IMC-ului (p < 0,0001), circumferinţei abdominale (p < 0,0001), glicemiei (p < 0,0001), insulinei (p < 0,0001), peptidului C (p < 0,0001), HDL-ului la bărbaţi (p < 0,0019) şi ale trigliceridelor (p < 0,0001). Controlul glicemic a fost semnifi cativ îmbunătăţit începând cu ziua 10 postoperatorie.

Concluzii. Îmbunătăţirea metabolismului glucidic şi lipidic asociată cu o scădere ponderală importantă ne îndreptăţeşte să considerăm că gastrectomia longitudinală laparoscopică (LSG) poate fi o metodă efi cientă pentru îmbunătăţirea statusului metabolic chiar şi la pacienţii normoglicemici care au benefi ciat de această intervenţie chirurgicală miniminvazivă.

Aceste rezultate pot explica remisia diabetului zaharat tip 2 şi chiar prevenţia acestuia la pacienţii cu obezitate morbidă, putând astfel să afi rmăm că operaţia de gastric sleeve (LSG) poate fi indicată chiar şi pentru prevenţia sindromului metabolic.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (26)




1Spitalul Pitié-Salpetrière, Paris, Franta2Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Bucuresti Introducere. Transplantul de organe la pacientul infectat cu HIV nu mai reprezinta o contraindicatie in conditiile

ameliorarii supravietuirii acestui grup de populatie sub tratamentul anti retroviral inalt activ (HAART- Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy). Complicatiile infectioase si interactiunile medicamentoase sunt un domeniu complex la acesti pacienti.

Caz clinic. Pacient in varsta de 63 de ani, cu infectie HIV sub tratament si dublu transplant cord- rinichi se prezinta la camera de garda cu tuse productiva evoluand de aproximativ 2 saptamani. Pacientul nu prezinta febra, nici durere toracica, dar relateaza dispnee la eforturi medii.

Antecedente. Pacientul prezinta infectie HIV cunoscuta din 1991, tratata cu antiretrovirale tip HAART, actualmente cu evolutie controlata, incarcare virala negativa si fara infectii oportuniste. Este hipertensiv de 20 de ani, diabetic tip 2 insulino-dependent de 10 ani, dsilipidemic, obez cu un IMC 30 kg/m2, cu complicatii multiple microangiopatice: retinopatie diabetica proliferativa, nefropathie diabetica cu insufi cienta renala,dovedita prin biopsie renala in 2003, dar cu progresie spre boala renala terminala, necesitand hemodializa incepand cu 01/12/2014.

Complicatiile macroangiopatice. cardiopatie ischemica necesitand dublu pontaj aorto- coronarian in oct 2010, apoi defi brillator implantabil cu camera dubla in 2007, schimbat cu un defi brillator triplu camera in 2012.

Datorita insufi cientei cardiace refractare si a hemodializei, pacientul a fost dublu transplantat cardiac si renal in 07/01/2015. Evolutia post transplant a fost buna, cu recuperare buna a functiei cardiace (FEVS 60%) si recuperarea unei diureze si a unei functii renale bune (creatinina 1,1 mg/dl, MDRD: 57 ml/min). Tratamentul imunosupresor a cuprins tacrolimus, micofenolat mofetil si prednisone. Nu s-au inregistrat episoade de rejet, nici cardiac nici renal.

Examenul clinic: pacient afebril, TA120/80 mmHg, FC: 75/min, regulat, SaO2: 92%, tuse frecventa, cu expectoratie muco- purulenta, dispnee NYHA III, auscultatie pulmonara: raluri crepitante si subcrepitante baza dreapta, auscultatie cardiaca normala, fara edeme. Abdomen suplu, indolor. Grefon renal palpabil, indolor, fara sufl u vascular. Diureza 2500 ml/zi.

Ecografi a cardiaca a fost normalaCT pulmonar a aratat o afectare difuza, tip bronho-pneumonie lobara inferioara si lobara media dreapta. In plus se

semnaleaza prezenta a 2 noduli centrimetrici inconjurati de aspect in «geam mat» perinodular, sugestivi pentru aspergiloza pulmonara.

Lavajul bronho-alveolar pu in evidenta Pseudomonas Aeruginosa cat si colonii de Aspergillus.A doua zi dupa lavaj pacientul a prezentat febra (39°C), dispnee si desaturatie in oxigen, cu o SaO2 de 85%. Gazele

de sange arteriale au aratat o hipoxemie cu PaO2: 50 mmHg. Pacientul a fost transferat in sectia de pneumologie.Pacientul a primit tratament antibiotic cu Piperacilina- tazobactam si Ciprofl oxacina, si tratament antifungic cu

Voriconazol. La trei zile de la instaurarea tratamentului s-a observat aparitia unei insufi ciente renale acute cu o creatinina de 3,5 mg/dl. Ecografi a grefonului nu a aratat dilatatia cavitatilor, nici abcese secundare. Dozajul tacrolemiei a aratat valori foarte crescute: 53 ng/ml (N :5-10 ng/ml). Pacientul a primit tratament de rehidratare si scaderea dozei de tacrolimus, cu ameliorarea functiei renale.

Discutii. Terenul imunodeprimat la acest pacient infectat HIV, diabetic transplantat cord- rinichi a favorizat aparitia unor complicatii infectioase pulmonare : pneumonia cu Pseudomonas si Aspergiloza pulmonara. Tratamentul pentru Aspergiloza- voriconazolul este un inhibitor enzimatic care creste concentratia plasmatica a inhibitorilor de calcineurina- printre care si tacrolimusul, ceea ce explica supradozarea in tacrolimus si insufi cienta renala acuta, reversibila.

Concluzii. Pneumonia cu Pseudomonas si Aspergiloza pulmonara la pacient infectat HIV transplantat cord- rinichi a avut o evolutie buna, complicata de o insufi cienta renala tranzitorie, in context de supradozare medicamentoasa.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (27)



1Hospital Pitié- Salpetrière, Paris, Franta2Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest Introduction. )rgan transplantation in HIV- infected patients is no longer a contra indication in the actual context

of increased survival under HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy). Infectious complications and medicamen-tous interactions remain a complex issue in these patients.

Clinical case. a 63- year old male, with treated HIV infection and recipient of a combined heart- kidney transplant, presents at the emergency department with productive cough evolving for 2 weeks. He has no fever, no thoracic pain, but complains of dyspnoea at medium efforts.

History. The patient presents HIV infection since 1991, treated by HAART (Highly active antiretroviral therapy), actually well controlled, with negative viral charge and no opportunistic infections. He is hypertensive for 20 years, diabetic insulino-dependent for 10 years, dyslipidemic, obese with a BMI of 30 kg/m3, and presents multiple complica-tions micro and macroangiopatic. Microangiopatic complications: prolipherative diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy with chronic kidney disease, proved by renal biopsy in 2003, that progressed to end- stage renal disease, that needed dialysis starting 01/12/2014. He also presents macroangiopathic complications: ischemic cardiopathy, necessitating revascularisation par double aorto- coronarian pontage in 2010, implantable defi brillator double chamber in 2007, upgraded to a defi brillator triple chamber in 2012.

Due to refractory cardiac failure and hemodialysis, the patient received a combined heart- kidney transplant on 07/01/2015. Posttransplant evolution was favourable, with good recovery of cardiac function (evaluated by ecography at FE: 60%), and also a good renal function and diuresis (creatinine 1,1 mg/dl, MDRD: 57 ml/min). Immunosuppres-sive treatment comprised tacrolimus, micofenolat mofetil and prednisone. There were no episodes of rejection, cardiac or renal.

Clinical examination at admission: patient apyrexial, TA: 120/80 mmHg, FC: 75/min, SaO2: 92%, persistent cough, muco- purulent expectoration, dyspnea grade III NYHA, pulmonary auscultation: crepitants and sous crepitants in the right pulmonary base, cardiac auscultation: normal, no oedema; abdomen depressible, with no pain at palpation, renal graft palpable, no pain, no vascular bruit. Diuresis: 2500 ml/day.

Cardiac ecography was normal (FE 60%)Pulmonary computer tomography showed diffuse modifi cations, a broncho- pneumonia of the inferior and medium

right lobes. Also, there is presence of 2 nodualar images, centimetrical, surrounded by ground glass perinodular, sug-gestive of pulmonary aspergillosis.

Broncho-alveolar lavage showed Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and colonies of Aspergillus.The second day post lavage, the patient presented fever at 39°C, dyspnea and desaturation at 85%. Arterial gasom-

etry showed a hypoxemia with PaO2: 50mmHg. The patient was transferred in the Pneumology department.The patient was treated with antibiotics: Piperacilline- Tazobactam and Ciprofl oxacine, and received antifungal

treatment with Voriconazole. Three days after treatment, the patient presented an acute renal failure with a creatinine of 3,5 mg/dl. Ecography of the renal graft did not show dilatation of the cavities or secondary abcesses. Dosage of ta-crolemia showed high values: 53 ng/ml (N: 5-10 ng/ml). The patient received rehydratation treatment, together with a decrease of tacrolimus doses, with good recovery of the renal function.

Discussions. Immunossupressed background in this patient that had controlled HIV infection, diabetes and a com-bined heart- kidney transplant favoured apparition of infectious complications: Pseudomonas pneumonia and pulmo-nary Aspergillosis. The Aspergillosis treatment, voriconazole, is a potent enzymatic inhibitor, hat increases plasma concentration of calcineurin inhibitors, as tacrolimus, that explains the tacrolimus overdosage and the secondary re-versible renal failure.

Conclusions. Pseudomonas pneumonia and pulmonary Aspergillosis in a HIV- infected patient recipient of a com-bined heart- kidneytransplant, had a favourable outcome, complicated secondarily by reversible acute renal failure, in the context of medicamentous interactions.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (28)


INVESTIGAREA EFECTELOR INDUSE DE CONCENTRAŢIE ŞI PH ASUPRA SPECTRULUI THZ AL ALBUMINEI SERICE UMANERăzvan Airini, Octavian Calborean, Dan Florin MihăilescuUniversitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Biologie Departamentul de Anatomie, Biologie Animală, Fiziologie Animală, Biofi zică şi Neurobiologie

Introducere. Utilizarea spectroscopiei THz în biologie are multiple avantaje, multe dintre acestea rezultând din felul în care aceasta interacţionează cu substanţa. Radiaţia THz este neionizantă, accesează modurile de vibratie colec-tive ale biomoleculelor şi accesează scale de timp greu de atins prin alte metode. Deşi majoritatea studiilor realizate pe proteine au fost efectuate în medii apoase diluate, studiul proteinelor în soluţii concentrate capătă amploare întrucât aceste soluţii pot constitui un model experimental de mediu aglomerat (întâlnit la nivel citoplasmatic unde favorizează asocierea nespecifi că sau modifi carea conformaţiei moleculelor).O infl uenţă puternică asupra conformaţiei, proteinelor o are şi valoarea pH-ului mediului în care se afl ă acestea.

Albumina serică bovină (BSA) este o proteină plasmatică, formată din 585 aminoacizi şi cu masă moleculară de aproximativ 67 kDa. Molecula de BSA este α- helicală şi este structurată în trei domenii (I, II şi III), alcăatuite la rândul lor din două subdomenii (A şi B). Aceasta îndeplineşte funcţii importante: reglarea presiunii osmotice a sângelui şi transportul diferitelor substanţe (medicamente, hormoni, ioni metalici şi lipide).

Materiale şi metodă. În acest studiu am preparat soluţii de BSA cu diferite concentraţii de proteină (10, 15, 20 şi 25%) şi afl ate la diferite condiţii de pH (valori ale pH-ului de 4, 5, 6, 7 şi 8). Am preparat soluţii tampon din Na2HPO4 şi acid citric la valori specifi ce fi ecărui pH. Cantitatea de BSA utilizată în probe a fost 50 mg pentru o concentraţie de 10% , 75mg pentru 15%, 100mg pentru 20% şi 125mg pentru 25%. În total am avut un număr de 30 de probe (soluţii tampon şi soluţii de BSA) pe care le-am analizat apoi prin spectroscopie de THz cu ajutorul aparatului TPS Spectra 3000 produs de fi rma TeraView.

Rezultate. Am obţinut o colecţie de 30 de spectre THz înregistrate pe soluţii apoase proteice cu diferite concentraţii şi valori ale pH-ului.

Discuţii. Prin utilizarea spectroscopiei de THz am putut observa diferenţe de absorbţie între probele de BSA. Soluţiile de BSA afl ate la aceleaşi valori ale pH-ului absorb diferit în funcţie de concentraţia de proteină care se afl ă în probă. Cu cât concentraţia de proteină este mai crescută, cu atât absorbţia radiaţiei THz este mai scăzută, din cauza conţinutului de apă afl at în probă. Probele afl ate la o concentraţie de 10% prezintă o absorbţie de THz mai mare faţă de soluţiile afl ate la o concentraţie de 25%. La pH 8 soluţiile prezintă o absorbţie mai mare a radiaţiei THz decât la pH4. Atât la pH 8 cât şi la pH 4, buffer-ul prezintă un nivel de absorbţie mai ridicat decât probele de BSA afl ate în grade diferite de concentraţie.

Concluzii. În acest studiu am observat cum spectrul absorbţiei radiaţiei THz de către BSA se modifi că în funcţie de creşterea concentraţiei de substanţă din probă şi de variaţia pH-ului soluţiei.

INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS INDUCED BY CONCENTRATION AND PH ON THZ SPECTRUM OF HUMAN SERUM ALBUMINRăzvan Airini,Octavian Calborean, Dan Florin MihăilescuUniversity of Bucharest, Biology Faculty, Department of Anatomy, Animal Biology, Animal Fiziology, Biohysics and Neurobiology

Introduction. Using THz spectroscopy in biology has multiple advantages, many of them resulting from the way it interacts with the substance. THz radiation is non-ionizing, it accesses the collective vibration modes of the biomol-ecules and also access time scales hard to reach by other methods. Although most studies on proteins were performed in dilute aqueous media, the study of proteins in concentrated solutions has become widespread since these solutions may be an experimental model of crowded environment (occured on cytoplasmic level where it favors the nonspecifi c association or the change of the molecule conformation). The pH value of the medium of these proteins has a strong infl uence on the conformation, of them.

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is a plasma protein, consisting of 585 amino acids and has a molecular weight of about 67 kDa. BSA is an α- helical molecule and is divided into three areas (I, II and III) which are also composed of two subdomains (A and B). It performs many important functions: the osmotic pressure of the blood and the transport of various substances (drugs, hormones, metal ions and lipids).

Materials and Methods. In this study, we prepared BSA solutions with various concentrations of the protein (10, 15, 20 and 25%) and at various pH conditions (pH values of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). We prepared buffers of citric acid Na2H-PO4 at specifi c pH values. The amount of BSA used for the samples was 50mg to a concentration of 10%, 75mg, to

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (29)


20% and 125mg to 25%. Overall we had a total of 30 samples (buffers and BSA solutions) which we then analyzed by THz spectroscopy using the apparatus manufactured by TPS Spectra 3000 TeraView.

Results. We have obtained a collection of 30 THz spectra recorded in aqueous solutions at various pH values and concentrations.

Discussions. When using THz spectroscopy we were able to observe differences in absorption between BSA solu-tions. Solutions of BSA at the same pH values absorb differently depending on the concentration of protein in the sample.

The more increased protein concentration makes the absorption of THz radiation lower because of the water con-tent found in the sample. Thus, the samples at a concentration of 10% show a THz absorption higher than the solutions at a concentration of 25%. At pH 8 the solutions have a higher absorption of THz radiation than at pH4. In both pH 8 and pH 4 situations the buffer has a higher level of absorption than the BSA samples under different degrees of con-centration.

Conclusions. In this study we observed how the THz radiation spectrum is absorbed and it changes according to the increase in the concentration of the substance in the sample and to the variation of the pH of the solution.

RECONSTRUCTIA DEFECTELOR NAZALEDr. Adrian Nicolae Alexandru, medic primar Chirurgie Plastica Microchirurgie ReconstructivaAsistent univeristar chirurgie plastica microchirurgie reconstructiva UMF Carol DavilaDoctorand chirurgie plastica microchirurgie reconstructiva UMF Carol Davila, sub indrumarea dna. prof. Doina


Abstract. Reconstructia nasului variază de la simpla sutură directă până la lambouri locale sau transferuri libere. Indiferent de metoda aleasă, aceasta trebuie să restabilească continuitatea mucoasei, suportul nazal si acoperirea tegumentară obtinand un contur normal al nasului, cu cicatrici cât mai disimulate, cu respectarea subunitătilor estetice nazale, iar functional nasul trebuie să permită trecerea neobstruată a aerului.

În această prezentare urmărim să exemplifi cam principalele metode de acoperire a defectelor tegumentare in func-tie de localizarea si dimensiunea acestora.

Abstract. Nose reconstruction methods range from simple to complex, from direct closure to local fl aps or free tissue transfers. The nose reconstruction goals are to re-establish lining, skeletal support, and skin cover obtaining a normal contour of the nose with minimal scars, in compliance with nasal aesthetic subunits, and to allow a normal air fl owing.

In this presentation we provide an overview of main methods of nasal skin coverage according to the site and their size.

RECONSTRUCTIA DEFECTELOR ÎN ZONA FRONTOTEMPORALĂ CU LAMBOUL ROTATIntroducere. Regiunea frontală este cea mai mare unitate estetica facială, ocupând treimea superioară facială.

Alegerea metodei reconstructive în această zona trebuie să urmărească conservarea functiei motorii şi senzitive frontale, pozitionarea simetrică a limitelor unitătii estetice şi disimularea cicatricilor.

Material si metodă. Vă prezentăm 3 cazuri clinice de reconstructie a defectelor cutanate medii, rezultate prin excizii tumorale, situate în zona frontotemporală. După excizia carcinoamelor, defectele tegumentare rezultate, cu dimensiuni de 4/4 cm, 4/5 cm si respectiv 3,5/4 cm, au fost reconstruite cu lambouri rotate.

Rezultate. Evolutia pacientilor postoperatorie a fost favorabilă, cu integrarea lambourilor 100% la 14 zile. Excizia carcinoamelor a fost completă, cu margini de sigurantă.

Concluzii. Din experienta noastră, pentru reconstructia defectelor tegumentare de dimensiuni medii situate în regiuniunea frontală laterală, frontotemporale, lamboul rotat reprezintă pricipală optiune terapeutică.

Introduction. Frontal region is the largest facial aesthetics unit, occupying the upper third of the face. Reconstruc-tive methods in this area must obtain conservation of motor and sensory functions, maintenance of position of aes-thetic unity boundaries and concealing scars.

Method. We present three clinical cases of reconstruction of skin defects located in frontotemporal area, resulting after tumor excisions,. After excision of carcinomas, the skin defects with dimensions of 4/4 cm, 4/5 cm, and 3.5/4 cm, were reconstructed with rotation fl aps.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (30)


Results. The postoperative evolution was favorable, with 100% fl aps integration at 14 days. The complete excision of carcinoma was obtained with clear margins.

Conclusions. In our experience, for reconstruction of skin defects of medium size located in the frontotemporal area, rotation fl aps is the fi rst therapeutic option.

MANAGEMENTUL URGENTELOR CANCERULUI DE COLON LA PACIENTII TINERIGabriel Nicolae Andrei, B. I. Diaconescu, B. V. Martian, Prof. Mircea BeuranClinica de Chirurgie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti Floreasca

Introducere. Aproximativ 15-30% din totalul cancerului colonic se prezintă în urgentă, cel mai adesea ca obstruc-tie (78%) sau perforatie (10%). Hemoragiile digestive inferioare de cauza neoplazică reprezintă o eventualitate mult mai rară – 4%. Ocluzia intestinala de cauză neoplazică colonică este localizată cel mai adesea la nivelul unghiului splenic colonic. Cecul si colonul sigmoid sunt cele mai frecvente localizări ale perforatiilor. În general, pacientii care sufera interventii chirurgicale in regim de urgenta sunt pacientii vârstnici (> 60 ani). În cadrul cancerului colonic, pa-cientii tineri (< 40 ani), pot suferii interventii de urgentă, datorită tratării cu indiferentă a simptomatologiei initiale. Studiile recente raporteaza un prognostic defavorabil pentru pacientii operati in urgenta, în ceea ce priveste spitaliza-rea initiala cât si prognosticul pe termen lung. Stadiul avansat tumoral cât si caracteristicile histologice nefavorabile pot constitui baza pentru o evolutie trenantă postoperatorie.

Material si metodă. Vă prezentăm managementul a 2 cazuri de cancer de colon la pacienti tineri prezentate in regim de urgentă in cadrul Clinicii de Chirurgie a SCUB.

1. Pacient în vârstă de 35 de ani, mediu rural, se prezintă în urgentă pentru durere abdominala difuză, meteorism abdominal accentuat si lipsa tranzitului intestinal, simptomatologie debutată in urmă cu 48 de ore, accentuată pro-gresiv. Biologic - leucocitoză 14700/uL, (CA 19-9, CEA si AFP in limite normle). Rx abdomen pe gol - nivele hidro-aerice de tip colonic. CT – distensie aerică marcată a cadrului colic. Lama de lichid pelvin de 3,5cm. Colonoscopie – tumora stenozanta situata la 55cm de OA. Intraoperator se constată tumora de colon sigmoid în virolă cu ocluzie intestinala consecutivă. Se practică apendicectomie tactică, lavaj anterograd colonic, hemicolectomie stangă si colo-rectostomie T-T mecanică. Histopatologie – Adk moderat diferentiat, pT3N2.

2. Pacientă în vârstă de 38 de ani, mediul urban, se prezintă in urgentă pentru hematochezie, astenie fi zica si fatiga-bilitate, simptomatologie debutată în urmă cu 4 zile. Biologic (hg - 7,7g/dL). Simptomatologia initială se reemite sub tratament conservator (hemostatice si produse de sange). Colonoscopie – tumora de colon situata la 70cm de OA. CT – colon transvers cu zonă proiectata în 1/3 medie cu pereti îngrosati. S-a intervenit chirurgical pe cale laparoscopică. Intraoperator s-a constatat tumoră de colon trasnvers. S-a practicat colectomie segmentara cu colo-colostomie L-T mecanică. Histopatologie – Adk colonic mucinos, pT4N2.

Rezultate. Evolutia postoperatorie imediată a fost favorabilă în ambele cazuri, cu externarea primului pacient în a 7-a zi postinterventională si a celei de-a doua în a 5-zi postinterventională.

Discutii. Tehnicile moderne de abordare a cancerului colonic in urgentă, precum, lavajul colonic anterograd intra-operator în cadrul cancerului de colon stâng stenozant si chirurgia minim invazivă, pot determina scaderea morbiditătii asociate interventiei chirurgicale.

Concluzii. Desi pacientii care suferă interventii chirurgicale pentru cancer colonic prezentat in regim de urgentă tind să aibă grade histologice tumorale avansate, managementul modern poate realiza un prognostic favorabil, atât pe termen scurt, cât si pe termen lung.

MANAGEMENT OF COLON CANCER EMERGENCIES IN YOUNG PATIENTSGabriel Nicolae Andrei, B.I. Diaconescu, B.V. Martian, Prof. Mircea BeuranSurgery Department of Floreasca Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest

Introduction. Approximately 15-30% of all colon cancer presents in emergency, most often as obstruction (78%) or perforation (10%). Lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to colon cancer is a much rarer event - 4%. Colonic bowel obstruction due to colon cancer is most often located in the colonic splenic angle. Cecum and sigmoid colon are the most common sites of perforation. In general, patients who undergo emergency surgery are elderly patients (> 60 years). Young patients (< 40 years), may suffer emergency interventions due to treatment with indifference of the ini-tial symptoms. Recent studies report a worse prognosis for patients operated in urgency, in terms of initial hospitaliza-tion and long-term prognosis. Advanced tumor stage and unfavorable histological characteristics can form the basis for a poor postoperative evolution.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (31)


Methods and materials. We present the management of 2 colon cancer cases in young patients presented as emer-gency in the Surgical department of Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest.

1. 35 years old male patient, presented as emergency for acute abdominal pain, abdominal distension and lack of bowel movements. Biological - leukocytosis 14,700/uL, (CA 19-9, CEA and AFP in the normal range). Plain abdomi-nal fi lms - fl uid and air leakage levels of colonic type. CT – marked colonic distension. Blade of 3.5 cm pelvic fl uid. Colonoscopy – stenotic tumor localized at 55cm from the anal verge. The intraoperative fi ndings were: sigmoid colon cancer with subsequent intestinal occlusion. Appendectomy with antegrade colonic lavage was performed, followed by left hemicolectomy with colo-rectum mechanical anastomosis T-T. Histopathology - ADK moderately differenti-ated pT3N2.

2. 38 years old female patient, presented for haematochezia, asthenia and fatigue, with the onset of symptoms 4 days previous. Biological (hg - 7.7g / dL). The initial symptoms disappear with conservative therapy. Colonoscopy - colon tumor located 70cm from the anal verge. CT - 1/3 medium of the transverse colon with tickened walls. Laparo-scopic surgery was performed. The intraoperative fi ndings were: transverse colon tumor. Segmental colectomy (trans-verse colon) with colo-colo mechanical anastomosis L-T was performed. Histopathology - ADK colonic mucinous, pT4N2.

Results. Immediate postoperative evolution was favorable in both cases, the fi rst patient beeing discharged on the 7th day postintervention and the second in a 5-day postintervention.

Discussion. Modern techniques of approaching emergencies in colon cancer, as intraoperative antegrade colonic lavage in stenosing left colon cancer and minimally invasive surgery, may reduce morbidity associated with surgery.

Conclusions. Although patients undergoing surgery for emergencies in colon cancer tend to have advanced tumor histological grade, modern management can achieve a favorable prognosis, both in short term and long term.


Clinica de chirurgie plastică şi microchirurgie reconstructivă, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti1UMF „Carol Davila” Bucuresti

Programul naţional pentru reconstrucţie mamară postrezecţie oncologică a fost implementat în primăvara anului 2014 de către Casa Naţională de Asigurări, după o perioadă de demersuri de mai bine de 14 ani. Acest program naţional asigură reconstrucţia mamară postrezecţie oncologică cu ajutorul expanderelor şi implantelor mamare.

In afara părţii fi nanciare asigurate de către sistemul de sănătate, pacientele care au trecut peste o mastectomie oncologică şi terapiile adjuvante asociate se lovesc de multe alte probleme de ordin psihologic, fi ind necesară o bună înţelegere a principiilor acestor intervenţii chirurgicale reconstructive, astfel că este nevoie să se procedeze la o atentă selecţie a pacientelor.

Reconstrucţia sânului reduce tulburările psihologice asociate şi îmbunătăţeşte condiţia mentală a pacientei, perminţând reinserţia socio-profesională şi o calitate sporită a vieţii în condiţiile unei afecţiuni neoplazice.

În afara studiului clinic de tip prospectiv efectuat pe pacientele cu reconstrucţie mamară postrezecţie oncologică internate şi operate în Clinica de chirurgie plastică şi microchirurgie reconstructivă a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti, intenţionăm şi efectuarea unui studiu psihosocial pe baza unui chestionar tip test de opinie, care să refl ecte modul în care este privită reconstrucţia mamară în România. Este de aşteptat ca reconstrucţia mamară postrezecţie oncologică să fi e văzută ca o vindecare spirituală de către aceste paciente în condiţiile unei afecţiuni oncologice în stadiu stabil, tratamentul chirurgical reconstructiv căpătând astfel puternice valenţe pozitive asupra psihicului pacientei.

O dată cu debutul programului naţional de reconstrucţie mamară postrezecţie oncologică adresabilitatea pacientelor pentru astfel de proceduri reconstructive a crescut considerabil, astfel în decurs de numai 5 luni au fost operate în Clinica de chirurgie plastică şi microchirurgie reconstructivă a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti un număr de 17 paciente, cu vârste cuprinse între 29 şi 66 de ani. Mediul de rezidenţă al pacientelor este urban în proporţie de 100%, 82% dintre paciente având studii superioare, ceea ce ne indică un grad mare de înţelegere a problemelor legate de intervenţiile chirurgicale şi tratamentele asociate şi mijloacele de informare asupra acestor aspecte.

Rezultatele acestui studiu pot evidenţia motivele reticenţei în acceptarea programului de reconstrucţie mamară şi o dată acestea identifi cate pot fi determinate şi modalităţile de depăşire ale acestora, mai ales cu ajutorul mass media care ar trebui să crească impactul determinat de reconstrucţia mamară atât asupra populaţiei generale cât şi asupra educaţiei pacientelor cu cancer mamar, demonstrând că această problemă nu reprezintă o chestiune de confort personal ci o problemă de sănătate care trebuie privită ca atare şi din partea asigurărilor de sănătate.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (32)



After a period of at least 14 years of struggle with the health insurance company, this spring our country managed to implement the breast reconstruction program, in which they assure the breast oncologic patients of full defrayal of breast expander and implant reconstruction.

Certainly, besides the fi nancial supply given by the health insurance company, the patients that have undertaken an oncologic mastectomy and the associated adjuvant therapies struggle with many psychological problems and as well they need a good understanding of the reconstructive procedures, thus the need of a careful selection of these patients.

The breast reconstruction surgery reduces the psychological impact on these patients, who can reinstate socially and professional and also determines a high life quality after an oncologic fi ght.

Besides the prospective clinical study on the patients with breast reconstruction surgery admitted and operated in the Plastic and microsurgery department of Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest we have the purpose to make a psychosocial study on how breast reconstruction is received by Romanian population and so we worked out an opinion test questionnaire. Breast reconstruction can be a spiritual healing for those who have struggled through cancer.

Once the debut of the breast reconstructive national program the number of patients admitted for these reconstruc-tive procedures increased considerably, thus after a period of just fi ve months a number of seventeen patients have been operated in the Plastic and microsurgery department of Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, with ages between 29 and 66 years old. All the patients are from urban areas and 82 % of them have higher education, which indicates a great degree of understanding and information.

The results of this study could highlight the means of reticence in the acceptance of the breast reconstruction pro-gram and once these means are identifi ed, one can look how to overcome them, especially through mass-media who can increase the impact of the idea of breast reconstruction on population and also on the education of breast cancer patients.

MODIFICARI DE COMPORTAMENT LA SOBOLANII CU DIABET INDUS CU STREPOZOTOCINASilvia Badescu, Liana Kobilinska, Ana-Maria Zagrean, Leon ZagreanDisciplina de Fiziologie si Neurostiinte, UMF Carol Davila

Introducere. Modifi cari in comportament, cum ar fi depresia si anxietatea sunt adesea observate la pacientii cu diabet zaharat. Scopul acestui studiu a fost sa investigheze dacă diabetul zaharat este responsabil pentru aparitia anxi-etatii şi depresiei.

Materiale şi metode. Am folosit două grupuri de şobolani masculi Wistar, un grup diabetic (8 şobolani) şi un grup de control (10 şobolani). Am indus diabetul zaharat tip 1 printr-o injectie intraperitoneală cu streptozotocină (50 mg/kg în 0,9% NaCI) al carei efect este distrugerea celulelelor β pancreatice. După patru săptămâni de la inducerea diab-etului cu glicemii mari (aproximativ 200-400 mg/dl) anxietatea şi comportamentul depresiv au fost cuantifi cate prin teste de comportament (“open fi eld test” (OFT), “elevated plus maze” (EPM), “Porsolt forced swimming test” (FST), “novel object recognition test” (NOR) –pentru investigarea memoriei de lunga si scurta durata). Testele au fost înreg-istrate cu ajutorul unui sistem de Achizitie EthoVision XT.

Rezultate. La o lună de la inducerea diabetului nu au existat diferente in greutate corporală între şobolani diabetici şi grupul control, dar şobolani diabetici au avut un aport semnifi cativ mai mare de alimente şi apă. La două luni am observat o scădere a greutătii corporale pentru grupul diabetic. Am observat o reducere a activitătii de explorare la sobolani cu diabet zaharat la OFT , acestia petrecand mai putin timp in zona centrala a arenei. Şobolani diabetici au prezentat un comportament mai pasiv la FST (timpul de imobilitate a fost crescut) şi au petrecut mai mult timp în bratele închise ale EPM, comparativ cu grupul de control. La testele de memorie atat rezultatele la memoria pe termen scurt cat si şi lung au fost mai bune în şobolani non-diabetici.

Concluzii. Timpul crescut de imobilitate la FST se corelează prezenta unui comportament depresiv. Scăderea memoriei la testul NOR poate insoti manifestarile depresive. Mai mult timp petrecut în bratele închise ale testului EPM şi faptul ca la testul OFT sobolanii diabetici petrec putin timp in zona central a arenei ne arata un nivel crescut de anxietate. Putem considera că diabetul indus cu streptozotocina produce modifi cari in timp ale functiilor creierului, ceea ce duce la modifi cări de comportament, cum ar fi depresia si anxietatea legate de diabet. Acestea observatie poate sugera că un metabolism modifi cat al glucozei duce la defi ciente ale creierului care se pot manifesta la pacientii dia-betici ca tulburari neuropsihiatrice.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (33)


Mentiune: Aceasta lucrare este partial sprijinita de catre Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POSDRU) fi nantat din Fondul Social European si de catre Guvernul Romaniei prin contractul nr. POSDRU 141531.

BEHAVIORAL CHANGES IN STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED DIABETIC RATSSilvia Badescu, Liana Kobilinska, Ana-Maria Zagrean, Leon ZagreanDiscipline of Physiology and Neuroscience, Carola Davila UMF

Introduction. Behavioral changes like depression and anxiety are often seen in diabetic patients. The aim of our study was to investigate if diabetes is responsible for the appearance of anxiety and depression-like behavior.

Materials and methods. We used two groups of male Wistar rats, a diabetic (8 rats) and a control group(10 rats). We induced type 1 diabetes by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg in 0.9% NaCl) which destroys the “β-cells” of pancreas. After four weeks on high glicemia levels (approximatively 200-400 mg/dl) the anxiety and depression-like behavior were quantifi ed by behavioral tests (open fi eld test (OFT), elevated plus maze (EPM), Porsolt forced swimming test (FST), novel object recognition test (NOR) – for short and long-term memory investigation). The tests were recorded using an EthoVision XT Acquisition System.

Results. After one month from the induction of diabetes there was no difference in body weight between diabetic and control rats, but diabetic rats had a signifi cantly higher intake of food and water. At two months we noticed a de-crease in body weight for the diabetic group. We observed a reduction in the exploratory activity of diabetic rats monitored by OFT as they spent less time in the central area of the arena. Diabetic rats displayed a more passive be-havior in the FST (immobility time was increased) and spent more time in the closed arms of the EPM compared with the control group. Both short and long term memory results were better in non-diabetic rats.

Conclusions. The increased immobility time at FST correlates with a depression-like behavior. The decrease in memory at NOR tests may correlate with depression. More time spent in the closed arms of the EPM and not in the central part of OFT arena shows an increased anxiety level. We may consider that streptozotocin induced diabetes al-ters brain functions and leads to behavioral changes like depression and anxiety related to diabetes. These observations may suggest that an altered glucose metabolism leads to other brain defi cits that may manifest in diabetic patients as neuropsychiatric disorders.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper is partly supported by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Re-sources Development (SOPHRD), fi nanced by the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU 141531.

ESECUL TRATAMENTULUI CONSERVATOR IN TRAUMATISMUL HEPATIC DE GRAD IVBejenaru Irina, Gaspar Bogdan, Paun Sorin, Negoi Ionut, Stoica Bogdan, Beuran Mircea.

Introducere. Tratamentul leziunilor complexe hepatice ramane o provocare pentru chirurg in ciuda avantajelor diagnostice si terapeutice oferite in ultima perioada evolutiva a medicinii. Rata mortalitatii in leziunile hepatice de grad IV variaza in literatura intre 8-56%.

Metoda. Prezentare de caz a unui traumatism hepatic grad IV internat in cadrul Spitalului Clinc De Urgenta Bucuresti in conditii de transfer, manageriat initial non-operator, care ulterior s-a dovedit infecient.

Rezultate. Pacientul in varsta de 26 de ani, internat in conditii de urgenta in SCUB la 2 zile de la producerea unui accident rutier. Examenul clinic la internare releva stabilitate hemodinamica si abdomen fara semne de iritatie peritoneala, se efectueaza CT abdominal care evidentiaza zona hepatica neomogena, imprecis delimitata localizata in lobul drept si partial in segmentul IV, in contact intim cu venele suprahepatice drepte si ramul drept portal, precum si lichid liber peritoneal perihepatic, in spatiul Morisson si Douglas. Bilantul lezional mai cuprinde si o fractura deschisa de femur stang (ISS = 26). Se institue managementul non-operator al leziunii de fi cat si stabilizarea fracturii de femur cu fxator extern. Datorita evolutiei difi cile se decide la 11 zile de la internare reevaluare imagistica CT care arata acumulare lichidiana intraabdominala in toate recesurile. Se decide interventia chirurgicala de urgenta care pune in evidenta lichid bilios si sange (3 L) si colecistita acuta gangrenoasa (colecistectomie). In ziua 4 postoperator se reintervine chirurgical pentru instabilitate hemodinamica si aparitia de sange pe tuburile de dren (packing hepatic). Demesarea la 24 de ore nu evidentiaza sangerare activa, dar aparitia de 800 ml sange pe tubul de dren la o ora de la interventie necesita reinterventia chirurgicala (hemostaza locala hepatica si plombaj epiplooic). Reevaluare CT la 5 zile de la ultima interventie chirurgicala evidentiaza colectie hemoragica ce vine in contact cu hematomul hepatic, sugestiva pentru o singerare activa. Se efectueaza angiografi e care arata extravazare de substanta de contrast dintr-un

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ram segmentar din artera hepatica dreapta care se embolizeaza supraselectiv. Postembolizare pacientul prezinta o crestere marcata a transaminazelor (TGO = 8500 U/L, TGP = 6371 U/L) cu dezvoltare de insufi cienta hepatica fulminanta si deces.

Concluzii. Chiar daca in literatura este descris cu succes managementul non-operator al leziunilor de grad IV he-patice, acesti pacienti trebuiesc bine selectati, esecul abordarii conservative fi ind asociata uneori cu deces.

THE FAILURE OF CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT IN GRADE IV LIVER INJURYBejenaru Irina, Gaspar Bogdan, Paun Sorin, Negoi Ionut, Tanase Ioan, Stoica Bogdan, Beuran Mircea.

Introduction. The treatment of complex hepatic injuries remains a challenge for the surgeon despite diagnostic and therapeutic advantages offered lately by evolutionary medicine. The mortality rate in grade IV hepatic lesions varies between 8-56% in the literature.

Method. Case report of a grade IV liver injury admitted to the Emergency Clinical Hospital Bucharest in terms of transfer, initially managed non-operatively, which later turned out to be inefi ciently.

Results. 26 years old patient, hospitalized in emergency conditions SCUB 2 days from the occurrence of an acci-dent. Physical examination on admission revealed hemodynamic stability and abdomen with no signs of peritoneal irritation, abdominal CT scan was performed that highlights the liver heterogeneous, imprecise delimited partially lo-cated in the right lobe and segment IV, in intimate contact with suprahepatic veins and right portal branch, and free peritoneal fl uid in perihepatic space, Douglas pouch and Morrison. Other lesion also includes a left femur open-frac-ture (ISS = 26). It was established non-operative management of liver injury and femoral fracture stabilization with external fi xation. Due to the diffi cult evolution, 11 days after admission, CT scan re-evaluation was decided and showed intra-abdominal fl uid accumulation in all recesses. It was established emergency surgery that highlights bilious fl uid and blood (3 L) and gangrenous acute cholecystitis (cholecystectomy). At day 4 postoperatively it’s necessary reintervention for hemodynamic instability and the occurrence of blood through the drainaje tubes (liver packing). Removal of mesh after 24 hours does not show active bleeding, but the appearance of 800 ml blood drain tube at a time of surgery requires surgical intervention (local haemostasis with omentoplasty). Re-evaluation of CT examination, 5 days after the last surgery highlights hemorrhage, shows liver hematoma and active bleeding. Angiography shows extravasation of contrast material from a segmental branch of the right hepatic artery that needs supraselective embo-lization. Postembolization, patient has a marked increase in transaminase (SGOT = 8500 U / L, ALT = 6371 U / L) with the development of fulminant hepatic failure and death.

Conclusions. Although the literature describes successful non-operative management of liver injuries grade IV, these patients should be clearly identifi ed, failure of conservative approach is associated with death.

EXPRESIA PROTEINELOR S100 IN CANCERUL PANCREATIC EVIDENTIATA PRIN NANO-LC-MS/MSRaluca M. Boteanu1, Luminita Ivan1, Elena Uyy1, Viorel I. Suica1, Florentina Safciuc1, Nicolae Bacalbasa2, Valeria Tica3, Simona Dima3, Irinel Popescu3, Felicia Antohe1

1Institutul de biologie si patologie celulara “N. Simionescu” Academia Româna, Bucureşti, România2UMF Carol Davila, Bucureşti, România3Centrul de Chirurgie Generala si Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec” Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucureşti, România

Introducere. Proteinele S100 fac parte din familia alarminelor endogene, care semnalizeaza prezenta unui stress tisular, inclusiv in agresiunea asociata cancerului. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a identifi ca un potential grup de biomarkeri apartinand familiei de proteine S100, exprimate in cancerul pancreatic, prin analiza de spectrometrie de masa.

Materiale si Metode. Probele de tesut uman recoltate in mediu steril in timpul operatiei de la pacienti (n=16) cu adenocarcinom pancreatic ductal au provenit atat din zona tumorala (T) cat si din zona adiacenta tumorii (NT), folosite drept control. Probele au fost procesate corespunzator si cantitati echivalente de proteina provenite din omogenatele totale tisulare au fost separate si analizate prin cromatografi e in faza lichida cuplata cu spectrometria de masa (LC-MS/MS), in vederea identifi carii si cuantifi carii proteinelor de interes.

Rezultate. Utilizarea programului informatic Proteome Discoverer 1.4 a condus la identifi carea a treisprezece membri ai familiei S100 (A2, A4, A6, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, 14, A16, P si B) in probele investigate. Analiza bioinformatica efectuata cu programul SIEVE 2.1, care permite cuantifi carea relativa a acestor proteine, a aratat ca proteinele S100-P si A11 isi modifi ca expresia proteica in toate probele. Astfel, in 87,5 % din cazuri S100-P creste in

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medie de 3,5 ori in tesutul tumoral, iar in 75% din cazuri expresia proteinei A11 creste in medie de 4 ori in T vs NT. Tot de 4 ori au crescut si proteinele S100A6 si A9 in 62,5% din cazurile T comparativ cu cele NT. De asem*nea s-a observat ca proteina A10 a crescut de 2,2 ori in 68,75% din probele tumorale, iar nivelul proteinei A8 a fost de 3,5 ori mai mare in tesutul tumoral comparativ cu cel adiacent tumorii in 75% din cazuri.

Concluzii. Acest studiu reprezinta primul screening al proteinelor S100 realizat la nivelul tesutului pancreatic al pacientilor cu adenocarcinom ductal. Rezultatele obtinute indica proteinele S100-P, A4, A6, A8, A9, A10 si A11 ca potentilai biomarkeri in diagnosticarea cancerului pancreatic.

Studiul a fost fi nantat de Academia Romana, Ministerul Educatie si Cercetarii proiect CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, PN IIPCCA 2011-3, Nr. 90/2012 si proiect POSDRU/159/ 1.5/S/133391.

S100 PROTEIN EXPRESSION IN PANCREATIC CANCER DETECTED BY NANO-LC-MS/MSRaluca M. Boteanu1, Luminita Ivan1, Elena Uyy1, Viorel I. Suica1, Florentina Safciuc1, Nicolae Bacalbasa2, Valeria Tica3, Simona Dima3, Irinel Popescu3, Felicia Antohe1

1Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “N. Simionescu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania2UMF Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania3“Dan Setlacec” Center of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. S100 proteins are endogenous alarmins, involved in the tissue stress signalling, including cancer associated aggression. The purpose of this study was to identify potential biomarkers belonging to the family of S100 proteins, expressed in pancreatic cancer, by mass spectrometry analysis.

Materials and Methods. Human tissue samples were collected in sterile conditions during surgery from patients (n = 16) with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma originated both from the tumor (T) and adjacent non-tumor area (NT), used as a control. Samples were biochemically processed and equivalent amounts of protein from total tissue hom*og-enates were separated and analysed by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS / MS) to identify and quantify proteins of interest.

Results. The MS analyses identifi ed thirteen members of S100 family (A2, A4, A6, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, 14, A16, P and B) in the investigated samples, using Proteome Discoverer 1.4 software. Relative quantifi cation bioin-formatics analysis (SIEVE 2.1 software) showed that P and A11-S100 change their protein expression in all samples. Thus, in 87.5% of cases the S100-P protein expression increased by 3.5-fold in tumor tissue and in 75% of cases, the expression of S100 A11 was increased by 4-fold in T vs NT. Likewise, protein expressions of S100A6 and A9 were increased by 4-fold in 62.5% of cases compared with the control. It was also observed that the A10 protein expression increased by 2.2-fold in 68.75% of tumor samples and A8 protein level was 3.5 times higher in tumor tissue compared to adjacent samples in 75% of cases.

Conclusion. This study represents the fi rst screening of S100 proteins achieved in the tissue of patients with pan-creatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The results indicated the proteins S100-P, A4, A6, A8, A9, A10 and A11 may be good candidates as potential biomarkers in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

The study was supported by Romanian Academy, Ministry of Education and Research grant CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, PN-II-PCCA-2011-3 no. 90/2012 and POSDRU/159/ 1.5/S/133391.

CERCETĂRI PRIVIND NIVELELE DE CONTAMINARE CU PESTICIDE ORGANOCLORURATE DIN CARNEA DE PEŞTE OBŢINUTĂ DIN SISTEME DE CREŞTERE NATURALE ŞI CONTROLATEAna-Andreea Cioca, Prof. Univ. Dr. Marian MihaiuFacultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul II, Disciplina de Producţii Animaliere şi Siguranţă Alimentară,Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară, Cluj-Napoca

Introducere. Nevoile tot mai crescute de hrană, datorate creşterii populaţiei globului, au dus la folosirea pe scară tot mai largă a substanţelor chimice, în special a îngrăşămintelor şi pesticidelor. Pe lângă rolul benefi c de creştere a producţiei agricole şi implicit, a celei animaliere, pesticidele s-au dovedit a avea efecte negative asupra sănătăţii omu-lui şi mediului.

Stadiul actual al cunoaşterii în domeniul abordat. Având în vedere caracteristica lor specială de persistentă în mediu si acumularea în cantităti variabile pe lantul alimentar, pesticidele au ajuns să reprezinte o problemă importantă de sănătate, prin riscul de toxicitate acută sau cronică pentru consumator.

Odată pătrunse în organism, pesticidele acţionează diferenţiat, în funcţie de metabolismul, excreţia şi toxicitatea lor. Simptomele unei intoxicaţii acute se manifestă prin dureri de cap, stări de oboseală, surmenaj şi ameţeală. Intoxicaţia cronică presupune expunerea la un nivel redus de pesticide, însă pe o perioadă îndelungată şi se caracterizează printr-o

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simptomatologie necaracteristică, greu de identifi cat. Pericolul lor real se concentrează în actiunea asupra sistemelor enzimatice, asupra vitaminelor şi hormonilor, precum şi asupra activităţii lor carcinogene.

Preocuparea pentru demonstrarea existenţei reziduurilor de compuşi organocloruraţi în carnea de peşte, se naşte din faptul că o data ingeraţi de către peşti (prin furajele tratate/poluate sau din apă), aceştia se reţin în ţesutul adipos (fi ind liposolubile), iar prin consum alimentar, ajung în organismul uman.

Scopul, obiectivele şi metodologia. Scopul acestui proiect este de a evalua nivelul compuşilor organocloruraţi din carnea de peşte obţinută din sisteme de creştere naturale şi controlate din diverse regiuni geografi ce (şes, deal, munte) şi coroborarea rezultatelor obţinute, în vederea conceperii unui plan de supraveghere pe baza analizei de risc.

Principalele obiective ale lucrării de cercetare sunt:• Evaluări pe baza prelucrării datelor existente, privind nivelul de compuşi organocloruraţi din ultimii 5 ani, din

arealul de studiu stabilit;• Determinarea unor compuşi organocloruraţi pe lanţul trofi c al peştelui, din ecosistemele cuprinse în studiu, uti-

lizând comparativ metode analitice de gazcromatografi e cuplată cu spectometrie de masă (GC-MS) şi gazcromato-grafi e cuplată cu detector cu captură de electroni (GC-ECD);

• Analize chemometrice şi evaluarea de risc, pe lanţul trofi c luat în studiu.Metodologia abordată se bazează pe o procedură de preparare a probelor în trei etape, atât pentru determinări din

probe de ţesut, cât şi din sediment, apă şi furaj: extracţia grăsimii, purifi carea extractului şi determinarea gaz-cromatografi că propriu-zisă.

Rezultate preconizate. Valorifi care şi diseminare. Rezultatele vizează întocmirea unei diagrame a contaminării într-un interval de timp, pe diverse regiuni geografi ce, din care se vor preleva probe, dar şi crearea unor propuneri de su-praveghere şi puncte de atenţie în ceea ce priveşte acest subiect. Acestea vor fi integrate în mare parte în teza de doc-torat, vor fi publicate în diverse jurnale sub formă de articole şi vor fi valorifi cate în cadrul simpozioanelor ştiinţifi ce.

Metodele experimentate şi validate în urma cercetării, se prevăd a fi consolidate şi utilizate, în cadrul laboratorului de cercetare autorizat, din cadrul Departamentului de Producţii Animaliere şi Siguranţă Alimentară al Facultăţii de Medicină Veterinară, Cluj-Napoca, unde subsemnata este membră. Acestea vor contribui, de asem*nea, la dezvoltarea resursei umane înalt califi cate pentru tineri cercetători.

Monitorizarea reziduurilor de compuşi organocloruraţi este o preocupare curentă în ţările Uniunii Europene.

STUDIES REGARDING THE LEVEL OF CONTAMINATION WITH ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES IN FISH MEAT OBTAINED FROM NATURAL WATERS AND CONTROLLED FARMING SYSTEMSAna-Andreea Cioca, Prof. Marian MihaiuFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department II, Discipline of Animal Husbandry and Food Safety, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca

Introduction. The increased need for food due to the global demographic growth, have led to the use of a larger scale of chemicals, particularly fertilizers and pesticides. In addition to the benefi cial role of increasing agricultural production and livestock farming, some pesticides have been shown to have negative effects on human health and on the environment.

State of art. Due to their special feature of persistence in the environment and to their accumulation in variable amounts in the food chain, pesticides represent an important health problem because of the risk of acute or chronic toxicity for consumers.

Once inside the organism, pesticides act differently depending on their metabolism, excretion and toxicity. The symptoms of acute intoxication are headaches, fatigue, tiredness and dizziness. The chronic intoxication involves an exposure to low levels of pesticides, but for a long period of time and it is characterized by non typical symptoms, dif-fi cult to be identifi ed. The real danger of the pesticides is focused on their actions on the enzyme systems, vitamins and hormones, as well as their carcinogenic effect.

The concern in demonstrating the existence of organochlorine compounds residues in fi sh meat, arises from the fact that once ingested by fi sh (by treated feed or polluted waters), they are retained in the adipose tissue (they are lipo-soluble) and by food consumption they reach the human organism.

Purpose, objectives and methodology. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the level of pesticides from fi sh fl esh obtained from natural waters and controlled fi sh farming systems, from different geographic regions (mountain, hill, plain areas) and to corroborate the results obtained and design a monitoring plan, based on the risk analysis of the area taken into study.

The main objectives of the project are:

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• Evaluation based on existing data, of organochlorine pesticides level, present in the last fi ve years in the area taken into study;

• Determination of organochlorine pesticides in fi sh meat obtained from known ecosystems of the area, using a comparison between two analytical methods such as gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography coupled with electron capture detector (GC-ECD);

• Chemometric analysis and the risk analysis in the food chain taken into study.The methodology is based on a three step procedure for determinations from tissue samples, sediments, water and

feed. This procedures are: fat extraction, purifi cation of the extract and the actual gas chromatography determinations.Expected results. Valorifi cation and disemination. The results will help establishing a contamination diagram, in a

certain period of time, in various geographic regions, from where the samples will be collected, create supervision proposals and points of attention regarding this matter. The results obtained in this project will be integrated mainly in my PhD thesis, published in various journals as article and presented in scientifi c meetings.

The methods tested and validated in the project are expected to be consolidated and used in the authorized research laboratory of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Food Safety from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca. They will also contribute to the development of highly skilled human resources for young researchers.

Monitoring of organochlorine pesticide residues is a current concern in the European Union.

ACCIDENT VASCULAR CEREBRAL HEMORAGIC – CAUZĂ MAJORĂ DE DIZABILITATESimona Cîrjaliu-DavidescuInstitutul Naţional de Expertiză medicală şiRecuperare a Capacităţii de Muncă

Introducere. Accidentul vascular cerebral reprezintă la nivel mondial a doua cauză de mortalitate, după bolile cardiovasculare, şi, de asem*nea, o cauză majoră de dizabilitate.

Material şi metodă. Am efectuat un studiu retrospectiv al subiecţilor internaţi în perioada 2012-2014 în Institutul Naţional de Expertiză Medicală şi Recuperare a Capacităţii de Muncă.

Criterii de includere în studiu. Subiecţii internaţi cu diagnosticul de Accident vascular cerebral hemoragic (indiferent de forma acestuia)

Criterii de excludere. Hematomul intraparenchimatos posttraumatic, hemoragii intratumorale.S-a urmărit la lotul analizat distribuţia în funcţie de vârstă, factorii etiopatogenici, localizarea hemoragiei, precum

şi gradul de invaliditate şi principalele sechele invalidante.Rezultate. Majoritatea subiecşilor care au avut un acccident vascular hemoragic au vârsta peste 55 ani, cauza cea

mai frecventă a hemoragiei fi ind hipertensiunea arterială. Anevrismele sau malformaţiile arterio-venoase rupte au determinat accidente vasculare la subiecţi cu vârste sub 45 ani. 83% din subiecţi au fost încadraţi la externare în gradul III de invaliditate. Defi citele motorii au reprezentat principalele sechele invalidante la lotul studiat.

Discuţii şi Concluzii. Prognosticul recuperator a fost redus la lotul studiat, peste 80% din bolnavi regăsindu-se, după 2 ani de la evenimentul acut, într-un grad de invaliditate. Am constatat existenţa unei corelaţii între vârsta tânără şi agentul etiopatogenic, hemoragia cerebrală fi ind cauzată mai frecvent la tineri de ruptura unei malformaţii artero-venoase sau a unui anevrism.

Acolo unde s-a constatat recuperarea capacităţii de muncă, am constatat defi cienţe în reintegrarea socio-profesională a subiecţilor, fapt datorat în principal climatului economic actual la care se adaugă decondiţionarea psiho-fi zică a pacientului.

Introduction. Worldwide, stroke is the second leading cause of global mortality after cardiovascular disease and a major cause of disability.

Materials and methods. We performed a retrospective study of hospitalized subjects in the period 2012-2014 in the National Institute of Medical Expertise and Work Capacity Recovery.

Criteria for inclusion in the study: subjects hospitalized with a diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke (in any form).Exclusion criteria: posttraumatic hematoma intraparenchymal, hemorrhage intratumoral.It was intended to group analyzed the distribution by age, etiopathogenic factors, location of the bleeding, and the

degree of disability and disabling sequelae main.Results. Most subjects who had a hemorrhagic stroke cases of accidents have over 55 years the most common

cause of hemorrhage is hypertension. Aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations caused broken strokes in subjects younger than 45 years old. 83% of subjects were enrolled in degree III of disability. Motor defi cits were the main dis-abling sequelae in the studied group.

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Discussion and Conclusions. The prognosis of recovery was reduced to the study group, 80% of patients being found after 2 years from the acute event, a degree of disability. We found a correlation between young age and etio-pathogenic agent, cerebral hemorrhage is caused more often in young arteriovenous malformation rupture a vein or an aneurysm.

Where found recovery work capacity, we found defi ciencies in socio-professional reintegration of subjects, due mainly current economic climate plus psycho-physical deconditioning patient.

Diagnosticul şi tratamentul chirurgical ale diverticulului ZenkerD. Ciuc, A. Constantin, D. Cochior, L. Pripişi, S. Constantinoiu

Rezumat. Diverticulul Zenker este o entitate patologică rară, întâlnită mai frecvent la persoanele vârstnice (peste 70 ani). Simptomatologia tipică este data de disfa*gie, regurgitaţii, tuse cronică, aspiraţie şi scădere ponderală. Etiologia exactă rămâne neclară, cea mai acceptată fi ind actualmente teoria tulburării funcţionale a motilităţii faringo-esofa*giene. Trepiedul etiopatogenic dat de hipertensiunea intraesofa*giană, tulburarea de motilitate esofa*giană şi slaba rezistenţă a peretelui esofa*gului determină apariţia diverticulului în regiunea sfi ncterului esofa*gian superior.

Scopul lucrării este de a reevalua metodele şi principiile terapeutice în patologia diverticulară faringo-esofa*giană, p*rnind de la diagnosticul clinic şi paraclinic minuţios, care include investigaţii imagistice disponibile în majoritatea serviciilor medicale – tranzit baritat, endoscopie digestivă superioară – dar şi manometria esofa*giană, utilizată în ultima perioadă a intervalului analizat, ce cuantifi că activitatea motorie a esofa*gului. În prezent, atitudinea terapeutică variază între tratamentul conservator şi cel chirurgical (cu morbiditate şi mortalitate deloc de neglijat). Tratamentul chirurgical constă în miotomie faringo-esofa*giană (terapie patogenică, sufi cientă pentru diverticulii mici) şi abordarea sacului diverticular (diverticulectomie sau diverticulopexie) efectuate prin chirurgie clasică deschisă sau endoscopică minim invazivă.

Lotul nostru cuprinde un număr de 14 pacienţi cu indicaţie chirurgicală pentru diverticul Zenker, operaţi în perioada 2001-2014. Cei diagnosticaţi cu această patologie au fost în număr mult mai mare, dar indicaţia operatorie a fost stabilită conform ghidurilor medicale actuale, ţinând cont de implicaţiile clinice ale prezenţei sacului diverticular şi de corectarea mecanismelor fi ziopatologice prin gestul terapeutic chirurgical.

Rezultatele postoperatorii ale chirurgiei diverticulilor faringo-esofa*gieni depind de tactica chirurgicală optim stabilită prin cunoaşterea mecanismelor etiopatogenice, prin corelarea cu tabloul clinic sever şi de complicaţiile loco-regionale specifi ce, dar şi de o tehnică operatorie executată corect.

DIAGNOSIS AND SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ZENKER’S DIVERTICULUMD. Ciuc, A. Constantin, D. Cochior, L. Pripişi, S. Constantinoiu

Abstract. Zenker diverticulum is a rare pathological entity, more common in the elderly (over 70 years). Typical symptoms is given by dysphagia, regurgitation, chronic cough, weight loss and aspiration. The exact etiology remains unclear, presently the most accepted theory is functional disorder of esophageal motility pharyngolaryngeal. repiedu-letiopatogenic given intraesophageal hypertension, esophageal motility disorder and weak resistance causes esopha-geal diverticulum wall in the upper esophagean sphincter region.

The purpose of this paper is to review the methods and therapeutic principles diverticular pharyngolaryngeal oe-sophageal pathology, based on thorough clinical and laboratory diagnosis, including imaging investigations available in most health services - Barium, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy - and esophageal manometry (used later on) ana-lyzed quantifying motor activity of the esophagus. Currently, therapeutic approach varies between conservative and surgical treatment (with not insignifi cant morbidity and mortality). Surgical treatment consists of oesophageal pharyn-geal myotomy (pathogenic therapy suffi cient for small diverticula) and diverticular sac approach (diverticulectomy or diverticulopexy) conducted by open or minimally invasive endoscopic surgery.

Our study includes a total of 14 patients with Zenker diverticulum surgical indication, operated in the period 2001-2014. There were many more people diagnosed with this pathology, but surgical indication was established according to current medical guidelines, taking into account the clinical implications of the presence of diverticular sac.

The results of surgery postoperative pharyngolaryngeal esophageal diverticula depend on optimal surgical tactics etiopathogenic mechanisms established by knowledge, by correlating with severe clinical complications and loco-re-gional characteristics, but also with surgical technique performed correctly.

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1Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucuresti, Romania2Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie”Carol-Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania3Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie ”Carol-Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Defectele parietale pot avea un risc relativ mare al complicatiilor (incarcerari, strangulari, fi stule enterale prin mecanism ischemic cu celulite extensive si necroze tegumentare, etc.), generand ulterior sindroame ocluzive sau septice severe.

Material si metoda. Relatam cazul unui pacient in varsta de 73 de ani, ce se prezinta in Unitatea de Primiri Urgente cu stare generala grava, dispnee cu polipnee si abdomen acut chirurgical – ocluzie intestinala prin hernie inghinala strangulata si colecistita acuta litiazica. Pacientul era cunoscut cu patologie cardiaca importanta - fi brilatie atriala, insufi cienta cardiaca clasa IV NYHA, cardiomiopatie dilatativa, fi ind la acel moment in tratament anticoagulant oral cronic. Se efectueaza un CT abdominal la internare si se pune in evidenta lichid in cavitatea peritoneala, colecist cu pereti ingrosati si nivele hidroaerice predominant la nivelul intestinului subtire. Biologic se observa tulburari de coagulare importante si insufi cienta renala acuta. Initial se decide temporizarea interventiei chirurgicale, pana la ameliorarea parametrilor biologici. La 24 de ore de la internare se intervine chirurgical si se evidentiaza hernie inghinala dreapta oblica interna cu pensare laterala de cec, ce este ischemiat dar viabil, precum si colecistita acuta gangrenoasa. Se practica cura chirurgicala a herniei inghinale procedeu endoperitoneal, si colecistectomie anterograda.

Rezultate. Pacienul prezinta evolutie postoperatorie imediata favorabila, cu suprimarea sondei de intubatie orotraheala la 12 ore de la interventia chirurgicala si reluarea tranzitului intestinal pentru materii fecale in ziua a 3-a postoperator. Ulterior pacientul prezinta pleurezie dreapta care se evacueaza. Patologia cardiaca, renala, pulmonara se decompenseaza, cu agravarea parametrilor hemodinamici. La 9 zile de la interventia chirurgicala pacientul intra in stop cardiorespirator, este reintubat orotraheal si pus sub ventilatie mecanica, in ziua a 10-a pacientul decedand.

Discutii. Adeseori, multiple cauze ce pot determina un abdomen acut chirurgical se pot suprapune, ducand la un tablou clinic sever. De multe ori chirurgii cad in capcana a asa-zisului “miraj al primei leziuni”, lasand pe loc o leziune cu potential letal. De aceea, este important sa se ia in considerare intregul spectru al leziunilor ce determina un abdomen acut, o atentie deosebita fi ind necesara in stabilirea diagnosticului corect.

Concluzii. Asocierea leziunilor chirurgicale (colecistita acuta gangreoasa si ocluzia intestinala prin hernie inghinala strangulata in cazul nostru), suprapuse tarelor severe preexistente la un pacient varstnic, pot duce la un prognostic nefavorabil, in cazul pacientului nostru survenind decesul.


1General Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania2General Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital; “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania3General Surgery Department, Bucharest Clinical Emergency Hospital; “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Parietal defects can have a relative high risk of complications (incarceration, strangulation, enteral fi stulae by ischemic mechanism with extensive cellulitis and skin necrosis, etc), generatting subsequent severe occlu-sive or septic syndromes.

Means and methods. We present the case of 73 years old male patient, who shows to the Eemergency Room with severe general condition, dyspnea with polypnea and acute surgical abdomen – strangulated inguinal hernia and acute lithiasic cholecystitis. The patient was known with important heart pahology – atrial fi brillation, congestive heart fail-ure class NYHA IV, dilatative cardiomyopathy, being at the moment in chronic oral anticoagulation treatment. After the admission a CT scan is performed, which shows fl uid in the peritoneal cavity, gallblader with thickened walls, liquid-air levels prevailing in the small intestine. Biologically are noticed important clotting disorders and acute renal failure. Initially, we decide to delay the surgical intervention until the improvement of the biological parameters. After 24 hours of hospitalization, we proceed to surgery and discover am internal oblique hernia with lateral clamping of the

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caecum, being ischaemic but viable, and also gangrenous acute cholecystitis. The surgical cure of the inguinal hernia with the endoperitoneal procedure and anterograde cholecystectomy are performed.

Results. The patient has favorable immediate postoperative evolution, with the suppression of the endotracheal intubation tube 12 hours after the surgery and the resumption of the intestinal transit for gas and stool the third postop-erative day. Subsequently the patients develops right pleural effusion and is drained. The patient suffers an alteration in the heart, renal and pulmonary systems, with the worsening of the hemodynamic parameters. In the 9th postopera-tive day, the patient suffers cardiac arrest and underwents endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. In the 10th day after his surgery, the patient dies.

Discussions. Often, multiple causes that can determine an acute surgical abdomen overlap, leading to a severe clinical picture. In many times the surgeons fall to trap of so called “the mirage of fi rst discovered lesion”, leaving behind a potentially letal pathology. Therefore, it is important to have in mind the entire spectre of diseases that may determine an acute abdomen and search thoroughly in our quest for a corect diagnosis.

Conclusions. The association of surgical lesions (gangrenous acute cholecystitis and bowel obstruction by stran-gulated inguinal hernia in our case), with the preexisting severe pathology in elderly patients may lead to unfavorable prognosis, namely death in our patient.


1Obstetrics-Gynecology Resident Physician, Ph.D. Student, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Bucharest, Romania2“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Bucharest, Romania3Lecturer Professor,“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Bucharest, Romania4“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Bucharest, Romania5“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Functional Sciences, Bucharest, Romania6Professor,“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Bucharest, Romania

Introducere. Obezitatea maternă pe perioada sarcinii induce riscuri metabolice crescute, exprimate prin creşterea markerilor proinfl amatori, dezechlibru hormonal şi un profi l glicemic anormal, care se refl ectă ca şi tulburări de creştere şi metabolism feto-placentar.

Material şi metodă. Efectele obezităţii materne au fost studiate pe un model animal utilizând femele de şoareci WISTAR, cântărind 200g-250g, la care s-a indus obezitatea prin dietă hipercalorică/hiperlipidică (80% din raţia alimentară reprezentată de grăsimi, respectiv acizi graşi saturaţi). Acestea au fost impărţite în 5 loturi, după ce au ramas însărcinate: lotul 1 - au primit dietă hipercalorică/hiperlipidică pe durata sarcinii şi suplimente de acizi graşi Omega 3 (DHA şi EPA) 1ml/Kg corp, lotul 2 - au primit dietă hipercalorică/hiperlipidică pe durata sarcinii şi suplimente de acizi graşi Omega 6 1ml/kg corp, lotul 3 - au primit dietă hipercalorică/hiperlipidică pe durata sarcinii şi suplimente de fruct de cătină 10g/ femelă, lotul 4 - au primit dietă hipercalorică/hiperlipidică pe durata sarcinii fără remediu şi lotul 5 – au primit dietă standard (normocalorică normolipidică) pe timpul sarcinii. Au fost analizate probe de peroxidare lipidică placentară şi evaluată curba de creştere fetală.

Rezultate. Studiind peroxizii lipidici prin valorile malonil-dialdehidei (MDA) pe omogenatele placentare (lot 1 – 15.88, lot 2 – 47.57, lot 3 - 7.6, lot 4 – 45.2, lot 5 – 28.2 nmoli MDA/g ţesut placentar) s-a observat că suplimentele de Omega 3 şi cătină au redus semnifi cativ rata peroxidării (p<0.05). Valorile glutationului total (GSH redus şi oxidat) la nivel placentar nu au variat semnifi cativ statistic între loturi. În ceea ce priveşte greutatea puilor la naştere (lot 1 - 5g, lot 2 - 2g, lot 3 - 5g, lot 4 - 4g, lot 5 - 5g) putem afi rma că rata crescută a peroxidării lipidice la nivel placentar determină o greutate mică la naştere a feţilor. Cea mai mică greutate s-a înregistrat la femelele cu dietă grasă pe timpul sarcinii asociată cu suplimente de acizi Omega 6.

Discuţii. Diferenţele semnifi cative statistic înregistrate la nivelul peroxizilor lipidici placentari între loturi sugerează o oportunitate terapeutică pentru controlul efectelor metabolice induse de obezitatea maternă.

Concluzii. Considerăm că administrarea de suplimente de acizi graşi Omega şi fructe de cătină la gravidele obeze are efecte protective împotriva alterării statusului metabolic feto-placentar.

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Background. Maternal obesity during pregnancy induces increased metabolic risks, expressed through increased proinfl ammatory markers, hormonal imbalance and abnormal glycemic profi le, which is refl ected as growth and feto-placental metabolism disorders.

Methods. The effects of maternal obesity have been studied in an animal model using female Wistar rats weighing 200g-250g, in which obesity was induced by high-calorie / high-fat diet (80% of diet represented by fats, respectively saturated fatty acids) . They were divided into 5 groups, after becoming pregnant: group 1 - received high-calorie/high-fat diet during pregnancy and supplements of Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) 1ml/kg, group 2 - received high-calorie/high-fat diet during pregnancy and supplements of Omega 6 fatty acids 1ml/kg, group 3 - received high-calorie/high-fat diet during pregnancy and supplements of sea buckthorn berry supplements 10g/female, group 4 - received high-calorie/high-fat diet during pregnancy without remedy and group 5 - received standard diet (normocaloric normo-lipidic) during pregnancy. Samples were analyzed for placental lipid peroxidation and fetal growth curve was evalu-ated.

Results. Studying lipid peroxides by malonyl-dialdehyde values (MDA) on placental hom*ogenates (group 1 - 15.88, group 2 - 47.57, group 3 - 7.6, group 4 - 45.2, group 5 - 28.2 nmol MDA/g placental tissue) we observed that Omega 3 and sea buckthorn supplementation signifi cantly reduced peroxidation rate (p <0.05). The values of placental total glutathione (GSH reduced and oxidized) did not vary signifi cantly between groups. Regarding the weight of pups at birth (group 1 - 5g, group 2 - 2g, group 3 - 5g, group 4 - 4g, group 5 - 5g) we can say that the high rate of placental lipid peroxidation causes a low birth weight of fetuses. The lowest weight was recorded in female with fat diet during pregnancy associated with Omega 6 aicds supplements.

Discussion. Statistically signifi cant differences observed in the placental lipid peroxides compared between groups suggests a therapeutic opportunity to control maternal obesity-induced metabolic effects.

Conclusions. We believe that administering supplements of Omega and sea buckthorn fruit to obese pregnant women has protective effects against impairing placental metabolic status.

CANCER COLORECTAL SINCRON (CCRS) STENOZANT – CAZ CLINICDoctorand Meda Comandasu, Asist. Univ. Emel Suliman, Prof. Dr. Sorin OprescuUMF Carol Davila

Introducere. CCRS reprezinta prezenta a doua sau mai multe tumori primare la acelasi pacient, depistate in acelasi timp sau intr-un interval de maximum un an una fata de cealalta. Tumorile sincrone trebuie sa fi e separate prin cel putin patru centimetri de tesut sanatos si fi ecare trebuie sa aiba un tablou histopatologic bine defi nit.

CCRS are o incidenta de 1,8 pana la 12,4% din totalul cancerelor colorectale.Material si metoda. Autorii prezinta cazul unui barbat de 62 ani cu istoric personal de suferinta coronariana,

hipertensiune arteriala, BPOC ce acuza de aproximativ o luna tulburari de tranzit (constipatie agravata), dureri epigastrice, inapetenta, fatigabilitate si un episod de melena remis spontan in urma cu o saptamana.

Date laborator: Hemoglobina la internare 7,9 g/dL, hematocrit 26%, uree 71 mg/dL, sideremie 9 μg/dL.Frotiul de sange periferic arata hipocromie, anizocitoza si poikilocitoza.Endoscopia digestiva superioara este negativa pentru sangerare digestiva.Colonoscopia diagnosticheaza diverticuloza colonica, polipoza colonica (polip sesil rectal de 4 mm, polip

semipediculat de 10 mm la 15 cm de orifi ciul anal, polip sesil de 4 mm la 18 cm de orifi ciul anal, polip sesil de 7 mm la 40 cm de orifi ciul anal), tumora stenozanta ulcero-vegetanta la unghiul splenic.

Examen CT arata marcata ingrosarea a peretelui colonic la unghiul splenic cu densifi carea grasimii pericolice; nu sesizeaza prezenta celei de a doua tumori.

Rezultate. S-a practicat interventia chirurgicala in urgenta amanata; la explorarea intraoperatorie a cavitatii peritoneale si organelor abdominale se deceleaza a doua tumora, la nivelul unghiului hepatic si colonului ascendent. S-a procedat la colectomie subtotala cu ileo-sigmoido-anastomoza terminoterminala, urmata la sase luni de polipectomie colonoscopica pentru polipii restanti.

Examenul histopatologic descrie un adenocarcinom de unghi splenic si colon transvers, stadiul IIIB, pT3N1G1M0 si un adenocarcinom de unghi hepatic si colon ascendent, stadiul IIA, pT3N0G1M0.

Discutii:– Colonoscopia preoperatorie este foarte importanta pentru excluderea unei a doua tumori situate proximal de


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– Depistarea preoperatorie a leziunilor sincrone este uneori difi cila (tumori stenozante, bolnav cu debut acut al bolii, prin ocluzie intestinala sau hemoragie digestiva, insufi cienta pregatire a colonului);

– CCRS sunt mai frecvent asociate cu adenoame decat cancerul solitar; evaluarea postoperatorie trebuie sa includa colonoscopia precoce asociata cu polipectomie (daca aceasta este necesara);

– Depistarea intraoperatorie a leziunilor sincrone poate modifi ca radical tehnica operatorie.Concluzii. Informatiile furnizate de metodele imagistice sunt esentiale, dar se pot dovedi insufi ciente.Examinarea completa preoperatorie a colonului trebuie sa fi e un deziderat chiar daca uneori este tehnic difi cila.Mentiune. Aceasta lucrare a benefi ciat de suport fi nanciar prin proiectul “CERO – Profi l de cariera: cercetator

roman”, contract nr. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/135760, proiect cofi nantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

STENOTIC SYNCHRONOUS COLORECTAL CANCER (SCRC) – CASE REPORTPhD student Meda Comandasu, Assist. Prof. Emel Suliman, Prof. Dr. Sorin OprescuUMF Carol Davila

Background. SCRC represents the presence of two or more primary tumors at the same patient and in the same time or diagnosed in a period of maximum one year one from each other. The tumors must be separated through at least 4 cm of healthy colonic tissue and each neoplasm must have well determined histopathological features.

Overall incidence of SCRC varies between 1,8 and 12,4% from total CRC amount.Material and method. The authors present a 62 years old male case, with personal history of coronary disease,

essential hypertension, chronic obstructive disease which describes for over a month altered bowel habit e.g. constipation, moderate abdominal pain, especially in epigastrium, loss of appetite and fatigability. One week before admission, he presented a self-limited episode of melena.

Laboratory fi ndings: hemoglobin 7,9 g/dL, hematocrit 26%, urea 71 mg/dL, iron 9 μg/dL. Peripheral blood smear examination showed hypochromia, anisocytosis and poikilocytosis.

Superior digestive endoscopy showed no signs of upper digestive bleeding.Colonoscopy diagnosed colic diverticulosis, colic polyposis (sessile rectal polyp of 4 mm, semipediculated 10 mm

polyp at 15 cm from anal orifi ce, sessile 4 mm polyp at 18 cm from anal orifi ce, sessile 7 mm polyp at 40 cm from anal orifi ce), stenotic ulcero-vegetative tumor at splenic fl exure.

CT scan describes circumferential thickening of colic wall at left colic fl exure with pericolic fat densifi cation; does not show the second cancer.

Results. This case was considered as a semi-elective, postponed emergency; at intraoperative exploration of peritoneal cavity and abdominal organs is discovered the second tumor at right colic fl exure and ascendant colon. The surgical attitude consisted in subtotal colectomy with termino-terminal ileo-sigmoido-anastomosis, followed in 6 month by colonoscopic polipectomy.

Histopathological examination: splenic fl exure and transverse colon adenocarcinoma stage IIIB, pT3N1G1M0 and hepatic fl exure and ascendant colon adenocarcinoma stage IIA, pT3N0G1M0.

Discussions– Preoperative colonoscopy is very important in order to exclude a second lesion into a more proximal location;– Preoperative discovery of synchronous lesion is sometimes diffi cult or even impossible (stenotic tumor, acute

onset of the disease – bowel obstruction or gastrointestinal bleeding, poor bowel preparation);– SCRC are more frequent associated with synchronous adenomas, therefore postoperative evaluation must include

colonoscopy associated with polipectomy, if needed; – Intraoperative fi nding of a second tumor can radically modify the surgical attitude.Conclusions. Information acquired by imagistic methods is essential, but it can be hard to obtain.Assessment of the entire colon must be a desiderate, even though it may be technically challenging. Acknowledgement. This work received fi nancial support through the project entitled “CERO – Career profi le:

Romanian Researcher”, grant number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/135760, co-fi nanced by the European Social Fund for Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (43)


LEPTINA INDUCE MITOfa*gIA PENTRU MENTINEREA HOMEOSTAZIEI GLUCOZEI IN CELULELE ENDOTELIALE Alina Constantin, Madalina Dumitrescu, Doina Popov, Gabriela TankoInstitutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara “Nicolae Simionescu”, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Leptina, o adipocitokina eliberata de celulele tesutului adipos, este implicata in mentinerea echilibrului energetic si a homeostaziei glucozei. Semnalizarea intracelulara defi citara a leptinei a fost asociata cu obezitatea, diabetul, starea pro-coagulanta si cu boala coronariana. Hiperglicemia induce alterarea homeostaziei celulare contribuind la cresterea stresului oxidativ si a sintezei de molecule pro-infl amtaoare care activeaza caile de supravietuire sau de moarte celulara. Activarea autofa*giei in conditii de stres metabolic a fost subiectul multor studii recente, dar mecanismul intracelular de initiere a autofa*giei in conditii de hiperglicemie nu a fost inca descifrat. Scopul acestui studiu este investigarea mecanismelor celulare si moleculare implicate in modularea autofa*giei ca raspuns al celulelor endoteliale vasculare la concentratiile crescute de leptina si glucoza.

Materiale si metode. Celule endoteliale vasculare umane din linia EA.hy926 au fost incubate pentru 24 de ore cu 100 ng/ml leptina (echivalentul concentratiei de leptina circulanta la persoanele obeze) in mediu de cultura (DMEM) fara ser cu 5 sau 25 mM glucoza. Nivelele intracelulare de specii reactive de oxigen au fost determinate cu DCFH-DA, iar modifi carile potentialului de membrana mitocondrial a fost masurat pe baza fl uorescentei emise de JC-1 acumulat in mitocondrie. Expresia proteinelor cheie implicate in procesul autofa*giei activat de leptina a fost determinate prin Western blotting. Prezenta structurilor specifi ce autofa*giei a fost evidentiata prin examinarea, prin microscopie electronica, a ultrastructurii celulelor endoteliale dupa stimularea cu leptina. Localizarea la nivelul plasmalemei sau in compartimentul intracelular a conexinei 43 prin imunofl uorescenta a fost realizata cu ajutorul microscopului de fl uorescenta Axio Observer (Zeiss).

Rezultate. Incubarea celulelor endoteliale cu mediu de cultura fara ser, dar cu 5 mM glucoza si leptina, timp de 24 de ore, a indus cresterea productiei de specii reactive de oxigen, hiperpolarizarea membranei mitocondriale si activarea biogenezei mitocondriale, asa cum a fost dovedit de expresia proteinelor mtTFA, PPAR- and PGC-1α. Inhibarea semnalizarii intracelulare indusa de leptina cu AG490 (un inhibitor specifi c al caii mediate de JAK2/STAT3) a determinat activarea procesului de indepartare a mitocondriilor alterate prin mitofa*gie. In cazul celulelor endoteliale EA.hy926 incubate cu 25mM glucoza, leptina a cauzat cresterea productiei de specii reactive de oxygen si depolarizarea membranei mitocondriale. Hiperglicemia a determinat fragmentarea mitocondriilor din celulele endoteliale si scaderea expresiei proteinei Mfn2, contribuind la disfunctia mitocondriilor si la eliminarea acestora prin mitofa*gie. Aceste efecte coincid cu activarea cailor de semnalizare implicate in reglarea metabolismului celular, precum JAK2/STAT3, Akt si AMPK, si a cailor activate de stresul oxidativ, ca PKC si NF-kB.

Concluzie. Rezultatele acestui studiu au dovedit ca leptina induce indepartarea mitocondriilor prin mitofa*gie pentru a putea sustine modifi carile homeostaziei glucozei in celulele endoteliale.

Acest studiu a benefi ciat de suportul fi nanciar al Academiei Romane. De asem*nea, autoarea Alina Constantin multumeste pentru suportul fi nanciar acordat prin proiectul POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/133391, fi nantat de Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial – Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013.

LEPTIN PROMOTES MITOPHAGY TO PRESERVE GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS IN ENDOTHELIAL CELLSAlina Constantin, Madalina Dumitrescu, Doina Popov, Gabriela TankoInstitute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu”, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Leptin, an adipocytokine released by fat cells, is involved in maintaining energy and glucose homeo-stasis, and impaired leptin signaling have been positively associated with obesity, diabetes, pro -thrombotic state and coronary artery diseases. In the hyperglycemic conditions, cells undergo homeostatic disturbances such as oxidative stress and increased synthesis of pro-infl ammatory mediators, that activate inside these cells either pro-survival or death signaling pathways. Autophagy process activation under metabolic stress was the subject of many recent studies, but the mechanisms involved in the initiation of autophagy under high glucose conditions have not been completely understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the response of vascular endothelial cells to high levels of leptin and glucose in terms of how autophagy is modulated.

Materials and Methods. Human vascular endothelial cells (EA.hy926 cell line) were incubated for 24 hours with 100ng/ml leptin (similar to systemic levels in obese persons) in serum-free culture medium, DMEM with 5 mM or 22.5 mM glucose. Intracellular ROS levels were assessed using DCFH-DA and change of mitochondrial membrane poten-tial was measured by JC-1. Protein expression of key molecules involved in the autophagy process activated by leptin, were assessed by western blotting. The presence of autophagy structures was evidentiated by ultrastructure examina-

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tion of endothelial cells after leptin stimulation, by using electron microscopy. Immunofl uorescence localization of CX43 protein, either to plasma membrane or intracellular compartment, was performed by using fl uorescence micro-scope Axio Observer (Carl Zeiss).

Results. Leptin treatment of endothelial cells for 24 hours in conditions of 5mM glucose and in the absence of the serum induces an increase in ROS production and hyperpolarization of mitochondrial membrane. Activation of mitochondrial biogenesis program was supported by enhanced protein expression of mtTFA, PPAR- and PGC-1α. Inhibition of the leptin signaling by AG490, a specifi c inhibitor of JAK2/STAT3 pathway, induced a strong activation of mitochondrial removal by the processes of mitophagy. In EA.hy926 endothelial cells incubated in 25 mM glucose conditions, leptin caused an augmentation of the ROS production and a depolarization of mitochondrial membrane. Under hyperglycemic stimulus, mitochondria of endothelial cells display signifi cant fragmentation, and decrease of Mfn2 protein expression. These dysfunctional organelles are subjected to mitophagy processes. These effects matched with activation of signaling pathways involved in metabolic regulation such as JAK2/STAT3, Akt and AMPK and of oxidative stress signaling pathways, including PKC and NF-kB.

Conclusion. These fi ndings showed that leptin trigger mitochondrial removal through mitophagy to support changes in glucose homeostasis in endothelial cells.

This work was supported by the Romanian Academy. The author, Alina Constantin, acknowledges the fi nancial support of the POSDRU / 159/1.5/S/133391project, fi nanced by European Social Found within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013.

INFLUENŢA DIETEI LA FEMELELE WISTAR OBEZE ASUPRA STRESULUI OXIDATIV CEREBRAL LA DESCENDENŢII LOR – UN STUDIU COMPARATIVMaria Zenaida Constantinescu, Diana Comandasu, Bogdana Virgolici, Daniela Lixandru, Daniela Miricescu, Laura Popescu, Horia Virgolici, Maria MohoraDepartamentul de Biochimie, UMF“Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania

Tulburările materne metabolice datorate obezităţii afectează dezvoltarea fătului. Este cunoscut faptul că acizii grasi Omega-3 din laptele de alăptat au efecte benefi ce şi că boabele de cătina îmbunătăţesc profi lul metabolic in obezitate.

Scopul acestui studiu este de a face o comparaţie privind statusul stresului oxidativ pe creier la puii alăptaţi natural, născuţi din femele obeze tratate cu diferite suplimente. De asem*nea se estimează profi lul metabolic plasmatic.

Femelele Wistar obeze au fost crecute pe regim hipercaloric/hiperlipidic. După ce au ramas gestante, au continuat acest regim alimentar, dar s-a adăugat un supliment: acizi graşi Omega-3 1ml/kg sau acizi graşi Omega-6 1ml/kg sau boabe de cătină 10g/kg pe perioada sarcinii şi timp de trei săptămâni după naştere. Puii au fost alăptaţi trei săptămâni şi apoi au fost sacrifi caţi. Peroxidarea lipidelor în creier a fost estimată prin valoarea malonildialdehidei (MDA) iar prin valoarea glutationului s-a estimat apararea antioxidantă. A fost observat profi lul metabolic pe grupuri.

Puii proveniţi din femelele obese, cu dietă grasă, fără suplimente, au avut valorile cele mai mari pentru MDA pe creier (6,07 nmol/g ţesut). Puii proveniţi din femelele tratate cu suplimente au avut valori mai mici pentru MDA, dar o valoare semnifi cativ redusă a fost observată în grupul benefi ciind de Omega-3 ( MDA 2,33 nmol/g ţesut). Valorile pe creier pentru glutationul total au fost similare în grupuri. Cel mai modifi cat profi l metabolic ( valori mari pentru colesterol, trigliceride, glucoza şi acid uric) a fost observat în grupul fără suplimente. Cele mai mici valori pentru trigliceride si acid uric au fost obţinute în grupul benefi ciind de Omega-3, iar cele mai mici valori pentru glicemie în grupul benefi ciind de cătina.

În concluzie, suplimentele cu acizi grasi Omega-3 in dieta mamelor obeze reduce peroxidarea oxidativă pe creier la puii alăptaţi natural si imbunătăţesc profi lul lor metabolic.

THE INFLUENCE OF THE OBESE WISTAR FEMALE MICE DIET ON THE BRAIN OXIDATIVE STRESS STATUS OF THEIR BREAST FEED OFFSPRINGS – A COMPARATIVE STUDYMaria Zenaida Constantinescu, Diana Comandasu, Bogdana Virgolici, Daniela Lixandru, Daniela Miricescu, Laura Popescu, Horia Virgolici, Maria MohoraDepartment of Biochemistry, „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

The maternal metabolic disturbances due to obesity affect the development of the fetus. It is known that Omega-3 fatty acids in the breast feeding milk have benefi cial effects and that Sea Buckthorn berry improve metabolic profi le in obesity.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (45)


The aim of this study is to do a comparison for the brain oxidative stress status in breast feed offsprings born from obese females treated with different supplements. Also the plasma metabolic profi le was estimated.

Obese Wistar females were raised on hypercaloric/hyperlipidic diet. After they became pregnant they continued this diet but a supplement was added: Omega-3 fatty acids 1ml/kg or Omega-6 fatty acids 1ml/kg or Sea Buckthorn berry 10g/kg for the pregnancy period and for three weeks after delivery. The offsprings were breast feeding three weeks and then they were sacrifi ced. The brain lipid peroxidation was estimated as malonyldialdehyde value (MDA) and the antioxidant brain defence as total glutathione. Metabolic profi le was observed in the groups.

The offsprings from the obese females without a supplement had the highest values for brain MDA (6.07 nmol/g tissue). The offsprings from the females treated with supplements had lower values for MDA , but a signifi cant reduce value was observed in Omega-3 group (2.33 nmol/g tissue). The brain values for total glutathione were similar in the groups. The worst metabolic profi le (high cholesterol, triglycerides, glycaemia and uric acid) was observed in the group without supplements. The lowest values for triglycerides and uric acid were obtained in Omega-3 group and for glycaemia in Sea Buckthorn group.

In conclusion, Omega-3 fatty acids supplements in obese mothers diet reduce the brain oxidative peroxidation of their breast feed offsprings and improve their metabolic profi le.

ACCESIBILITY OF THE ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR TREATING INFERTILITY IN ROMANIA Anca Coricovac1,2, Monica Manaila3, Dimitrie Nanu1,Andreea Didilescu1, Iulia Raica2, Laura Dracea1,2

1University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest (Romania)2Gynera Fertility Clinic, Bucharest (Romania)3Clinical Hospital OG “Prof Dr. Panait Sirbu”, Bucharest (Romania)

Acknowledgements: This work received fi nancial support through the project entitled “CERO – Career profi le: Romanian Researcher”, grant numberPOSDRU/159/1.5/S/135760, cofi nanced by the European Social Fund for Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013.

Abstract. The assisted reproduction technologies (ART) is a reality increasingly present in Romanian society. The ART represents the range of clinical or biological techniques and practices that allow procreation beyond the natural process, by intervention and on indication of physician. In Romania assisted reproduction is mentioned for the fi rst time in 1995, and the fi rst IVF baby was born in February 1996. Started as such, the IVF experience in Romania is initially carried out within 3 university centres , in public system. Currently, 23 centres (2 public and 21 private centres) are accredited, according to the reports of the National Agency of Transplant (NAT) serving a population of about 20 million people. There is no reimbursem*nt program, neither for treatments, nor for medication.

Since 2007, in Romania, obligatory reporting related to the number of cycles of treatment and results of assisted human reproduction procedures exist. The national authority involved in collecting such data is the National Agency of Transplant (NAT) which submits data further on, to EUROCET (European Registry for Organs, Tissues and Cells).

Fertility treatment tend to increasingly contribute to natality, in the context of natural fertility decline and wider access to advanced technology.

We retrospectively interpreted the data derived from the last published EUROCET public report, with focus on Romanian results, as being one of the few health systems with no reimbursem*nt for any fertility procedure or medica-tion.

The main result was , as expected, a very low accessibility to treatment in Romania, 224 cycles per million people, compared to over 935 cycles, up to 2118 cycles per million people, for 9 of the reporting countries. Pregnancy rate had a tendency to be lower, most probably due to advanced age when accessing treatment and defi ciencies in reporting data. Contribution of ART babies to total natality has been 0.42%, compared to 1.87 - 5.16% in 9 of the reporting countries.

The study is based on the available data from the most recent published report by EUROCET. (European Data on ART activities, Final Raport - year 2012;, where data for Romania was reported for the year 2013.

Despite bias and diffi culties in analysing data, our fi ndings strongly support two clear conclusions. Fertility treat-ment could signifi cantly contribute to improving demographic rates, if countries like Romania, with extreme decline in population, would consider support and reimbursem*nt policy.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (46)


National registries coordinated with an European monitoring system should be mandatory and urgently developed, in order to provide reliable data for several domains of application, from ART effi ciency and safety to health and social policies.

Keywords: ART monitoring, IVF accesibility, infertility, national ART registry

EFECTELE 17-BETA ESTRADIOLULUI ASUPRA REGENERARII CARDIACE OBSERVATE IN SISTEMUL DE CO-CULTURA DINTRE CELULELE STEM MEZENCHIMALE DERIVATE DIN GELATINA WHARTON SI SECTIUNI VENTRICULARE CARDIACEMaria Cristina Corotchi, Mirel Adrian Popa, Maya SimionescuGrupul de Angiogeneza si Remodelare Cardiovasculara, Departmentul de Medicina Regenerativa, Institutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara “Nicolae Simionescu” - Academia Romana, Str B.P. Hasdeu, nr.8, 050568 Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Printre multiplele surse de obtinere a celulelor stem, celule stem mezenchimale (MSC) obtinute din matricea cordonului ombilical, si anume gelatina lui Wharton (WJ), sunt capabile de diferentiere si auto-reinnoire, sunt nespecializate si pot da nastere la tipuri de celule specializate. MSC au fost utilizate în numeroase aplicatii cardiace experimentale oferind un potential terapeutic interesant. Astfel, efectele mecanismelor benefi ce exercitate de MSC asupra tesutului cardiac raman insa slab elucidate. Scopul studiului nostru a fost de a investiga efectele 17-beta estradiolului (E2) asupra integrarii MSC in tesutul cardiac murin si defi nirea mecanismele celulare/moleculare implicate in regenerarea/integrarea cardiaca.

Metode. Am utilizat sistemul xCELLigence de la Roche bazat pe masurarea impedantei celulare in timp real pentru a putea investiga: 1) rolul concentratiei optime de E2 in modularea proliferarii MSC; 2) Chemotaxia: migrarea/integrarea MSC in tesutul cardiac (sistemul de co-cultura).

Caracterizarea moleculara a celulelor stimulate vs. celule nestimulate cu E2 a fost realizata cu ajutorul tehnici de qRT-PCR pentru determinarea cantitativa a expresiei genice a markerilor implicati in procesul de angiogeneza si proliferare celulara. Adeziunea si integrarea MSC in sectiunile ventriculare adulte a fost observata cu ajutorul microscopiei de fl uorescenta si microscopiei confocale.

Rezultate. Nu s-au observat efecte citotoxice asupra celulelor stem in urma stimularii cu E2. Mai mult decat atat, comparativ cu celulele control (MSC nesupuse tratamentului cu E2), stimularea cu hormonul sexual a condus la cresterea efectelor chemotactice a MSC catre sectiunile ventriculare adulte. De asem*nea, in urma stimularii cu E2, MSC au exprimat o capacitate de proliferare si de aderare mai mare. E2 a indus modularea expresiei genice de EMMPRIN, MMP-2, Angiogenin, Cav-1, Cav-2 si eNOS in functie de doza si timpul de expunere la hormonul sexual.

Concluzii. Prin urmare, identifi carea mecanismelor prin care E2 induce proliferarea/chemotaxia/integrarea in sectiunile ventriculare adulte reprezinta un pas important in modularea efectelor regenerative ale MSC la nivelul tesutului cardiac, in scopul optimizarii protocoalelor clinice de regenerare cardiovasculara.

Multumiri: Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme SNSF Grant No. IZERO_142213/1 si CNCS-UEFISCDI/RSRP No. 2; si POSDRU/ 159/ 1.5/ S/ 133391.

EFFECTS OF 17-BETA ESTRADIOL IN A NOVEL CO-CULTURE SYSTEM OF HUMAN WHARTON’S JELLY-DERIVED MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS WITH ADULT-HEART MURINE VENTRICULAR SLICES ON CARDIAC REGENERATIONMaria Cristina Corotchi, Mirel Adrian Popa, Maya SimionescuAngiogenesis and Cardiovascular Remodeling Group, Department of Regenerative Medicine, Institute of Cellular

Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu” of the Romanian Academy, 8 B.P. Hasdeu Street, 050568 Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Between multiple sources of stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) obtained from human umbilical cord matrix, namely, Wharton’s jelly (WJ), are rich sources of self-renewal, multiple-lineage differentiating cells, extensively proposed for cell replacement therapy. MSCs have been applied in numerous experimental cardiac applications providing an interesting therapeutical potential. Hence, the mechanisms of their benefi cial effects on the cardiac tissue are only barely elucidated, the aim of our study was to investigate the effects of 17-beta estradiol (E2) on adult stem cell-induced tissue integration and defi ne the cellular/molecular mechanisms involved in cardiac integra-tion/regeneration.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (47)


Methods. An impedance measurement-based Real-Time Cell Analyzer (xCELLigence system) was used to inves-tigate: 1) the role of optimal concentration of E2 in the modulation of MSCs proliferation; 2) Chemotaxis: MSCs mi-gration/integration towards/into the cardiac tissue by employing adult-heart murine ventricular slices cocultured with MSCs. Molecular characterization of cells stimulated or non-stimulated with E2 was done by RT-PCR and qRT-PCR for determination of quantitative gene expression of proliferation /angiogenic markers. Adhesion and integration of MSCs in the murine heart slices was achieved by fl uorescence and confocal microscopy.

Results. No cytotoxic effects were seen upon MSCs exposure at 100nM E2. Additionally, E2 induced higher MSCs adhesion, proliferation and chemotactic effects, as well as an increased cell migration towards the ischemic ventricular slices, as compared to non-stimulated cells. A dose/time-dependent modulation in gene expression of MMP-2, Angio-genin, Cav-1, Cav-2, eNOS and EMMPRIN was seen upon cells exposure to E2.

Conclusion. The mechanisms by which E2 modulates MSCs proliferation/chemotaxis /integration into the cardiac tissue have to be thoroughly investigated before elucidating its real value for optimizing cell therapy approaches for regenerative medicine.

Acknowledgements: Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme SNSF Grant No. IZERO_142213/1 and CNCS-UEFISCDI/RSRP No. 21 and POSDRU/ 159/ 1.5/ S/ 133391.

Keywords: Wharton’s jelly, mesenchymal stem cells, 17-beta estradiol, cardiac tissue slices, heart regeneration


Teodora BalaciUniversitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie ,,Carol Davila“, Facultatea de Farmacie, Bucureşti

Introducere. Diabetul zaharat este o boală metabolică, ce evoluează cu numeroase complicaţii la nivel macro- (accident vascular cerebral) şi microvascular (retinopatie, nefropatie).

Obiective. Scopul cercetării constă în obţinerea unor forme farmaceutice solide (comprimate neacoperite), pe bază de extracte vegetale utilizate în tratamentul adjuvant al diabetului zaharat tip II.

Material şi metode. Substanţa activă, componentă a comprimatelor neacoperite a constat în câte 200 mg extract din frunze de mesteacăn (Betulae folium extractum) sau extract din frunze de zmeur (Rubi idaei folium extractum). Ca excipienţi s-au utilizat: 100 mg lactoză DC (diluant), 200 mg celuloză microcristalină (Avicel PH101, 102 ca liant), 10 mg poliplasdona XL (dezagregant), 2 mg stearat de magneziu (lubrefi ant) şi 2 mg talc (agent cu rol glisant şi antiaderent). Pentru controlul calităţii comprimatelor neacoperite s-a urmărit: aspectul, uniformitatea masei, timpul de dezagregare, rezistenţa, friabilitatea şi determinarea conţinutului în principii active (polifenoli totali, fl avone, taninuri, acizi polifenolcarboxilici, proantociani).

Rezultate şi discuţii. Comprimatele pe bază de Betulae folium extractum sau Rubi idaei folium extractum se prezintă sub formă de discuri cu suprafaţă plană şi margini intacte de culoare verzuie, respectiv galbenă, ambele cu pigmentări uniforme. Acestea corespund din punct de vedere al uniformităţii masei, rezistenţei mecanice (15 Kp), timpului de dezagregare (6 min.) şi friabilităţii (0,85%) cu normele prevăzute în Farmacopeea Europeană şi Română. Formele farmaceutice pe bază de Betulae folium extractum/ Rubi idaei folium extractum au un conţinut de 47,19 /65,01 mg polifenoli totali (exprimaţi în echivalenţi de acid tanic)/comprimat; 20,05 /46,02 mg taninuri (exprimate în echivalenţi de acid tanic)/comprimat; 16,46/10,31 mg acizi polifenolcarboxilici (exprimaţi în echivalenţi de acid clorogenic)/comprimat; 26,17/15,68 mg fl avone (exprimate în echivalenţi de hiperozidă)/comprimat şi 3,86 mg proantociani (exprimaţi în echivalenţi de clorură de cianidol)/comprimat (doar pentru comprimatele neacoperite care conţin Betulae folium extractum).

Concluzii. Comprimatele corespund din punct de vedere al calităţii şi ar putea fi utilizate cu succes în tratamentul adjuvant al diabetului zaharat tip II.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (48)



Teodora Costea, Viorica Istudor, Cerasela Elena Gîrd, Maria Lidia Popescu, Ligia Elena Duţu, Ioana Nencu, Teodora Balaci

“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Bucharest

Introduction. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease, that leads to macrovascular (stroke, coronary artery dis-ease) and microvascular complications (nefropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy).

Objective. The aim of our research was the formulation, manufacture and quality evaluation of solid dosage forms (uncoated tablets) containing selective herbal dry extracts, used as adjuvants in diabetes mellitus type II treatment.

Material and methods. The active substances of the uncoated tablets consisted of 200 mg silver birch leaf dry extract (Betulae folium extractum) or 200 mg raspberry leaf dry extract (Rubi idaei folium extractum). As excipients 100 mg spray dried lactose (diluent), 100 mg microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH 101, 102 - as dry binder), 10 mg polyplasdone XL (desintegrant), 2 mg magnesium stearate (lubricant) and 2 mg talc (anti-sticking and anti-adherence agent) have been used. For quality assesment several procedures regarding aspect, uniformity of mass, disintegration, resistance, friability and the active substances content (total polyphenols, phenolcarboxylic acids, fl avonoids, tannins and proanthocyanidins) were performed.

Results and discussions. Uncoated tablets containing Betulae folium extractum or Rubi idaei folium extractum have straight circular shapes, are green and respectively yellow coloured with uniform pigmentations. The uniformity of mass, resistance (15 Kp), disintegration (6 min.) and friability (0.85%) are in agreement with Romanian and Euro-pean Pharmacopoeias recommendations. Solid dosage forms with Betulae folium extractum/Rubi idaei folium extrac-tum contain: 47.19/65.01 mg total polyphenols (expressed as tannic acid equivalent)/tablet; 20.05/46.02 mg tannins (expressed as tannic acid equivalent)/tablet; 16.46/10.31 mg polyphenolcarboxylic acids (expressed as chlorogenic acid equivalent)/tablet; 26.17/15.68 mg fl avonoids (expressed as hyperoside equivalent)/tablet and 3.86 mg proantho-cyanidins (expressed as cyaniding chloride equivalent)/tablet (only for uncoated tablets with silver birch leaf dry).

Conclusions. The uncoated tablets fulfi ll quality standards and therefore could be used as adjuvant therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment.


HORMONE PROFILE IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASERucsandra Dănciulescu Miulescu1, Roxana Roşca1, Carmen Barbu1, Denisa Margină2, Diana Loreta Păun1, Cătălina Poiană1

1Department of Endocrinology, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania


1Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucuresti, Romania2Sectia de Neurochirurgie Spinala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucuresti, Romania3Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie ”Carol-Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Tumorile sacrului si spatiului presacrat sunt rare si pot avea diverse origini. Patologia tumorala a sacrului poate fi clasifi cata in tumori benigne primitive, tumori maligne primitive, tumori metastatice sau tumori de vecinatate cu invazia sacrului.

Material si metoda. Prezentam cazul unei paciente in varsta de 58 de ani internata in clinica noastra cu parestezii la nivelul membrului inferior stang si cu durere importanta la nivelul coloanei vertebrale lombo-sacrate si iradiata pe fata posterioara a membrului pelvin stang pana la nivelul calcaneului. Din antecedentele personale patolgice reiese ca pacienta a fost operata in urma cu 6 ani pentru neoplasm rectal superior stenozant la care s-a practicat operatia Dixon cu anastomoza mecanica, urmata de fi stula anastomotica si realizarea unei colostomii stangi. Rezultatul anatomo-

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (49)


patologic a fost de adenocarcinom tubular si pacienta a urmat tratament radiochimioterapic. La 5 luni postoperator pacienta a prezentat ocluzie intestinala pentru care a fost necesara o noua interventie chirurgicala. Intraoperator s-au deceleat aderente viscero-viscerale, aspect sugestiv pentru enterita radica, determinari secundare osoase sacrate si hidronefroza grad II stanga pentru care a fost montata ulterior o sonda Cook.

La momentul prezentarii in clinica noastra pacienta efectuase CT abdomino-pelvin si RMN coloana lombo-sacrata ce evidentia voluminoasa masa tumorala la nivelul sacrului cu invazia organelor vecine, determinare secundara hepatica unica in segmentul VII si determinari secundare pulmonare multiple. Avand in vedere aspectul CT se decide interventia chirurgicala in scop paleativ si de reducere a simptomatologiei algice. Se intervine chirurgical prin incizie paramediana sacrata stanga, se deceleaza tesut infi ltrat tumoral presacrat, practicandu-se excizia hemisacrului stang S2-S3-S4-S5 si partial a aripioarei sacrococcigiana stangi. Anterior de sacru se evidentiaza o formatiune tumorala dura, fi broasa, alb-cenusie, care se excizeaza pana la fascia presacrata.

Rezultate. Postoperator, pacienta a prezentat o evolutie neurologica net ameliorata, cu posibilitatea de mobilizare independenta a acesteia. Plaga postoperatorie a avut o evolutie favorabila. Pacienta a fost indrumata ulterior in serviciul teritorial de oncologie in vederea continuarii schemei terapeutice.

Discutii si concluzii. Prognosticul pacientilor cu tumori sacrate este corelat cu severitatea simptomatologiei preoperatorii, caracterul histologic al formatiunii tumorale precum si cu interesarea tumorala a structurilor de vecinatate. In cazul de fata, s-a optat pentru o interventie chirurgicala paleativa, scopul principal fi ind ameliorarea neurologica a pacientei prin decompresiunea structurilor nervoase invadate tumoral.


1General Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania2Spinal Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania3General Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital; “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Sacral and presacral space tumors are rare and can have different origins. Tumoral pathology of the sacrum can be classifi ed into primitive benign tumors, primitive malignant tumors, metastatic tumors or vicinity tu-mors with invasion of the sacrum.

Means and methods. We present the case of a 58 years old female patient admitted to our department with pares-thesia in the left lower limb and important pain in the lumbar and sacral spine irradiated on the posterior surface of the left limb to the calcaneus. The personal history of the patient revealed that she was operated 6 years before for ste-notic upper rectal cancer and a Dixon procedure with mechanical anastomosis was performed, followed by postopera-tive anastomotic fi stula and execution of a left colostomy. The histopathological result revealed a tubular adenocarci-noma and the pacient underwent radioterapy and chemoterapy afterwards. 5 months after the surgery, the pacient presented bowel obstruction which required a new surgical operation. Intraoperative, were observed visceral-visceral adhesions, radiation enteritis, sacral bone metastases and grade II left hydronefrosis which required subsequently fi xa-tion of a Cook probe.

When the patient presented to our department she had already made an abdominal and pelvic CT scan and lumbar and sacral spine MRI, which clearly showed a bulky tumor mass in the sacrum with nearby organs invasion, VIIth liver segment metastasis and multiple pulmonary metastases. Given the CT scan appereance the palliative surgery is decided for the purpose of reducing the pain symptoms. A paramedian sacral incision is performed, fi nding presacral tumoral infi ltrated tissue. A left S2-S3-S4-S5 hemisacrum excision and partially excision of the left sacrococcygeal ala is performed. Anterior to the sacrum a tough, fi brous, white-gray tumour is highlighted, being excised to the presacral fascia.

Results. Postoperatively, the patient presented an improved neurological development, with the possibility of inde-pendent mobilization of the patient. The postoperative wound had a favorable outcome. The patient was subsequently guided to the territorial oncology service in order to continue the therapy.

Discussions and conclusions. The prognosis of patients with sacral tumours is correlated with the severity of pre-operative symptoms, histological nature of the tumor and the tumoral involvment of the vicinity structures. In this case, we chose palliative surgery primarily for the neurological improvement of the patient and the decompression of the nerve structures invaded by the tumour.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (50)


SINDROMUL DE APNEE IN SOMN ŞI ARITMIILE CARDIACE: DOI COMPLICI LA RELEGiorgiana Dediu1,2, Ştefan Dumitrache-Rujinski3, Camelia Diaconu1,2, Răzvan Lungu2, Irina Crişmaru2, Sabina Frunză2, Daniela Bartoş1,2, Miron Alexandru Bogdan1,3

1UMF Carol Davila Bucureşti2Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă, Clinica de Medicină Internă, Bucureşti3Institutul Naţional de Pneumologie „Marius Nasta”, Bucureşti

Introducere. În ultimele decenii a fost dovedit rolul sindromului de apnee în somn obstructiv (SASO) în apariţia bolilor cardiovasculare. Terapia cu presiune pozitivă continuă (CPAP) la pacienţii cu aritmii cardice şi SASO ar putea avea efecte favorabile, prin corectarea hipoxemiei intermitente şi a activării simpatice.

Obiectiv. Evaluarea impactului CPAP asociat terapiei farmacologice la pacienţii cu SASO şi aritmii.Material şi metodă. Studiu prospectiv, intervenţional, în care au fost incluşi pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu SASO(prin

poligrafi e ventilatorie) şi aritmii cardiace (EKG de repaus, Holter EKG), împărţiţi în 2 grupuri: A (terapie farmacologică) şi B(CPAP + terapie farmacologică). Protocolul a inclus 3 etape: T0 la includere (anamneză, examen clinic,poligrafi e ventilatorie, Holter EKG, titrare CPAP –index de apnei/hipopnei &lt;5/ora, SaO2, gazometrie, profi l lipidic), T3 la 3 luni (EKG, poligrafi e ventilatorie), T6 la 6 luni (protocolul de la T0). Au fost excluşi pacienţii care nu au semnat consimţământul informat, cei cu malformaţii craniofaciale, afecţiuni neuropsihiatrice, instabilitate hemodinamică, consumatorii de alcool şi droguri.

Rezultate. 36 pacienţi (31 bărbaţi), vârstă medie 63.2±12 ani. În grupul A: 7 pacienţi cu extrasistole ventriculare, 8 cu fi brilaţie atrială permanentă, 1 cu fl utter atrial, 2 cu tahicardie paroxistică supraventriculară. În grupul B: 8 cu extrasistole ventriculare, 5 cu fi brilaţie atrială permanentă, 2 cu fi brilaţie atrială recurentă, 3 cu tahicardie paroxistică supraventriculară. La T6 au fost evaluaţi 12 pacienţi din grupul B şi 18 din grupul A. În grupul B frecvenţa cardiacă medie a fost 69/minut, mai mică decât în grupul A (82/minut); nu au existat cazuri de fi brilaţie atrială recurentă, majoritatea pacienţilor cu extrasistole ventriculare au trecut din clasa II în I Lown.

Concluzii. La pacienţii cu SASO şi aritmii adăugarea CPAP la terapia farmacologică poate potenţa efectul celei din urmă.

SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME AND CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS: TWO BAD COMPANIONSGiorgiana Dediu1,2, Ştefan Dumitrache-Rujinski3, Camelia Diaconu1,2, Răzvan Lungu2, Irina Crişmaru2, Sabina Frunză2, Daniela Bartoş1,2, Miron Alexandru Bogdan1,3

1University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” Bucharest2Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Internal Medicine Clinic 3National Institute of Pneumology „Marius Nasta”, Bucharest

Introduction. Over the last decades studies have proven the role of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) in the etiology of cardiovascular diseases. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in patients with cardiac arrhythmias and OSA might have favourable effects, by correcting intermittent hypoxemia and sympathetic activation.

Objective. To evaluate the impact of CPAP added to pharmacological therapy in patients with OSA and cardiac arrhythmias.

Materials and method. Prospective, interventional study, including patients diagnosed with OSA (by respiratory poligraphy) and cardiac arrhythmias (resting EKG, Holter EKG), divided into two groups: A (pharmacological thera-py) and B (CPAP and pharmacological therapy). The protocol included three stages: T0 at the moment of inclusion in the study (history, clinical exam, respiratory poligraphy, Holter EKG, CPAP titration – AHI < 5/hour, SaO2, gasometry, lipid profi le), T3 at 3 months (EKG, respiratory poligraphy), T6 at 6 months (the protocol of T0). Patients with cranio-facial malformations, neuropsychiatric diseases, hemodynamic instability, alcohol or drug abuse and those who re-fused to sign the informed consent were excluded from the study.

Results. 36 patients (31 men), mean age 63.2 ± 12 years. In group A: 7 patients with ventricular extrasystoles, 8 with permanent atrial fi brillation, 1 with atrial fl utter, 2 with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. In group B: 8 with ventricular extrasystoles, 5 with permanent atrial fi brillation, 2 with recurrent atrial fi brillation, 3 with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. 12 patients from group B and 18 patients from group A were evaluated at T6. In group B the mean ventricular rate was 69/minute, lower than the ventricular rate in group A (82/minute); there were no cases of recurrent atrial fi brillation, most patients with ventricular extrasystoles moved from class II to class I Lown.

Conclusions. In most patients with OSA and cardiac arrhythmias, adding CPAP to pharmacological therapy might have benefi cial effects.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (51)



1I.C. Fundeni, Centrul de chirrugie si transplant hepatic 2UMF Carol Davila

Introducere. Rezecţia metastazelor hepatice ale cancerului colorectal (MHCCR) îmbunătăţeşte supravieţuirea pacienţilor cu cancer colorectal metastatic. Prin acest articol dorim să prezentăm rezultatele obţinute prin rezecţiile hepatice efectuate pacienţilor cu MHCCR în cadrul Centrului de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic-Institutul Clinic Fundeni.

Metodă. Acest studiu retrospectiv include 584 de pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu MHCCR, operaţi în Centrul nostru în perioada ianuarie 1995-decembrie 2014, practicându-se 658 de rezecţii hepatice (74 rezecţii iterative). Am identifi cat subgrupe in funcţie de posibilitatea rezecţiei iniţiale, apariţia sincronă/metacronă a MH, prezenţa/absenţa (liver only)determinărilor secundare extrahepatice. Au fost calculate ratele de mortalitate, morbiditate, supravieţuire pentru aceste subgrupe. Rezultatele obţinute au fost supuse analizei statistice utilizând teste de tipul chi-square, log-rank, test Kaplan-Mayer.

Rezultate. Pacienti cu MHCCR “liver only” (517 pacienţi) - morbiditate generală 30,8% (154), morbiditate hepatică – 24.2% (121), mortalitate 2.78% (15) rate de supravieţuire – la 1 an 88.6%, 3 ani – 51,6%, 5 ani – 29,9%, dintre care sincrone 54,5% (274), cu rată de supravieţuire la 1 an 88,1%, 3 ani 51,9%, 5 ani 29,3%, cu rezecabilitate simultana 88,8% (215)– supravieţuire la 1 an 88.4%, 3 ani 52,3%, 5 ani 31,4%, cu rezecabilitate amânată 10,8% (55) - supravieţuire la 1 an 85.4%, 3 ani 48,2%, 5 ani 19,7% şi metacrone – 45,5% (229) cu supravieţuire la 1 an 89,4%, 3 ani 51,3%, 5 ani 30,7%. În cazul pacienţilor cu determinări hepatice şi extrahepatice (67 pacienti) - morbiditate generală 34,92% (22), morbiditate hepatică – 26.98%(17), mortalitate 5,97% (4), rate de supravieţuire – la 1 an 74.6%, 3 ani – 20,3%, 5 ani – 12,2%.

Concluzii. Prezenţa metastazelor extrahepatice determină o rată de supravieţuire semnifi cativ statistic redusă faţă de pacienţii cu MHCCR “liver only”, in schimb momentul apariţiei MH, precum şi cel al rezecţiei, nu infl uenteaza supravieţuirea.


1I.C. Fundeni Centrul de chirurgie generala si transplant hepatic2UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti

Background. Hepatic resection of colorectal cancer liver metastases (CLM) improves the survival rate in patients with metatastatic colorectal cancer. Through this paper we aim to assess the outcome of the hepatic resections per-formed in patients with CLM in Center of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Fundeni Clinical Institute.

Methods. Retrospective analysis of 584 patients diagnosed with CLM between January 1995 and December 2014, undergoing 658 liver resections with curative intent (74 resections for relapse liver metastases). The morbidity, mortal-ity, survival rates were compared using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, log-rank test, chi-square test.

Results. For the “liver only” group(517 patients) we found the following rates – general morbidity – 30.8% (154 patients), hepatic morbidity – 24.2%(121), mortality 2.78%(15), survival rate – 1 year 88.6%, 3-year – 51.6%, 5- year – 29.9%, among those - synchronous 54.5%(274), survival rate 1 year 88.1%, 3-year 51.9%, 5-year 29.3%, simultane-ous resections 88.8%(215)– survival of 88.4%, 52.3% and 31.4% at 1-, 3-, and 5-year, delayed resections 10.8%(55) - survival of 85.4%, 48.2% and 19.7% at 1-, 3-, and 5-year overall rates and metachronous – 45.5%(229) with overall survival rate of 89.4%, 51.9% and 30.7% at 1-, 3-, and 5-year, respectively. For the group of patients with CLM and extrahepatic metastases (67 patients) - general morbidity 34,92%(22 patients), hepatic morbidity – 26.98%(17), mor-tality 5.97%(4), overall survival rates were 74.6% at 1 year, 20,3% 3-year, 12,2% 5-year.

Conclusions. Extrahepatic metastases correlate with statistical signifi cant lower rate of survival, compared to liver only CLM. The type of resection – simultaneous/delayed or metastases – synchronous/metachronous provides similar survival rates.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (52)


METODE DE ELECTROFOREZĂ ÎN EVALUAREA CARBONILĂRII PROTEICE A PROBELOR DE ALBUMINĂ UMANĂInes Dima1, Nicoleta Carmen Purdel1, Denisa Margina2, Daniela Gradinaru2, Mihaela Ilie1

1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Bucureşti, România, Facultatea de Farmacie, Catedra de Toxicologie2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie, Bucureşti, România, Facultatea de Farmacie, Catedra de Biochimie

Introducere. Carbonil proteinele constituie un biomarker important utilizat în diagnosticul precoce al patologiilor asociate cu hiperproducerea de specii reactive de oxigen, incluzând diabetul, bolile cardiovasculare, Parkinson, Alzheimer, poliartrita reumatoidă, etc. În condiţiile stresului oxidativ, are loc o oxidare directă a catenelor laterale de lizină, arginină, prolină şi treonină, constituind ”carbonilarea proteică primară”; aceşti produşi reacţionează cu 2,4- dinitrofenilhidrazina (DNPH) şi formează compuşi fi nali stabili şi cuantifi cabili. Prezentul studiu îţi propune să investigheze pattern-ul de carbonilare proteică pe probe de albumină umană degradate in vitro, folosind diferite metode de electroforeză.

Material şi metodă. Probele de albumină umană au fost oxidate (carbonilate) utilizând trei sisteme in vitro. Pattern-ul de carbonilare a fost evaluat prin diferite metode analitice: electroforeză capilară (CE/DAD) (cu detecţie la 365 nm şi 214 nm), după derivatizarea carbonililor cu 2,4- dinitrofenilhidrazina, respectiv gel-electroforeză cu gel de agaroză şi SDS PAGE, când nu a fost necesară derivatizarea.

Rezultate şi discuţii. Rezultatele experimentale obţinute prin metoda de electroforeză capilară au arătat prezenţa a 19 derivaţi de DNPH cu greutate moleculară mică sau medie, ce au migrat în 35 de minute. Natura peptidică a derivaţilor a fost confi rmată prin analiza semnalului obţinut la 214 nm. Aceleaşi probe au fost analizate prin metode de gel-electroforeză, pentru validare încrucişată; gelul de agaroză a generat, pentru aceleaşi probe de albumină umană oxidată, rezultate reproductibile în termeni de viteză de migrare, greutate moleculare a fragmentelor carbonilice şi dimensiunea spoturilor.

Concluzii. Toate metodele testate au permis evaluarea procesului de carbonilare proteică, comparativ cu albumina umană nedegradată; metoda CE/DAD a fost superioară privind separarea speciilor oxidate, diferenţele mici de greutate moleculară dintre fragmentele rezultate prin degradarea albuminei umane fi ind principalul dezavantaj în metodele de gel-electroforeză. Studii viitoare vor investiga diferenţele dintre subiecţi sănătoşi şi pacienţi cu diabet zaharat de tip 2 cu sau fără comorbidităţi.

Activitatea a fost desfăşurată în cadrul Fondului pentru Tineri Cercetători (2/8344/04.11.2013) susţinut de UMF Carol Davila.

ELECTROPHORESIS METHODS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PROTEIN CARBONYLATION IN HUMAN ALBUMIN SAMPLESInes Dima1, Nicoleta Carmen Purdel1, Denisa Margina2, Rucsandra Dănciulescu-Miulescu3, Daniela Gradinaru2, Mihaela Ilie1

1Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, Faculty of Pharmacy, Toxicology Dept. 2Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, Faculty of Pharmacy, Biochemistry Dept.3N. Paulescu National Institute for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, 5-7 Ion Movila Str, 020475 Bucharest, Romania

Purpose. Protein carbonyls constitute an important biomarker used in the early diagnosis of pathologies associated with reactive oxygen species overproduction, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson, Alzheimer, rheu-matoid arthritis, etc. Under oxidative stress conditions, a direct oxidation of side chains of lysine, arginine, proline, and threonine residues occurs, generating “primary protein carbonylation”; these products react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhy-drazine (DNPH) and issue stable, quantifi able end products. The present study aims to investigate the pattern of protein carbonylation on in vitro degraded human albumin samples, using different electrophoresis methods.

Materials and methods. Human albumin samples were oxidated (carbonylated) using three in vitro systems. The carbonylation pattern was assayed using different analytical methods: capillary electrophoresis (CE/DAD) (with de-tection at 365 nm and 214 nm), after derivatisation of carbonyls with DNPH, respectively agarose and SDS PAGE gel electrophoresis when no derivatizarion was required.

Results and discussion. Experimental results obtained in the capillary electrophoresis method revealed the pres-ence of 19 different small or medium molecular weight DNPH-derivatives that migrated in 35 minutes. The peptide nature of the derivatives was confi rmed by the analysis of the 214 nm signal. The same samples were also analyzed using gel electrophoresis methods for cross-validation; agarose gel electrophoresis for the same oxidated human albu-

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (53)


min samples generated reproducible results in terms of migration speed, molecular weight of carbonylation fragments as well as spot dimension.

Conclusions. All tested methods allowed the evaluation of the protein carbonylation process, compared to un-de-graded human albumin; CE/DAD method was superior in terms of oxidated species separation, the small differences of molecular weight between fragments resulted from degraded HA being the main drawback in gel-electrophoresis methods. Further studies will investigate the differences between healthy subjects and patients with type 2 diabetes with/without other co-morbidities.

Acknowledgements: The work has been performed under Young Investigator Grant (28344/04.11.2013) supported by UMF Carol Davila.

PREDICTIVE FACTORS IN RESTING METABOLIC RATE IN TYPE 2 DIABETESRodica Doros, Simona Carniciu, Daniela Lixandru, Laura Petcu, Ariana Picu Manuela Mitu, Janeta Tudosoiu, Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte1National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Disease “Prof. N. Paulescu”, Bucharest, Romania 2University of Medicin e and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Eroii Sanitari Blvd. 8, 050474 Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the necessary amount of energy for a living body in resting state. Estimation of energy expenditure is the fi rst step in medical nutrition therapy or nutritional assessment. Main factors implied are the internal organs which are very actively metabolic, free fat mass relative constant in adulthood, fat mass as important as increasing obesity and glycemic imbalance.

Aim. The aim was to identify main predictors of RMR and to establish their relative importance in type 2 diabetesMethods. Data were collected from a study group of 295 successive patients involved in studies in our centre.

Consent was obtained from ethic committee and patients agreed to participate to study and consequent follow-up. RMR was determined in thermo neutral environment after sleep, in fasting state using Quark CPET Cosmed equip-ment. Body composition was determined using body impedance method with a Tanita MC-980 analyzer. The mean of interest variables were calculated and compared with independent t-test using SPSS 22. Correlation between variables of interest RMR and RMR/kgFFM were computed and Pearson coeffi cient determined. Study population was divided after HbA1c level in 3 subgrous and the difference between mean RMRd and mean RMR/kg FFM were compared using independent T-test.


TABEL 1. Study group datamale female p effect size

gender 156 139age 57.5±10.51 60.78±10.5 0.00BMI 30.8±4.5 31.7±6.3 nsRMR 1665.4±474.5 1271.5±384.9 0.00 0.18

glycemia 178.9±70.8 170.7±69.9 nsFFM2 57.2±12.2 41.8±8.9 0.00

RMR/kg FFM 30.4±11.5 31.9±13.7 nsHbA1c 7.8±2 7.6±2 ns

1mean±standard deviation2free fat mass

RMR correlation with main predictorsFemale

age FFM RMR/kgFFM BMI groups BMIRMR -0.215 0.212 0.629 0.352 0.422

RMR/kgc FFM - 0.193 0.588 1 0.161 0.159

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (54)


Maleage FFM RMR/kgFFM BMI groups BMI

RMR -0.346** 0.258** 0.586** 0.310** 0.380**

RMR/kgc FFM -0.193* 0.588** 1 0.161* -.159*

**- p<0.01* -p<0.05

Mean RMR and RMR/kg FFM in HbA1c subgrpoupsFemale

HbA1c<6.5 HbA1c 6.5-8.5 HbA1c>8.5

RMRd 1267.2±438.6 (n=48) 1263.6±357.3(n=56) 1289.9±358.1 (n=35)RMR/kgc FFM 31.7±17.8 31.8±11.6 32.2±10.5

MaleHbA1c<6.5 HbA1c 6.5-8.5 HbA1c>8.5

RMRd 1651.7±443.2 (n=53) 1616.1±430.9 (n=50) 1725.6±541.8 (n=53)RMR/kgc FFM 29±9.8 30.2±10.5 32.1±13.9

Disscutions. Study group was composed by 156 males and 139 females diabetic patients. The results obtained in these were analysed with independent t-test . Signifi cant difference was obtained between sexes for age, RMR, FFM. The difference observed in age was a fortuituos results as succesive patients were included. The signifi cant difference between RMR and FFM for males in comparison with females was expected as organ enlargement and skeletal muscle mass were common in males. When RMR/kg FFM ratio was computed and compared between sexes no signifi cant difference was observed. This advocate the idea that RMR/kgFFM ratio is independent of gender indicator of energetic expenditure.

The main predictive factors for RMR were age, FFM, BMI either as scale variable or an ordinal one and for RMR/kg FFM were age, BMI, BMI subgroups. Age had a negative correlation with RMR and RMR/kgFFM, substantiate data which concluded a reducing RMR with age.

RMR determined using indirect calorimetry in study group

AknowledlegmentPlus IDEI

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (55)



1Academia Română, Director General Direcţia Generală Sanitară Veterinară si pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor – Autoritatea Naţională Sanitară Veterinară si pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor, Bucureşti 2Academia Română, Consilier Direcţia Generală Sanitară Veterinară si pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor – Autoritatea Naţională Sanitară Veterinară si pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor, Bucureşti

Introducere. Discutăm din ce în ce mai intens despre subiectul One Health. Ce înseamnă, care sunt principiile de bază ale acestuia, ce benefi cii aduce? Răspunsul este unul interdisciplinar si extrem de greu de redat dintr-un punct de vedere global. Din punctul de vedere al medicilor veterinari însărcinaţi cu siguranţa alimentelor, One Health înseamnă si asigurarea trasabilităţii produselor alimentare fi nale, prin metodologii validate stiinţifi c, proces prin care se realizează profi laxia alimentară pentru sanatatea umană. În locul unei prezentări clasice, am ales abordarea prezentul subiect dintr-o perspectivă care oferă un exemplu concret asupra a ceea ce poate oferi fi ecare profesie conceptului One Health.

Material si metodă. Profi laxia sănătaţii umane din punct de vedere al alimentaţiei începe din mediu: sol, aer, apă, plante, animale. În biotop sunt evaluaţi parametrii fi zici, chimici si biologici care infl uentează în mod direct efectul alimentului fi nal asupra sănătaţii umane. În majoritatea situaţiilor, calitatea condiţiilor din mediu infl uenţează într-o manieră aproape ireversibilă produsul alimentar fi nal, corectarea neregulilor în cadrul restului etapelor lanţului alimentar fi ind extrem de difi cilă.

Etapa de producţie alimentară primară este guvernată de activităţi coordonate de medicii veterinari, care includ controlul contaminanţilor, controlul bolilor si controlul măsurilor de igienă.

Etapele de producţie, procesare si distribuţie intră sub incidenţa sistemului de analiză a hazardurilor si punctelor critice de control, denumit HACCP. Acesta reprezintă o metodă de abordare sistematică a asigurării inocuităţii alimentelor, bazată pe identifi carea, evaluarea şi ţinerea sub control a tuturor riscurilor ce ar putea interveni în procesul de fabricaţie, manipulare şi distribuţie a acestora. Sistemul garantează că detaliile esentiale referitoare la siguranţa alimentelor sunt strict controlate.

Prezentarea produsului fi nal către consumator, indiferent de metodă, este strict controlată de o serie de măsuri sanitare veterinare, cu rolul de închidere a ciclului verifi cării continuue a respectării trasabilităţii lanţului alimentar.

Rezultate. Urmând acest traseu, se obţine un aliment fi nal care respecta toate cerinţele sanitare veterinare si pentru siguranţa alimentelor si care indeplineste dezideratul de o alimentaţie sigură a omului, ţinând cont că alimentele contaminate sunt responsabile pentru peste 200 de patologii distincte, variând de la diaree până la cancere.

Discutii si concluzii. Toate elementele de control sanitar veterinar prezente pe traseul lanţului alimentar contribuie la dezideratul major pentru medicina globală, de profi laxie primară a îmbolnavirilor. Considerăm ca exemplul prezentat constituie un valoros model pentru modul în care ar trebui realizat managementul profi laxiei in cadrul conceptului One Health.

Cuvinte cheie: One Health, siguranţă alimentară, sanatate umană


1Romanian Academy, General Director of the General Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate – The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, Bucharest 2Romanian Academy, Counsellor at the General Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate – The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, Bucharest

Introduction. The One Health concept is getting more and more debated. What it stands for, what are its basic principles and the benefi ts? The answer is clearly an interdisciplinary one and diffi cult to globalize. From the point of view of veterinarians dealing with food safety, the answer comprises, among others, the ensuring of the traceability of the fi nal food product, by using scientifi cally accredited methods, a process that delivers food prophylaxis for human health. Instead of taking on a classical approach, we thought it best to present the paper from a perspective that high-lights a defi nite example of what every profession should offer to the One Health concept.

Material and Method. Food health prophylaxis starts from the environment: soil, air, water, plants and animals. Within the biotope, the physical, chemical and biological parameters having a direct infl uence over the quality of the fi nal foodstuff are evaluated. In most cases, the quality of environmental conditions hold an irreversible infl uence over the fi nal product, making the correction of irregularities during the latter stages extremely diffi cult.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (56)


The primary production of food is governed by activities developed by veterinarians that include control of con-taminants, disease control and correct implementation of the hygiene measures.

The production, processing and distribution stages fall under the incidence of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points or HACCP procedure. This represents a systematic approach of the ensuring of the food harmlessness, based on the identifi cation, evaluation and control of all of the risks that could intervene during the processes of fabri-cation, handling and distribution, guaranteeing that a safe product is delivered.

The fi nal form of the product is controlled by a strict set of sanitary veterinary measures that have the purpose of closing the loop of the continuous verifi cation of the compliance of the food chain traceability.

Results. Following this course of action, food that complies with all of the sanitary veterinary and food safety cri-teria is obtained and thus meets the desideratum of safe human feeding, considering that unsafe food causes more than 200 distinct diseases, ranging from diarrhea to cancers.

Discussions and conclusions. All of the sanitary veterinary control elements identifi ed on the food chain contrib-ute to the ultimate goal of global medicine, that of primary disease prevention. We consider the current example to be a valuable model for how the One Health prophylaxis management should be accomplished.

Key words: One Health, food safety, human health

CELULELE SENESCENTE DIN GLOMERULUL RENAL ACCELELREAZA IMBATRANIREA RINICHIULUIMadalina Dumitrescu, Alina Constantin, Miruna Nemecz, Gabriela Tanko (Costache), Doina PopovInstitutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara “Nicolae Simionescu” Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Inaintarea in varsta este insotita de declinul functiei renale ca urmare a prezentei glomerulosclerozei. Mecanismele moleculare care contribuie la alterarea glomerulilor asociata inaintarii in varsta sunt inca necunoscute. Senescenta celulara, caracterizata de oprirea ireversibila a cresterii si proliferarii celulelor, poate contribui la modifi carile tisulare asociate imbatranirii. Celulele senescente dezvolta, in timp, un fenotip secretor care infl uenteaza activitatea normala a celulelor invecinate (non-senescente).

Scopul prezentului studiu este investigarea rolului celulelor senescente in scleroza glomerulilor renali, folosind ca model experimental hamsterul batran.

Materiale si Metode. Cortexul renal de la hamsteri Sirieni Aurii batrani (in varsta de 24 de luni) si tineri (cu varsta de 4 luni) a fost folosit pentru: a) evidentierea acumularii componentelor matricei extracelulare la nivelul cortexului renal si alterarile ultrastructurii celulelor glomerulare (prin microscopie optica si electronica); b) activitatea β-galactozidazei lisozomale asociata senescentei (SA-β-gal) la pH 6; c) evaluarea statusului oxidativ prin determinarea productiei de specii reactive de oxigen (Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS); d) expresia proteinelor inhibitoare ale kinazelor dependente de cicline (p16INK4a, p21Cip1, p27Kip1), ale p53, AMP Kinaza, Sirt1, Nampt si PTP1B.

Rezultate si Discutii. Comparativ cu cortexul renal al hamsterilor tineri, in cortexul renal al hamsterilor batrani au fost evidentiate urmatoarele: a) scleroza masiva la nivelul glomerulilor renali; b) prezenta senescentei la nivel celular dovedita de cresterea expresiei proteinelor inhibitoare ale kinazelor dependente de cicline care opresc ciclul celular in faza G1 si de activitatea la pH 6 a β galactozidazei lisozomale; c) acumularea de lipofuscina si de mitocondrii cu structura dezorganizata in celulele glomerulare ceea ce contribuie la acumularea de specii ROS la nivelul glomerulilor renali; d) cresterea stresului oxidativ care activeaza calea de semnalizare intracelulara mediata de p53 /p21Cip1; e) cresterea expresiei AMPKinazei si scaderea expresiei Sirt1 si Nampt in celulele glomerulilor renali de la hamsterii batrani datorita modifi carii concentratiilor principalilor metaboliti intracelulari (AMP, ATP si NAD+); f) dezorganizarea citoscheletului celulelor glomerulare, asociata cu cresterea expresiei PTP1B.

Concluzii. Scleroza glomerulilor renali de la hamsterii batrani poate fi datorata alterarii calilor de semnalizare intracelulara activate de stres si modifi carii concentratiilor metabolitilor intracelulari care au ca efect inducerea senescentei celulare. “Tintirea” terapeutica a celulelor senescente poate scadea mediul pro-infl amator din glomerul si poate intarzia disfunctia renala asociata inaintarii in varsta.

Cuvinte cheie. senescenta celulara, stres oxidativ, imbatranire, glomerul renal, ROSAcest studiu a benefi ciat de suportul fi nanciar al Academiei Romane. De asem*nea, autoarea M. Dumitrescu

multumeste pentru suportul fi nanciar acordat prin proiectul POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/133391, fi nantat de Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial – Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (57)


RENAL CORTEX SENESCENT CELLS ACCELERATE GLOMERULAR AGINGMadalina Dumitrescu, Alina Constantin, Miruna Nemecz, Gabriela T anko (Costache), Doina PopovInstitute of Cellular Biology and Pathology „Nicolae Simionescu” Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. The progressive sclerosis and loss of glomeruli during ageing contribute to the decline of renal func-tion. The molecular mechanisms underlying glomerular aging are still largely unknown. Cellular senescence, a state of irreversible growth arrest, can drive age-related tissue alterations. Senescent cells develop a secretory phenotype that can affect the behavior of their neighboring non-senescent cells.

This study aimed to investigate the involvement of senescent cells in glomerular sclerosis; to this purpose, an ex-perimental model of aged hamsters were used.

Materials and Methods. Kidneys from aged (24-month old), and young Golden Syrian hamsters (4-month old; control group) were processed for: i) examination of renal cortical extracellular matrix accumulation, and fi ne structure alterations of glomerular cells (light- and electron microscopy); ii) the activity of the lysosomal senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) at pH 6: iii) evaluation of oxidative stress, by assessing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production; iv) protein expression of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors (p16INK4a, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1), p53, AMP kinase, SIRT1, Nampt, and PTP1B.

Results and Discussions. As compared to the kidneys from young hamsters, those from aged hamsters exhibited: (i) hallmarks of chronic injury (decreased cortical mass and extended glomerulosclerosis); (ii) features of cellular senescence, such as elevated expression of the CDK inhibitors (indicative for the cell-cycle arrest), upregulation of SA-β-gal expression, and the formation of lipofuscin; the later along with disorganized mitochondria in the glomerular cells from aged hamsters might account for ROS accumulation; (iii) increased oxidative stress, a possible contributor to activation of p53/p21Cip1-depending signaling pathway, and to increased expression of AMP kinase; enhanced AMP kinase expression might be involved in the decline of SIRT1 and Nampt expression in the renal cortex; (iv) impaired cytoskeletal regulation, associated, in part, with PTP1B upregulation.

Conclusions. In aged hamsters, renal glomerular sclerosis might be due to metabolically driven stress-activated signaling pathways involved in cellular senescence.Targeting the senescent cells might improve renal tissue milieu, thereby delaying age-associated dysfunctions of the aging kidney.

Keywords: cellular senescence, oxidative stress, glomerular aging, ROS

This work was supported by the Romanian Academy. The author, M. Dumitrescu, acknowledges the fi nancial support of the POSDRU / 159/1.5/S/133391project, fi nanced by European Social Found within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013


1Spit. Clinic Jud. de Urgenta Ilfov, Sectia Clinica RMFB, Bucuresti2Spit. Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdazar-Arseni”, Clinica Recuperare Neuromusculara, Bucuresti3UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, Conducator stiintifi c Lucrare Doctorat (Scientifi c Tutor) Introducere. AVC-ul reprezinta cea mai importanta cauza de morbiditate si mortalitate pe termen lung in Europa

,a doua cauza de aparitie a dementei si cea mai frecventa cauza de epilepsie la varstnici,precum si o cauza frecventa de depresie (conform Ghidului ESO).Neuroprotectia presupune prezervarea structurii si/sau functiilor neuronale in conditiile actiunii unor injurii.

Reprezinta paradigma terapeutica promitatoare a viitorului neurobiologiei.Conform teoriei reductionale, doua mari mecanisme stau la baza acesteia, iar terapia farmacologica multimodala

are capacitatea de a oferi un echilibru in asa fel, incat suprimarea unilaterala a unei verigi fi ziopatologice, sa nu atraga inhibarea sau dezechilibrul alteia: EDA (endogenuos defence activity) care cuprinde procesele de Neuroprotectie,Neuroplasticitate, Neurotrofi citate, Neuro/sinaptogeneza, si care incearca sa contrabalansese procesele patologice daunatoare declansate de injurii diverse, DM (damage mecanisme): Excitotoxicitate, infl amatia, stresul oxidativ, apoptoza patologica. In acest sens se vizeaza abordarea farmacologica integrata cu terapii multimodale si cu efecte neuroprotectoare pleiotrope. Se cunosc peste 500 de substante cu efecte neuroprotectoare, dintre care hemoderivatii deproteinizati din sange de vitel (Actovegin) au rol terapeutic si metabolic de crestere a utilizarii glucozei (efect insulin

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like), de crestere a utilizarii oxigenului la nivel mitocondrial si de crestere a metabolismului energetic neuronal, precum si de scadere a stressului oxidativ si a apoptozei patologice. Actoveginul este un derivat ultrafi ltrat, total deproteinizat din sange de vitel, fara capacitate antigenica, ce contine peste 200 de molecule biologic active, cu greutate moleculara foarte mica, ce ii ofera capacitatea de a trece BHE.

Macheta studiului clinic va cuprinde:Obiectivul studiului. Evaluarea rezultatelor neuroreabilitative ale administrarii neuroprotectorului Actovegin, in

diferite doze, la pacienti cu AVC ischemic de novo, in teritoriul ACM/ACA,i ntre 4 si 12, maxim 16 sapt. de la debut, pe o perioada de 30 zile, pacienti afl ati la prima internare intr-un serviciu de Recuperare Neurologica.

Locul de desfasurare: este un studiu bicentric desfasurat in Clinica de Recuperare Neuromusculara SCUBA si Sectia Clinica RMFB, Comp. RN, Spit. Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Ilfov.

Durata studiului: studiu prospectiv ce se va desfasura intre anii 2014-2018.Designul StudiuluiMateriale si metoda. Se vor urmari si se vor evalua rezultatelor neuroreabilitative ale tratamentului cu Actovegin,

sub forma injectabila si drajeuri in urmatoarea schema terapeutica: 2f/zi (400mg) in pev, 2 sapt, apoi 3dj/zi (600 mg) inca 2 sapt. Pacientii selectati vor fi impartiti in doua grupuri: grupul de control (nr. estimativ de pacienti~60) care intosmesc criteriile de includere dar fara tratament cu Actovegin, si grupul de studiu (nr. estimativ de pacienti~50), care primesc Actovegin in schema stabilita, fara administrarea concomitenta a altor neuroprotectoare/neurotrope.

Evaluarea pacientilor se face la internare si la 30 zile (4 sapt) si se realizeaza prin: anamneza, ex. clinic general si al aparatului NMAK, parametrii functionali si de neuroreabilitare (GE; WBP; CAW), teste biologice de laborator (VSH nr. leucocite, formula leucocitara, fi brinogenemie, pro. C reactiva) si imagistice cerebrale (CT,IRM ). Se va completa Consimtamantul informat, iar pacientul va fi atentionat de eventualele efecte adverse, si daca exista, vor fi consemnate.

Criterii de includere: Sunt inclusi in studiu pacienti de ambele sexe, din medii socioeconomice diferite, cu varsta peste 18 ani, cu AVC ischemic certifi cat imagistic, subac/subcr, care prezinta defi cit motor plegic/paretic, brahiocrural /monocrural, de novo, afl at la prima internare in Clinica.

Criterii de excludere: varsta sub 18 ani; sarcina; lactatia; comorbiditati severe decompensate renale, hepatice, cardio-pulmonare, boli neoplazice; afectiuni ortopedice invalidante; TCC/TVM concomitente; terapii cu alte preparate neuroprotectoare; SM avansata: dementa severa; refuzul pacientului.

Terapii concomitente permise: anticoagulante, antiagregante plachetare, antitrombotice, antialgice, antibiotice, antiseptice, antitermice, sol. hidroelectrolitice, Kinetoterapie analitica, ortezare, nursingul escarelor, managementul vezicii urinare si colonului neurogene, psihoterapia.

Scopurile studiului: Principal: sa cuantifi ce imbunatatirea, daca exista, a parametrilor functionali si de neuroreabilitare, precum si viteza de recuperare exprimata in nr. de zile, constatate la lotul de studiu versus lotul de control, in aceeasi perioada de timp (30 zile). Secundare; 1)Ameliorarea sindromului infl amator biologic (daca exista), cuantifi cat prin scaderea valorilor VSH,nr. leucocite, procent neutrofi le, fi brinogenemie, prot. C reactiva 2) Evolutia si ameliorarea aspectelor imagistice cerebrale (daca exista).

Analiza statistica si rezultate: Se folosesc teste statistice descriptive, de diferentiere: test Bartlett, test T Student (p value), test Hi patrat. etc

Datele primare sunt prelucrate in EPI Info, modulul (Analysis) si raportate in SPSS.

Cuvinte cheie: AVC, Neuroprotectie, Hemoderivati deproteinizati din sange de vitel, Neuroreabilitare


1Senior Physician in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, The County Emergency Hospital Ilfov,Bucharest2Senior Physician in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) and Gerontology and Geriatrics Head of P (neural-muscular) RM Discipline/Clinic Division-The National Reference Center for NeuroRehabilitation, The Teaching Emergency Hospital “Bagdazar-Arseni”, Bucharest3PhD/Post Graduate Tutor at The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”,Bucharest

Background. The Neuroprotection is the new paradigma in Neuroscience, so the actual pharmacological manage-ment in brain or spinal cort injury is to keep the balance between Endogenuos Defence Activity (EDA) and Damage Mecanisme (DM). It is known over 500 substances with neuroprotective effects, and Calf blood deproteinized he-moderivative (CBDH) with Actovegin as main reprezentant is a very important biological neuroprotectives drugs class wich increases the cellular energy.Actovegin is a deproteinized hemoderivative, obtain by ultrafi ltration from calf

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blood,thus containing only physiological components and not proteins antigens or pyrogens.All the organic compo-nents have a molecular weight below 6000 Da, It also contains inositol Phospho-oligosaccharides (IPOs) that are thought to possess central and peripheral insulinic effects thus improving glucose utilization(insulin like action). So, Actovegin increase glucose utilization and oxygen uptake and energy metabolism,and also decrease oxidative stress and apoptosis-like processes.

STUDY SYNOPSIS:Objectives: To evaluate the Neurorehabilitation results of the therapy with Actovegin at patients with subacute/

subchronic Ischaemic Stroke (beetwen 4-12,16 weeks from the debute) with motor defi cite (hemiplegia, hemiparesis/crural monoparesis), over a period of 4 weeks (30 days), only fi rst admission.

STUDY DESIGNMaterials and Methods: Pacients selection and evaluation.Informed consent. Estimated number of patients.It’s two groups of patients,bouth groups will established prospectively:The study group (around 50 pacients) who will receive treatment with Actovegine 2 vials (400 mg) i.v. per day

during fi rst two weeks and after 3 drops (600 mg) per day for the last two weeks and The control group (around 60 pacients) who will not receive Actovegine’s treatment. Patients will be evaluated by: patient history, complet clinical examination (functional parameters – FIM, m RANKIN score; neurorehabilitation parameters - GE, WBP, CAW), routine blood tests; brain CT/IRM.

Inclusion criteria: males, females, after 18 years old with subacute/subchronic Ischaemic stroke with motor defi cit (hemiparesis/plegia /crural monoparesis.

Exclusion criteria: age below 18 years old, life threatening conditions (severe renal, liver, lung and/or cardiovas-cular diseases), concomitant TBI, pregnancy or lactation, neoplasm deseas, refusal of the patient to be enrolled in the study, pacients who received other neuroprotectives drugs with pleiotropic/multimodal effects. Concomitant allowed medications in accordance with current guidelines and physical terrapy adapted to their neuromotor defi cits.

The fallowing medication is not allowed: neuroprotective and neurotrophic drugs, psychotropic drugs.Study endpoints: Primary endpoint is to quantify the improvement (if it’s existing) of the functional and neurore-

habilitation parameters of the study patients by comparing them to the ones achieved in the control group, over the same period of time (30 days)and also to quantify the speed of the neuromotor/functional rehabilitation process. Sec-ondary endpoint – resolution of the infl ammatory process, with biological parameters (ERS; fi binogenemia; WBC; neutrophiles procent; CRP).

Study setting: The Pysical and Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic Division - The Teatching Emer-gency Hospital “Bagdazar-Arseni” and The Medical Rehabilitation, Pysical Medicine and Balneoclimatology Clinic-Neurorehabilitation Departament - The County Emergency Hospital Ilfov.

Study duration; We estimate 4 years of study between 2014 and 2018.Statistical analysis and results: Descriptive statistics will be used,expressed by related histograms we shall use

for comparation t Student Test (p vallue).

Key words: Stroke, Neuroprotection, Neurorehabilitation

EFECTE ANTI-ATEROSCLEROTICE INDUSE DE UNII COMPUŞI NATURALI – STUDIIREFERITOARE LA MECANISMUL BIOCHIMIC DE ACŢIUNEFlorea Liviu1, Daniela Grădinaru1, Rucsandra Dănciulescu-Miulescu2, Mihaela Ilie3, Denisa Margină11Facultatea de Farmacie, Departamentul de Biochimie Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti2Institutul Naţional de Diabet, Nutriţie şi Boli Metabolice „N. Paulescu“, Bucureşti 3Facultatea de Farmacie, Departamentul de Toxicologie Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti

Introducere. Activitatea biologică a compuşilor polifenolici este corelată cu capacitatea acestora de a interacţiona cu membranele biologice. Prezentul studiu evaluează efectele induse in vitro de quercetină (Q) şi galatul de epigalocatechină (EGCG) asupra anizotropiei membranare şi respective a potenţialului transmembranar al celulelor mononucleare isolate din sângele periferic (PBMC) al unor pacienţi cu diabet zaharat de tip II comparative cu subiecţi control.

Materiale şi metode. Q şi EGCG de calitate HPLC au fost utilizate pentru stimularea in vitro a PBMC. Hystopaque 1077 a fost utilizat pentru separarea PBMC iar RPMI 1649 a fost utilizat ca mediu de cultură al celulelor testate. TMA-DPH şi DiBAC4(3) au fost utilizate ca sonde fl uorimetrice pentru evaluarea anizotropiei şi respectiv a potenţialului

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transmembranar. Proteina C reactivă (hsCRP), MCP-1, ICAM-1, insulina şi resistina au fost utilizate cu kituri ELISA specializate pe un analizor automat ChemWell 1000. Indicele HOMA-IR a fost calculat în funcţie de nivelul de glucoză şi respectiv de insulină.

Rezultate şi discuţii. Rezultatele obţinute la stimularea in vitro a PBMC au fost correlate cu parametrii biochimici şi respective de profi l infl amator ce caracterizează pacienţii. La pacienţii cu DZII, creşterea valorii HOMA-IR şi a concentraţiei de rezistină a fost asociată cu o reducere semnifi cativă a anizotrpiei membranelor celulare. Cei doi compuşi polifenolici testaţi au determinat un efect hiperpolarizant, dependent de doză precum şi o rigidizare a membranelor celulare. Niveluri fi ziologice de Q şi EGCG au manifestat tendinţa de a normalize anizotropia membranelor PBMC pentru celulele isolate de la diabetic, aceasta având tendinţa de revenire la nivelul ce caracterizează subiecţii de control.

Concluzii. Reducerea fl uidităţii membranare precum şi efectul hiperpolarizant ar putea constitui mecanisme care stau la baza efectului anti-aterosclerotic raportat pentru compuşii polifenolici.


1Carol Davila Univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, Faculty of Pharmacy, Biochemistry Department 2N. Paulescu National Institute for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, 5-7 Ion Movila Str, 020475 Bucharest, Romania3Carol Davila Univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, Faculty of Pharmacy, Toxicology Department

Background. The bioactivity of polyphenols is closely linked to their ability to interact with biological mem-branes. The present study evaluates the in vitro effect of quercetin (Q) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on the membrane anisotropy and transmembrane potential of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from 26 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients compared to 25 age matched controls.

Materials and methods. HPLC grade Q and EGCG were used for the in vitro stimulation of the cells. Hystopaque 1077 was used for the separation of PBMCs and RPMI 1640 was used as the main medium for the cell suspensions during all tests performed. TMA-DPH (1-(4-trimethylammoniumphenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3, 5-hexatriene p-toluensulfo-nate) and bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol (DiBAC4(3)) were used as a fl uorescent probes for the evaluation of membrane anisotropy and transmembrane potential changes under the infl uence of the two polyphenols. The levels of hsCRP (C-reactive protein), MCP-1 (monocyte chemoatractant protein-1), ICAM-1 (intercellular adhe-sion molecule 1), insulin and resistin were evaluated on an automatic ChemWell 1000 system using ELISA kits. The insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) induced by homeostatic model analysis, was calculated depending on the fasting plasma insulin and fasting plasma glucose.

Resuls and discussion. The in vitro assays were analyzed in correlation with the biochemical and infl ammatory profi le of the subjects and with insulin resistance parameters (HOMA-IR, plasma resistin) as well. For type 2 diabetes patients, the increase of HOMA-IR and resistin concentration was associated with a signifi cant decrease of the PBMCs membrane anisotropy. The two tested polyphenols induced a dose-dependent hyperpolarizing effect and stiffening of the cell membranes for all tested subjects. Physiological levels of quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate had the ten-dency to normalize the PBMCs membrane anisotropy of the cells isolated from diabetes patients, bringing it to the level of cells isolated from normoglycemic ones.

Conclusion. The decrease of membrane fl uidity and the hyperpolarizing effect could explain the cardiovascular protective action of the tested compounds.

TRATAMENTUL CU AGENŢI HIPOMETILANTI IN HEMATOLOGIED. Georgescu1, M. Popescu1, M. Tevet1, O. Patrinoiu1, M. Murat1, V. Popov1, C. Dragan1, M. Balea1, A. Ciuhu2

1Hematology, Spitalul Colentina, Bucureşti, România2Oncology, Saint Luke Hospital, Bucureşti, România

Introducere. Studiile clinice au demonstrat ca tratamentul cu agenti hipometilanti (5-Azacytidine şi Decitabine) în sindroamele mielodisplazice (SMD )grup de risc intermediar/crescut a dus la răspunsuri complete citogenetice în unele cazuri. De asem*nea, pentru pacienţii cu leucemie acuta mieloblastica (LAM) care nu se califi că pentru chimioterapie

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agresivă şi transplant medular alogen, tratamentul cu agenţi hipometilanti duce la independenţă transfuzionala şi imbunatatirea calitatii vieţii.

Materiale şi metode. Prezentăm evoluţia sub tratamentul cu agenti hipometilanti in cazul a 12 pacienţi, diagnosticaţi cu SMD risc intermediar / crescut si LAM în Departamentul nostru, între 2009-2015. Au fost 7 bărbaţi şi 5 femei, cu vârste cuprinse între 56-84 ani, 6 din ei diagnosticati cu SMD risc intermediar / ridicat şi 6 diagnosticaţi cu LAM, improprii pentru chimioterapie. 9 pacienţi (6 pacienţi cu SMD si 3 pacienţi cu LAM) au primit tratament cu 5-azacitidină şi 3 pacienţi, un barbat cu LAM post-SMD şi 2 femei cu LAM de novo, a primit Decitabine. Examenul citogenetic a fost efectuat în toate cazurile şi un cariotip anormal a fost obţinut în 3 cazuri: o femeie cu LAM post SMD cu del (5) (q32; qter), un pacient cu SMD, cariotip complex, inclusiv del (5) (q32; qter) şi un pacient cu SMD şi 12 monosomia. Schemele selectate au fost: 5-aza 75 mg / m2 / zi, timp de 7 zile, repetate la fi ecare 28 de zile şi Decitabine 20 mg / m2 / zi, timp de 5 zile, repetat la interval de 28 de zile.

Rezultate. Toti pacientii au avut o toleranţă bună la tratament, fără evenimente adverse semnifi cative. Răspunsul global la 5-aza a fost heterogen, fără diferenţe semnifi cative în ceea ce priveşte procentul de blasti, cu un raspuns complet, în cazul pacientului cu 12 monosomia. Din păcate, în cazul celor 3 pacienţii cu LAM trataţi cu Decitabine, a existat o întârziere în momentul iniţierii tratamentului din cauze administrative şi fi nanciare, şi au murit prin progresia bolii. Nu au existat efecte secundare.

Concluzii. Datele prezentate indică rezultate similare cu cele din literatura de specialitate. Cel mai important efect al tratamentului a fost de imbunatatire a calitatii vieţii prin reducerea necesaului transfuzional. Agenţii hipometilanti sunt o alternativă mai puţin toxic.

Mulţumiri. Această prezentare a fost elaborata de Daniela Georgescu, MD si doctorand din 2011 la UMF Carol Davila sub coordonarea Prof. Dr. Anca Lupu, MD, PhD.

Aceasta lucrare este susţinută de Programul Operaţional Sectorial de Dezvoltare a Resurselor Umane (POS DRU), fi nanţat din Fondul Social European şi de Guvernul român cu numărul de contract POSDRU / 159 / 1.5 / S / 137390 /

THE TREATMENT WITH HYPOMETHILATING AGENTS IN HEMATOLOGY D. Georgescu1, M. Popescu1, M. Tevet1, O. Patrinoiu1, M. Murat1, V. Popov1, C. Dragan1, M. Balea1, A. Ciuhu2

1Hematology, Colentina Hospital, Bucharest, Romania2Oncology, Saint Luke Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. The clinical studies demonstrated that treatment with hypomethilating agents (5-azacytidine and decitabine) in intermediate/high risk MDS resulted in complete cytogenetic responses in some cases. Also for patients with AML who do not qualify for aggressive chemotherapy and allogeneic medullary transplantation, treatment with hypomethilating agents leads to transfusional independence and increase in quality of life.

Materials and methods. We present the evolution under treatment with hypomethilating agents in 12 patients, diagnosed with intermediate/high risk MDS and AML in our Department between 2009-2015. There were 7 men and 5 women, with ages between 56-84 years, 6 of them diagnosed with intermediate/high risk MDS, and 6 diagnosed with AML, unfi t to chemotherapy. 9 patients (6 patients with MDS and 3 patients with AML) received treatment with 5-aza-cytidine and 3 patients, one man with AML post MDS and 2 women with AML de novo, received Decitabine. Cytoge-netic exam was performed in all cases and a abnormal karyotype was obtained in 3 cases: one woman with AML post MDS with del (5) (q32;qter), one patient with MDS, with a complex karyotype, including del (5)(q32;qter) and one patient with MDS and 12 monosomy. The selected schedules were: 5-Aza 75 mg/m2/d, for 7 days, repeted every 28 days and Decitabine 20 mg/m2/d, for 5 days, repeated every 28 days.

Results. All patients had a good tolerance to therapy, without signifi cant adverse events. The overall response to 5-Aza was heterogenous, with no signifi cant differences regarding blast percentage, with one complete response in the case with 12 monosomy. Unfortunately in the 3 patients with AML treated with Decitabine, there was a delay in the time of treatment initiation due to administrative and fi nancial isues, and they died due to disease progression. There were no side effects.

Conclusions. The presented data indicate similar results to that in the literature. The most important effect of treat-ment was on the quality of life by the reduction in the transfusional demand. The hypomethilating agents are a less toxic alternative to classical cytotoxic/antimetabolites agents.

Aknowledgements. This presentation has been elaborated and written by Daniela Georgescu, MD and third year PhD student since 2011 at UMF Carol Davila under coordination of Prof. Dr. Anca Lupu, MD, PhD.

This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), fi -nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390/

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (62)


EFICACITATEA ETANERCEPTULUI ÎN TRATAMENTUL PSORIAZISULUI VULGAR – EXPERIENŢA CLINICII DERMATOLOGIE, SUUMCMihaela Georgescu¹, Marcela Poenaru¹, Ionel Ţoropoc¹, Daniel Costache¹, Mihai Anton Ţilea¹, Viorel Trifu¹, Justin

Dumitru Diaconu²¹Clinica de Dermatologie, SUUMC, Bucureşti²Clinica de Dermatologie, Spitalul Victor Babeş, Bucureşti

Psoriazisul este o boală infl amatorie sistemică care se caracterizează printr-o erupţie cutanată caracteristică, cu multiple comorbidităţi metabolice, cardiace şi psihologice.

Etanercept este o opţiune terapeutică la pacienţi cu psoriazis vulgar selectaţi.O analiză retrospectivă (iunie 2009 – martie 2015) a experienţei clinice a SUUMC a arătat că în această perioadă

au fost incluşi în terapie 44 pacienţi (33 bărbaţi şi 11 femei) cu vârste cuprinse între 25-75 ani (media 50,3). La iniţiere au avut: PASI – valori între 12– 39,6 (Medie PASI initial – 25,5) şi DLQI – valori între 11 – 30 (Medie DLQI initial – 23,3). Actual, o analiză statistică a demonstrat: PASI – valori între 0 – 5,2 (Medie 1,7) şi DLQI – valori între 0 – 9 (Medie 1,7). Actual se afl ă în tratament 40 de pacienţi: 2 dintre pacienţi s-au afl at in terapie biologică cu Infl iximab, în urma infecţiei cu TBC s-a făcut switch pe etanercept, evoluţia fi ind bună la doi ani, fără recădere TBC. Profi lul de siguranţă a fost bun. 4 pacienţi au fost retraşi din terapie: 2 – inefi cienţă, 1 – motive personale, 1 – CSC. Nu au fost raportate cazuri de infecţii severe, inclusiv TBC. Unele constante biologice au fost modifi cate tranzitoriu (transaminaze, VSH).

Putem concluziona că etanercept este un tratament efi cace pentru tratamentul psoriazisului vulgar.


Psoriasis is a systemic infl ammatory disease which is defi ned by a characteristic cutaneous eruption, with multiple metabolic, cardiac and psychological commorbidities.

Etanercept is a therapeutic option for selected patients with psoriasis vulgaris.A retrospective analyse (June 2009 – March 2015) of the SUUMC clinical experience has showed that in this time

period there were included 44 patients (33 men and 11 women) with age between 25-75 years (media – 50,3). At ini-tiation of therapy with etanercept the patients had the following results: PASI – values between 12 – 39,6 (media 25,5) and DLQI – values between 11 – 30 (media 23,3). Now, a statistical analysis showed: PASI – values between 0 – 5,2 (media 1,7) and DLQI – values between 0 - 9 (media 1,7). Actually, 40 patients are undergoing treatment with etaner-cept: 2 of the patients were treated with infl iximab, but developed TBC and they were switched to etanercept, with a favorable evolution at 2 years. The safety profi le was good: 4 patients were excluded from therapy: 2for ineffi cacy, 1 for SCC, 1 for personal reasons. There were no serious infectious, including TBC. Some constant biologics were slightly modifi ed (VSH, liver enzymes).

We can conclude that etanercept is an effi cient treatment for psoriasis vulgaris.

RETINOPATIA DIABETICĂ ŞI NUMĂRUL GLOBULELOR ROŞII SANGVINE LA UN GRUP DE PACIENŢI CU DIABET ZAHARAT TIP 2 NOU DEPISTATOlivia Georgescu1,2, Cristina Pavel1, Iuliana Elena Pascu1, Apriliana Stănescu1, Ana Lavinia Taină1, Simona Fica1,2

1Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Elias – Secţia de Endocrinologie, Diabet şi Boli de Nutriţie, Bucureşti 2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie – Carol Davila, Bucureşti

Premize. Studii recente au arătat că scăderea numărului globulelor ro şii sangvine (NGR) la persoanele cu diabet zaharat se asociază cu creşterea prevalenţei complicaţiilor microvasculare, NGR fi ind un potenţial marker în identifi carea pacienţilor cu risc crescut de a dezvolta aceste complicaţii.

Obiectivul studiului a fost de a observa dacă există o corelaţie între NGR şi prezenţa retinopatiei diabetice (RD) la un lot de pacienţi nou diagnosticaţi cu diabet zaharat tip 2. S-a urmărit, de asem*nea, corelaţia cu ceilalţi factori de risc cardiovasculari.

Material şi metodă. 156 de pacienţi (94 bărbaţi/62 femei) cu vârste cuprinse între 55-78 ani (vârsta medie 60,95±3,23 ani) au fost evaluaţi din punctul de vedere al stilului de viaţă, antropometric şi metabolic (HbA1c, profi l lipidic, tensiune arterială). Rata de fi ltrare glomerulară a fost stabilită prin calculul MDRD (Modifi ed Diet in Renal Disease). Vârsta vasculară a fost estimată cu ajutorul aparatului Vasera VS-100 f*ckuda Denshi, pe baza unui algoritm

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derivat din calculul indicelui vascular cardio-gleznă. RD a fost diagnosticată de un singur examinator prin oftalmscopie directă după dilatare pupilară.

Rezultate. Împărţind cei 156 pacienţi în quartile crescătoare de NGR între quartila 1 (Q1) şi quartila 4 (Q4) s-au obţinut diferenţe semnifi cative statistic în ceea ce priveşte absenţa RD (72,41% în Q1 vs. 100% în Q4, p=0,001). Împărţind apoi lotul de pacienţi în funcţie de prezenţa RD în grup A (cu RD) şi grup B (fără RD) s-au observat diferenţe semnifi cative între cele două grupuri în ceea ce priveşte: NGR (4,58 vs. 4,78/mm3, p=0,02), tensiunea arterială diastolică (82 vs. 85,76 mmHg, p=0,04), MDRD (70,02 vs. 79,7 ml/min/1,73m2, p=0,01) şi vârsta vasculară (67,2 vs. 58,82 ani, p=0,01). Nu s-au înregistrat diferenţe în ceea ce priveşte stilul de viaţă, indicii antropometrici, profi lul lipidic sau HbA1c.

Concluzii. Creşterea NGR la pacienţi cu diabet zaharat tip 2 nou diagnosticat s-a asociat cu absenţa RD. Severitatea acesteia este în concordanţă cu NGR şi pare a fi infl uenţată în special de valorile tensiunii arteriale diastolice şi de rigiditatea arterială exprimată ca vârstă vasculară.

Această lucrare a fost cofi nanţată din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Numărul de identifi care al contractului: POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390 Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila” din Bucureşti.

DIABETIC RETINOPATHY AND RED BLOOD CELL COUNT IN NEWLY DIAGNOSED PATIENTSWITH TYPE 2 DIABETESOlivia Georgescu1,2, Cristina Pavel1, Iuliana Elena Pascu1, Apriliana Stanescu1, Ana-Lavinia Taină1, Simona Fica1,2

1Elias Emergency University Hospital - Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, Bucharest2University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Carol Davila, Bucharest

Background. Recent studies have shown that the decrease of red blood cell count (RBC) in people with diabetes is associated with increased prevalence of microvascular complications. RBC could be a potential marker to identify the patients with an increased risk of developing these complications.

The objective of this study was to observe if there is a correlation between RBC and the presence of diabetic reti-nopathy (DR) in a group of patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and also to evaluate the associations with other cardiovascular risk factors.

Methods. 156 patients (94 men/62 women) aged 55-78 years (mean age 60.95 ± 3.23 years) were evaluated in terms of lifestyle, anthropometric and metabolic control (complete blood counts including RBC, HbA1c, lipid profi le, blood pressure). Glomerular fi ltration rate was determined by calculating the MDRD (Modifi ed Diet in Renal Disease). Vascular age was estimated using Vasera device VS-1000 f*ckuda Denshi, based on an algorithm derived from cardio-ankle vascular index calculation. DR was diagnosed by a single examiner through direct ophtalmoscopy after pupillary dilatation.

Results. Splitting 156 patients in ascending RBC count quartiles we obtained between quartile 1 (Q1) and quartile 4 (Q4) a statistically signifi cant differences regarding the absence of DR (72.41% vs. 100% , p = 0.001). After dividing the whole group of patients according to presence of DR in group A (with DR) and group B (without DR) we found signifi cant differences between two groups in terms of: RBC count (4.58 vs. 4.78/ mm3, p = 0.02), diastolic blood pres-sure (82 vs. 85.76 mmHg, p = 0.04), MDRD (70.02 vs. 79.7 ml/min / 1.73m2, p = 0.01) and vascular age (67.2 vs 58.82 years, p = 0.01). There were no differences in terms of lifestyle, anthropometric indices, lipid profi le, total hemoglobin or HbA1c.

Conclusions. Increased RBC count in newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes was associated with absence of DR. The severity of this complications is consistent with the RBC count and seems to be related by diastolic blood pressure and arterial stiffness expressed as vascular age.

This paper was co-fi nanced by the European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Re-sources Development 2007-2013 contract identifi cation number: HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 137390 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (64)



1Laboratorul de Cercetare în Dermatologie, Universitatea de Medicina şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, România2Departamentul de Fiziologie, Universitatea de Medicina şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, România3Departamentul de Anatomopatologie, Spitalul Clinic Colentina, Bucureşti, România4Institutul Naţional de Diabet, Nutriţie si Boli Metabolice “N. Paulescu”, Bucureşti, România

Celulele Langerhans sunt principalele celule dendritice de la nivelul epidermului. Modifi cari ale morfologiei si/sau densitatii lor au fost descrise in numeroase conditii fi ziologice si patologice. In prezenta lucrare descriem celulele Langerhans epidermale in urma examinarii cu ajutorul microscopiei confocale in vivo si testarii imunohistochimice a pieselor de biopsie cutanata. Microscopia confocala de refl actanta este o tehnica imagistica inovatoare, recent introdusa in practica dermatologica, care permite vizualizarea partii superioare a pielii, cu o rezolutie apropiata de cea a histologiei conventionale. Am investigat prezenta celulelor Langerhans epidermale folosind un microscop confocal de refl ectanta cu lungimea de unda de 785 nm in vivo din carcinomul bazoceular. De asem*nea, descriem trasaturile relevante ale celulelor Langerhans dupa examinarea histopatologica si testarea imunohistochimica pentru proteina S100, CD1a si Langerin a specimenelor de biopsie cutanata.

Analizarea numarului si morfologiei celulelor Langerhans epidermale ar putea avea o valoare diagnostica deosebita in numeroase conditii patologice, astfel ca stabilirea unei metode reproductibile de vizualizare este necesara.


1Dermatology Research Laboratory, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania2Physiology Department, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania3Department of Pathology, Colentina Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania4”N. Paulescu” National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Bucharest, Romania

Langerhans cells are the principal dendritic cells in the epidermis of the skin. Alterations in their morphology and/or density of have been described in various physiological and pathological conditions. We describe the relevant fea-tures of epidermal Langerhans cells using in vivo refl ectance microscopy in vivo and immunohistochemistry of skin biopsy specimens. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy is a novel imaging technique, recently introduced in dermato-logical practice that enables the non-invasive visualization of the superfi cial part of human skin, with a resolution close to conventional histology. We investigated the presence of epidermal Langerhans cells using a refl ectance-mode confo-cal laser microscope with a wavelenghth of 785 nm in vivo in pigmented basal cell carcinoma lesions. We also describe relevant features of epidermal Langerhans cells after histopathological examination and immunohistochemical testing for S100 protein, CD1a and Langerin of skin biopsy specimens.

Analyzing the number and morphology of epidermal Langerhans cells might represent an important diagnostic feature in various pathological conditions, thus establishing a reliable method of visualization is of great interest.


Timp de ani de zile tumorile laringiene in stadii intermediare si avansate au fost tratate cu laringectomie totala pana in anul 1991 cand in urma unei serii de studii s-a stabilit rolul important al chimio si radioterapiei in conservarea functionala a laringelui.

Pe masura ce metodele de conservare a laringelui s-au perfectionat au aparut din ce in ce mai multe recidive tumorale si din ce in ce mai multe complicatii postoperatorii si asa zise „operatii de salvare”. Acesta este motivul principal pentru care o scara de prognostic in acest tip de caner ar fi foarte utila chirurgului pt a alege varianta cea mai buna pt pacient pt a evita recidivele. In momentul de fata nu exista o scara de predictie pentru cancerul de laringe si nici markeri biologici specifi ci.

Biomarkeri si metode imagistice relevante.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (65)


Exista unele studii ce releva o legatura stransa intre anumiti markeri si evolutia cancerului laringian.Proteina P53 este o proteina codifi cata de gena oncosupresoare P53 si localizata pe bratul scurt al cromozomului

17.COX2 – creste sinteza prostagladinei si proliferarea celulara, angiogeneza si inhiba apoptoza celulara.Fox P3- este un markeri gasit in celulele tumorale si are legatura directa cu cancerul capului si gatului.– Ki- 67 –creste in faza activa a ciclului celular si este absenta in G0 – EGFR (Epidermal growth factor) controleaza proliferarea celulara, apoptoza, angiogeneza. SOX 2 pare sa aiba

rol in detectarea timpurie dar nu in prognostic. Alt tip de investigatii de mare impact in detectarea si urmarirea tumorilor din sfera capului si gatului sunt metodele

imagistice: endoscopia- mai ales NBI, CT, RMN, PET-CT si profi lul molecular.

THE IMPORTANCE OF MODERN DIAGNOSTIC AND PROGNOSTIC METHODES IN LARYNX CANCER C.M. Goanta, R. Mihalcea, L. ZagreanUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”

For years intermediate and advanced staged tumors were approached with total laryngectomy and post-operative RT until the Veterans Administration Larynx Study in 1991 and other subsequent organ preservation trials which es-tablished the role of chemo radiation in the upfront treatment of intermediate laryngeal cancers (stage III and early IV a).

Surgical management of the larynx and hypopharyngeal malignancies have become increasingly challenging with the advent of on surgical organ preservation strategies. Failures of these protocols are often accompanied by post ra-diation sequela, which enhances post-surgical complications when a salvage laryngectomy/laryngopharyngectomy is undertaken.

That is why, having a scale of prognosis for this kind of cancer would be a great help for the surgens who would be able to decide more easily what surgical tehnique to use or if medical treatment is to be taken in concideration so the functio of the larinx is preserved and there is a lower chance for reccurences. There is currently no predictionscale of laryngeal cancer and no biological markers that are accurate in assessing this type of cancer.

Relevant Biomarkers and imagistic methodesThere are some studies that have demonstrated correlations between markers of systemic infl amation and the evolu-

tion of some types of malignant tumors. P53Oncogene is a protein encoded by the gene oncosupressor P53 and it is located on the short arm of chromosome

17; this protein “monitors” cell cycle, “preventing” through it’s workcancer’s appearcence.COX2 (Cyclooxygenase 2) - increases prostaglandin synthesis and cell proliferation, promotes angiogenesis, in-

creased invasion and inhibition of apoptosis.– Fox P3 (forkhead transcription factor) -is a marker that is found in tumor cells and has a fairly direct relationship

with cancer of the head and neck area.D1-Ciclin seems to have an oncogenic role in laryngeal cancer, but with an unknown prognostic value.– PCNA (proliferation cell nuclear antigen) - is a nuclear protein from the cyclin family whose level of synthesis

correlates directly with the rate of proliferation and DNA synthesis and quantify tumor progression and proliferation.– Ki- 67 - is a nuclear protein that is elevated in active phases of the cell cycle and is absent in G0.– EGFR (Epidermal growth factor) is a membrane receptor that controls proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell

adhesion and motility.VGFE (Vascular endothelial growth factor) shows proliferation, differentiation and migration of endothelial cells

from existing blood and lymphaticvessels.SOX 2 is a new factor studied as a prognostic factor in the pathology of malignant tumors of the head and neck and

appears to have a role in early detection of the tumor but not in its prognosis.Another type of high-impact investigations especially useful in early diagnosis and also have prognostic value are

imagistic ones:Endoscopic investigations- and especially Narrow band imaging, CT and MRI examination, PET CT scan, Mo-

lecular profi ling.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (66)



1Clinica de Anestezie şi Terapie Intensivă, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti3Clinica de Chirurgie Generală, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti

Introducere, obiective. Pierderile sanguine necontrolate rămân principala cauză de mortalitate precoce, iar 33% din pacienţii politraumatizaţi manifestă coagulopatie indusă de trauma (TIC). Testele de coagulare standard nu pot descrie natura complexă a TIC. ROTEM poate fi utilă în detectarea precoce a problemelor de coagulare în trauma majoră. Scopul studiului clinic observaţional a fost compararea testelor de coagulare standard (PT, aPTT şi fi brinogen) cu parametrii ROTEM în primele 24 de ore de la traumă.

Material, metodă. A fost un studiul unicentric, prospectiv, observaţional, pentru care s-a obţinut aprobarea Comisiei locale de etică. Au fost incluşi pacienţii cu traumă şi sângerare, ce au necesitat interventii chirurgicale în vederea hemostazei în primele 24 de ore. Pacienţii cu istoric de coagulopatie ereditară sau dobândită au fost excluşi. La admisie pacienţilor li s-a recoltat sânge pentre testele uzuale de laborator. O probă de 5ml s-a colectat într-un recipient cu citrat de sodiu şi imediat centrifugată. Trombelastometria a fost realizată în secţie de către persoane instruite, utilizând dispozitivul ROTEM®. Valorile nu au fost folosite pentru decizii clinice. Pentru a compara valorile testelor standard de coagulare s-au folosit următoarele teste ROTEM®: timpul de coagulare în ExTEM (CT ExTEM), timpul de coagulare în InTEM (CT InTEM) şi fermitatea maximă a cheagului în FibTEM (MCF FibTEM).

Rezultate. Studiul s-a desfăşurat pe o perioadă de 6 luni şi a inclus 55 subiecţi cu traumă şi sângerare, cu realizarea a 110 determinări. Caracteristicile au fost: vărsta mediană - 32.5±10.5ani (cu valori între 18 şi 84 ani), 66% au fost bărbaţi, majoritatea leziunilor au fost cauzate de accidente rutiere (66.6%), mediana ISS - 22.5±10.5 (cu valori între 12-68), PT a fost 55±26.25%, aPTT- 49±11.86s, nivelul fi brinogenului 141±93 mg/dl. Au fost observate modifi cări semnifi cative ale parametrilor ROTEM: mediana CTInTEM a fost 300±88.23s (cu valori între 100-231s), mediana CTExTEM a fost 100±34.38sec (cu valori între 41-80s) şi media MCFFibTEM 15.4±7.2mm (valori între 7-24mm). Testele standard au arătat mai frecvent nivele modifi cate de fi brinogen (84%), în timp ce FibTEM a detectat modifi cari doar la 57% din pacienţi. S-a demonstrat o corelaţie moderata între PT şi CT ExTEM (r=-0.63) şi între aPTT şi CTInTEM (r=0.59), dar cu o corelatie puternică între nivelul fi brinogenului şi MCFFibTEM (r=0.898, p<0.001).

Concluzii. Studiul nostru a confi rmat existenţa unei corelaţii moderate între testele de coagulare standard precum PT/aPTT şi parametrii ROTEM. Fibrinogenul plasmatic se corelează mult mai puternic cu parametrii FibTEM, detectând mai frecvent modifi cările funcţionale ale fi brinogenului.

Mulţumiri. Această lucrare a fost efectuată în cadrul Programului Operational Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resusrselor Umane (POSDRU), fi nantat din Fondul Social European ti Guvernul României prin contractul nr. POSDRU/156/1.5/S/132395.


1Anaestesia and Intensive Care Clinic, Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest2„Carol Davila” University of General Medicine, Bucharest3General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest

Background and Objective. Uncontrolled blood loss remain the primary causes of early trauma-related mortality and 33% of trauma patients exhibit trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC), associated with poor outcome. Standard co-agulation tests (prothrombin time-PT, activated partial thromboplastin time-aPTT) fail to accurately describe the com-plex nature of TIC. ROTEM might be useful to detect early coagulation disorders in major trauma with signifi cant bleeding. The aim of the study was to compare standard coagulation measurements (PT, aPTT, and fi brinogen level) with ROTEM testing in the fi rst 24 hours.

Materials and Methods. This clinical, prospective, observational, unicentric study was approved by the Local Ethics Committee. The study was performed in trauma patients with blood loss in the fi rst 24h. All patients with trauma injuries and surgical intervention for bleeding were included. Patients with history of hereditary/acquired coagulopa-thy were excluded. A venous/arterial blood sample was drawn immediately on admission for routine laboratory testing. A sample of 5ml was collected in a vacuum tube containing sodium citrate and centrifugate. Thromboelastometry was performed in ICU by trained operators using the ROTEM® device. The values were not used for clinical decisions. To

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (67)


compare measurements of standard coagulation tests (PT, aPTT, and fi brinogen level), the following corresponding ROTEM® tests were used: clotting time of the extrinsically activated ROTEM® assay (ExTEM-CT), respectively of the intrinsically activated ROTEM® assay (InTEM-CT) and maximum clot fi rmness of the FibTEM assay (FibTEM-MCF).

Results. A total of 55patients with bleeding trauma were enrolled over a 6-month period, and 110 measurements were recorded. Subject characteristics: median age was 32.5±10.5 years (range from 18 to 84 years), 66% were male, majority of lesions were caused by car accidents (66.6%). Median ISS was 22.5±10.5 (range from 12 to 68). PT was 55± 26,25%, aPTT - 49±11.86sec, fi brinogen level- 141±93mg/dl. We observed signifi cant modifi cations of ROTEM parameters - median InTEM CT was 300±88.23s (reference value 100-231s), median ExTEM CT was 100± 34.38s (reference value 41-80s), and average Fibtem MCF 15.4±7.2mm (reference value 7-24mm). Impaired functional fi -brinogen levels were observed more frequently based on standard assay (84%), while the FiBTEM MCF showed im-paired values in 57% of results.We found a moderate correlation between PT and ExTEM CT (r=-0.63) and also be-tween aPTT and InTEM CT (r=0.59). But we found a very good correlation between fi brinogen level and Fibtem MCF (r=0.898, p<0.001).

Conclusions. Our study confi rm that only a moderate correlation exists between standard coagulation tests such as PT or aPTT compared with the CTs using the extrinsically or intrinsically activated ROTEM® tests. Plasma fi brinogen level showed a very high correlation to the FibTEM MCF and detect more frequently impaired functional fi brinogen levels.

Acknowledgement. This paper is supported by the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development (SOP HDR), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132396/.

DEPASIREA RISCULUI IN TRANSPLANTUL ALOGREFELOR VASCULARIZATE COMPOZITeDr. Andreea Grosu-Bularda, Prof. Dr. Ioan LascarClinica de Chirurgie Plastica, Estetica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Transplantul alogrefelor vascularizate compozite reprezinta o entitate terapeutica recenta, fi ind unica solutie pentru reconstructia unor defecte tisulare complexe, implicand multiple structuri cu importanta functionala, imposibil de reparat utilizand tehnicile chirurgicale conventionale. Scopul acestei lucrari este evaluarea riscurilor ce trebuie acceptate de primitorii transplanturilor vascularizate compozite pentru a putea benefi cia de procedeul reconstructiv indicat.

Metode. Am analizat publicatiile relevante in domeniu cat si Registrul International al Transplantului de Mana si Tesuturi Compozite.

Rezultate si discutii. Incepand cu anul 1998, cand a fost efectuat primul transplant de mana, transplantul de tesuturi compozite a devenit o noua entitate clinica, cu multiple aplicatii pentru diferite zone anatomice: membre superioare si inferioare, fata, laringe, limba, trahee, perete abdominal, uter, penis. Desi nu reprezinta o interventie indispensabila supravietuirii transplantul vascular compozit poate reface functia segmentului pierdut si permite redobandirea calitatii vietii. Protocoalele curente utilizate in medicina de transplant impun utilizarea terapiei imunosupresoare pentru tot restul vietii pacientului, existand multiple complicatii legate de administrarea acesteia. Efectele adverse ale medicamentelor imunosupresoare sunt factorul ce a limitat utilizarea pe scara larga a acestor proceduri reconstructive.

La nivel international s-a creat un cadru etic favorabil utilizarii transplantului tisular compozit, protocoalele chirurgicale au devenit standardizate pentru fi ecare tip de transplant. Exista o serie de factori ce infl uenteaza succesul unui transplant vascular compozit: institutie acreditata, cu experienta in medicina de transplant, echipa multidisciplinara, selectia riguroasa a pacientilor, protocoale bine stabilite, program de urmarire pe termen lung a pacientilor. Au fost raportate rezultate clinice excelente, chirurgia reconstructiva de transplant devenind o optiune terapeutica viabila, in prezent cercetarea orientandu-se catre aspectele imunologice. Ceea ce caracterizeaza alogrefele de tesuturi compozite este complexitatea, determinata de heterogenitatea lor histologica, cuprinzand multiple tipuri tisulare(piele, grasime, muschi, nervi, ganglioni limfatici, os, maduva osoasa, cartilaj, ligamente) fi ecare exprimand un grad diferit de imunogenicitate. Studiile recente se orienteaza spre obtinerea imunomodularii, ceea ce ar permite utilizarea unor regimuri imunosupresoare mai putin agresive, implicit cu mai putine efecte adverse. Situatia ideala este inducerea tolerantei imunologice donor-specifi ce, pentru a permite acceptarea grefei fara expunerea pacientului la complicatiile medicatiei imunosupresoare.

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Concluzii. Transplanturile tisulare compozite au fost efectuate in multiple centre, dupa o selectie atenta a pacientilor si in baza unor protocoale foarte bine stabilite, obtinandu-se rezultate superioare in comparatie cu procedurile reconstructive traditionale. Pentru a extinde utilizarea pe scara larga a acestor proceduri, cercetarea continua in directia reducerii toxicitatii terapiei imunosupresoare si posibilitatii obtinerii tolerantei imunologice donor-specifi ce. Se urmareste stabilirea unor protocoale de inducere a tolerantei imunologice, ce trebuie sa fi e simple, sigure si stabile. Dezideratul suprem este toleranta completa, cu acceptarea alogrefei de catre primitor, fara necesitatea medicatiei imunosupresoare, situatie ce ar permite extinderea utilizarii transplanturilor vasculare compozite, cu posibilitati reconstructive practic nelimitate.

Mentiune: Această lucrare este efectuata in cadrul Programului Operational Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane(POSDRU), fi nantat din Fondul Social European si Guvernul Romaniei prin contractul nr. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390

OVERCOMING THE RISK IN VASCULARIZED COMPOSITE ALLOGRAFTSDr. Andreea Grosu-Bularda, Prof. Dr. Ioan LascarClinic of Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) is an emerging new dimension in transplant medicine, offering a viable reconstructive option for injuries and defects involving multiple layers of functional tissue, impossible to repair using conventional surgical techniques. This paper evaluates the risk that individuals have to ac-cept in order to receive the benefi ts of VCA procedures.

Methods. Analysis of major publications of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation was performed, including the International Registry on Hand and Composite Tissue Transplantation.

Results and discussion. Since 1998, when fi rst hand transplant was performed, vascularized composite allotrans-plantation became a new clinical entity, with different types of reconstructive transplants performed for various ana-tomic locations including: upper and lower extremities, face, larynx, tongue, trachea, abdominal wall, uterus, penis. These procedures improve the quality of life of individuals, having functional indications rather than life-saving pur-pose. The current transplant protocols require life-long immunosuppression, which expose the recipient at risk of seri-ous complications. The side effects posed by the immunosuppressive drugs used to prevent rejection limited a more rapid development of those reconstructive techniques.

The initial ethical concerns of safety and feasibility have passed, the technical aspects of VCA are well established for each clinical type of transplant. There are several factors that infl uence the success in VCA procedures: institution with experience in transplantation medicine, multidisciplinary team, careful selection of the patients, well established protocols, good follow-up program. Reported short- and long-term outcomes have been excellent thus far, reconstruc-tive transplantation is now a reality, and basic and translational research in this fi eld is advancing on many fronts, in order to overcome the immunological challenge. The immunology of composite tissue allotransplantation is complex because the grafts are composed of a variety of tissues, such as skin, fat, muscle, nerves, lymph nodes, bone, cartilage, ligaments, and bone marrow, representing different antigenicities. Recent advances in transplant immunology are shift-ing the focus from immunosuppression to immunoregulation, making composite tissue allotransplantation with novel and less potent immunosuppressive regimens a possibility. The long-term goal is to induce donor-specifi c tolerance in order to avoid the toxicity of immunosuppressive drugs.

Conclusions. Vascularized composite allografts has been performed for life enhancing indications in a selected group of patients under institutional protocols, with better aesthetic and functional results when compared to tradi-tional reconstructive techniques. In order to optimize VCA outcomes, translational studies are needed to develop less toxic immunosuppression and possibly achieve donor-specifi c tolerance

Future research should focus on establishing safe, simple, and durable donor-specifi c tolerance in recipients of VCA. Drug-free graft approaches to achieve acceptance have been termed the “holy grail” in transplantation and would represent a transformational achievement for VCA to reconstruct complex defects allowing unlimited tissue for repair.

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Develop-ment (SOP HRD,) fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (69)


SINTEZA ŞI CARACTERIZAREA UNOR NOI CLORHIDRAŢI DE N-(2-DIALCHILAMINOETIL)-N-((NE)SUBSTITUIT-FENIL-2-(4-METIL/METOXI-FENOXIMETIL)-BENZAMIDEHorea Gurgu, Carmen Limban, Alexandru Vasile Missir, Diana Camelia NuţăChimie Farmaceutică, Facultatea de Farmacie, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie , ”Carol Davila”, Traian Vuia 6, Bucureşti, 020956, România

Introducere. Benzamidele prezintă diverse acţiuni farmacologice precum: antimicrobiană, anestezică locală, analgezică, antipsihotică şi antidepresivă.

Pentru a putea evalua acţiunea lor antimicrobiană şi analgezică, noi benzamide au fost sintetizate.Material şi metode. Acidul 2-(4-metil/metoxi-fenoximetil)benzoic a fost pus la refl ux cu clorură de tionil in exces,

folosind 1,2-dicloroetan ca mediu de reacţie. Clorura de 2-(4-metil/metoxi-fenoximetil)benzoil obţinută a reacţionat cu N-(2-dialchilaminoetil)-N-((ne)substituit-fenil)amina în toluen anhidru, în prezenţa trietilaminei pentru a obţine N-(2-dialchilaminoetil)-N-((ne)substituit-fenil-2-(4-metil/metoxi-fenoximetil)-benzamide. Clorurile s-au obţinut prin tratarea soluţiilor eterice de benzamide cu acid clorhidric eterat la temperatură joasă.

Structurile noilor compuşi cât şi a intermediarilor au fost determinate prin analiză elementală, IR, 1H-RMN şi 13C-RMN. Deplasările chimice pentru hidrogen şi carbon au fost confi rmate prin 2D-RMN.

Rezultate şi discuţii. Am stabilit condiţiile optime ale procesului de reacţie pentru a obţine compuşi cu o puritate ridicată şi randamente bune. Noii compuşi au fost caracterizaţi prin intermediul constantelor lor fi zice (punct de topire, solubilitate). Rezultatele analizei spectrale au confi rmat structura acestor compuşi şi de asem*nea sinteza pe care am realizat-o.

Concluzii. Noi benzamide au fost obţinute prin metode de sinteză optimizate şi caracterizate folosind IR, RMN şi analiză elementală. Activitatea antimicrobiană şi analgezică urmează a fi studiate.

SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NEW N-(2-DIALKYLAMINOETHYL)-N-((UN) SUBSTITUTED PHENYL-2-(4-METHYL/METHOXY-PHENOXYMETHYL)-BENZAMIDES HYDROCHLORIDEHorea Gurgu, Carmen Limban, Alexandru Vasile Missir, Diana Camelia NuţăPharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Traian Vuia 6, Bucharest, 020956, Romania

Introduction. Benzamides have diverse pharmacological effects such as antimicrobial, local anesthetic, analgesic, antipsychotic and antidepressant effect.

In order to evaluate for their antimicrobial and analgesic activities, new benzamides were designed and prepared. Material and methods. 2-(4-Methyl/ methoxy-phenoxymethyl)benzoic acid was refl uxed with thionyl chloride in

excess, using anhydrous 1,2-dichloroethane as reaction medium. The obtained 2-(4-methyl/ methoxy-phenoxymethyl)benzoyl chloride reacted with N-(2-dialkylaminoethyl)-N-((un)substituted phenyl)-amine in anhydrous toluene in the presence of triethylamine to give N-(2-dialkylaminoethyl)-N-((un)substituted phenyl-2-(4-methyl/methoxy-phenoxymethyl)-benzamides. The hydrochlorides were obtained by treating the etheric solution of benzamides with ethereal hydrochloricum acid at low temperature.

The structures of the original compounds and the intermediate compounds were established by elemental analysis, IR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. The chemical shifts for hydrogen and carbon atoms were confi rmed also by 2D-NMR experiments.

Results and discussion. We established the optimal reaction conditions in the synthesizing process with high pu-rity and good yields. The new compounds have been characterized by their physical constants (melting point, solubil-ity). The results of spectral analysis confi rmed the structure of these compounds and also the synthesis that we have done.

Conclusions. New benzamides were synthesized by optimized synthesis methods and characterized using IR, NMR and elemental analysis. The antimicrobial and analgesic activities are going to be studied.


Introduction. Sevofl urane is an inhalatory anesthetic agent used in induction and maintenance of general anesthe-sia. Electroencephalography (EEG) serves as a monitoring technique, complementing traditional methods, reducing

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (70)


the risks and improving the outcome of individual patients. In this study we analyze the effects of 6% and 8% inhala-tory concentration of sevofl urane on electroencephalographic activity during anesthesia induction and the evoked re-sponse using fl ash stimulation in Wistar rats, by analyzing visual evoked potentials.

Materials & methods. For this study we used 8 Wistar rats weighing approximately 300 g. Extradural electrodes were chronically surgically implanted one week before the EEG recordings. The extradural electroencephalographic recordings were performed using Biopac MP150 Data Acquisition System with fl ash stimulation. At the same time we recorded EKG, for vital signs monitoring. 6% and 8% sevofl urane for 15 minutes in 100% oxygen was administered. We analyzed the morphology of visual evoked potentials (VEP) in relation to sevofl urane concentration administered and the epochs (duration 5 minutes each) from anesthesia onset.

Results. Induction with sevofl urane induced signifi cant EEG suppression in all subjects for both inhalatory anes-thetic concentrations, 6% and 8%. Flash VEPs could be consistently recorded during suppression periods. On EKG we recorded a slightly drop in heart rate throughout the recordings. For the consecutive epochs that were analized from the beginning of anesthetic induction, VEPs showed increased latencies of the identifi ed peaks (N1, P1, N2) but no sig-nifi cant difference in amplitude. The mean latencies of P1 (best identifi ed and only positive peak) for the 3 recorded epochs for 6% and 8% sevofl urane were 68±8.83, 73.75±8.46, 76.5±13.82 ms and 61.4±13.39, 64.8±12.79, 65.8±9.25 ms.

Conclusions. Visual evoked potentials were detectable under EEG suppression determined by anesthesia with sevofl uran for both induction anesthetic concentrations 6% and 8%. Although the amplitude varied, the latency and the waveform of VEPs could help assess the functional integrity of the brain during anesthesia induction.

Acknowledgment. This paper is partly supported by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources De-velopment (SOPHRD), fi nanced by the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU 141531.


1Clinica de Chirurgie Plastica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti2Sectia de Anatomie Patologica, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti3Departamentul de Colagen Institutul de Pielarie Bucuresti4U.M.F. „Carol Davila” Bucuresti

Aceasta lucrare este sustinuta de Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), fi nantata prin Fondurile Sociale Europene si prin Guvernul Romaniei in contractual cu numarul POSDRU/159/1.5/137390

Introducere. Chirurgia reconstructiva a cartilajelor nazale este un domeniu in continua cercetare cu perfectionarea unor noi tehnici operatorii ce includ autogrefe, cat si diferite materiale alloplastice. Cele mai noi studii privind chirurgia reconstructiva a peretelui abdominal si toracic, chirurgia pelvina, includ plase compozite de polipropilena acoperite cu starturi de colagen. In chirurgia reconstructiva nazala aceste plase au fost putin studiate, pentru utilizarea lor clinica asteptandu-se noi studii ce vor confi rma oportunitatea folosirii acestor materiale biocopatibile. Studiul nostru doreste sa aduca argumente pentru utilizarea plaselor compozite in chirurgia reconstructiva a cartilajelor nazale.

Material si metoda. Cercetarea de fata include un studiu experimental pe sobolani Brown-Norway, realizat in Laboratorul de Microchirurgie Experimentala a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti. S-au implantat la nivelul regiunii dorsale a sobolanilor de laborator plase de polipropilena acoperite de colagen (acoperirea s-a realizat in Institutul de Pielarie, Departamentul de Colagen), plase de polipropilena si grefe autologe de cartilaj auricular pentru a determina biocompatibilitatea plaselor de polipropilena acoperite de colagen in comparatie cu grefele autologe de cartilaj auricular.sobolanii de laborator au fost mentinuti in conditii romale de viata 8 saptamani. Ulterior, s-au recoltat piesele operatorii si s-au examinat histopatologic in Sectia de Anatomie Patologica a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti.

Rezultate. Rezultatele preliminarii ale studiului sunt incurajatoare pentru implementarea in practica a utilizarii acestor materiale in reconstructia nazala. In jurul plaselor de polipropilena acoperite de colagen exista o reactie granolomatoasa de corp strain limitata cantitativ, rare PMN neutrofi le dispuse izolat, fara a forma abcese. In jurul grefei autologe de cartilaj auricular se observa o pseudocapsula fi broasa subtire, fara reactie infl amatorie.

Rezultatele preliminarii sunt realizate pe un lot redus de sobolani de laborator si se vor astepta rezultatele intregului studiu pentru a trage concluzii asupra biocompatibilitatii plaselor de polipropilena acoperite cu colagen pentru reconstructia si substituirea cartilajelor nazale.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (71)


Discutii. Este necesar un numar mai mare de sobolani operati pentru a aprecia acest rezultat ca promitator, dar reactia infl amatorie localizata, fara semne de infectie, cu tendinta spre formare a unei capsule fi broase, ce este asemanatoare cu reactia tisulara de la nivelul grefei autologe de cartilaj auricular demostreaza posibilitatea utilizarii acestor plase de polipropilena acoperite cu colagen in chirurgia reconstructiva a cartilajelor nazale.

Studii viitoare vor putea determina oportunitatea utilizarii acestor plase de polipropilena acoperite cu colagen pentru a reconstrui defectele cartilaginoase nazale si utilizarea acestora in studii clinice.

USING COMPOSITE MESHES OF POLYPROPYLENE COVERED WITH COLLAGEN IN NASAL RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERYDr. Sabina Ionita1, Dr. Serban Popescu1,4, Dr Valentin Enache2, Dr. Madalina Albu3, Prof. Dr. Lascar Ioan1,4

1Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department, Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest2Anatomopathological Department, Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest3Collagen Department, Leather Institute Bucharest4University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” Bucharest

This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), fi -nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSD-RU/159/1.5/137390

Introduction. Nasal cartilaginous reconstructive surgery is a domain in exponential development with the im-provement of new surgery tehniques that include autografts and different alloplastic materials. The latest studies re-garding reconstructive surgery of the abdominal and thoracic wall, pelvic surgery include using of composite meshes of polypropylene covered with collagen. In nasal reconstructive surgery those types of meshes are less studied, we are waiting for new studies that will confi rm the oportunity of using those alloplasts for clinical use of those biocompatible alloplasts. Our study wants to confi rm the using of composite meshes in nasal cartilaginous reconstructive surgery.

Material and method. Our research include an experimental study on Brown-Norway rats, accomplished in Ex-perimental Microsurgical Laboratory of Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest. At the dorsal area of the rats were implanted polypropylene meshes covered with collagen (the coverage was done at Leather Institute, Collage Depart-ment), polypropylene meshes and auricular cartilage autografts for determining the biocompatibility of the polypropyl-ene meshes covered with collagen in comparison with auricular cartilage autograts. The rats were kept in normal conditions for 8 weeks. The operatory pieses were anatomopathological examined at Anatomopathological Depart-ment of Clinical Emergency Hospital Bucharest.

Results. Preliminary results of the study are found to be promising for implementation in clinical use of those al-loplasts for nasal reconstructive purpouse. Around the polypropylene meshes covered with collagen can be found a granulomatous foreign body reaction of small dimensions, few izolated PMN neutrofi ls, without the creation of ab-cesses. Around the auricular cartilage autograts we found a thin fi brous pseudocapsule, with no infl ammatory reaction.

The preliminary results are determined on a small lot of laboratory rats, we are waiting for the resuts of the entire study for determining the biocompatibility of polypropylene meshes covered with collagen for nasal cartilage recon-struction and subtitution of the affected nasal cartilage.

Discussions. We have to operate a large lot of rats in order to determine if the results are promising, but the local infl ammatory reaction, with no infection, with development of a fi brous capsule, is similar to the tisular reaction around the auricular cartilage autografts demonstrate the possibility of utilising polypropylene meshes covered with collagen in nasal cartilage reconstructive surgery.

Future studies will determine the opportunity of using those polypropylene meshes covered with collagen for nasal cartilaginous defects and the development of clinical studies.

EFECTE ALE ADMINISTRARII INTRANAZALE SI INTRAPERITONEALE DE OXITOCINA LA SOARECILiana Kobylinska, Gabriel Geagulea, Vlad Berbecar, Ana-Maria Zagrean, Leon ZagreanCentrul de excelenta in Neurostiinte –UMF “Carol Davila”

Introducere. Oxitocina este implicata in promovarea diverselor comportamente pro-sociale. Studii recente sugereaza si rolul sau anxiolitic.

Scop. Scopul acestei lucrari a fost evaluarea modifi carilor comportamentului soarecilor la Open Field Test (OFT) dupa administrarea inhalatorie si intraperitoneala acuta de oxitocina.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (72)


Materiale si metode. Treizeci si patru de soareci cu varste intre 60 si 90 de zile au fost impartiti in doua grupuri- oxitocina si placebo, in functie de substanta care le-a fost administrata. Zece soareci din fi ecare lot au primit, prin in-halare, 22 min, oxitocina sau ser fi ziologicc, iar restul de 7 soareci din fi ecare lot au primit o singura injectie intraperi-toneala cu oxitocina. Soarecii din lotul oxitocina au primit fi ecare cate 1UI de oxitocina, in vreme ce grupul placebo a primit echivalentul de ser fi ziologic. OFT a fost efectuat la 30-90 de minute dupa prima administrarea inhalatorie si la 60 de minute dupa cea injectabila. Soarecii au fost monitorizati cu programul EthoVison, iar rezultatele au fost inter-pretate folosind SPSS 16.0 si Microsoft Offi ce Excel. Pentru fi ecare soarece, au fost determinate distanta totala par-cursa la OFT, numarul intrarilor in centrul arenei, viteza medie, numarul de defecatii si frecventa intrarilor in centru.

Rezultate. Desi diferentele dintre cele doua grupuri au fost mici atat la administrarea intraperitoneala, cat si la cea inhalatorie de substanta, se observa ca soarecii din grupul cu oxitocina au avut mai multe intrari in centrul arenei si mai putine defecatii pentru ambele moduri de administrare.

Concluzii. Administrarea inhalatorie de oxitocina dupa modelul propus induce rezultate comparabile cu adminis-trarea intraperitoneala la soareci in conditii experimentale.

MENŢIUNE: Această lucrare este parţial sprijinită de către Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POSDRU) fi nanţat din Fondul Social European şi de către Guvernul României prin contractul nr. POSDRU 141531

VARYING EFFECTS ACCORDING TO THE WAY OF ADMINISTRATION OF OXYTOCIN IN MICEKobylinska L., Geagulea G., Stefan A.M., Zagrean A.M., Zagrean L.“Carol Davila” Center for Excellence in Neuroscience

Introduction. Oxytocin is involved in several behavioral patterns. Recent studies have proven its anxiolitic role. Aim. The goal of this research was to assess the modifi cation of open fi eld test (OFT) activity in mice after acute

inhalator and intraperitoneal oxytocin administration. Materials and methods. Thirty-four male adult mice, aged 60 to 90 days, were divided in 2 groups – oxytocin and

placebo, according to the substance they were administered. Ten mice from each group received the substances through a 22 minutes inhalation. The seven remaining mice from each group received an intraperitoneal injection of the respec-tive substance. Oxytocin group received 1UI of oxytocin, while the placebo group received the equivalent quantity of saline solution. OFT was performed 30-90 min after the inhalatory administration and at 60 min after the intraperito-neal administration. The mice were monitored at the OFT using the EthoVison software and the results were analysed using SPSS 16.0 and Microsoft Offi ce Excel. The total distance, the frequency of entries in the center of the arena, the time spent in the center, the average speed and the number of defecations were determined for each mouse.

Results. Even if the differences between the two groups were small for both the administration pathways, the mice in the oxytocin group had more center entries and less defecations than those in the control group.

Conclusions. Our proposed model of inhalatory oxytocin administration seems to be comparable to the already used model of intraperitoneal injection of the substance.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper is partly supported by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Re-sources Development (SOPHRD), fi nanced by the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU 141531

ROLUL DIABETULUI ZAHARAT IN EVOLUŢIA SI SEVERITATEA PANCREATITEI ACUTE – DATE PRELIMINARELica M., Negoi I., Suhaciu D., Lica I., Beuran M.Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucureşti, Clinica de Chirurgie Generala

Diabetul zaharat (DZ) este patologie întâlnită relativ frecvent la pacienţii cu pancreatita acuta (PA) si se crede ca aceste doua afecţiuni aparent diferite ale pancreasului îşi exercita o infl uenta reciproca. Pe de alta parte progresele înregistrate in înţelegerea patogeniei si evoluţiei PA au dus la apariţia de noi revizuiri si clasifi cări, una dintre acestea fi ind cea de la Atlanta 2012.

Scopul acestei lucrări este de a evidenţia legăturile si infl uentele afecţiunilor cronice, in special DZ, asupra evoluţiei si severităţii PA.

Au fost analizate retrospectiv 244 cazuri de PA internate in Clinica de Chirurgie Generala a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Bucureşti in anul 2014 utilizând criteriile Atlanta 2012.

Din cei 244 pacienţi cu pancreatita acuta 38 au DZ tip 2 ceea ce reprezintă un procent de 15,6% (similar cu datele întâlnite in literatura). Repartiţia si compararea cazurilor in funcţie de grupele de vârsta, gen, etiologie nu au arătat

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (73)


diferenţe semnifi cative. In cadrul grupei de pacienţi cu PA uşoară 17 din 118 au DZ (14,4%), in grupa de PA moderat-severa 18 din 83 au DZ (21,7%) iar in grupa de PA severa DZ prezinta 3 din 12 (25%). Din punct de vedere al duratei de spitalizare in grupa de PA uşoară cei cu DZ au o medie a spitalizării de 6 zile fata de cei fără DZ (7 zile), in grupa de PA moderat severa pacienţii cu DZ au 12,4 zile spitalizare fata de cei fără DZ (11 zile) iar pentru PA severa cei cu DZ au 42 zile de spitalizare fata de 41,2 cei fără DZ. Analiza mortalităţii nu aduce rezultate semnifi cative din cauza numărului mic de decese înregistrate (11 cazuri, 4,5% din care doar 2 pacienţi cu DZ).

Analiza pacienţilor in funcţie de cele trei grupe de severitate ale PA (uşoară, moderat-severa si severa) decelează o tendinţa de creştere a ponderii cazurilor de DZ odată cu creşterea nivelului de severitate al PA, precum si o creştere a duratei de spitalizare pentru pacienţii cu DZ încadraţi in grupele 2 si 3 de severitate a PA.

Mărimea lotului studiat si modalitate de înregistrare a datelor nu permite obţinerea unor rezultate cu semnifi caţie statistica dar se poate observa o tendinţă in ceea ce priveşte infl uenta DZ asupra PA. Datele ulterioare si eventual o analiza multicentrica vor aduce dovezi noi legate de aceasta asociere.


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is often observed in patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) and it is often believed that these two apparent unrelated diseases have a mutual infl uence. On the other hand the progresses on pathology and evolution of AP led to new revisions and classifi cation, and Atlanta 2012 being one of them.

The aim of these paper is to details the connections and infl uences of chronic diseases, especially diabetes on evolu-tion and severity of AP.

244 cases of AP admitted to General Surgery Department of Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest in 2014 were analyzed in retrospective manner following the Atlanta 2012 criteria.

38 out of these 244 patients have diabetes witch represent a 15.6 % - similar to medical literature. Age, gender, etiology analysis didn’t show relevant differences. In the group of Mild AP 17 out of 118 have DM (14.4%), in the group of Moderately-Severe AP 18 out of 83 have DM (21.7%) and in the Severe AP group 3 out of 12 have DM (25%). Concerning the length of hospital stay (LOS), patients with DM in Mild AP group have a mean LOS of 6 days vs 7 days for those without DM; in Moderately-Severe AP group patients with DM have a mean LOS of 12.4 days vs 11 days for those without DM and in Severe AP group patients with DM have a LOS of 42 days vs 41.2 days for those without DM. Mortality analyses doesn’t bring any signifi cant data because of small number of death (11 cases – 4.5% in witch only 2 patients had DM)

Patient’s analysis according to these 3 groups of AP severity (mild, moderately-severe and severe) detects a certain tendencies of increase in number of DM patients as the severity level increases and also a bigger LOS for patients with DM in the second and third group of severity.

We believed that this relatively small number of cases and the retrospective manner of recording didn’t get to a certain statistically signifi cance but one could observe that there is a tendency of DM to infl uence on AP. Further data and a possible multicenter analyses will bring new evidence on these association.

C-SRC TYROSINE KINASE MEDIATES HIGH GLUCOSE-INDUCED ENDOTHELIN-1 EXPRESSION IN DIABETESSimona-Adriana Manea, Ioana Madalina Fenyo, Alina Constantin, Adrian ManeaInstitute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of diabetes-associated cardio-vascular disorders by inducing impaired vascular relaxation, infl ammation, oxidative stress, and vascular remodeling. The mechanisms of ET-1 up-regulation in diabetes are not entirely defi ned. c-Src protein tyrosine kinase regulates various pathophysiological aspects of vascular response to diabetic conditions. We aimed to elucidating whether a causal relationship among high glucose-activated c-Src and ET-1 up-regulation exists.

Materials and Methods. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells EAhy926 were exposed to high levels of glucose (16.5-25 mM) for 24 h. Real-time PCR, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot analysis were used to investigate ET-1 regulation. The c-Src function and expression were selectively downregulated by pharmacological inhibition and siRNA-mediated gene silencing. Male C57BL/6 mice were rendered diabetic by intraperitoneal injec-tion of streptozotocin and treated for 5 weeks with either vehicle or Src I1 (1 mg/kg/day), a specifi c c-Src inhibitor.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (74)


Results and Discussions. High glucose dose-dependently up-regulated ET-1 gene and peptide expression. It also induced signifi cant increases in c-Src phosphorylation. Chemical inhibition as well as silencing of c-Src decreased signifi cantly the high-glucose (25 mM) induced ET-1 expression. Treatment with Src I1 signifi cantly reduced the up-regulated ET-1 peptide, the gene expression of ET-1, as well as the mRNA levels of MCP-1, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 in the aorta of diabetic mice compared to normal animals.

Conclusions. These data provide new insights into the regulation of ET-1 by c-Src in endothelial cells in diabetes. Since c-Src mediates the signals triggered by numerous diabetic factors including high glucose concentration, cyto-kines, reactive oxygen species, hormones and vasoactive agents, modulation of c-Src activity may represent a new pharmacological approach to counteract the effects induced by the ET-1 in diabetes and its complications.

Acknowledgements. Work supported by Romanian Academy and CNCS – UEFISCDI grant, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0142 and PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0548. Simona-Adriana Manea acknowledges the fi nancial support of POSDRU/159/1.5./S/133391.

ZONE DE SIMILARITATE INTRE GENOMUL DE LA VITIS VINIFERA SI GENA INSULINEI UMANELiliana Mardare, Constantin Ionescu-TirgovisteInstitutul National de Diabet, Nutritie şi Boli Metabolice “N.C. Paulescu “, Bucureşti, România

Rezumat. Numărul de cromozomi sau mărimea genomului pot reprezenta un factor decisiv în măsurarea complexităţii unui organism. În prezent, numărul aproximativ de gene de la cele două specii este cunoscut. Interesant este faptul că genomul de la Vitis Vinifera are cu 1300 de gene în plus faţă de hom*o Sapiens. Unanim acceptat este faptul că plantele evoluează în funcţie de nevoile animalelor şi invers, sau mai pe scurt, evoluţia unei specii este dependentă de evoluţia celorlalte specii din mediu. Cele mai vechi dovezi arată că interacţiunea speciei noastre cu Vitis Viniferea datează din perioada Neoliticului. Aşadar, cu cât două specii interacţionează mai mult timp, cu atât devin mai dependente una de cealaltă. Vitis Vinifera este una dintre speciile cele mai cultivate. Este o plantă diploidă cu 2n = 38 cromozomi. Specia are un genom mic de aproximativ 500 Mb, ceea ce face posibilă analiza genomului la struguri. Scopul acestui studiu a fost acela de a observa eventuale similarităţi între gena şi promotorul genei insulinei şi genomul de la Vitis Vinifera. Concluziile studiului sunt urmatoarele: În genomul de la Vitis Vinifera au fost detectate 35 de zone similare cu gena insulinei si 51 de zone similare cu promotorul genei insulinei. Se presupune faptul că unele molecule proteice din Vitis Vinifera care actionează asupra acestor 51 de regiuni genomice pot avea un efect benefi c asupra regiunii promotor a genei insulinei umane (ex. Factorii de transcripţie). Dacă secvenţele ADN sunt similare atunci şi proteinele care acţionează asupra lor trebuie să aibă un efect similar indiferent de specie. Frecvenţa cea mai mare de similarităţi gasite între gena INS şi genomul de la Vitis Vinifera a fost observată pe cromozomul 14. Pe cromozomii 2,3,7,10,11,17 nu a fost detectată nici o zonă de similaritate între gena INS şi genomul de la Vitis Vinifera. Frecvenţa cea mai mare de similarităţi gasite între promotorul genei INS şi genomul de la Vitis Vinifera a fost observată pe cromozomul 6, cromozomul 8 şi cromozomul 14. Pe cromozomii 2,3,9,10,11,17 nu a fost detectată nici o zonă de similaritate între promotorul genei INS şi genomul de la Vitis Vinifera. Pe cromozomii 10,11,17,2 şi 3 nu a fost detectată nici o zonă de similaritate. Prin suprapunerea zonelor de similaritate între gena INS şi promotorul genei INS cu genomul de la Vitis Vinifera, am reusit să detectăm cromozomii care încorporează cele mai frecvente zone de similaritate, aceştia sunt: cromozomul 14,6,8,13,15, fi ecare cu cel puţin 6 zone de similaritate.

Recunoasteri. Aceasta lucrare a fost sustinuta de programul “CERO – Profi lul Cariera: Cercetător român”, număr POSDRU/159/1.5/S/135760, cofi nantat din Fondul Social European pentru Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

CORELAŢII ÎNTRE ERITROPOIETINA SERICĂ ŞI STRESUL OXIDATIV ERITROCITAR LA SUBIECŢI VÂRSTNICI CU DIABET DE TIP 2Denisa Margina1, Rucsandra Dănciulescu2, Mihaela Ilie1, Claudia Borsa3, Cristina Ionescu3, Gabriel Ioan Prada3, Daniela Gradinaru1

1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Carol Davila, Facultatea de Farmacie, Bucureşti, România2Institutul Naţional de Diabet, Nutriţie şi Boli Metabolice Prof. N. Paulescu, Bucureşti, România3Institutul Naţional de Gerontologie şi Geriatrie Ana Aslan, Bucureşti, România

Eritropoietina (EPO) – un hormon cu rol cheie în hematopoieză, este recunoscut recent şi pentru acţiunea sa pleiotropă şi rolul protector în îmbătrânire, fi indu-i tot mai mult evaluată implicarea într-o varietate mare de stări patologice care se pot suprapune cu stresul oxidativ şi cu bolile vasculare şi metabolice, aşa cum este cazul diabetului

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (75)


zaharat. Scopul acestui studiu a fost acela de a evalua interrelaţia dintre nivelurile circulante de EPO şi biomarkeri de stres oxidativ la pacienţi vârstnici cu diabet de tip 2 (T2DM). Studiul s-a realizat pe 67 de pacienţi: un grup cu T2DM (69 ± 5 ani; n=37) fără anemie, şi un grup de control (70±6 ani; n=30), aparent sănătoşi, ale căror parametri biochimici, hematologici şi imunologici se încadrau în valori normale. Au fost evaluate concentraţiile serice de EPO, susceptibilitatea eritrocitelor la peroxidare (ESP), şi capacitatea antioxidantă serică totală (TAC). La pacienţii cu T2DM au fost semnalate valori semnifi cativ mai scăzute (p<0.01) ale nivelurilor serice de EPO, comparativ cu pacienţii sănătoşi, deşi aceste valori se încadrează în limitele valorilor normale ale EPO sangvine. De asem*nea, tot la grupul T2DM se evidenţiază niveluri semnifi cativ mai crescute ale ESP (p<0.001), comparativ cu grupul de control. O altă observaţie interesantă este dată de existenţa unei corelaţii negative, semnifi cative între concentraţiile plasmatice de EPO şi ESP, atât la grupul de subiecţi cu T2DM (r = -0.565; p < 0.001), cât şi pentru tot grupul de studiu (r = - 0,600; p < 0,001; n=67). În concluzie, aceste rezultate aduc noi dovezi privind efectul citoprotector al EPO, exercitat la nivel sistemic asupra membranei eritrocitare, în cazul particular al unui metabolism glucidic anormal asociat cu stres oxidativ, la subiecţi vârstnici.

ERYTHROPOIETIN SERUM LEVELS AND ERYTHROCYTE OXIDATIVE STRESS MARKERS IN ELDERLY WITH TYPE 2 DIABETESDenisa Margina1, Rucsandra Dănciulescu2, Mihaela Ilie1, Claudia Borsa3, Cristina Ionescu3, Gabriel Ioan Prada3, Daniela Gradinaru1

1Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Bucharest, Romania2Prof. N. Paulescu Institute of Diabetes, Metabolic and Nutrition Diseases, Bucharest, Romania3Ana Aslan - National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Bucharest, Romania

Erythropoietin (EPO), a key hormone involved in red blood cell formation has been recently acknowledged for its pleiotropic actions and protective role in ageing and various pathological conditions concurrent with oxidative stress, vascular diseases and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes mellitus. The aim of the study was to evaluate the rela-tionship between circulating erythropoietin levels and oxidative stress biomarkers, in elderly with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). The study was carried out in 67 subjects with T2DM (69 ± 5 years; n=37) without anemia, and aged-matched controls (70±6 years; n=30). EPO serum levels, erythrocyte susceptibility to lipid peroxidation (ESP) and total anti-oxidant capacity (TAC) were evaluated. Lower EPO levels (p < 0.01) and higher ESP values (p < 0.001) were found out in T2DM group, compared to healthy subjects. EPO levels showed signifi cant negative associations with ESP, both in T2DM subjects (r = -0.565; p < 0.001) and in all study population (r = -0,600; p < 0,001; n = 67). In conclusion, we provide new data regarding the cytoprotective effect of EPO exerted at systemic level on erythrocyte membrane, in the particular state of impaired glucose metabolism associated with oxidative stress, in the elderly.

MODIFICAREA FUNCŢIILOR BIOLOGICE ALE OVOPROTEINELORIuliana Mihai1,2, Mariana Oporanu1, Alina Ghiur1, Viorica Chiurciu1, C. Chiurciu1, I.V. Pătraşcu1

1S.C. Romvac Company S.A., România2Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Chimie, Departamentul de Chimie analitică, România

Rezistenţa la antibiotice a microorganismelor patogne reprezintă o problemă actuală de interes global. În anul 2014 Organizaţia mondială a sănătăţii (WHO) declară începutul erei post antibiotice şi trage un semnal de alarmă către comunităţileştiinţifi ce din toată lumea în vederea dezvoltării unor practici alternative de tratament pentru infecţiile cauzate de microorganismele rezistente la medicamentaţia clasică. În acest context, un exemplu inedit îl reprezintă dezvoltarea oului hiperimun şi utilizarea acestuia ca suport imunologic natural prin intermediul biomoleculelor cu proprietăţi remarcabile din componenţa acestuia. S-a demonstrat că prin modifi carea condiţiilor de viaţă a găinilor, prin modifi carea alimentaţiei sau prin imunizarea acestora cu diferite microorganisme patogene pentru om sau animale este posibilă modifi carea ovoproteinelor din punct de vedere compoziţional (1), structural şi funcţional (2).

În această lucrare s-a urmărit studierea proprietăţilor imunologice ale ovoproteinelor extrase din ouă colectate de la găini imunizate fi e cu un singur antigen, fi e cu un amestec de 15 antigene diferite cu patogenitate pentru om. În acest scop oul a fost separat cu grijă în cele două componente: gălbenuşul din care s-a extras imunoglobulina Y, şi albuşul din care s-au izolat mai multe fracţii proteice: ovotransferina, ovalbumina, lizozimul şi ovomucina. Pentru confi rmarea rezultatelor, s-au urmărit aceleaşi proceduri de extracţie a ovoproteinelor din ouă colectate de la găini libere de patogeni specifi ci (SPF). Aceste proteine au fost utilizate ca martori negativi de reacţie.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (76)


Imunogenitatea indusă de diferite tulpini bacteriene rezistente la antibiotice, virusuri sau ciuperci izolate de la pacienţii/spitalizaţi în România a fost testată urmărindu-se reactivitatea imunologică a celor cinci proteinelor de interes.

Răspunsul imun al ovoproteinelor s-a măsurat prin teste ELISA directe şi competitive, prin reacţii simple de aglu-tinare rapidă şi lentă precum şi prin imunodifuziune în gel de agar. Deasem*nea, s-a evaluat activitatea specifi că a proteinelor de a inhiba multiplicarea bacteriană in vitro prin testul IMB. Identifi carea proteinelor s-a realizat pe baza greutăţilor moleculare prin testul de electroforeză în gel de poliacrilamidă (SDS-PAGE) iar rezultatele au fost confi r-mate utilizând kituri ELISA standardizate.

Rezultatele obţinute au confi rmat teoria iniţială potrivit căreia prin stimularea sistemului imunitar al găinii se induc o serie de transformări în ceea ce priveşte funcţionalitatea proteinelor din ou. Trei dintre ovoproteinele din albuş au demonstrat caracter immunologic similar imunoglobulinelor din gălbenuş. Acestea prezintă răspuns imun specifi c faţă de toate antigenele utilizate la imunizarea găinilor, chiar si faţă de tulpinile rezistente la antibiotic.

Această descoperire poate fi extrem de importantă pentru sănătatea umană, proteinele specifi ce din albuş putând potenţa efectul imunoglobulinei Y în tratamentul şi prevenţia infecţiilor cauzate de diferite microorganisme rezistente la antibiotice.

Bibliografi e

1. Grune T. et al, “Enrichment of eggs with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: effects of vitamin E supplementation”, Lipids. 2001 Aug: 36(8):833-8.

2. J.P. Dean Goldring and Theresa H.T. Coetzer, ”Isolation of Chicken Immunoglobulins (IgY) from Egg Yolk”, BIOCHEM. AND MOLEC. BIOL. ED., Printed in U.S.A. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 185–187, 2003.

CHANGING THE BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF EGG PROTEINSIuliana Mihai1,2, Mariana Oporanu1, Alina Ghiur1, Viorica Chiurciu1, C. Chiurciu1, I.V. Pătraşcu1

1S.C. Romvac Company S.A., Voluntari, Ilfov, 077190, Romanial2University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Departament, Romania

Antibiotic resistance of pathogenic microorganisms is a global issue nowadays. World Health Organization (WHO) declared in 2014 the beginning of “post antibiotic era” and sounds the alarm to scientifi c communities worldwide to develop alternative practices for the treatment of infections caused by these organisms resistant to conventional medi-cation. An example is the development of novel hyperimmune egg and its use as a natural immune support through specifi c biomolecules with remarkable properties. It has been shown that by changing the living conditions of hens, by changing their diet or by immunizing them with different pathogens to humans or animals is possible to change com-positional (1), structural and functional (2) properties of the egg proteins.

In this work we have studied the immunological properties of the proteins extracted from eggs originating from hens immunized with both monovalent and polyvalent antigens. The eggs were carefully split in two parts: the egg yolk containing the most important protein – the immunoglobulin Y (IgY) and the egg white from which several pro-tein fractions were isolated: Ovotransferrin, Ovalbumin, Ovomucin and Lysozyme. In order to confi rm the results, the same procedures were followed to extract proteins from eggs collected from specifi c pathogen-free hens (SPF). These proteins have been used as the negative control.

The immunogenicity induced by different antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains isolated from patients hospitalized in Romania, by viruses or fungi was assayed by monitoring the immunological reactivity of the fi ve proteins of interest.

The immune response of the egg proteins was measured by direct and competitive ELISA test, by rapid agglutina-tion reactions and by Outcherlony immunodiffusion test. Also, we have evaluated the specifi c activity of these proteins to inhibit the bacterial multiplication in vitro using the IMB assay. Identifi cation of proteins based on their molecular weight was carried out by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and the results were confi rmed by using standard ELISA kits.

The test results have shown that the original theory regarding the stimulation of the immune system of the hen and inducing a number of changes in the functionality of the egg proteins was correct. Three of the proteins extracted from egg white showed similar immunological character as yolk immunoglobulins. They show specifi c immune response to all antigens used for immunization of the hens and this effect was observed even when antibiotic resistant strains were tested.

The egg proteins immunological activity against the variety of microorganisms used for hen immunization (bacte-rial, fungal or viral antigens) can be a very important discovery. These proteins can increase the effi ciency of the spe-cifi c IgY and expand the use of these products in the prevention and treatment of infections with antibiotic-resistant pathogens in humans and animals.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (77)


TIPURI DE INTERVENTII SI COMPLICATII POSTOPERATORII IN CURA CHISTULUI HIDATIC HEPATIC – STUDIU PE 3 ANIMihaila Daniela Elena, Poteca Teodor Dan Spitalul Clinic Colentina, Clinica de Chirurgie Generala

Introducere. Hidatidoza este o parazitoza cu dezvoltare chistica tumorala, data de tenia Echinoccocus, raspanadita mai ales in bazinul mediteraneean si america de sud. Romania face parte din zonele endemice avand incidenta mai ales in randul populatiei rurale. Principalele sedii de localizare ale bolii sunt organele parenchimatoase, in primul rand fi catul si plamanii. Particularitatile chirurgiei hepatice asociate cu o parazitoza agresiva duc la o sfera de mare interes si continua schimbare.

Material si metoda – studii de caz. Am selectat un lot de 83 pacienti, operati in Spitalul Clinic Colentina in perioada ianuarie 2012-decembrie 2014, cu diagnosticul principal de chist hidatic hepatic si care nu au suferit interventii minime percutane. Am analizat grupul pentru: elemente demografi ce , tipuri de interventii , complicatii perioperatorii- in special prezenta fi stulelor biuliare- si aspecte de laborator.

Rezultate. Lotul analizat a cuprins 83 pacienti, 45 femei/38 barbati, cu o varsta medie de 45.2 ani, un numar total de 139 chisturi, cu diametrul mediu de 10.2 cm.; 55 dintre ei prezentand intraoperator sau postoperator fi stula biliara. Perioada medie de spitalizare postoperatorie a fost de 17.2 zile, pacientii cu fi stula biliara avand o medie de 20.8 zile fata de cei fara fi stula biliara manifesta – 17.5 zile. Majoritatea interventiilor cu viza curativa a chistului au fost asociate cu colecistectomie ( 51 pacienti) , adezioliza (42 pacienti) si cu drenaj al cavitatii restante sau drenaj Witzel (75 pacienti). Cea mai efectuata interventie este chistectomia u perichistectomie (46 pacienti). Complicatiile cele mai frecvente au fost fi stula biliara (55 pacienti) si abcesul cavitatii restante(9 pacienti). In ceea ce priveste rezultatele de laborator, pacientii cu fi stula prezenta au avut valorile AcIgG- GGT-bilirubina peste medie,spre desosebire de pacientii fara fi stula care au ramas sub valoarea medie a grupului.

Discutii si concluzii. Cea mai de temut complicatie a chirurgiei hidatidozei hepatice este prezenta fi stulei biliare, o complicatie care dicteaza atat perioada de recuperare a pacientului cat si tabloul de laborator al acestuia si nu in ultimul rand, tipul de interventie efectuat. Discutiile raman deschise in privinta unei tehnici optime, primand in alegerea operatorie individualitatea cazului.

Mentiune. Aceasta lucrare este efectuata in cadrul Programului Operational Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POSDRU), fi nantat din Fondul Social European si Guvernul Romaniei prin contractul nr. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390”

Cuvinte cheie: hidatidoza hepatica, complicatii hidatice, fi stula biliara


Introduction. Hydatidosis is a parasite with cystic tumor development, from tapeworm Echinococcus, sprang es-pecially in the Mediterranean and South America. Romania is part of endemic areas with incidence especially among the rural population. The main localization location of the disease are parenchymal organs, primarily the liver and lungs. Peculiarities of liver surgery associated with aggressive parasite lead to a sphere of interest and changes.

Material and method - Case studies. We selected a group of 83 patients operated in Clinical Hospital between January 2012 and December 2014 with the diagnosis of primary hepatic hydatid cyst that had not undergone percuta-neous minimal interventions. We analyzed the group: demographics, types of interventions, perioperatory complica-tions especially presence of biliary fi stula- and laboratory aspects.

Results. The group comprised 83 patients analyzed, 45 women / 38 men with a mean age of 45.2 years, a total of 139 cysts, 10.2 cm average diameter, 55 of them presenting intraoperative or postoperative biliary fi stula. The mean postoperative hospital stay was 17.2 days, patients with biliary fi stula with an average of 20.8 days versus those with-out biliary fi stula - 17.5 days. Most curative interventions were associated with cholecystectomy (51 patients), ade-herence lesions (42 patients) and the remaining cavity drainage or drainage Witzel (75 patients). The surgery is per-formed cystectomy and pericystectomy (46 patients). The most common complications were biliary fi stula (55 patients) and the abscess of remaining cavity (9 patients). Regarding laboratory results, patients with fi stula were present GGT, bilirubin values AcIgG- above average unlike patients without fi stula who remained below the group average.

Discussion and conclusions. The most feared complication of liver hydatidosis surgery is the presence of the bili-ary fi stula, a complication that dictates both patient recovery period and laboratory aspect of the case and last but not

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (78)


least, the type of surgery performed. The discussions remain open about an optimal technique, for operation choice now pleads only the particularity of the case.

Acknowledgement. This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Develop-ment (SOP HRD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390”

Keywords: hepatic hydatidosis, hydatid complications, biliary fi stula

MODIFICARILE PATOGENICE APARUTE IN RINITEA VASOMOTORIE, RINITA ALERGICA SI RINITA SENILAR. Mihalcea, C.M. Goanta, L. ZagreanUMF ”Carol Davila” – Departamentul de fi ziologie II si neurostiinte

Obstructia nazala este un termen ambiguu, cu multe sinonime în dialog local, colocvial, si academic. Fraza include plenitudine, congestie, greutate, disconfort, blocaj al fl uxului de aer, sinuzită cronică, alergii, dureri de fata, dureri de cap, senzaţie de reducere a permeabilităţii nazale, obstrucţie, restricţie, rezistenţă crescută la fl uxul de aer nazal, si alţi termeni.

Cele mai frecvent intalnite tipuri de rinita sunt rinita alergica, rinita vasomotorie si rinita senila, ele alcatuind o patologie din ce in ce mai studiata la nivel mondial.

Rinita alergica a devenit o problema globala de sanatate,in unele tari prevalenta fi ind mai mare de 50% in unele grupe de varsta. La nivel global exista 300 milioane pacienti cu astm si 400 de milioane pacienti cu rinita alergica,prevalenta actuala fi ind de pana la 18% pentru astm si 25% pentru rinita alergica in Europa. Datorita multitudinii de factori ce pot agrava rinita alergica si faptului ca este foarte greu de controlat simptomatologia aceasta patologie scade foarte mult calitatea vietii pacientului.

Rinita vasomotorie reprezinta infl amarea mucoasei foselor nazale prin tulburarea controlului fl uxului sangvin de la acest nivel, rezultand vasodilatatie si edem al mucoasei. Mai poate fi denumita si rinita nonalergica, deoarece factorul declansator nu este alergic.

Asocierea dintre modifi carile anatomice, atrofi a glandulara, modifi carile in vascularizatia cornetelor determina instalarea unui tablou clinic caracteristic, afectiunea purtand numele de rinita senila.

Lucrarea de fata urmareste modifi carile patogenice ale rinitei vasomotorii, rinitei alergice si rinitei senile.

PATHOGENIC CHANGES OCCURRING IN VASOMOTOR RHINITIS, ALLERGIC RHINITIS AND SENILE RHINITIS R. Mihalcea, C-M Goanta, L. ZagreanUMF” Carol Davila” – Phisiology and neuroscience departament

Nasal obstruction is an ambiguous term, with many synonyms. The therm includes fullness, congestion, weight, discomfort, blockage of airfl ow, chronic sinusitis, allergies, sore face, headache, feeling permeability reducing nasal obstruction, restriction, increased resistance to nasal airfl ow, and other terms.

The most common types of rhinitis are allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis and senile rhinitis, forming a pathology more and more present in global studies.

Allergic rhinitis has become a global health problem in some countries the prevalence is higher than 50% in some age groups. Globally, there are 300 million patients with asthma and 400 million patients with allergic rhinitis, the cur-rent prevalence of up to 18% for asthma and allergic rhinitis 25% in Europe. Due to the multitude of factors that can aggravate allergic rhinitis and because it is very diffi cult to control the symptoms of this pathology the patient’s qual-ity of life is very low.

Vasomotor rhinitis represents the infl ammation of the nasal passages by disturbance of blood fl ow control at this level, resulting in vasodilation and edema of the mucosa. It can be called nonallergic rhinitis, as is lacks allergic trig-gers.

The combination of anatomical changes, glandular atrophy, changes in vasculature turbinates leads to a character-istic clinical picture named senile rhinitis.

This paper aims to show the pathogenic changes that appear in vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis and senile rhi-nitis.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (79)



1Departament de Neurochirurgie, Spitalul Universitar „Bagdasar-Arseni“, Bucureşti2UMF „Carol Davila“, Bucureşti3Departament de Neurochirurgie, Centrul Medical Sanador, Bucureşti

Introducere. Angiografi a prin Tomografi e Computerizata este o tehnica de tomografi e computerizata folosita pentru vizualizarea arterelor si venelor din corpul uman. Aceasta metoda ilustreaza detaliile anatomice ale vaselor intr-un mod mai fi del decat rezonanta magnetica nucleara sau ultrasonografi a. In epoca actuala foarte multi pacienti vor benefi cia de avantajele acestei tehnici, mult mai putin invazive decat o angiografi e prin cateterizare Seldinger. Angiografi a prin tomografi e computerizata este o metoda utila de screening in bolile cu afectare vasculara intrucat este mai sigura si mai rapida decat angiografi a prin cateter avand si un raport bun intre benefi cii si pret. Mai mult decat atat, pacientul va experimenta mai putin disconfort intrucat substanta de contrast se injecteaza in vasele membrului superior si nu in regiunea inghinala.

Material si metoda. Autorii prezinta cazul unui pacient in varsta de 59 de ani cunoscut a suferi de hipertensiune arteriala, care in urma unui efort fi zic si psihologic considerabil desfasurat cu 2 zile inaintea adresarii catre departamentul de urgenta de la Spitalul Sanador din Bucuresti a inceput sa resimta cefalee puternica insotita de alterarea statusului mental.

La 36 de ore de la debutul suferintei pacientul a fost investigat in orasul natal cu ajutorul angiografi ei prin tomografi e computerizata. Rezultatele examinarii au ilustrat prezenta hemoragiei subarahnoidiene iar medicii au luat in considerare existenta unei malformatii arteriovenoase rupte. Astfel, pacientul a fost indrumat catre clinica autorilor pentru investigatii suplimentare.

La internare pacientul era treaz, orientat si cooperant cu un scor Glasgow de 15p. Pacientul descria cefalee severa si a fost incadrat in categoria I pe baza scalei Hunt & Hess. Ca prima investigatie pacientul a fost evaluat cu ajutorul Angiografi ei pe baza de Rezonanta Magnetica Nucleara care a confi rmat diagnosticul de hemoragie subarahnoidiana si a ridicat suspiciunea prezentei unui anevrism sangerand de artera comunicanta anterioara. Imagistica a fost completata cu ajutorul angiografi ei CT la nivelul poligonului lui Willis.

La 72 de ore de la evenimentul initial pacientul a fost diagnosticat cu anevrism sangerand de artera comunicanta anterioara cu diametrul axial de 5mm. Anevrismul era pozitionat la originea stanga a arterei comunicante anterioare. Dupa Angiografi a CT pacientul a inceput sa manifeste cefalee atroce, fara alterarea statusului mental insa. Intrucat angiografi a CT a avut rezolutie sufi cient de mare s-a decis ne-efectuarea unei angiografi i-4 vase si s-a trecut la cliparea in urgenta a anevrismului datorita riscului vital pe care il avea.

Rezultate. Pacientul a avut o evolutie post-operatorie foarte buna, fara a avea vreun defi cit sau durere restanta. Tomografi a Computerizata si Angiografi a CT pe care pacientul le-a efectuat la 24 de ore postoperator au demonstrat cliparea optima a anevrismului si excluzia acestuia din circulatie. La 10 zile postoperator pacientul a fost externat.

Concluzii. Anevrismele de dimensiuni mici reprezinta o provocare majora in neurochirurgie datorita importantei managementului optim. Adeseori solutiile terapeutice trebuie stabilite rapid fara a neglija intreaga simptomatologie a pacientului. Tratamentul trebuie efectuat repede intrucat de acesta depinde viata pacientului. Examenele neuroimagistice sunt esentiale in stabilirea tratamentului optim al pacientului. Din paleta larga de investigatii imagistice, angiografi a CT are avantajul de a fi non-invaziva si de a oferi cele mai bune informatii vizuale cu privire la anatomia vasculara a pacientului, date similare cu cele obtinute prin angiografi a-4 vase DSA.


1Bagdasar-Arseni University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Bucharest, Romania2Carol Davila University School of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania3Sanador Medical Center Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Computed tomography angiography (CT Angiography) is a computed tomography technique used to visualize arteries and veins throughout the body such as those supplying the brain, kidneys, lungs, arms and legs. This method displays the anatomical detail of blood vessels more precisely than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound. Today, many patients can undergo CTA in place of a conventional catheter angiogram. CTA is a useful way of screening for arterial disease because it is safer and much less time-consuming than catheter angiography and

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is a cost-effective procedure. There is also less discomfort because contrast material is injected into an arm vein rather than into a large artery in the groin.

Materials and method. The authors present the case of a 59 year old patient known suffering from arterial hyper-tension, who underwent considerable physical and psychological stress 2 days before adressing the emergency depart-ment at the Sanador Medical Center Hospital in Bucharest, Romania. The patient’s situation degraded as his state of consciousness became altered and accompanied by severe headache. At 36 hours after the initial event the patient un-derwent a CT-Angiography examination in a radiology unit back in his hometown. The results of the CT-angiography illustrated subarachnoid hemorrhage and made doctors consider the existance of a ruptured arteriovenous malforma-tion. The patient was then sent to our clinic for further investigation and treatment.

At admission the patient was awake, oriented and cooperative with 15p on the Glasgow Coma Score. The patient had severe headache and was considered to be Hunt & Hess grade 1. As fi rst intent investigation the patient underwent an MRI and MRA exam which confi rmed the diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage and arose suspicion for a ruptured Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm. The radiologist then decided to supplementary investigate the patient us-ing a CT-Angiography for the Circle of Willis.

At 72h since the initial event the patient was diagnosed as having a bleeding Anterior Communicating Artery An-eurysm with an axial diameter of 5mm. The aneurysm was positioned at the left origin of the anterior communicating artery. After CT Angiography the patient started having more intense pain without having an altered state of conscious-ness. The case was considered to be an emergency and the surgical clipping of the aneurysm was decided. Given the fact that the CT-angiography had a very good resolution and offered a very good perspective of the aneurysm we de-cided not to carry out the routine Digital Subtraction Angiography as it would have postponed the surgery for another 24h.

At 96h since the fi rst incident the patient was taken to the OR where the anterior communicating artery aneurysm was clipped using a 7mm Yasargil Aneurysm Clip.

Results. The patient had a very good postop evolution without any defi cit and without remnant pain. The CT and CT-angiography exams the patient underwent at 24h after surgery proved that the aneurysm was successfully isolated from the Circle of Willis. After 10 days since the intervention the patient was discharged.

Conclusions. Small sized aneurysms are a major challenge in neurosurgery due to their need of adequate manage-ment. Often the therapeutical solutions must be decided by carefully assessing the patients most minute symptoms. Treatment must be quickly instored as the patient’s life will depend on them. Neuroimagery exams are esential to de-termining the best therapeutical options. Among the wide array of investigations available for neurosurgeons CT-An-giography has the advantage of being non-invasive and offers some of the best visual information regarding the anat-omy of the patient’s blood vessels, similar to the data obtained using Digital Subtraction Angiography.

THE ADVANTAGES OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN NEUROSURGERYV. Munteanu1, H. Moisa2,3, A. Mohan4, I. Luca-Husti3, Prof. AV. Ciurea2,3

1Departament de Neurochirurgie, Spitalul Universitar “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucureşti2UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti3Departament de Neurochirurgie, Centrul Medical “Sanador”, Bucureşti4 Departament de Neurochirurgie, Spitalul de Urgenţă Bihor, Oradea

Introducere. Dezvoltarea metodelor modern de investigatie imagistica a modifi cat complet algoritmul de diagnostic al afectiunilor neurochirurgicale. Metodele investigative principale in uz astazi sunt Tomografi a Computerizata (Si derivatele ei – native, cu substanta de contrast, fereastra osoasa, reconstructie 3D, Angio-CT etc.) si Imagistica prin Rezonanta Magnetica Nucleara – cu contrast si cu componenta vasculara (Angio-RMN).

Material si metode. Pentru entitatile patologice traumatice si vasculare, metoda de investigatie in urgenta care obtine un maxim de informative la internare este reprezentata de Tomografi a Computerizata. Daca se suspicioneaza fracturi craniene urmatoarea metoda este reprezentata de tomografi e computerizata cu reconstructie 3D iar daca leziunile sunt mai severe si se ridica suspiciunea diagnosticului de traumatism cerebral se poate efectua scanarea CT cu ajutorul substantei de contrast.

Leziunile vasculare si edemul cerebral sunt de asem*ni tinte importante pentru scanarea CT. Diagnosticul este usor de stability in faza acuta, o caracteristica inca indisponibila in cazul imagisticii prin rezonanta magnetica nucleara.

Orice spital ar trebui sa benefi cieze de logistica necesara pentru scanarea CT la internare, atat in scop diagnostic cat si medico-legal.

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Pentru a determina gravitatea unei leziuni este important sa se efectueze tomografi i repetate la 6, 12 si 24 de ore dupa internare. Orice pacient cu un traumatism cerebral sau cu o leziune vasculara ar trebui sa aiba un CT de control. Rezultatele scanarii CT trebuie correlate cu scorul Glasgow al pacientului, statusul mental si eventuale leziuni existente.

La copii, utilizarea abuziva a CT-ului poate sa conduca la modifi cari ale cristalinului. In aceste conditii o examinare clinica repetata si urmarirea simptomelor pot sa evite repetarea unui CT.

Nu in ultimul rand Scara Marshall trebuie de asem*ni sa fi e luata in considerare intrucat poate sa fara diferenta intre leziuni cerebrale focale si difuze.

A doua mare indicatie a scanarii cu ajutorul CT-ului este hemoragia subarahnoidiana in cazul careia se ridica suspiciunea existentei unui anevrism sau a unei malformatii arteriovenoase rupte. In acest caz se impune completarea investigatiilor pentru stabilirea diagnosticului. In ceea ce priveste patologia tumorala, tomografi a computerizata are numai un rol orientativ. In aceste cazuri investigatia de electie este reprezentata de Rezonanta Magnetica Nucleara care permite stabilirea diagnosticului si determinarea cursului therapeutic optim. La acesti pacienti tomografi a computerizata permite numai urmarirea postoperatorie a sangerarii in patul tumoral si urmarirea ischemiei sau edemului cerebral postoperator.

Concluzii. Autorii considera ca tomografi a computerizata are indicatii clare in leziunile traumatice si vasculare, cazuri in care avantajele sunt nete, insa, metoda nu trebuie sa fi e folosita abuziv in cazul patologiei non-traumatice sau la copii.

Cuvinte cheie: Tomografi e computerizata, Rezonanta magnetica nucleara, reconstructie 3D, Traumatisme cerebrale, Leziuni vasculare

THE ADVANTAGES OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN NEUROSURGERYV. Munteanu MD.1, H. Moisa MD.2,3, A. Mohan MD.4, I. Luca-Husti MD.3, Prof. AV. Ciurea MD., Phd., MSc., Dr.

h.c. Mult2,3

1“Bagdasar-Arseni” University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Bucharest, Romania2“Carol Davila” University School of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania3“Sanador Medical Center” Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Bucharest, Romania4Bihor County Emergency Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Oradea, Romania

Background. The appearance of modern medical imaging technologies has completely shaped the diagnostic al-gorhythms in neurosurgery. The main investigative methods in use today are Computed Tomography with its deriva-tives (native, with contrast substance, bone window, 3D reconstructive CT, Angio-CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imag-ing (MRI), native, with contrast substance and angio-MRI.

Materials and methods. For vascular and traumatic neurosurgical pathologic entities, the emergency investigative method which grants a maximum of effi ciency at patient admission is the native CT-scan. If skull fractures are sus-pected the next option is 3D reconstructive CT-scan and if the lesions are more severe and intracerebral traumas are suspected another scanning option presents itself through CT-scanning with contrast substance.

Vascular lesions and brain edema are as well important targets for CT scanning as this diagnosis is easy to establish in the acute phase of suffering, a feature still unavailable with MRI scanning.

Any hospital should have the logistics to provide its patients a CT-scan at admission for diagnostic and forensic reasons.

To determine the extent of the lesions it is important that the CT-scan should be repeated at 6, 12 or 24 hours after admission. Any patient with a head trauma or a vascular lesion must have a discharge CT-scan for control. The results of the CT-scan must be correlated with the patient’s Glasgow score, conscience status and eventual existing injuries.

In children, the abusive usage of CT-scans can lead to modifi cations of the eye lens. In these conditions a repeated clinical examination and a follow-up of all diagnostic elements might avoid a repeated CT-scan.

Last but not least, the Marshall scale must also be taken into account as it distinguishes focal and diffuse intracra-nial lesions while correlating them to the patient’s status.

The second greatest indication of Computed Tomography is subarachnoid hemorrhage which raises the suspicion of a burst vascular aneurismal malformation and imposes the necessity of several other investigations to confi rm the diagnosis.

In the intracranial tumoral pathology computed tomography has only an orientative part. The elective investigation is magnetic resonance imaging. This allows for a defi nitive diagnosis and therapeutical attitude. In such a situation computed tomography is used only for post-op follow up of hemorrhage in the tumoral bed, ischemia or edema.

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Conclusions. We consider that computed tomography has clear indications in the traumatic pathology, but this method must not be used abusively in non-traumatic lesions.

Keywords: Computed tomography (CT-scan), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 3D reconstruction CT, head trauma, vascular lesions

PARTICULARITĂŢILE FORMĂRII CALUSULUI ÎN FRACTURILE DE FEMUR LA ŞOBOLAN REDUSE PRIN OSTEOSINTEZĂ CU PLACĂ ŞI ŞURUBURI COMPARATIV CU FIXAREA CENTROMEDULARĂ – PROTOCOL EXPERIMENTALP. Neagu, Ş.A. Popescu, I. LascărDepartamentul de Chirurgie Plastica si Reconstructiva, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila” Bucureşti, Romania

Introducere. Există numeroase metode de osteosinteză în fracturile osoase. Periostul joacă un rol important în formarea calusului la nivelul focarului de fractură. Există un număr mare de studii publicate recent în care sunt comparate diferite metode de osteosinteză, dar foarte puţine oferă informaţii cu privire la aspectul histopatologic al calusului format, precum şi rolul deperiostării în formarea lui.

Materiale şi metode. Ne propunem să utilizăm 30 de şobolani Brown Norway de greutate şi vârstă similar (400 grame). Se va fractura femurul bilateral în mod similar după care la un membru se va utiliza broşe centromedulare pentru stabilizarea focarului de fractură în timp ce la membrul contralateral se va utiliza osteosinteza cu placă şi şuruburi. Materialele de osteosinteză vor fi îndepărtate după trei săptămâni . Animalele de laborator vor fi evaluate zilnic din punct de vedere clinic, radiologic la 2 săptămâni, iar histopatologic şi biomecanic după ce animalul va fi eutanasiat (după o lună). Se va nota calitatea formării calusului din punct de vedere funcţional, radiologic, histopatologic şi biomecanic pentru fi ecare metodă în parte.

Rezultate. Ne propunem să observăm sprijinul mai precoce la nivelul membrului posterior la care s-a efectuat osteosinteza cu placă şi şuruburi, superioritatea calusului din punct de vedere histopatologic şi al rezultatelor testului de biomecanica în cazul utilizării osteosintezei cu placă şi şuruburi comparativ cu osteosinteza cu broşă centromedulară.

Concluzii. Ne propunem să demonstrăm că osteosinteza cu placă şi şuruburi este superioară fi xării centromedulare (pe baza dovezilor histopatologice). Studiul experimental va constitui baza unui studiu clinic în care vor fi comparate cele două metode de osteosinteză pentru a reduce fracturi asemănătoare de metacarpiene, dovedind că osteosinteza cu placă şi şuruburi va avea drept rezultat un callus de o calitate superioară.

Cuvinte cheie: osteosinteză, perios, calus, histopatologie

Bibliografi e

1. Mini-plate versus Kirschnerwire internal fi xation for treatment ofmetacarpaland phalangealfracturesin Chinese Han population: a meta-analysis. XuJ, Zhang C. J OrthopSurgRes.2014 Apr 11;9:24

2. Plating ofmetacarpalfractureswith locked or nonlockedscrews, a biomechanical study: how many cortices are really necessary?. Barr C, Behn AW, Yao J. Hand (N Y).2013 Dec;8(4):454-9

3. Evidence-based medicine:Metacarpalfractures.Bloom JM, Hammert WC.PlastReconstrSurg.2014 May;

THE PARTICULAR ASPECTS OF CALLUS FORMATION IN LAB RATS FEMUR FRACTURES REDUCED WITH PLATES AND SCREWS VERSUS CENTROMEDULLAR OSTEOSYNTHESIS – EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLP. Neagu, Ş.A. Popescu*, I. Lascăr*Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Bucharest Emergency Clinical Hospital, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

Introduction. There are many ways of osteosynthesis in bone fractures. The periosteum plays an important role in callus formation at the site of a bone fracture. Nowadays there are many published clinical studies that compared dif-ferent methods of osteosynthesis, but very few of these studies showed the histopathological aspects of callus forma-tion and in addition to that, how the periosteum stripping interferes.

Materials and methods. We plan to use 30 Brown Norway lab rats with similar age and weight (400 g). The femur will be broken on both limbs in the same way, resulting identical fractures. After that, we will use plates and screws as an osteosynthesis method for one limb and centromedular osteosynthesis using K-wires for the other limb. The osteo-synthesis material will be removed after three weeks. The lab rats will be assesed clinicaly on daily basis, radiological

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every 2 weeks, histopathological and biomechanical after the animal being euthanized (at 1 months). It will be noted the quality of the callus in terms of functional, radiological, histopahological and biomechanical aspects in both meth-ods.

Results. We will make observations in order to see if the lab rats will use for support the limb that had osteosynthe-sis using plates and screws in two or three days after surgery, if the callus will be superior in terms of histopathological aspects and also if the results of the bending test will be better for this method of osteosynthesis compared to centro-medular fi xation using K-wires.

Conclusion. We intend to demonstrate that osteosynthesis using plates and screws is superior to the centromedular fi xation (histopathological proof). The experimental study will be the baseline of a clinical study in which we will compare two methods of osteosynthesis in order to reduce similar metacarpal fractures, proving that the use of osteo-synthesis with plates and screws will result in better callus formation in metacarpal fractures.

Keywords: osteosynthesis, periosteum, callus, histopathology

METABOLIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS AND ANISOCYTOSISMarius Cristian Neamţu1, Rucsandra Dănciulescu Miulescu2, Denisa Margină3 1Department of Pathologic Physiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania2Department of Endocrinology, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania3Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Background and Aims. Previous studies have shown that erythrocyte polyimorphism is a common fi nding in pa-tients with chronic diseases. The aim of our study was to estimate the metabolic characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and anisocytosis.

Material and Methods. 30 patients with T2DM were recruited for this study. Patient demographics and medical history were recorded. Metabolic parameters (fasting plasma glucose-FPG, glycated hemoglobin-HbA1c,) and morphology of blood smear were assessed. The FPG was measured enzymatically and HbA1c was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Analysis of blood cytology: the staining technique used was May-Grunwald-Gi-emsa. The microscopic examination was performed initially with the objective of 10x/20x, subsequently, the smear was evaluated with an immersion objective of 100x. Image acquisition was done after the examination of the prepara-tions obtained with a 40X objective, using Image Pro Plus 6.0 software. Patients with T2DM and anisocytosis consti-tuted the study group and patients with T2DM but without anisocytosis constituted the control group.

Results. The patients in the study group (14 patients-8 women and 6 men) were aged between 50 and 76 years, median age 61.62 years, and had an evolution of diabetes between 4 months and 15 years. The patients in the control group (16 patients-8 women and 8 men) were aged between 49 and 77 years, median age 60.75 years and had an evo-lution of diabetes between 1 month and 30 years. The study showed no statistically signifi cant differences demogra-phics and metabolic characteristics of patients with T2DM and anisocytosis, compared with controls. The main char-acteristics of patients of study and control group are shown in Table 1. The evolution of diabetes, HbA1c, age, FPG in the study and control group is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Erythrocyte polyimorphism-anisocytosis is shown in Figures 3 and 4.

TABLE 1. Characteristics of patients recruited in the study.Characteristics of patients recruited in

the study. Characteristics of study

group (n=14) Characteristics of control

group (n=16) P

Age (years) 61.62±8.21 60.75±9.30 NSEvolution of diabetes (years) 9.57±8.02 12.00±8.59 NS

FPG (mg/dl) 207.15±76.55 217.38±7.41 NSHbA1c (%) 7.89±2.23 7.84±1.81 NS

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FIGURE 1. The evolution of diabetes FIGURE 2. The age and FPG in

and HbA1c, in the study and control the study and control group

FIGURE 3. Anisocytosis FIGURE 4. Anisocytosis and poikilocyosis

Conclusions. The prevalence of anisocytosis in diabetic patients was 46.66% (14 patients). The study showed no statistically signifi cant differences demographics and metabolic characteristics of patients with T2DM and anisocyto-sis, compared with controls. Future experimental studies should explore potential causal mechanisms linking aniso-cytosis and diabetes mellitus.

Key words: anisocytosis, diabetes mellitus, metabolic characteristics.

Acknowledgements: We thank for Professor Maria Moţa from the Clinical Centre of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova for the support provided in this study. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Found, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/136893.

HORMONE PROFILE IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASERucsandra Dănciulescu Miulescu1, Roxana Roşca1, Carmen Barbu1, Denisa Margina2, Diana Loreta Păun1, Cătălina Poiană1

1Department of Endocrinology, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Background and Aims. The importance of the kidney in the hormone metabolism and clearance of has been con-fi rmed in several studies. The aim of our study was to estimate the hormone profi le in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Material and Methods. We conducted a retrospective study over a period of 18 months. Metabolic and hormonal determinations were collected from medical records consulted specialized ambulatory of the Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases” Prof. NC. Paulescu”, Bucharest. The study included 18 patients with T2DM and chronic kidney disease (CKD) (study group). The fasting plasma glucose (FPG) were measured enzymatically, HbA1c was determined by high performance liquid chromatography and GFR were calculated automatically. The National Kidney Federation-Kidney Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative-K/DOQI defi nes CKD as „Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) less than≤60ml/min/1.73m2 that is present for ≥3 months with or without evidence of kidney damage or evi-dence of kidney damage with or without decreased GFR that is present for ≥3 months as evidence by microalbuminu-ria, proteinuria, glomerular haematuria, pathological abnormalities and anatomical abnormalities”. The term pre-di-alysis has not been defi ned in guidelines. In our study, pre-dialysis care was defi ned as CKD with a possible need for

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renal replacement therapy. Free thyroxine (free T4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were measured by, plasma cortisol was determined by electrochemiluminescence (ECLIA) and serum prolactin levels were quantifi ed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results were compared with the same measurements in 20 patients with diabe-tes mellitus but without CKD (control group).

Results. The patients in the study group (18 patients-12 women and 6 men) were aged between 53 and 71 years, median age 62.39 years, and had an evolution of diabetes between 8 and 22 years. The patients in the control group (20 patients-16 women and 4 men) were aged between 52 and 74 years, median age 61.76 years and had an evolution of diabetes between 4 and 12 years. The main characteristics of patients of study and control group are shown in Table 1. The evolution of diabetes, HbA1c, serum prolactin, TSH, age, plasma cortisol FPG in the study and control group is shown in Figures 1,2 and 3.

Table 1. Characteristics of patients with T2DM and CKD and control group recruited in studyCharacteristics of patients recruited in

the study. Characteristics of study

group (n=18) Characteristics of control

group (n=20) P

Age (years) 62,39±5,12 61,76±7,30 NSEvolution of diabetes (years) 15,06±4,20 9,11±3,53 <0.01

FPG (mg/dl) 195,06±46,90 183,56±43,56 NSHbA1c (%) 8,17±0,71 7,81±0,80 NS

GRF (ml/min/1.73m2) 46,21±10,08 82,28±7,16 <0.01TSH (μUI/ml) 3,14±1,15 2,84±0,32 NS

Serum prolactin (ng/dl) 15,46±4,00 14,58±3,69 NSPlasma cortisol(nmol/l) 342,82±69,71 296,10±20,84 0.01

FIGURE 1. The evolution of diabetes and HbA1c,serum prolactin in the study and control group

FIGURE 2. TSH in the study and control group

FIGURE 3. Age, plasma cortisol, FPG in the study and control group

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (86)


2 (11.11%) diabetic patients with CKD had subclinical hypothyroidism (subclinical hypothyroidism is defi ned as a clinical syndrome of hypothyroidism associated with raised serum TSH but free T4 in the normal range) and 1 (5.00%) patient of control group. In our study mean values of plasma cortisol were signifi cantly different between the groups. The kidney play an important role in glucocorticoid metabolism and excretion.

Conclusions. The increased prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in the study group compared with the con-trol group requires investigation of thyroid function in patients with chronic kidney disease. In our study mean values of plasma cortisol were signifi cantly different between the groups. Future clinical and experimental studies should explore glucocorticoid metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease.

Key words: diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, hormone profi le

EXCIZIA COMPLETĂ A MEZOCOLONULUI ÎN HEMICOLECTOMIA DREAPTĂ: LAPAROSCOPIA REPRODUCE ABORDULUI DESCHISIonut Negoi1,2, Sorin Paun1,2, Stoica Bogdan1, Ioan Tanase1, Cosmin Holeab3, Coralia Bleotu4, Mircea Beuran1,2

1Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti, România2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Carol Davila, Bucureşti, România3UEFISCDI – Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanţ area Î nvă ţ ă mâ ntului Superior, a Cercetă rii, Dezvoltă rii si Inovă rii4Institutul de Virologie Stefan S. Nicolau, Academia Română. Bucureşti, România

Introducere. Excizia totală a mezocolonului (ETM) reprezintă o extensie a principiului actual al abordării cancerului rectal, în efortul de a reduce rata de recidivǎ locală pentru pacienţii cu tumori de colon drept.

Obiective. Scopul acestui studiu este de a compara efi cacitatea ETM laparoscopică (L-ETM) cu cea a intervenţiei chirurgicale pe cale deschisă (D-ETM).

Metodă. Au fost utilizate U.S. National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health PubMed/MEDLINE (Ianuarie 1966 – Ianuarie 2015), EMBASE (Ianuarie 1988 – Ianuarie 2015), Google Scholar, Korean Journal database şi Web of Science pentru căutarea articolelor originale si a metaanalizelor pe această temă. Parametrii principali urmăriţi: diferenţelele în ceea ce priveşte supravieţuirea la 5 ani. Variabile secundare: numărul de ganglioni limfatici excizaţi, durata intervenţiei chirurgicale, complicaţiile postoperatorii. Am folosit Review Manager Software 5.3.5 (The Cochrane Collaboration).

Rezultate. Un număr total de 3 studii nerandomizate prospective şi un studiu de cohortă au fost identifi cate, însumând un număr de 321 de pacienţi cu L-ETM şi 322 pacienţi cu D-CME. Meta-analiza arătând o diferenţă medie între marginea de siguranţă superioară de 1,80 cm în favoarea L-ETM, [CI 95%: 1.12, 2.47] (I2=0%, p <0.00001), o diferenţă medie între numărul de ganglioni limfatici recoltaţi de 1,47 în favoarea L-ETM [95% CI: -16.89, 19.82] (I2=0%, p = 0.88), cu un odds ratio de supravieţuire la 5 ani de 1,26 în favoarea L-ETM [95% CI: 0.83, 1.89] (I2=85%, p = 0.28), un odds ratio pentru intervalul liber de boală de 1,24 în favoarea L-ETM [95% CI: 0.85, 1.82] (I2=73%, p = 0.27).

Concluzii. CME laparoscopic pare să se asocieze cu margine de siguranţă superioară mai mare. Datele actuale sugerează că laparoscopia oferă aceeaşi calitate a specimenului rezecat ca în hemicolectomia dreaptă deschisă cu excizia completă a mezocolonului, fără diferenţe în ceea ce priveşte supravieţuirea gobală la 5 ani sau intervalul liber de boală la 5 ani. O tehnică laparoscopică corectă şi precisă este obligatorie, pentru excizia completă a mezocolonului.

Acknowledgement. This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HTD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390. All authors have equally contributed to this study.

Cuvinte cheie: cancer colonic, excizia totală a mezocolonului, laparoscopie.

THE LAPAROSCOPIC COMPLETE MESOCOLIC EXCISION IN RIGHT HEMICOLECTOMY IS AS EFFECTIVE AS ITS OPEN COUNTERPARTIonut Negoi1,2, Sorin Paun1,2, Bogdan Stoica1, Ioan Tanase1, Cosmin Holeab3, Coralia Bleotu4, Mircea Beuran1,2

1Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Romania2Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Romania3UEFISCDI – Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding.4Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Complete mesocolic excision (CME) represents an extension to the nowadays principle of the rectal cancer approach, in an effort to decrease the rate of local reccurence for patients with right sided colonic tumors.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (87)


Aims. The aim of this study is to compare the efectiveness of the laparoscopic CME (L-CME) with its open (O-CME) counterpart.

Method. Electronic search of the U.S. National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health PubMed/MED-LINE (January 1966 – January 2015), EMBASE (January 1988 – January 2015), Google Scholar, Korean Jouranl database and Web of Science in order to identify original articles and reviews about this subject. Primary outcome: differences regarding 5-year survival. Secondary endpoints: number of lymphnodes, operative time, postoperative complications. We have used Review Manager Software 5.3.5 (The Cochrane Collaboration).

Results. A total of three nonrandomized prospective studies and one cohort study were identifi ed, involving 321 patients in L-CME and 322 pts in O-CME. Meta-analysis showed mean difference for distance of tumour to high tie of 1.80 cm favoring L-CME, [CI 95%: 1.12, 2.47] (I2=0%, p <0.00001), a mean difference of number of harvested lymphnodes of 1.47 favoring L-CME [95% CI: -16.89, 19.82] (I2=0%, p = 0.88), an odds ratio for 5-year overall sur-vival of 1.26 favoring L-CME [95% CI: 0.83, 1.89] (I2=85%, p = 0.28), and an odds ratio for 5-year disease free sur-vival of 1.24 favoring L-CME [95% CI: 0.85, 1.82] (I2=73%, p = 0.27).

Conclusions. Laparoscopic CME seems to be associated with greater distance from the tumor to the apical tie. The cur-rent data suggest that laparoscopy offers the same quality of the resected specimen as the open approach in right hemicolec-tomy with complete mesocolic excision, without any differences regarding 5-year overall survival and 5-year disease free survival. An accurate and precise laparoscopic technique is mandatory, in order to complely resect the mesocolon.

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Develop-ment (SOP HTD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390. All authors have equally contributed to this study. Key words: colon cancer, total mesocolic excision, laparoscopy.

PROTEIN TIROZIN FOSFATAZA -1B IN HIPERGLICEMIEM. Nemecz , A. Georgescu, D. PopovInstitutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara „Nicolae Simionescu“’, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Protein Tirozin Fosfataza -1B (PTP-1B) este o enzima care regleaza negativ caile de semnalizare ale numerosilor receptori tirozin kinazici, printre care si calea de semnalizare a insulinei. Este bine cunoscut faptul ca glucoza circulanta crescuta prin generarea de specii rective de oxigen, contribuie la aparitia numeroaselor complicatii in diabet.

p*rnind de la acestea, ne-am propus sa cercetam efectul pe care il are producerea la nivel intracelular de specii reactive de oxigen (ROS), consecinta a starii redox celulare si prezentei factorul de crestere derivat de la plachete-BB (PDGF-BB), asupra PTP-1B.

Materiale si Metode. In acest scop, am analizat: (i) celule musculare netede aortice umane (SMC) crescute in mediu de cultura continand 22.5mM glucoza (HG)/ 5mM glucoza (LG) si/sau stimulate cu PDGF-BB in prezenta sau absenta antioxidantului catalaza (experimente “in vitro”) si (ii) lizate de aorta prelevata de la hamsteri Sirieni Aurii („Golden Syrian”) (in varsta de 5 saptamani si 97-106 g greutate corporala) injectati cu streptozotocina/ solutie salina (experimente “in vivo”).

Rezultate si Discutii. Rezultatele obtinute au aratat faptul ca SMC cresute in HG prezinta o exprese proteica crescuta a PTP-1B si nivelele ridicate de ROS intracelular, comparativ cu SMC din LG. Expunerea celulelor la o concentartie si mai mare de glucoza (30mM), induce aparitia unei benzi de masa moleculara superioara, situata deasupra celei de 51kDa, aceasta fi ind probabil o forma oxidata a enzimei. Supra-exprimarea PTP-1B indusa de concentratia marita de glucoza a fost observata si in cazul lizatelor de aorta prelevata de la hamsterii injectati cu streptozotocina (comparativ cu lizatele de aorta prelevata de la hamsterii sanatosi). Stimularea cu PDGF-BB a SMC crescute in LG determina cresterea nivelelor de ROS intracelular si a expresiei proteice a PTP-1B (comparativ cu celulele nestimulate), intr-o maniera dependenta de concentratie. Efectele PDGF-BB au fost amplifi cate in conditii de HG. In prezenta catalazei (la o concentratie de 300 u/ml) SMC prezinta nivele reduse de ROS, asociate cu expresia proteica scazuta a PTP-1B, atat in conditii de HG cat si de stimulare celulara cu PDGF-BB.

Concluzii. Aceste rezultate pot oferi o intelegere mai buna a mecanismelor ce conduc la oxidarea la nivel celular a PTP-1B si pot ajuta la elaborarea de noi strategii de modelare farmacologica a caii de semnalizare a insulinei.

Multumiri. Acest proiect a fost sustinut cu ajutorul proiectelor de cercetare ale Academiei Romane si proiectului ID PNII-CT-ERC-2012-1(6ERC-like/July18,2012) al Autoritatii Nationale pentru Cercetarea Stiintifi ca, CNCS-UEFISCDI.

Autoarea, Miruna Nemecz, multumeste pentru suportul fi nanciar acordat prin proiectul POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133391, fi nantat de Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial-Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (88)


PROTEIN TYROSINE PHOSPHATASE -1B IN HYPERGLYCEMIAM. Nemecz Ph.D., A. Georgescu Ph.D., D. Popov Ph.D.Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology „Nicolae Simionescu“, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase -1B (PTP-1B) has been implicated as a negative regulator of multiple signaling pathways downstream of receptor tyrosine kinases, including the insulin signaling pathway. It is well known that high glucose (HG) induces damage in diabetes via an increased production of oxygen free radicals. Considering all these, we aimed to investigate the effect of cellular redox condition, as well as of platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) extracellular ligand stimulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, on PTP-1B molecule.

Material and Methods. To this purpose, we analyzed: (i) human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) grown in high/low glucose (HG, 22.5mM/LG, 5mM) conditions and/or stimulated with PDGF-BB in the presence and absence of antioxidant catalase (“in vitro”experiments) and (ii) aortic lysates from Golden Syrian hamsters (5 weeks old, 97-106 g body weight) injected with streptozotocin/ saline solution (“in vivo” experiments)

Results and Discussions. The results showed that compared to LG condition, HG causes up-regulation of PTP-1B protein expression and increased ROS production in human aortic SMCs. Exposure of the cells to an even higher glu-cose concentration (30mM) resulted in the appearance of an additional band with a molecular mass higher than 51kDa, possible an irreversible oxidized form of the enzyme. Glucose concentration-dependent PTP-1B up-regulation was observed also in the aortic lysates of streptozotocin-injected diabetic hamsters (comparative with aortic lysates of nor-mal hamsters). PDGF-BB stimulation in LG condition enhances ROS concentration and PTP-1B protein expression (compared to non-stimulated cells grown in LG) in a dose dependent manner. The effects of PDGF-BB treatment were amplifi ed in HG condition. Cells pretreated with antioxidant catalase (at a concentration of 300 u/ml) showed a de-creased ROS production associated with down-regulation of PTP-1B, in both HG and PDGF-BB conditions.

Conclusions. These results may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms leading to PTP-1B oxidation in a cellular context, and may add to design of new strategies to pharmacologically modulate insulin signaling pathway.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by grants of the Romanian National Authority for Scientifi c Re-search, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project ID PNII-CT-ERC-2012-1(6ERC-like/July18, 2012) and by Romanian Academy. The author Miruna Nemecz acknowledges the fi nacial support of the European Social Found within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (ID: POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133391).


1Disciplina de Farmacognozie, Fitochimie, Fitoterapie, Universitatea de MedicinasiFarmacie, „Carol Davila”, Facultatea de Farmacie, Bucuresti2Disciplina de Tehnologie Farmaceutica, Universitatea de Medicinasi Farmacie ,„Carol Davila”, Facultatea de Farmacie, Bucuresti

Introducere. Comprimatele sunt formele farmaceutice solide, cu cea mai largă producţie internaţională, reprezentând 80% din medicamentele comercializate ca produse farmaceutice cu efect sistemic. Valorifi carea extractelor standardizatesubforma de preparate farmaceutice solide prezinta avantajul stabiliaatii si a dozajului exact.

Material simetode. Extractulprovenit din frunzele de Urticadioica L. este standardizat in compusi fenolici. Pentru formularea preparatului farmaceutic s-au utilizat 250 mg de extract stadardizat (caracteriza tanterior fi zico-chimic, fi tobiologic şi farmacologic), şi excipienţi din categoria diluanţilor, aglutinanţilor şi a lubrefi anţilor. Cantităţile de substanţă activă şi de excipienţi utilizaţi au fost pulverizate şi cernute, folosindu-se site cu diametrul corespunzător, amestecate şi supuse comprimării directe cu o forţă medie de 18 kN, utilizându-se o maşină cu excentric, echipată cu ponsoane cu diametrul de 12 mm. Analiza calităţii produsului fi nit s-a efectuat conform prevederilor FR X şi ale FE 7.0, urmărindu-se descrierea (aspectul, culoarea), uniformitatea masei, rezistenţa mecanică, dezagregarea şi friabilitatea comprimatelor. Prezenţa principiilor active a fost verifi cată pe baza reacţiilor de identifi care utilizate pentru caracterizarea extractului. Verifi carea conţinutului de principii active s-aefectuat prin dozarea compusilor polifenolici si a fracţiunilor acestora.

Rezultate şi discuţii. Din punt de vedere al aspectului comprimatele se prezinta ca discuri plane, cu margincintacte si pigmentari uniforme. Caracteristicile organoleptice indica o culoare verde-deschis, lipsa mirosului si un gust acru. Uniformitatea masei comprimatelor exprimată prin abaterea faţă de medie, nu depaşeşte 5% din valoarea medie a masei. Dezagreagrea comprimatelor se face in 8 minute, indeplinindu-se limita de 15 minute. Rezistenţa mecanică este de 17 Kp. Friabilitatea obţinută este de 0,35%, se încadrează în limita impusă de companiile farmaceutice de 1%. De-

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (89)


terminarea calitativă a confi rmat prezenţa fl avonelor, acizilor fenolcarboxilici, proantocianilor şi a taninului. Conţinutul în principii active prezintă abateri (2.93-4.44%) care se încadrează în limitele impuse de FR X.

Concluzie. Forma farmaceutică aleasă este compatibilă cu natura chimică a constituenţilor din extractul standardizat. Comprimate neacoperite sunt corespunzătoare din punctul de vedere al dezagregării, friabilităţii si al rezistenţei mecanice. Dintre principiile active dozate, AFC sunt predominante. Din punct de vedere al continutului de substanta activa, comprimatele sunt conforme.


1Department of Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Phytotherapy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, „Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Faculty of Pharmacy2Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, „Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Faculty of Pharmacy

Introduction. Worldwide, 80% of the solid pharmaceutical formulation with systemic effect are represented by tablets. The manufacturing of phyto-preparations used as tablets, has the advantage of a higher stability and the release of a fi x dosage.

Material and methods. The polyphenolic content of Urtica dioica L. extract was de-termined (standardized ex-tract). The formulation consists in 250 mg of Urtica dioica extract (previously described from physicochemical, phy-tobiological and pharmacological point of view) and inactive drug ingredients like diluents, binders, lubricants. The extract and the excip-ients were weighed, sieved (using corresponding sives) and mixed using direct compression technique, with the average compression force of 18 kN, from an excentric machine with 12 mm-diameter punches.

The quality control of the tablets was assessed using Romanian (Xth edition) and Euro-pean Pharmacopoeias (VIIth edition) guidelines. The resulting tablets were evaluated based on the following tests: appearance, organoleptic evaluation, mass uniformity, assay of total phe-nolic compounds (fl avonoids, phenolic acids, tannins), disintegration time, hardness, dissolution, friability. The presence of the active substances in the tablets was verifi ed using chemical reac-tions.

Results. The tablets are plane disks, spherical with regular shape and uniformly pig-mentations. From organoleptic point of view, the tablets are light- green, odorless and with sour taste.

The mass uniformity, expressed as deviation of average mass of tablets, has a lower value than 5% from the average of the tablets weight. The tablets dissolution takes place in 8 minutes, meeting the required criteria of maximum 15 minutes. The hardness is 17 Kp. The friability is 0.35%, beeing below 1%, which is the limit imposed by pharmaceuti-cal companies. The qualitative exam indicate the presence of fl avonoids, phenolic acids, proantocyanidins and tannins. The tablets content of active substances has deviation (2.93-4.44%)) that falls within the limits imposed by Romanian Pharmacopoeia.

Conclusions. The pharmaceutical formulation is in accordance with the chemical cons-tituents of the vegetal dry extracts. The uncoated tablets meets the criteria of disolution, friabi-lity and hardness. The main active principles are phenolic acids. Regarding the dosage units, the tablets complies with compendial requirements.

SINDROM MIELODISPLAZIC DEL 5Q-, BOALĂ CU EVOLUŢIE LENTĂ SAU RAPIDĂDrd. I.M. Nicorescu1, Prof. Dr. A.M. Vlădăreanu2, Conf. Dr. H. Bumbea2

1Clinica Neolife, Bucureşti 2Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă, Bucureşti

Introducere. Sindromul mielodisplazic (SMD) reprezintă un grup de boli hematopoetice caracterizat prin hematopoeză inefi cientă, citopenie şi, în multe cazuri, progresie către leucemie acută mieloblastică (LAM). Clasifi carea WHO (din 2001, revizuită 2008), include în categoria sindromelor mielodisplazice deleţia 5q, acesta fi ind defi nit prin deleţie izolată 5q, număr mai mic de 5% mieloblaşti în măduvă, anemie macrocitară în sânge periferic şi evoluţie lentă spre LAM.

Material şi metodă. Lucrarea prezentată descrie două cazuri de SMD cu deleţie 5q, fi ecare dintre ele secundar unei alte boli neoplazice. Primul caz aduce în discuţie o pacientă de 63 de ani cu APP - Carcinom invaziv ductal sân stâng (operat, chimio şi radio tratat 2003) şi care a fost diagnosticată în octombrie 2014 cu SMD risc intermediar 1 del 5q-. Al doilea caz aduce în discuţie o pacientă de 70 de ani, cu APP - Carcinom invaziv ductal sân stâng (operat, chimio şi

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (90)


radio tratat 2001) şi care a fost diagnosticată în noiembrie 2014 cu SMD risc intermediar 1 del 5q-, transformat în LAM în decembrie 2014.

Concluzii. Conform literaturii de specialitate, ambele cazuri au fost încadrate la diagnostic în grupă de risc intermediar 1 cu evoluţie spre leucemie acută de 3,3 ani. Deşi sindroamele mielodisplazice cu deleţie 5q- sunt considerate boli ale femeilor vârstnice cu evoluţie lent progresivă, observăm evoluţia rapidă a celui de al doilea caz către LAM. Aceasta poate fi explicată prin expunere la agenţi alchilanţi şi radioterapie, administrate în cadrul primei neoplazii.

Mulţumiri. Această prezentare a fost elaborată de Iuliana-Maria Nicorescu, MD şi doctorand din 2012 la UMF Carol Davila sub coordonarea Prof. Dr. Ana-Maria Vlădăreanu, MD, PhD.

Această lucrare este susţinută de Proiectul European cod POSDRU/159/1.5/S/141531 denumit „Dezvoltarea resurselor umane – doctoranzi şi postdoctoranzi – pentru cercetare de excelenţă în domeniile sănătate şi biotehnologii”.


1Medical Center Neolife Bucharest2Emergency Univesity Hospital Bucharest

Introduction. Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) represent a broad group of hematologic disorders characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis, cytopenias and progression to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). WHO classifi cation (since 2001, revision 2008) include the category of Myelodysplastic syndrome del 5q-, which is defi ned through iso-lated 5q deletion, <5% BM blasts, macrocytic anemia in blood values and slow progression to AML.

Materials and methods. The presented work describe two cases of SMD with deletion 5q, each of them as auxil-iary for neoplasic disease. In fi rst case as subject, 63 years old woman with APP- Carcinom ductal invasive at left breast (in 2003 surgically, chimio and radio treated) diagnosed in October 2014 with SMD mediate risk 1 del 5q-. The second subject, 70 years old woman with APP- Carcinom ductal invasive at left breast (in 2001 surgically, chimio and radio treated) diagnosed in November 2014 with SMD mediate risk 1 del 5q-, in December 2014 transformed in LAM.

Conclusions. According to specialized literature, both cases were diagnosed and frame-mounted in mediate risk group 1 with slow evolution through acute leukemia of 3,3 years. Despite the fact that myelodysplastic syndrome with deletion 5q- are considered to be old woman’s slow progressive course diseases, we can observe in the second case, a rapid evolution to LAM. This can be explained by alkylating agent and ray therapeutics exposure administered in fi rst neoplasic disease.

Aknowledgements. This presentation has been elaborated and written by Iuliana-Maria Nicorescu, MD and third year PhD student since 2012 at UMF Carol Davila under coordination of Prof. Dr. Ana-Maria Vlădăreanu, MD, PhD.

This paper is supported by European Project code POSDRU/159/1.5/S/141531, entitled “Human Resource Devel-opment - PhD students and postdocs - for research excellence in health and biotechnology”.

AUTOIMUNITATEA TIROIDIANA SI DIABETUL LA COPIL - STUDIU CLINIC PE 5 ANI Anca Orzan1, Carmen Novac1, Mihaela Balgradean1, Constantin Ionescu Tirgoviste2

1Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţa pentru Copii ” M.S. Curie”, Bucureşti2Institutul National de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice ” Prof. Dr. N. Paulescu”

În literatura de specialitate există numeroase dovezi care arată puternica asociere genetică între diabetul de tip 1 (T1D) şi bolile autoimune tiroidiene (AITD). Reprezentand 2 ”organe ţintă” ale autoimunităţii acestea sunt frecvent asociate, in special in patologia copilului.

Studiul este unul descriptiv retrospectiv realizat pe 5 ani, lot de 130 de copii cu vârsta între 3-18 ani, cu T1D, afl aţi în evidenţa compartimentului de “Diabet zaharat şi boli de nutriţie” al Sp. “M.S. Curie” – Bucureşti. S-a urmărit: asocierea T1D cu bolile tiroidiene autoimune pentru care s-au efectuat Ac ATPO, TSH, fT4, fT3, ecografi e tiroidiană; repartiţia pe sexe a patologiei tiroidiene asociate T1D; intervalul de timp scurs de la diagnosticul T1D şi pană la diagnosticul bolii tiroidiene.

Rezultate. 76 de pacienţi au prezentat nivele ↑ de ATPO dintre care 2 prezentau hipertiroidie, 14 hipotiroidie, restul afl ându-se în stadiul de eutiroidie.

Concluzii. Screeningul bolilor tiroidiene autoimune la pacientii cu T1D este indicat chiar şi în absenţa simptomatologiei. Tulburările tiroidiene pot avea un impact major asupra evoluţiei diabetului zaharat. Diagnosticul şi tratamentul acestora, la timp, conduc la un control mai efi cient al echilibrului glicemic.

Cuvinte cheie: diabet zaharat, autoimunitate, boli tiroidiene, control glicemic.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (91)


THYROID AUTOIMMUNITY AND DIABETES IN CHILDREN – 5 YEARS CLINICAL STUDY Anca Orzan1, Carmen Novac1, Mihaela Balgradean1, Constantin Ionescu Tirgoviste2

1Emergency Hospital for Children “M.S. Curie”, Bucharest2National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases “Prof. Dr. N. Paulescu”

There is ample evidence in the literature showing a strong genetic association between type 1 diabetes (T1D) and autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Representing two “arget organ” of autoimmunity these two disease are often as-sociated, especially in child pathology.

The study is retrospective descriptive one, conducted for 5 years, on a lot of 130 children aged 3-18 years with T1D, from the “Diabetes and Nutrition Diseases “Department of Sp. “M.S. Curie” – Bucharest. It was observed: T1D association with autoimmune thyroid diseases for which were made ATPO Ac, TSH, fT4, FT3, thyroid ultrasound; the gender distribution of thyroid pathology associated with T1D; time interval from diagnosis of T1D until the diagnosis of thyroid disease.

Results. 76 patients had levels of ATPO ↑, 2 of which showed hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism 14, the rest being in the euthyroid state.

Conclusions. Screening autoimmune thyroid disease in patients with T1D is indicated even in the absence of symp-toms. Thyroid disorders can have a major impact on the development of diabetes. Diagnosis and treatment in time, lead to a more effective glycemic control.

Keywords: diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, glycemic control.


Prezenta lucrare se referă la concluziile studiului “Efectele Cholesteremului asupra pacienţilor cu dislipidemie, care include hipercolesterolemie şi hipertrigliciridemie”. Valorile crescute ale COL, LDL, TGL reprezintă un factor de riscpentrubolica AVC, cardiopatie ischemică şi alte afecţiuni vasculare, iar cu tratamentul convenţional pot apărea numeroase reacţii adverse. Propunem o alternative naturală la tratamentul alopat cu suplimentul alimentar Cholesterem, care este destinat menţinerii valorilor normale ale COL, HDL, LDL şi TGL din sânge. Cholesteremul are ca şi component sterolivegetali, acid docosahexaenoic (DHA), obţinut din microalge din specia Ulkenia, Policosanol (din ceară de trestie de zahăr-Saccharumoffi cinarum), coenzima Q 10 şi orez roşu fermentat (Monascuspurpureus) cu un conţinut de 3% monacolin K.

Pacienţii (244) au fost selectaţi pentru a participa la studiul clinic pe baza analizelor de sânge, care au evidenţiat valori crescute ale COL, LDL şi TGL (o parte dintre acestia nu au benefi ciat înaintea studiului de terapie hipocolesterolemiantă). Criteriile stabilite în protocolul studiului au fost: fără alt tratament hipolipemiant, excluderea din studiu a femeilor însărcinate, etc. După fi ecare lună de la administrarea suplimentului, au fost analizaţi parametrii studiaţi, iar la sfârşitul tratamentului (după 3 luni) s-a efectuat o evaluare fi nală clinică şi biologică a pacienţilor.

Datorita lipsei partiale a valorilor analizelor colectate de către medicii de familie, au fost exclusi din studiu 69 de pacienti (acesti pacientii nu au renunţat la tratament şi nu au semnalat prezenţa efectelor adverse). Au fost luati în calculul statistic 175 de pacienti cu risc crescut de dezvoltare a bolilor cardiovasculare şi AVC, iar în urma prelucrării datelor obtinute (cu testul Student) în studiul făcut, rezultatele au fost promitatoare.

Administrarea Cholesteremuluia determinat scăderea semnifi cativ din punct de vedere statistica valorilor COL, LDL şi TGL din sânge, pâna la un nivel optim pentru pacienţi dupa un tratament standard de treiluni (tratamentul fi ind efi cient, reacţiile adverse fi ind minore şi foarte rare). Datele au fost analizate pe întreg lotul de pacienţi, pe categorii de vârstă şi sexe.

Concluzia studiului clinic prezentat, este ca suplimentul alimentar – Cholesterem (în condiţiile respectării unui regim alimentar hipolipidic) poate fi o alternative naturală la tratamentul classic alopat, având avantajul eliminarii reacţiilor adverse induse de substanţele de sinteză.


The present paper refers to conclusions of the study “Cholesterem’s effects on patients with dyslipidaemia, which include hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia”. The high value of COL, LDL, TGL, represents a risk factor

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for diseases like stroke, coronary heart disease and other vascular disorders, and with conventional treatment many side effects can occur.

We propose a natural alternative to allopathic treatment with Cholesterem - dietary supplement that is designed to maintain normal values of COL, HDL, LDL and TGL in the blood.

The components of Cholesterem are plant sterols, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), obtained from microalgae of the Ulkenia species, Policosanol (from sugar cane wax Saccharum offi cinarum), coenzyme Q10 and red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus) containing 3% monacolin K.

Patients (244) were selected to participate in the clinical trial based on blood tests that revealed elevated values of COL, LDL and TGL (some of them did not have cholesterol-lowering therapy before the study). The criteria estab-lished in the study protocol were no other lipid-lowering treatment, no pregnant women, etc. After each month of tak-ing the supplement, studied parameters were analyzed and at the end of treatment (3 months) was made a fi nal evalu-ation clinical and biological of the patients.

Due to lack partial test values collected by family physicians were excluded from the study 69 patients (these pa-tients have not abandoned treatment and did not report the presence of adverse effects). In the statistical calculations were taken 175 patients with increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke, and after processing the data obtained (by Student’s test), the results were promising.

Cholesterem administration decreased statistically signifi cant values of COL, LDL and blood TGL, up to an opti-mum level for patients after standard treatment for three months (treatment is effective, the side effects are minor and very rare). The data were analyzed by the entire group of patients by age and sex.

The conclusion of the clinical trial presented as a food supplement - Cholesterem (in compliance with a hypolipi-daemic diet) may be a natural alternative to classic allopathic treatment, with the advantage of eliminating undesirable effects associated with synthetic substances.


Studiul “Efectele Aquaminului, Lemnului dulce şi Pylopassului (Lactobacillus reuteri) asupra marker-ilor infecţiei cu Helicobacter pylori la o populaţie HP+” încearcă să demonstreze că administrarea zilnică a două comprimate masticabile de Gastrorempylopass (suplimentalimentar natural) poate ameliora simptomele gastritei, refl uxului gastroesofa*gian şi poate reduce până la eradicare infecţia cu bacteria Helicobacter pylori din stomac. Studiul realizat de către Compania Laboratoarele Remedia este în curs de desfăşurare.

Componentele suplimentului sunt Pylopass (tulpină probiotică de Lactobacillus reuteri), Aquamin (pulbere din alga roşie Lithothamniumcalcareum) şi lemnul dulce (Glycyrrhizaglabra). La studiu participă medici de medicină generală sau gastroenterologi din Bucureşti şi din ţară. Pacienţii au fost inclusi in studiu după ce li s-a efectuat anamneza şi alte analize care să evidenţieze prezenţa bacteriei Helicobacter pylori, analiza materiilor fecale (antigenul), testul respirator cu uree, iar în cazuri deosebite şi endoscopie. Până în prezent, au fost incluşi în studiu 44 de pacienţi selectaţi după rezultatele analizelor sus-mentionate, starea lor fi ind evaluată de către medicul investigator.Tratamentul constă în două comprimate masticabile din suplimentul alimentar Gastrorempylopass, zilnic, dimineaţa şi seara, cu 15 minute înainte de masă, timp de 30 de zile. După o lună de tratament, a fost evaluată din nou starea de sănătate a pacienţilor şi au fost refăcute testele iniţiale. De menţionat este faptul că în timpul studiului pacienţii nu au primit tratament cu antibiotice sau alte medicamente alopate folosite uzual pentru tratarea infecţiei cu Helicobacter pylori.Până în acest moment, 75% dintre pacienţi au avut rezultatele scontate (analize negative în ceea ce priveşte prezenţa bacteriei Helicobacter pylori şi ameliorarea simptomelor aferente) şi 22,7% încă nu au rezultate fi nale. Toţi pacienţii incluşi în studiu se simt foarte bine cu excepţia unui singur pacient care are rezultat pozitiv. Acest rezultat poate fi pus şi pe seama prezenţei altor simptomatologii. In această situaţie, medicul investigatora recomandat continuarea tratamentului încă o lună.

Ca şi concluzie se poate spune că Gastrorem Pylopass a redus simptomele dispeptice, cum ar fi distensia abdominală, fl atulenţa, prezenţa refl uxului gastro-esofa*gian, ceea ce a reprezentat o ameliorare a stării generale a pacientilor şi a redus infecţia cu bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Studiuleste in desfasurare, rezultatele fi nale a tuturordatelorvor fi interpretate statistic.

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The study “Effects Aquamin, licorice and Pylopass’s (Lactobacillus reuteri) on markers of Helicobacter pylori in-fection in a population HP +” trying to prove that daily administration of two chewable tablets Gastrorem pylopass (natural food supplement) can ameliorate symptoms of gastritis, gastroesophageal refl ux and can reduce until eradicate Helicobacter pylori bacteria infection from the stomach. The study conducted by the company Remedia Laboratories is ongoing.

Supplement components are Pylopass (Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic strains), Aquamin (red algae Lithothamni-um calcareum powder) and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). In the study participating general practitioners and gastroen-terologists from Bucharest and the country. Patients were included in the study after being made anamnesis and other analyzes showing the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, analysis of feces (antigen), urea breath test, and in special cases endoscopy.

Until now, were included in the study 44 patients selected after analysis results mentioned above, their condition was evaluated by investigator physician. The treatment consists of two chewable tablets of dietary supplement Gastro-rem pylopass daily, morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, for 30 days. After one month of treatment was evaluated again the health of patients and initial tests were remade. It should be mentioned that during the study pa-tients did not receive antibiotics and other allopathic drugs commonly used to treat Helicobacter pylori infection.

Until now, 75% of patients had expected results (negative analysis regarding the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and the relief of associated symptoms), and 22.7% have not yet fi nal results.

All patients included in the study feel very good except one patient with positive result. This result could also be made on account the presence of other symptoms. In this situation, the investigator physician recommended to con-tinue treatment one more month.

As a conclusion it can be said that Gastrorem Pylopass reduced dyspeptic symptoms such as abdominal distension, fl atulence, presence of gastroesophageal refl ux, which represented an improvement in general condition of patients and reduced infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. The study is ongoing, the fi nal results of all the data will be inter-preted statistically.


Leucemia mieloida cronică (LMC) este probabil cea mai studiată malignitate si a servit ca un pacemaker la dezvoltarea noilor concepte si strategii în oncologie. Peste 90% din pacientii cu LMC prezinta cromozomul Philadelphia (Ph+) ce apare prin translocatia genei ABL de pe cromozomul 9 pe cromozomul 22, t [(9;22)(q34;q11)]. La nivel molecular acest lucru se traduce prin aparitia unei gene hibrid noi, de fuziune, (BCR-ABL) care codifi ca pentru o oncoproteina (p210, mai rara p190 sau p230), cu activitate tirozin-kinazica.

Conform ultimului ghid European LeukemiaNet publicat in revista Blood (august 2013), raspunsul la tratamentul cu inhibitori de tirozin-kinaza (ITK) este cel mai important factor de prognostic in evolutia bolii.

Avand in vedere noile recomandari am realizat o baza de date cu circa 90 de pacienti internati in Clinica de Hematologie a Spitalului Clinic Coltea si Colentina cu diagnosticul de LMC- faza cronica si faza blastica, in ultimii 5 ani. Atat retrospectiv cat si prospectiv, am efectuat fi sa hematologica individuala prin care am monitorizat anumite variabile care pot infl uenta raspunsul la tratament: parametrii clinici si mai ales paraclinici ( sex , varsta, comorbiditati, splenomegalie, faza de debut a bolii, numar celule la debut, scoruri de prognostic (scor EUTOS, Sokal),doza de ITK initiala, raspuns citogenetic si molecular la fi ecare 6 luni. Foarte importanti sunt si factorii nou aparuti in cursul terapiei cu ITK (anomalii citogenetice clonale, momentul schimbarii terapiei, mutatii ale domeniului kinazic BCR-ABL1).In functie de rezultate pacientii nou diagnosticati au fost inclusi inca de la inceput in doua grupuri: cu risc scazut si risc inalt de evolutie a bolii, urmarindu-se corelarea datelor cu cele din literatura.

Pacientii din lotul de studiat au fost internati in Spitalul Clinic Colentina, respectiv Coltea in perioada 2009-2014 cu diagnosticul de LMC in toate fazele de diagnostic.Pana acum au fost identifi cati aproximativ 90 de pacienti din ambele spitale.S-a intocmit o fi sa hematologica individuala cu cei mai importanti factori de prognostic cunoscuti in raspunsul la tratament . Am completat 43 de fi se cu parametrii de urmarit. Rezultatele partiale obtinute au identifi cat ca si factori de prognostic semnifi cativi statistic: sexul feminin (61% dintre cei cu RMC la 12 luni), raspunsul molecular cat mai precoce ( 64% din acesti pacienti au RMC la 2 ani), scorul Sokal low risk- 86% din acesti pacienti au RMC la

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6 luni, anomaliile citogenetice clonale: 1 caz cu trisomie 8-pierdere RMM si un caz cu trisomie Ph+: transformare in leucemie acuta. De asem*nea mutatiile domeniului BCR-ABL au fost semnifi cative statistic-1 caz cu mutatia T315I- allotransplant, 1 caz mutatia V299L- pierderea RMM, alaturi de ITK de generatia a IIa administrat dupa Imatinib (2 din cei 5 pacienti tratati cu Dasatinib au obtinut RMM sau RMC, niciunul din cei 2 cu Nilotinib).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romania Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390/”.The present article has been elaborated and written by Oana Patrinoiu, MD and fourth year PhD student since 2011, at UMF Carol Davila Bucharest, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Anca Lupu, MD PhD - Hematology Department.


Chronic myeloid leukemia is one of the most studied malignancy and also a very successful model of targeted oral therapy in cancer. It is a myeloproliferative neoplasm that accounts for around 15% of newly diagnosed cases of leu-kemia in adults. Central to the pathogenesis of CML is the fusion of the Abelson murine leukemia (ABL) gene on chromosome 9 with the breakpoint cluster region (BCR) gene on chromosome 22, which results in expression of an oncoprotein, termed BCR-ABL

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) represent a ‘‘targeted’’ approach developed to exploit the presence of the aber-rantly expressed BCR-ABL protein in CML cells. They revolutionized dramatically the treatment of CML and changed the natural history of the disease, improving 10-year overall survival (OS) from almost 20 to 80-90%. Three TKIs are available for the frontline treatment of CML and these include imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib. Current guidelines endorse all three as viable options for the initial management of CML in the chronic phase (CML-CP).

In the TKI era, complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) stands fi rmly as a response milestone affording critical pro-tection against transforming disease. The odds of CCyR (0 Ph+ metaphases) at 12 or 18 month of treatment are lower for patients with higher Sokal risk score but once achieved it improves outcome. Also, a small increase of BCR-ABL transcript level at patients that achieved and maintain CCyR does not necessarily mean a change of therapy but a more careful follow-up.

Allo-HSCT remains a vital therapeutic approach for patients with CP-CML that fail TKIs treatment and also for those diagnosed in a more advanced phase of disease.

This are very rare situations but the approach and prognostic is different.As an example I will present the case of a 41 years old women without signifi cant medical history, admmited in our

Hematology Department in April 2012 with normochromic normocytic anemia (Hb = 7,42 g /dl) and normal white blood count. Peripheral blood morphology reveals the presence of myeloblasts (15%) and no metamyelocytes or my-elocytes.The bone marrow aspirate showed rich marrow cellularity with left deviation of the leukocyte formula and 22% marrow blasts with maturation (AML FAB 2). Sokal score is 2.3 (high score); this added to the advanced phase of disease at baseline indicate two poor prognostic factors. The cytogenetic and molecular biology analysis revealed 48 % Ph+ metaphases of the analyzed nuclei and 16,755% BCR-ABL1 transcript level. The diagnosis in this case is chronic myeloid leukemia – blastic phase at onset and we initiated induction treatment (intensive chemotherapy) plus Imatinib (fi rst line ITK treatment). The CCyR was obtained at 3 months from diagnosis (0 Ph+ metaphases) and also MMR (0.05% BCR-ABL1 transcripts level), according to the monitoring guidelines by ELN.

An early molecular response (< 10% BCR-ABL transcript level) in addition to a major cytogenetic response (MCR) by 3 months of therapy defi ne the optimal response for patients under TKI treatment, especially those in CP-CML.

Our patient continued evolving favourably until February 2014 when the last three determinations of BCR-ABL transcript level have increased slowly. The Imatinib dose was increased to 600 mg daily. The mutation T315I of the BCR-ABL domain it is known as the ‘‘gatekeeper’’ mutation as it causes resistance to all three TKIs.

The exam of T315I mutation done was also negative.She is still in complete cytogenetic response (last evaluation February this year).Discussions. Some patients appear to have rising levels of BCR-ABL transcripts while maintaining a CCyR. This

may indicate an increased risk for TKI resistance by development of mutations. However, this value should be considered with caution because a small increase in BCR-ABL transcript levels does

not necessarily indicate treatment failure or loss of response. If a patient who has previously achieved a MMR is noted to have a 1 log or fi vefold increase in BCR-ABL transcripts, the molecular analysis should be repeated in 1-3 months. If confi rmed, a bone marrow aspirate should be done to evaluate for loss of CyR, since this is still one of the most

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important goals of treatment. The loss of a CHR or CCyR or clonal evolution during treatment at any time is consid-ered treatment failure, while patients who achieve and mantain CCyR seem to have a low probability of eventually progressing.

Hopefully the patient will fi nally accept allo-HSCT as the only curative option, given the adverse prognostic factors from diagnosis.

Otherwise the switch to a 2nd generation TKI has to take into account the safety and tolerability of the chosen drug. Also very important for the patient are the side effects of the previous treatment and the comorbidities that can be of concern with different TKIs.

Both Dasatinib and Nilotinib are available at this point in our country, for both front or second line of treatment.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources

Development (SOP HRD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romania Government under the con-tract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390/”.The present article has been elaborated and written by Oana Patrinoiu, MD and fourth year PhD student since 2011, at UMF Carol Davila Bucharest, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Anca Lupu, MD PhD- Hematology Department.

MONITORIZAREA EVOLUŢIEI CLINICE A PACIENŢILOR CU ULCERE DE PRESIUNE EVALUATI CU SER MATRIXMETALLOPROTEIN – DATE PRELIMINAREGeorgeta Paunică-Panea1,2, Carolina Constantin3, Andreea Lupu3, Georgiana Dumitrascu3, V.D. Constantin1,2, Monica Neagu3

1Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie ,,Carol Davila“, Bucuresti, Romania2Spitalul Clinic de Urgenya ,,Sf. Pantelimon’’, Bucuresti, Romania3Institutul National de Cercetare si Dezvoltare in Domeniul Patologiei si Stiinteelor Biomedicale Victor Babes, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Ulcerul de presiune reprezinta o complicatie frecventa aparuta consecutiv unui spectru larg de boli. Adoptarea unui protocol standard de ingrijiri pentru escare, surprinzator, nu a condus la scaderea incidentei acestora.Vindecarea escarelor se realizeaza in mod normal trecand printr-o serie predictibila de faze care culmineaza cu aparitia cicatricilor, faze reglate cu ajutorul factorilor de crestere, citokinelor, proteinazelor, si-a inhibitorilor acestora.

Material si metoda. In prezentul studiu (dupa obtinerea consimtamantului informat) au fost inrolate 3 categorii de pacienti: 1. Tratati prin proceduri standard; 2. Tratati cu Altrazeal; 3. Control-grup cu boli fara escare.

Monitorizarea pacientilor a fost realizata anterior terapiei,in timpul aplicarii, si dupa aparitia cicatricii. Utilizarea tehnologiei multi-plex a permis cuantifi carea a multiple MMPs si TIMPs in serul pacientilor (s-a utilizat kitul Bio-Plex kit pentru MMPs uman – fi ind astfel identifi cate si cuantifi cate MMP-1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 in decursul evolutiei clinice a pacientilor).

Rezultate. Rezultatele obtinute demonstreaza existenta unui spectru larg de concentratii serice bazale in MMPs testate, variind intre sute de pg/mL (MMP-7,10,12,13) pana la mii de pg/mL (MMP1, 2,8,9). Pe perioada evolutiei clinice, concentratia MMPs a scazut atat in lotul de pacienti tratat standard cat si in cel tratati cu Altrazeal; scaderea serica maxima a MMPs a fost observata insa in grupul tinta cu Altrazeal (specifi c pentru MMP1 si 8). Totodata, au fost inregistrati pacienti cu augumentare marcata a MMPs in faza infl amatorie, urmata de-o scadere semnifi cativa in con-centratia serica.

Concluzii. Acest studiu deschide perspectiva acreditarii unor noi biomarkeri de regenerare serica, ce ar putea con-tribui fundamental la delimitarea loturilor de pacienti susceptibili de-a evolua catre o faza cronica a ulcerelor de decu-bit, comparativ cu loturile de pacienti capabili de-o regenerare tisulara normala.

Acknowledgement. Autor Georgeta Paunică-Panea are un grant de doctorat fi nanţat prin Proiectul POSDRU / 159 / 1.5 / S / 135760. Autorii ar dori să le mulţumeasca Dr. Alexandra Livescu si fi rmei Dialab Solution care ne-a oferit echipamentul BioPlex MAGPIX Multiplex Reader in timpul procedurilor experimentale.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (96)


MONITORING CLINICAL EVOLUTION OF PRESSURE ULCERS PATIENTS BY MATRIXMETALLOPROTEINASE SERUM EVALUATION – PRELIMINARY DATAGeorgeta Paunică-Panea1,2, Carolina Constantin3, Andreea Lupu3, Georgiana Dumitrascu3, V.D. Constantin1,2, Monica Neagu3

1”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania2Surgery Clinics, ,,Sf. Pantelimon” Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania3Immunobiology Laboratory “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology

Pressure ulcer (PU) is a frequent complication of a large array of diseases. However, the adoption of a care recom-mendation standard for PUs did not reduce their incidence. Healing of PUs normally occurs in a predictable sequence of phases that ends with scar formation. These processes are regulated by numerous molecules, including growth fac-tors, cytokines, proteinases, and the inhibitors of these molecules.

In the presented study, after informed consent, we have enrolled patients appending for the following groups: treated with standard procedures, treated with Altrazeal and control groups with non-PU related diseases. We have monitored the patients before therapy, during its development and after the scar formation. Using multi-plex technol-ogy we have concomitantly quantifi ed several MMPs and TIMPs in the sera of enrolled patients. We have used Bio-Plex kit for human MMPs. Hence MMP-1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 were quantifi ed during clinical evolution of the patients.

The presented results show that there is a wide range of basal serum concentration in the tested MMPs, ranging from hundreds of pg/mL (MMP-7,10,12,13) to tens of thousands (MMP1, 2,8,9).

During clinical evolution in standard treated group and in the Altrazela treated group the concentration of MMPs decrease. The highest decrement degree of serum MMPs was obtained in the Altrazeal treated group and more spe-cifi cally for MMP1 and 8.

During clinical evolution, we have witnessed patient’s with clear MMPs increase in the infl ammatory phase fol-lowed by a drop in the serum concentration.

This study opens the possibility to appoint new serum regeneration markers that could stratify patients’ sub-groups that are likely to develop a chronic status of the pressure wound in comparison to others prone to have a normal tissue regeneration.

Acknowledgement. Author Georgeta Paunică-Panea has a doctoral grant fi nanced through Project POSDRU/159/1.5/S/135760. Authors would like to thank Dr. Alexandra Livescu and Dialab Solution for providing us with the equipment BioPlex MAGPIX Multiplex Reader during the experimental procedures.

APITERAPIA ÎN TRATAREA COMPLICAŢIILOR DIABETULUI ZAHARATDr. Cristina PavelAsociaţia Societatea Română de Apiterapie, Bucureşti

Produsele apicole (mierea, polenul, propolisul, lăptişorul de matcă şi veninul de albine) au fost utilizate terapeutic din cele mai vechi timpuri. Pacienţii cu diabet zaharat pot benefi cia si ei de ajutorul acestor produse, alături de anumite plante medicinale selectate pentru fi ecare caz în parte. Lucrarea urmăreşte să prezinte proprietăţile fi ecărui produs apicol şi utilitatea sa practică în tratarea complicaţiilor vasculare, neurologice şi a piciorului diabetic. Mierea, polenul şi lăptişorul de matcă sunt considerate astăzi alimente funcţionale, suplimente nutritive cu importante efecte biostimulatoare şi bioreglatoare. Un studiu realizat recent în Turcia arată că unele tipuri de miere au indice glicemic scăzut şi ca atare pot fi administrate controlat şi la diabetici. Mierea este folosită azi pentru tratamentul plăgilor şi ulceraţiilor, existând pansamente cu miere medicinală (medihoney), iar polenul este un foarte bun tonic vascular. Lăptişorul de matcă are un bogat conţinut de vitamine din grupul B, care îl face util în neuropatia diabetică. Ultimele două produse apicole, propolisul şi veninul, nu sunt suplimente nutritive, ci substanţe naturale puternic active terapeutic, la care se urmăreşte standardizarea şi caracterizarea pentru a deveni cu adevărat medicamente. Tinctura de propolis este un bun protector vascular, cicatrizant şi antiinfecţios, de ajutor în tratarea coinfecţiilor apărute la diabetici. Veninul de albine are un puternic efect de stimulare a circulaţiei şi microcirculaţiei, util în angiopatia diabetică. În fi nal se prezintă un studiu de caz (o pacientă de 65 ani cu diabet zaharat de tip II vechi de 10 ani, cu amputaţie veche a ultimelor două degete ale piciorului stâng şi cu o ulceraţie recentă la nivelul degetului III) la care pansamentele locale cu miere şi propolis şi reţetele personalizate de fi toterapie au ajutat la cicatrizarea ulceraţiei şi îmbunătăţirea circulaţiei locale şi a stării generale.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (97)



The main fi ve beekeeping products (honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom) were used for therapies since ancient times, all over the world. They can be also very useful for patients with diabetes mellitus, together with specifi c medicinal plants selected for every person. The paper presents the main therapeutic properties of every bee product and its practical usage for the treatment of vascular and neurological complications of diabetes and for dia-betic foot. Honey, pollen and royal jelly are considered today functional food, nutritive supplements with important biostimulator and bioregulator activity. A recent study from Turkey claimed that some types of honey have low glyce-mic index and they can be administered for diabetic patients. Honey is used today for the treatment of wounds and ulcerations and there are dressings with medihoney available on the medical market; pollen is a very good vascular tonic. Royal jelly has a rich amount of type B vitamins and it is recommended in diabetic neuropathy. The last two bee products, propolis and bee venom, are not nutritive supplements but very powerful therapeutic substances. They had to be characterized and standardized in the future in order to become real medicines. Propolis ethanolic extract is a good cicatrizant, antibacterial and vascular protector, useful for infections of diabetic patients. Bee venom is a strong stimulant of the circulation and microcirculation, recommended for diabetic angiopathy. Finally it is presented a case study (a 65 years old lady with diabetes mellitus type II since 10 years, with old amputation of the last two fi ngers of left foot and a recent small ulceration at the third left fi nger) where dressings with honey and propolis, together with specifi c herbal mixtures helped for cicatrisation of the ulceration and improvement of local circulation and general state.


Introducere. Macrofa*gele (M) si celulele musculare netede (CMN) sunt componente celulare importante are ateromului. Interactia M cu CMN in intima vasculara si modularea acesteia de catre citokine si chemokine poate activa ambele tipuri de celule si poate contribui la evolutia ateromului prin mecanisme ce inca nu sunt pe deplin intelese. Rezistina (o citokina) si fractalkina (o chemokina) au fost evidentiate impreuna la un nivel crescut in leziunile aterosclerotice umane, rezistina fi ind asociata cu macrofa*ge CD68 pozitive si fractalkina fi ind asociata cu CMN din intima. Rolul rezistinei si fractalkinei in interactia M-CMN nu este cunoscut inca.

Scop. Grupul nostru a emis ipoteza ca rezistina si fractalkina moduleaza semnifi cativ fenotipul macrofa*gelor, iar dupa interactia acestora cu CMN in intima vasculara, contribuie la evolutia ateromului. Scopul studiului nostru este de a identifi ca mediatorii infl amatori indusi in macrofa*ge dupa interactia acestora cu CMN in prezenta sau absenta rezistinei sau fractalkinei si de elucida mecanismele implicate.

Metode. CMN aortice umane cultivate pe inserturi membranare si macrofa*ge diferentiate din linia celulara monocitara THP-1, au fost interactionate in prezenta sau absenta rezistinei sau fractalkinei pentru 24 de ore. Urmatoarele tipuri de probe au fost analizate utilizand kit-urile Chemokine si Cytokine Proteome Profi ler: macrofa*ge diferentiate (control), M interactionate cu CMN (Mi), M interactionate cu CMN in prezenta rezistinei (Ri) sau a fractalkinei (Fki). Datele au fost analizate utilizand programele Gnumeric si DAVID (The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery).

Rezultate. Am identifi cat 57 de proteine in macrofa*gele-control si am gasit 42 de proteine in Mi, 36 in Fki si 29 in Ri a caror expresie este semnifi cativ crescuta fata de macrofa*gele-control. Din cele 57 de protein: in Mi, 32% din proteinele cu nivel crescut sunt asociate cu raspunsul infl amator, 60% cu raspunsul imun, 42% sunt implicate in chemotaxie si 42% implicate in aparare; in Fki, 32% sunt asociate cu raspunsul infl amator, 40% implicate in aparare, 39% asociate cu raspunsul imun si 33% implicate in chemotaxie; in Ri, 11% sunt asociate cu raspunsul infl amator, 14% cu raspunsul imun, 14% implicate in chemotaxie si 12% implicate in aparare. Datele noastre arata ca rezistina moduleaza in principal citokine pro-infl amatorii (cu un nivel foarte crescut fi ind IL-6, Il-5, IL-27, Il-23, IL-17E, IL-1α, IL-2, GM-CSF, G-CSF), in timp de fractalkine induce in principal chemokine (cu un nivel foarte crescut fi ind VCC-1, MIP-3β, NAP2, PARC, IP-10, PF4, GROα). Remarcabil este faptul ca 10 mediatori au o expresie crescuta la un nivel comparabil in Mi, Fki si macrofa*ge activate cu fractalkine, sugerand faptul ca fractalkina poate fi implicate specifi c in modularea acestor mediatori in macrofa*gele interactionate cu CMN.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (98)


Concluzie. Interactia M-CMN creste specifi c expresia unor mediatori infl amatori ce pot fi utilizati ca tinte pentru dezvoltarea unor noi strategii nano-terapeutice pentru a reduce infl amatia peretelui vascular in ateroscleroza.


Topic: Basic scienceBackground. Macrophages (M) and vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) are important cellular constituents of the

atheroma. M and SMC cross-talk in the vascular intima and its modulation by cytokines and chemokines may activate both type of cells and contribute to the evolution of atheroma by mechanisms that still need to be clarifi ed. The cyto-kine resistin (R) and the chemokine fractalkine (FK) were found at increased levels in the human atherosclerotic le-sions, R being associated with CD68 macrophages and FK with intimal SMC. The role of R and FK in M-SMC cross-talk is not known, yet.

Purpose. We hypothesize that R and FK signifi cantly modulate M phenotype and upon their cross-talk with SMC in the vessel intima, contribute to the evolution of atheroma. The purpose of our study was to identify the infl amma-tory mediators induced in M by their interaction with SMC in the presence or absence of FK and R and to uncover the mechanisms involved.

Methods. Human aortic SMC cultured on membrane inserts and macrophages differentiated from THP1 cell line, were interacted w/o R or FK for 24h. The following samples were analyzed using Chemokine and Cytokine Proteome Profi ler arrays: M used as control, M interacted with SMC (Mi) and Mi in presence of R (Ri) or FK (Fki). Data were analyzed in Gnumeric and DAVID software.

Results. We identifi ed 57 proteins in control macrophages and revealed signifi cantly increased expression of 42 proteins in Mi, 36 in Fki and 29 in Ri. Out of the 57 proteins: in Mi 32% of the upregulated proteins were associated with infl ammatory response, 60% with immune response, 42% with chemotaxis and 42% with defense response; in Fki 32% in infl ammatory response, 40% in defense response, 39% in immune response, 33% in chemotaxis and 40% in defense response; in Ri 11% in infl ammatory response, 14% in immune response, 14 % in chemotaxis and 12% in defense response. Our data revealed that resistin modulates mainly pro-infl ammatory cytokines (highly increased be-ing IL6, IL5, IL27, IL23, IL17E, IL1α, IL2, GMCSF, GCSF) and FK induced mostly chemokines (highly expressed being VCC1, MIP3β, NAP2, PARC, IP10, PF4, GROα). Remarkably, 10 mediators were upregulated at similar levels in Mi, Fki and in M activated by FK, suggesting that FK may be specifi cally involved in the upregulation of these mediators in Mi.

Conclusion. M-SMC cross-talk enhance the expression of specifi c infl ammatory mediators in M which may be used as targets to develop new nanotherapeutic strategies to reduce vessel wall infl ammation in chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis.


1Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila, Bucuresti, Romania2Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infectioase si Tropicale Dr Victor Babes, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Din 1968, Romania a fost declarata malaria-free. De atunci, in Romania, nu au mai fost raportate cazuri de malarie cu transmitere autohtona. Avand in vedere cresterea numarului de cazuri de import in ultimii ani in tara noastra, am studiat cazurile de malarie inregistrate in spitalul nostru pe o perioada de 5 ani (2009 -2013).

Metoda. Analiza retrospectiva a cazurilor de malarie diagnosticate si confi rmate conform defi nitiei de caz din Uniunea Europeana, respectand atat criteriile clinice (de exemplu febra sau antecedente de febra), precum si cele de laborator (de exemplu, prezenta de paraziti pe frotiu de sange periferic si picatura groasa, detectarea acidului nucleic de Plasmodium sau a antigenului de Plasmodium in ser) in perioada 2009 - 2013. Cazurile severe au fost stabilite în conformitate cu criteriile OMS (Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii). Tuturor pacientilor li s-a efectuat la internare un test rapid pentru detectarea antigenului de Plasmodium in sange, ulterior investigatiile fi ind completate cu identifi carea de Plasmodium pe frotiu si picatura groasa prin microscopie optica. In 27% din cazuri s-a efectuat cuantifi carea ADN de Plasmodium din sange prin Real Time PCR folosind un LightScanner 32 (Idaho Technology, SUA) pentru a confi rma diagnosticul, in special atunci cand rezultatele celorlalte teste s-au dovedit discordante.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (99)


Rezultate. Intre 2009 si 2013 in Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infectioase si Tropicale “Dr. Victor Babes” din Bucuresti s-au înregistrat 100 de cazuri de malarie, toate cazurile fi ind de import. Cu exceptia a catorva cazuri, incluzand aici cei 2 pacienti infectati in epidemia locala din Grecia (2011), cea mai mare parte au venit din Africa (91%). In ceea ce priveste diagnosticul de specie, 74% din pacienti au fost infectati cu Plasmodium falciparum (inclusiv 5 cazuri de coinfectie cu Plasmodium falciparum si alte specii), Plasmodium ovale si vivax provocand fi ecare cate 10% din numarul total de cazuri. Majoritatea pacientilor au fost de sex masculin (94), 90 din numarul total fi ind romani, lucratori in zonele endemice sau turisti. Cazurile severe (7) au fost determinate de Plasmodium falciparum, inregistrandu-se un deces.

Concluzii. Turistii si muncitorii romani care calatoresc in regiunile endemice de malarie au risc crescut de a face malarie severa, in cazul în care nu primesc consiliere medicala la plecarea din tara si nu urmeaza profi laxie antimalarica. Stiind ca malaria ramane o posibila afectiune re-emergenta in zonele in care boala a fost declarata eradicata, autoritatile locale de sanatate si cadrele medicale ar trebui sa includa malaria în diagnosticul diferential al calatorilor reveniti din aceste regiuni.


1University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania2Clinical Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases Dr Victor Babes, Bucharest, Romania

Background. In 1968 Romania was declared malaria-free. No local transmission of malaria has been reported in Romania since then. Regarding the higher prevalence of imported malaria cases in our country in the last few years, we overlook across the cases registred in a period of 5 years (2009 -2013) from our hospital.

Methods. The analyse was made retrospectively, betwen 2009 and 2013 over the malaria cases diagnosed and confi rmed as the EU (European Union) case defi nition by both clinical (i.e. fever or history of fever) and laboratory criteria (i.e. demonstration of parasites on thin and thick blood smear, detection of Plasmodium nucleic acid, or detec-tion of Plasmodium antigen in blood samples). The severe cases were established in accordance with the WHO (World Health Organization) criteria. All patients have had at the hospital addmitance a rapid test for detectiont of Plasmodium antigen in blood samples and the investigations were completed with the demonstration of malaria parasites in the blood fi lms using light microscopy. In 27% of cases the whole blood Plasmodium DNA quantifi cation by Real Time PCR using a LightScanner 32 (Idaho Technology, USA) was performed to complete the diagnosis, especially when there were discordant the results of the others tests.

Results. Between 2009-2013 in „Dr Victor Babes” Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bucha-rest, 100 cases of malaria were recorded, all cases being imported. Excepting a few cases, including here 2 patients arriving from an outbreak of loccally acquired malaria from Greece (2011), the most patients came from Africa (91%). Regarding the species-specifi c diagnosis, 74% were caused by Plasmodium falciparum (including here 5 cases of coinfection with Plasmodium falciparum and other species), Plasmodium ovale and vivax causing each 10% of total number of cases. The majority of patients were males (94%), 90% of whole number being romanians, work-related travelers or tourists. The severe cases (7%) were determined by Plasmodium falciparum, and one fatal outcome had been recorded.

Conclusions. Romanian tourists and work- related travelers in malaria endemic regions are at high risk to get a severe form of malaria, especially if they don’t get a medical advice and start a right antimalarial prophylactic treat-ment before leaving the country. Knowing that malaria remains a possible re-emerging disease in areas where the disease has been declared eradicated both local health authorities and practicing clinicians should include malaria in the differential diagnosis in travellers from this regions.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (100)


PREVALENŢA DIABETULUI ZAHARAT LA PACIENŢII CU CANCER PANCREATIC INTER NAŢI ÎN SPITALULUL CLINIC DE URGENŢĂ BUCUREŞTI Horaţiu-Cristian Popescu-Vâlceanu1,2, Matei R.Bratu3, Dan Matei Stancu1, Valentin Enache4, Dianna Paula Tudor1, Raluca Nan1,2, Ramona Maria Drăguţ1,2, Emilia Rusu1,2, Gabriela Radulian1,2

1Institutul Naţional de Diabet Nutriţie şi Boli Metabolice “Prof. N.C. Paulescu” 2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila” 3Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti Departamentul de Chirurgie Generală 4Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti, Departamentul de Anatomopatologie

Premise şi obiective. Cancerul şi diabetul sunt două boli cronice grevate de o morbiditate şi o mortalitate crescută. Numeroase studii au evidenţiat o creştere moderată a riscului de neoplazie la pacienţii cu diabet zaharat în special în sfera genitală feminină şi organele anexe (sân, ovar, uter, col uterin) dar şi în sfera digestivă (fi cat, pancreas, colon, rect). Scopul studiului a fost să evalueze frecvenţa diabetului zaharat (DZ) la pacienţii cu cancer pancreatic internaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti în perioada 01.01.2012-01.03.2015.

Materiale şi metode. Studiul este unul retrospectiv şi a folosit programul informatic medical Hipocrate pentru a selecta toţi pacienţii externaţi cu diagnosticul principal de tumoră malignă pancreas conform Clasifi cării Internaţionale a Maladiilor Ediţia a10-a (ICD-10-CM) astfel: C25 pentru tumoră malignă de pancreas. Ulterior din pacienţii incluşi în studiu conform criteriilor de includere, au fost selectaţi pacienţii cu diagnosticul de DZ. Au fost analizaţi un număr total de 674 de externări cu diagnosticul principal de cancer pancreas (C25) corespunzând unui număr de 451 pacienţi unici, respectiv al unui număr de 398 pacienţi unici externaţi cu diagnostic de cancer pancreas prezent ca diagnostic principal în grupa de diagnostice, diabetici versus non-diabetici.

Rezultate şi discuţii. Proportia barbatilor a fost mai mare in ambele grupuri atat in grupul diabetic (55%) cat si non-diabetic (56%). Varsta medie a fost mai mare in grupul diabetic (68 ani) comparativ cu grupul non-diabetic (67 ani). Prevalenta DZ in randul pacientilor cu cancer de pancreas a fost de 22.36% . Diabetul zaharat tip 2 (T2DZ) a fost cel mai frecvent tip de diabet (92%) urmat de diabetul zaharat tip 1 (T1DZ) cu doar 3%. Prezenta DZ s-a asociat cu un risc de metastazare crescut in grupul diabetic (32.4% in grupul diabetic comparativ cu 28.1% in randul pacientilor non-diabetici). In studiul nostru, distributia cancerului de pancreas in grupul diabetic versus non-diabetic functie de zona anatomica a fost astfel: Pancreas regiunea anatomica

Cap Corp Coada Procesul Uncinat

Ampular Nespecifi cat Total

n % n % n % n % n % nDiabetic 49 55.1 23 25.8 11 12.4 3 3.4 3 3.4 0 89Non-diabetic 184 63.2 54 18.6 37 12.8 10 3.4 3 1 3 291

Concluzii. În studiul nostru cancerul de pancreas a avut o asociere frecventa cu DZ. Prezenţa DZ s-a asociat cu un prognostic mai prost, grupul diabetic prezentând o metastazare uşor crescută comparativ cu grupul non-diabetic. Functie de zona anatomica cancerul de pancreas a fost asociat mai frecvent in zona corporeala comparativ cu grupul non-diabetic putand concluziona ca DZ se asociaza mai frecvent cu cancerul de pancreas in regiunea coporeala.

Menţiune. Această lucrare este efectuată în cadrul Programului Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (POSDRU), fi nanţat din Fondul Social European şi Guvernul României prin contractul nr. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/13739”

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (101)


THE PREVALENCE OF DIABETES MELLITUS IN PATIENTS WITH PANCREATIC CANCER ADMITTED TO BUCHAREST EMERGENCY HOSPITALHoraţiu-Cristian Popescu-Vâlceanu1,2, Matei R.Bratu3, Valentin Enache4, Raluca Nan1,2, Ramona Maria Drăguţ1,2, Emilia Rusu1,2, Constantin Ionescu-Târgoviste1,2, Gabriela Radulian1,2

1National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases „Prof. N. C. Paulescu” Bucharest, Romania 2University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” 3Bucharest Emergency Hospital Department of General Surgery 4Bucharest Emergency Hospital Anatomic Pathology Department

Background and objective. Cancer and diabetes are two chronic diseases with high morbidity and mortality. Several studies showed a moderate increase in risk of neoplasia in patients with diabetes, especially in female genital area and annexes (breast, ovary, uterus, cervix) but also in the digestive area (liver, pancreas, colon, rectum). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with pancreatic cancer, hospitalized in Bucharest Emergency Hospital betwe-en 01.01.2012 -01.03.2015.

Materials and Methods. This was a retrospective study and Hippocrates medical software was used to select all patients discharged with the diagnosis of primary malignant colorectal tumor according to The 10th Edition of International Classifi cation of Diseases (ICD-10-CM) as follows: C25 for pancrea-tic malignant tumor. Subsequently from the patients included in the study according to the inclusion criteria, we selected the patients with the diagnosis of DM. A total of 674 discharges with the principal diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (C25) were analyzed corresponding to a total of 451 unique patients, respectively of a total of 398 unique patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer present as primary dia-gnosis in group diagnoses.

Results and discussion. The proportion of men was higher both in the diabetic(55%) and non-dia-betic group (56%).The mean age was 68 years in diabetic group which was higher than non-diabetic group (67). The prevalence of diabetes among patients with pancreatic neoplasm was 22.36%. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) was the most common type of diabetes (92%) followed by type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) with only 3% .The presence of diabetes was associated with an increased metastatic risk in diabetic group (32.4%diabetic vs 28.1% non-diabetic patients) Regarding the distribution of pancreatic cancer in diabetic versus non-diabetic group according to the anatomic location our study showed:Pancreatic anatomic area

Head Body Tail Uncinate process

Ampulloma Unspecifi ed Total

n % n % n % n % n % n

Diabetic 49 55.1 23 25.8 11 12.4 3 3.4 3 3.4 0 89Non-diabetic 184 63.2 54 18.6 37 12.8 10 3.4 3 1 3 291

Conclusions. In our study pancreatic cancer was commonly associated with DM. The presence of DM was associated with a poor prognosis, diabetic group showing higher metastasis risk in pancreatic cancer compared with non-diabetic group. Depending on the anatomical location, pancreatic cancer was more common in diabetic group in the cephalic region compared with non-diabetic group and we can conclude that diabetes is associated commonly with body pancreatic cancer region.

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390/

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (102)


ANGIOGENEZA IN HEPATOCARCINOM/ANGIOGENESIS IN HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMADr. Maria S. Popescu1, Dr. Severina A. Batca1, Conf. Dr. Tanase Cristiana3,4, CS1 Dr. S. O. Dima1, DMD, PhD Dan G. Duda2, Prof. Dr. I. Popescu1,5

1Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucuresti-Centrul de Chirurgie Digestiva si Transplant hepatic ‘’Dan Setlacec2Laboratorul „Edwin L. Steele“, Massachusetts General Hospital S.U.A3Universitatea „Titu Maiorescu“, Facultatea de Medicina, Bucuresti4Institutul National de Patologie „Victor Babes“, Bucuresti, Romania5UMF „Carol Davila“, Bucuresti


1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti2Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă, Bucureşti

Introducere. Insufi cienţa cardiacǎ este un diagnostic des întalnit, în special la pacienţii în vârstă, şi o cauză frecventă de reinternare. În studii realizate anterior de noi am ajuns la concluzia cǎ evoluţia acestor pacienţi este infl uenţată de diverşi factori, inclusiv fracţia de ejecţie la internare, hiponatremia şi valoarea creatininei, dar infl uenţa valorii potasiului la internare nu a fost încă stabilitǎ. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a determina dacă valoarea potasiului la internare infl uenţează perioada de spitalizare la pacienţii cu insufi cienţă cardiacă.

Metode. Am realizat un studiu retrospectiv pe 309 pacienţi internaţi cu diagnosticul de insufi cienţǎ cardiacǎ între ianuarie 2014 şi ianuarie 2015 la Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţǎ din Bucureşti. Pacienţii au avut varsta cuprinsǎ între 27 şi 101 ani şi au fost diagnosticaţi clasa NYHA II-IV la internare. În acest studiu a fost consideratǎ o valoare crescutǎ a potasiului mai mult de 4,5 mmol/l şi o valoare scăzută a potasiului pentru valori mai mici de 3,5 mmol/l. Coefi cientul de corelaţie dintre valoarea potasiului la internare şi perioada de spitalizare a fost măsurat cu funcţia Correl.

Rezultate. Valoarea medianǎ a potasiului la internare a fost de 4,36 mmol/l. Dintre cei 309 pacienţi 13 (4,2%) au avut hipopotasemie şi 126 (40.77%) hiperkaliemia. Perioada de spitalizare a fost de 9.07 zile pentru pacienţii cu hipokaliemie, 8.34 zile la pacienţii cu hiperpotasemie şi 8.42 zile pentru pacienţii cu valori normale de potasiu la internare. Dintre cei 309 pacienţi 4 au decedat (2 cu hiperkaliemia, 1 cu hipokaliemie si 1 cu valori normale ale potasiului la internare) si 20 au fost reinternaţi cu acelaşi diagnostic în mai puţin de un an. Coefi cientul de corelaţie dintre valoarea potasiului şi durata de spitalizare a fost r = 0.01952.

Discuţii. Perioada de spitalizare pentru pacienţii cu hipopotasemie a fost mai mare comparativ cu restul, dar a fost întalnitǎ la un numǎr mic de pacienţi, astfel nu s-a putut stabili o relaţie clarǎ între hipopotasemie si durata de spitalizare. Pacientii incluşi în studiul nostru au avut varste cuprinse intre 27 si 101 ani, nu am ales o populaţie omogenǎ. Am inclus atat pacienţi cu fracţie de ejecţie conservatǎ cat şi pacienţi cu fracţia de ejecţie redusǎ. Cauzele de decompensare cardiacǎ au fost variate. Aceste criterii putand infl uenţa rezultatele studiului. Nu am gǎsit in literatura de specialitate o defi niţie pentru termenul de duratǎ de spitalizare prelungitǎ, astfel nu am avut o limitǎ cu care sa putem compara.

Concluzii. Spre deosebire de pacienţii cu valori normale ale potasiului, cei cu valori anormale ale potasiului la internare au avut o perioadă mai lungă de spitalizare mai ales cei cu hipokaliemie.

Cuvinte cheie: insufi cienţă cardiacă, potasiu, perioada de spitalizare


1University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest2Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest

Introduction. Heart failure is a common diagnosis, especially in old patients and a frequent cause of readmission. In previous studies performed by us we concluded that the outcome of these patients is infl uenced by various factors, including ejection fraction on admission, hyponatremia and the value of creatinine, but the infl uence of the value of potassium on admission haven’t been yet established. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the value of potassium on admission infl uences the period of hospitalization in patients with heart failure.

Methods. We retrospectively studied 309 patients admitted with the diagnosis of heart failure between January 2014 and January 2015 at the Clinical Emergency Hospital in Bucharest. Patients were between 27 and 101 years old

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (103)


and were classifi ed as NYHA class II-IV on admission. It was considered an elevated potassium value more than 4.5 mmol/l and a low potassium value less than 3.5 mmol/l. The correlation coeffi cient between potassium value and hos-pitalization period was measured with the Correl function.

Results. The median value of potassium was 4.36 mmol/l. Of the 309 patients 13(4.2%) had hypokalemia and 126 (40.77%) hyperkalemia. The hospitalization period was of 9.07 days for the patients with hypokalemia, 8.34 days in patients with hyperkalemia and 8.42 days for patients with normal potassium values on admission. Of the 309 patients 4 died (2 with hyperkalemia, 1 with hypokalemia and 1 with normal values of potassium on admission) and 20 were readmitted with the same diagnosis in less than a year. The correlation coeffi cient between potassium value and the duration of hospitalization was r = 0.01952.

Discussions. The hospitalization period was longer for patients with hypokalemia than the rest, but in our study was seen in a small number of patients, so we could not establish a clear relationship between hypokalemia and duration of hospitaliza-tion. The patients included in our study were between 27 and 101 years old, we have not chosen a hom*ogeneous population. We included patients with preserved ejection fraction and patients with reduced ejection fraction. Causes of cardiac decom-pensation were various. These criteria could have infl uenced the results of the study. We did not fi nd in literature a defi nition for the term of prolonged period hospitalization, so we did not have a cut-off to which we could compare.

Conclusions. Unlike patients with normal levels of potassium, those with abnormal potassium levels on admission had a longer period of hospitalization especially those with hypokalemia. This could infl uence the treatment, espe-cially the diuretic one.

Keywords: heart failure, potassium, hospitalization period


1Universitatea „Titu Maiorescu”, Departmentul Disciplinelor Medico-Chirurgicale şi Profi lactice, Facultatea de Medicină, Clinica Chirurgie Generală a Spitalului Clinic CF 2 Bucureşti, România2Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila”, Centrul de Excelenţă în Chirurgie Generală şi Esofa*giană, Spitalul Clinic „Sf. Maria” Bucureşti, România

Introducere. Manometria esofa*giană şi endoscopia sunt explorări utilizate în diagnosticarea şi urmărirea postoperatorie a pacienţilor operaţi pentru acalazia cardiei. Operaţia Heller, tehnica chirurgicală cea mai utilizată pentru această maladie, presupune realizarea unei miotomii complete atât în lungime cât şi în profunzime, plus disecţia tunicii mucoase de musculară pe 180 de grade.

Clinica de Chirurgie a Spitalului Sfânta Maria, Centru de excelenţă în Chirurgia Esofa*gului, are o bogată experienţă în domeniu (intervenţii clasice şi laparoscopice, reintervenţii pentru recidivă). Din experienţa clinicii prin studii preliminarii şi din datele din literatură, o cauză importantă pentru recidiva acalaziei, mai ales recidiva precoce, o reprezintă efectuarea incompletă a miotomiei. Corectitudinea acesteia poate fi obiectivată de efectuarea manometriei intraoperatorii. De asem*nea endoscopia intraoperatorie poate pune în evidenţă (transilunimaţie) corectitudinea disecţiei circulare şi lungimea miotomiei, sau poate evidenţia leziuni ale mucoasei esofa*giene.

Material şi metodă. Obiectul studiului reprezintă corelaţia dintre efectuarea acestor 2 explorări intraoperatorii şi scăderea ratei de recidivă, precum şi prevenirea complicaţiilor precoce. Criterii de includere: operaţie laparoscopică, sau clasică (pe cale abdominală) prin tehnica Heller. Criterii de excludere: dilataţii pneumatice endoscopice în antecedente; acalazie recidivată.

În planul de cercetare am inclus şi determinarea experimentală a comportării SEI sub anestezie generală (lot martor).

Loturile de lucru: pacienţi operaţi pentru achalazia cardiei prin tehnica Heller cu asocierea unui procedeu antirefl ux. Variabilele independente sunt reprezentate de endoscopia intraoperatorie (variabilă calitativă) şi de manometria intraoperatorie (variabilă măsurabilă). Variabilele dependente sunt reprezentate de fi stula postoperatorie, recidiva şi refl uxul gastroesofa*gian

Rezultate. Rezultatele preliminare vor fi realizate pe un lot prospectiv de minim 30 de pacienţi. În paralel se urmăreşte lotul de studiu pentru comportarea SEI sub anestezie generală cu rezultate preliminare după minim 10 pacienţi studiaţi.

Concluzii. Studiul urmăreşte rata apariţiei complicaţiilor precoce (fi stula) şi tardive (recidivă, refl ux gastroesofa*gian) şi obiectivarea, printr-o valoare sau un interval de valori optime în timpul manometriei intraoperatorii, a corectitudinii operaţiei (miotomie sufi cientă).

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (104)


THE VALUE OF PRE INTRA AND POST - OPERATIVE ENDOSCOPY AND MANOMETRY IN ACHALASIA SURGERYDr. L. Pripisi, Dr. P. Hoară, Dr. Diana Ciuc, Prof. Univ. Dr. D. Cochior1, Prof. Univ. Dr. S Constantinoiu2

1”Titu Maiorescu” University, Department of Surgical Disciplines, Faculty of Medicine, Surgical Department Hospital CF 2 Bucharest, Romania2UMF “Carol Davila”, Department for General and Esophageal Surgery “St. Mary” Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Esophageal manometry and endoscopy are investigations used in diagnosis and postoperative fol-low-up care of Achalasia Cardia Surgery pacients. Heller procedure, the most common surgical technique used for this illness, is about making a complete both length and depth myotomy plus mucosal dissection upon 180 degrees.

The Department for General and Esophageal Surgery “St. Mary” Hospital, has a rich experience in this domain (Classical and Laparoscopic Surgery, Surgical re-intervention for relapse). From preliminary studies and all the data from the literature it is shown that the most important cause for achalasia relapse (especially early relapse) is due to an incomplete myotomy. Its correctness can be materialized by performing an intra-operative manometry. Intra-operative endoscopy can also highlight the correctness of circular dissection and length of the myotomy or it can highlight esophageal mucosal injuries.

Material and method. The subject of this study represents the correlation between these two intra-operative ex-plorations and reducing of the relaps rate. It is also represents the prevention of early complications.

Inclusion criteria for this study: Laparoscopic/Classical Surgery (abdominal) using Heller technique. Exclusion criteria for this study: Endoscopic pneumatic dilation history and recurrent achalasia.

In the research plan we have included also the experimental determination of SEI action under general anaesthesia (control group).

Working groups: patients undergoing Achalasia Cardia Surgery using Heller technique with the association of an ati-refl ux procedure. The independent variables are represented by intra-operative endoscopy (qualitative variable) and intra-operative manometry (measured variable). Dependent variables are represented by postoperative fi stula, relapse and gastroesophageal refl ux.

Results. The preliminary results will be achieved on a prospective lot of minimum 30 patients. In the same time we are following the study group for SEI action under general anaesthesia (with preliminary results after minimum 10 studied patients).

Conclusions. This study follows the rate of occurrence for early (fi stula) and late (relapse and gastroesophageal refl ux) complications. It is also follows the objectifi cation through the value or an optimal value range during the in-traoperative manometry of operating correctness (well done myotomy).


1Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti2Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucuresti

Introducere. Peritonitele postoperatorii reprezinta complicaţii septice peritoneale, aparute ca,urmare a intervenţiilor chirurgicale elective sau de urgentă.

Material şi metodă. Au fost analizati 200 pacienti cu peritonite aparute dupa interventii chirurgicale in perioada 2012-2014, cu varste cuprinse intre 20 si 89 de ani. Datele acestor pacienti au fost analizate , in scopul stabilirii importantei reinterventiei precoce in cazul peritonitelor postoperatorii.

Rezultate. Cauzele principale ale peritonitelor postoperatorii au fost reprezentate de fi stulele anastomotice postoperatorii precoce (primele 3- 5 zile) la nivelul tubului digestiv, căilor biliare, translocarea bacteriană, cat si leziuni iatrogene nerecunoscute intraoperator.

Gravitatea peritonitelor postoperatorii, depinde de o serie de factori determinanţi, cum ar fi i statusul fi ziopatologic al pacientului pe de o parte şi de apariţia revărsatului septic, pe de altă parte. Pentru pacientii care au prezentat semne de peritonita au fost calculate scorurile APACHE II si SOFA.

Concluzii. In studiul de fata s-a observat ca prognosticul in cazul peritonitelor postoperatorii este strans legat de momentul apariţiei în evoluţia postoperatorie (înainte sau după reluarea tranzitului), gradul de difuziune în spaţiile peritoneale (localizat sau generalizat), compoziţia chimică şi septicitatea lichidului revărsat ce depinde de segmentul afectat. Semnele clinice observate in cazul pacientilor cu peritonita postoperatorie au fost reprezentate de febră aparuta dupa 24 de ore, aspiraţia gastrică abundentă cu aspect de stază, prezenţa scaunelor diareice sau absenta acestora,

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durerea abdominala, distensia abdominală, iritatia peritoneala si cresterea revărsatului la nivelul tubuluilor de dren. Rezultatul studiului a aratat ca tratamentul chirurgical precoce duce la ameliorare rezultatelor la aceşti pacienţi.


1Emergency Clinical Hospital Bucharest2University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest

Introduction. Postoperative peritonitis represent septic complications of emergency or elective surgery. Material and method. Two hundred patients with postoperative peritonitis during the period 2012-2014 were ana-

lysed. The age of the subjects was between 20 and 89 years old. The data was analysed for a better understanding of the importance of early reintervention in postoperative peritonitis.

Results. The main causes of postoperative peritonitis were represented by early anastomotic leaks of the bowel (fi rst 3 to 5 days), billiary ducts, bacterial translocation and iatrogenic intraoperative lesions.

The gravity of postoperative peritonitis varies with a series of factors: the physiopathological state of the patient and the existence of the septic leak. For the patients with clinical signs of peritonitis, the APACHE II and SOFA scores were calculated

Conclusions. In the present study, it was demonstrated the importance of the moment the postoperative leak ap-peared (before or after the reestablishment of the bowel movements), the chemical composition and septic implications depending on the affected portion of the bowel. Clinical signs for postoperative peritonitis consisted of: fever after 24 hours, abundant gastric aspiration, the presence or absence of loose stools, abdominal pain, abdominal distention, peritoneal irritation and the increase of liquid in the drainage bag.

The result of the study has shown early surgical treatment leads to a better outcome for the patients.


1Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”, Bucuresti, Romania2Clinica de Chirurgie Generala, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”; Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie”Carol-Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania3Clinica de Chirurgie Plastica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”; Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie”Carol-Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Hernia incizionala este considerata una din cele mai frecvente complicatii dupa interventiile chirurgicale din sfera abdominala, putand avea caracter repetitiv. Diagnosticul de hernie incizionala recidivata nu este pus intotdeuna cu usurinta.

Material si metoda. Prezentam cazul unei paciente in varsta de 81 de ani, colecistectomizata pe cale clasica prin incizie mediana xifopubiana in urma cu 6 ani. La 2 ani de la interventia chirurgicala primara, pacienta revine in clinica noastra pentru o hernie incizionala si se reintervine chirurgical practicandu-se cura chirurgicala a defectului parietal cu alloplastie de intarire (procedeu Chevrel). Evolutia postoperatorie a fost favorabila. La 4 ani de la ultima interventie chirurgicala pacienta se reinterneaza pentru reaparitia unei formatiuni tumorale pe linia mediana, ireductibila, insotita o echimoza intinsa pe tot peretele abdominal anterior. Pacienta relateaza tulburari de tranzit intestinal de tip constipatie cronica, fara fenomene ocluzive evidente pe radiografi a abdominala pe gol. Ecografi a de parti moi evidentiaza o formatiune transonica, bine delimitata. Pentru stabilirea unui diagnostic preoperator se efectueaza CT abdominal ce evidentiaza integritatea peretelui abdominal anterior, iar supraaponevrotic se observa o colectie bine delimitata. Se intervine chirurgical si se evacueaza ~ 1000 ml sange lacat si cheaguri, cu perete abdominal integru, evidentiindu-se material alloplastic acoperit de tesut de fi broza. Se efectueaza lavaj abundant al cavitatii, drenaj pasiv si sutura cu fi re rare la tegumente.

Rezultate. Postoperator evolutia pacientei a fost favorabila, cu drenaj minim supraaponevrotic ~100 ml aspect serohematic in prima zi, ulterior debitul scazand. Drenajula fost suprimat in ziua a IV-a postoperator. Pacienta a revenit la control la 14 zile si la 30 de zile, evolutia fi ind favorabila.

Discutii. Traiectul structurilor aponevrotice, modul de refacere al peretelui, materialul de sutura utilizat, existenta alloplastiei in antecedente, varsta pacientului reprezinta factori ce pot particulariza diagnosticul diferential, metodele de investigatii si tratamentul chirurgical. Cazul nostru s-a referit la aparitia unui hematom supraaponevrotic la 4 ani de la interventia chirurgicala de refacere a defectului parietal la o pacienta neanticoagulat si ce nu a relatat un traumatism

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abdominal recent. Diagnosticul initial a fost de eventratie recidivata, ulterior investigatiile imagistice si mai ales interventia chirurgicala au pus diagnosticul de certitudine.

Concluzii. Diagnosticul de hematom postoperator tardiv a fost pus cu difi cultate, datorita anamnezei ce nu sugera nici un factor neclansator si absentei fenomenelor ocluziva, tulburarile de tranzit fi ind atribuite varstei pacientei. Examenul computer tomograf a stabilit integritatea peretei abdominal, lucru confi rmat si de aspectul intraoperator. Nu se poate stabili intotdeuna cu exactitate preoperator diagnosticul de recidiva a unui defect parietal abdominal. Sunt necesare uneori si investigatii suplimentare pentru stabilirea cat mai corecta a unui diagnostic preoperator si evitarea surprizelor intraoperatorii.


1General Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania2General Surgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital; “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania3Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department, “Bagdasar-Arseni” Clinical Emergency Hospital; “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Incisional hernia is considered one of the most common complications after abdominal surgery and can be repetitive. The diagnosis of incisional hernia is not always easily made.

Means and methods. We present the case of a 81 years old female patient, who underwent classic cholecystectomy by median xifopubian incision 6 years ago. 2 years after this intervention, the patient returns to our department with incisional hernia and is performed surgical treatment of the parietal defect with alloplasic reinforcement (Chevrel pro-cedure). Postoperative evolution is favorable. After another 4 years, the patiens admittes to our department for the presence of an irreductible tumour on the median line and a bruise stretched on the entire anterior abdominal wall. The patient reports bowel disorder such as chronic constipation, but the abdominal radiography does not show any signs of bowel obstruction. The soft tissue ultrasonography shows a well defi ned transonic tumour. For a preoperative diagno-sis abdominal CT scan is performed, which highlights the integrity of the abdominal wall and shows a supraaponev-rotic well defi ned collection. Surgery is performed, with the evacuation of aproximatively 1000 ml of uncoagulated blood and blood clots, also revealing the integrity of the abdominal wall and the alloplastic material covered by fi brous tissue. We proceed to abundant cavity lavage, passive drainage and rare skin sutures.

Results. Postoperative evolution of the patient was favorable, with minimal supraaponevrotic drainage – 100 ml of serous-bloody aspect the fi rst day, that decreased afterwards. The drainage was suppressed on the 4th day after the intervention and the patient returned to the surgical control after 14 days and 30 days, with a favorabile evolution.

Discussion. The direction of the aponeurotic structures, the procedure used for the reparation of the abdominal wall, the type of suture material, the preexisting alloplasty and the patient’s age are the factors that can customize the differential diagnosis, the investigations performed and the surgical treatment. Our case was about the presence of a supraaponevrotic hematoma at a patient who underwent 4 years earlier a surgical procedure for an abdominal parietal defect, a patient that did not report an anticoagulant treatment or a recent abdominal trauma. The initial diagnosis was of recurrent ventral incisional hernia, but only afterwards the imaging investigations and the surgical procedure were able to establsh the certainty diagnosis.

Conclusions. The diagnosis of late postoperative hematoma was diffi cult to make due to the anamnesis that did not suggest any risk factors and the absence of occlusive phenomena, the bowel disorders being attributed to the patient’s age. CT scan revealed the integrity of the abdominal wall, confi rmed lately by the surgical intervention. You can not always accurately determine preoperative the diagnosis of recurrence of a parietal defect. Sometimes there are required further invetigations to establish a more accurate preoperative diagnosis and to avoid intraoperative surprises.

NEOPLASM ANORECTAL COMPLICAT CU GANGRENA GAZOASA PERINEALA. PREZENTARE DE CAZDoctorand Octavia Cristina Rusu, Coordonator stiintifi c Prof. Dr. S. NeaguClinica Chirurgie II – Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Bucuresti, Romania

Gangrena gazoasa este o infectie severa, extensiva, cu mortalitate importanta. Prezentam cazul unui pacient in varsta de 64 de ani, cunoscut cu neoplasm rectal cu determinari secundare hepatice si peritoneale, internat pentru dureri intense la nivelul fesei drepte si in regiunea perianala. Pacientul a efectuat tratament radiochimioterapic in ultimii 3 ani

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pentru neoplasmul rectal. Clinic pacientul prezinta edem, eritem si crepitatii tegumentare la nivelul fesei drepte si perianal, cu zona de efractie tegumentara perianala, cu secretie purulenta. Paraclinic se constata leucocitoza importanta, sindrom moderat de colestaza si hipocoagulabilitate. Examenul CT abdominal releva proces tumoral anorectal, determinari secundare hepatice, modifi cari de hipertensiune portala si ascita. Se practica incizie, evacuare, debridare si excizie larga a tesuturilor necrozate, lavaj, mesaj, laparotomie exploratorie si anus iliac stang terminal. Postoperator pacientul a urmat tratament antibiotic in tripla asociere. Evolutia locala a fost favorabila, prognosticul postoperator ramanand cel al bolii de baza. In acest caz gangrena gazoasa perineala a survenit ca o complicatie locala a unui neoplasm anorectal, in context de imunodepresie. In ciuda interventiilor chirurgicale agresive si a tratamentului antibiotic intensiv, mortalitatea in gangrena gazoasa ramane ridicata. Este necesara supravegherea atenta a evolutiei plagii, impunandu - se interventii repetate seriate pentru excizia tesuturilor devitalizate. Diagnosticul si tratamentul intensiv imediat au o mare importanta in evolutia bolii.

ANORECTAL CANCER COMPLICATED WITH PERINEAL GAS GANGRENE. CASE REPORTOctavia Cristina Rusu, S. NeaguSecond Department of Surgery - University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Romania

Gaseous gangrene is a severe, extensive infection, with signifi cant mortality. We present the case of a 64 year old patient, with metastatic anorectal cancer history, who was hospitalized for perianal and right buttock severe pain. The patient was treated with radiochemotherapy for last 3 years for rectal cancer with hepatic and peritoneal metastasis. The patient presented edema, perineal and right buttok erythema, crepitation at this level and small - holding perineal skin necrosis at clinical examination. Laboratory tests had found signifi cant leukocytosis, moderate cholestasis syn-drome and hypocoagulability. Abdominal CT scan reveals anorectal tumor process, hepatic metastatis, changes that sugests portal hypertension and ascites. Surgical intervention consisted of wide incision and debridement of necrotic tissue, exploratory laparatomy and colostomy. Postoperative evolution was favorable under sustained triple antibiotic therapy, but the prognosis remained like expected in anorectal cancer. In the presented case gaseous perineal gangrene was a local anorectal cancer complication in a immunosuppressed patient. Despite antibiotic therapy and aggressive surgical interventions, the mortality of gaseous gangrene remains high. Close supervision is necessary to local wound care, imposing multiple excisions of devitalized tissue. Quick diagnosis and immediate intensive treatment are very important for the evolution of the disease.

REZULTATE PRELIMINARII ALE REGISTRULUI DE TRAUMA ROMANBogdan Stoica, Sorin Paun, Ioan Tanase, Negoi Ionut, Mircea Beuran

Introducere. Traumatismele reprezintă cauza a 10% din decesele din întreaga lume. Dezvoltarea cu succes a sistemelor de traumă, inclusiv utilizarea registrelor de traumă, a jucat un rol semnifi cativ în scăderea ratei mortalităţii şi a dizabilităţilor datorate leziunilor prin traumatisme.

Metoda. Analiza a pacientilor politraumatizati inregistrati si care au indeplinit criteriul de includere in cadrul registrului de trauma (NISS >15).

Rezultate. Un numar de 173 de cazuri au fost analizate, dintre care 72.83% au fost barbati (126 cazuri). Cel mai frecvent mecanism lezional a fost contuziile 96%. Accidentele rutiere au fost cele mai frecvent intalnite 41% (71 cazuri), urmate de evenimentele rutiere in care au fost implicati pietonii 21.96% (38 cazuri) si caderile de la inaltime 13.29% (23 cazuri). Interventiile chirurgicale cele mai frecvente au fost pleurostomiile (35,2%), urmate de laparotomiile tip damage control 20,8%. Din totalul de cazuri studiate mai mult de jumatate au fost transferate din alte unitati spitalicesti (61.84%) (107 cazuri). Rata globala a mortalitatii a fost de 31.79% (55 pacienti).

Concluzii. Inregistrarea continua, prospectiva a cazurilor reprezinta un important mecanism pentru imbunatirea ingrijirii pacientilor politraumatizati.

Cuvinte cheie: registrul de trauma, mortalitate, contuzii

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human ResourcesDevelopment (SOP HTD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and bythe Romanian Government under thecontract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (108)


Preliminary results of the Romanian trauma registryBogdan Stoica, Sorin Paun, Ioan Tanase, Negoi Ionut, Mircea Beuran.Emergency Hospital of Bucharest

Introduction. Trauma is responsible for 10% of deaths worldwide. The successful development of trauma systems, including trauma registries, played a signifi cant role in reducing mortality and disability due to injuries through trauma.

Method. The analysis of trauma patients who have fulfi lled criteria for inclusion in the trauma registry (NISS> 15).Results. A total of 173 cases were analyzed, of which 72.83% were male (126 cases). The most common mechanism

of injury was contusion in 96% of cases. Road accidents were the most common 41% (71 cases), followed by road events who involved pedestrians in 21.96% (38 cases) and falls from height 13.29% (23 cases). The most frequent surgeries were pleural drenage (35.2%), followed by laparotomies damage control in 20.8% of cases. Of the cases studied more than half were transferred from other hospital units (61.84%) (107 cases). The overall mortality rate was 31.79% (55 patients).

Conclusions. Continuous prospective recording of the cases represent an important mechanism for improving trauma care.

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human ResourcesDevelopment (SOP HTD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and bythe Romanian Government under thecontract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390


Introducere. Mijloacele de diagnostic imagistic permit diagnosticarea cu acuratete din ce in ce mai mare a diverticulitei acute. In prezent computer tomografi a (CT) este investigatia recomandata pentru confi rmarea diagnosticului de diverticulită acută, având valoare predictiva pozitiva mai mare de 95%

Metoda. Studiu retrospectiv ce a inclus pacienţii internaţi cu diagnosticul de diverticulită acută în Clinica de Chirurgie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti în perioada ianuarie 2012 - iulie 2014.

Rezultate. Din numărul total de internări s-au diagnosticat 156 cazuri de diverticulită acută stadializată Hinchey I-IV. Investigaţiile imagistice la internare au constat în radiografi a abdominală simplă si ecografi a abdominală. Computer tomografi a a fost efectuată pe parcursul internarii în 97 de cazuri. Timpul mediu de aşteptare până la efectuarea tomografi ei fi ind sub 24 ore pentru pacienţii din lotul studiat. 25% dintre pacienti au necesitat intevenţie chirurgicală, restul benefi ciind de tratament non-operator. In 10 din aceste cazuri, operaţia survenind ca urmare a eşecului tratamentului conservator, prelungind astfel perioada medie de sedere in spital la 25,9 zile fata de 13,1 zile in cazul pacientilor operati per primam. Prezenta abceselor intraperitoneale diagnosticate ecografi c sau tomografi c a reprezetat cauza principala de esec al tratamentului non-operator, iar in 2 dintre aceste cazuri diagnosticul de diverticulita complicata a fost pus intraoperator.

Concluzii. Computer tomografi a reprezintă investigaţia de elecţie cu sensibilitate şi specifi citate mare atât pentru diagnosticul cat şi pentru monitorizarea răspunsului la tratament în cazul pacienţilor cu diverticulită acută complicată. Rata mare de esec a tratamentului medicamentos impune o selecţionare mai atentă a pacienţilor candidaţi pentru tratament non operator.

Cuvinte cheie: diverticulita, tomogafi e computerizata, interventie chirurgicala.

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Develop-ment (SOP HTD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390.


Introduction. The current imagistic devices offer higher accuracy in diagnosis of acute complicated diverticulitis. Nowadays computer tomography (CT) is the recommended investigtion for confi rmation the diagnosis of acute diver-ticulitis, having a positive predictive value of higher than 95 %.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (109)


Method. Retrospective study that included patients admitted for of acute diverticulitis in Bucharest Emergency Hospital – Surgery Clinic from January 2012 to July 2014.

Results. From the total number of admittances, 156 patients were diagnosed with acute diverticulitis staged Hinchey I-IV. The imagistic investigations at admittace, were the pain abdominal X-Ray and abdominal ultrasonography. The computer tomography was done during the hospitalization in 97 cases. The mean time until the CT was done, was under 24 hours in the analysed group. 25% of the admitted patients required surgical intervention, while the rest re-ceived non-operative treatment. In 10 of these cases, the surgery followed the failure of conservative treatment, pro-longing this way the mean hospital stay to 25,9 days, compared to 13,1 days for the patients that were operated as fi rst choice treatment. Presence of intraperitoneal abscesses identifi ed on abdominal ultrasonography or CT scan, repre-sented the main cause of failure of the conservative treatment, and in 2 cases the diagnosis was established intraopera-tory.

Conclusions. Computer tomography represents the gold standard investigation, with a high specifi city and sensi-bility, for both diagnosis and monitoring the patients with acute complicated diverticulitis. The high rate of conserva-tive treatment failure, compel a more careful selection of the patients for non-operative treatment

Keywords: diverticulitis, computer tomography, surgery.

Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Develop-ment (SOP HTD), fi nanced from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137390.

INFLUENŢA DIABETULUI ZAHARAT (DZ) ASUPRA CLINICII MALADIEI DUPUYTREN (DD)Dr. Roxana Marina Toader, medic primar, cercetător stiinţifi c, doctorandClinica de Chirurgie Plastică-Microchirurgie Reconstructivă SUUB, Bucureşti, România

Background. DD, afecţiune fi broproliferativă benignă care afectează ambele mâini, are ca şi etiologie o serie de factorii de risc, a căror participare la declaşarea bolii prezintă opinii diferite. Printre factorii de risc asociaţi DD, se enumeră şi DZ.

Obiective. Obiectivul acestui studiu a fost de a observa care sunt manifestările clinice ale pacienţilor care prezintă această afecţiune, şi care asociază ca factor de risc DZ, comparativ cu populaţia generală.

Metode. S-a realizat un studiu retrospectiv, cu includerea a 169 de pacienţi care au fost diagnosticaţi şi trataţi chirurgical pentru DD în Clinica de Chirurgie Plastică-Microchirurgie Reconstructivă, din cadrul Spitalului Universitar de Urgenţă Bucureşti, în perioada ianuarie 2000-iunie 2012. S-a urmărit frecvenţa DZ, decada minimă/vârsta minimă de debut a DD, distribuţia în funcţie de sex, afectarea uni/bilaterală, numărul de raze digitale afectate şi distribuţia acestora, stadiul bolii, şi valorile glicemiei.

Rezultate. DZ ca factor de risc, a fost evidenţiat într-un procent de 13% (DZ I 2%, DZ II 11%). Decada minimă de debut a DD se menţine în intervalul 50-59 ani, iar vârsta minimă de debut este mai mare în cazul pacienţilor diabetici, cu valoare aproape de semnifi caţia statistică-general (p_value = 0.08244, Student Test), şi cu semnifi caţie statistică pentru mâna dreaptă (p = 0.03689, test Student). Distribuţia în funcţie de sex este în favoarea bărbaţilor, cu un raport bărbaţi/femei care prezinţă DD şi DZ de 2/1, iar pentru localizarea uni/bilaterală frecvenţa este: bilateral (81%), mâna stângă (85.7%), mâna dreaptă (100%). Cel mai frecvent este afectată o singură rază digitală (mâna dreaptă 50%, mâna stângă 40.9%), iar raza digitală IV este cel mai frecvent afectată (44.7% mâna dreaptă, 47.2% mâna stângă). Durata de tratament (ani) a DZ nu infl uenţează debutul DD, în sensul unei decade mai mici de apariţie a bolii, coefi cientul de corelaţie Spearman fi ind de 0.1176, o valoare foarte mică, care infi rmă ipoteza formulată. DD este întâlnită într-un stadiu mai mic pentru mâna dreaptă (stadiul II 42.9%), şi mai avansat pentru mâna stângă (stadiul III=IV, 35%). În grupul studiat, valorile glicemiei au fost crescute într-un procent de 25.8%, dar nu există corelaţie statistică între valorile glicemiei şi localizarea (mâna dreaptă: p_value = 0.7337; mâna stângă: p_value = 0.4543; MS+MD: p_value = 0.3574, test Likelihood Ratio), respectiv stadiul DD (mâna dreaptă, p = 0.4162; mâna stângă, p = 0.2700, test Kruskal-Wallis).

Concluzii. În prezenţa DZ, la pacienţii cu DD vârsta minimă de debut a bolii creşte, se menţine predominanţa sexului masculin şi distribuţia afectării uni/bilaterale, a razelor digitale afectate, şi cu diferenţă privind stadiu evolutiv între mâinii. În afara vîrstei minime de debut a DD, nu au fost evidenţiate modifi cări importante în clinica pacienţilor cu DD care asociază DZ. Pentru confi rmarea acestor rezultate sunt necesare efectuarea unor studii pe un eşantion mai mare de pacienţi.

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (110)


THE INFLUENCE OF DIABETUS MELLITUS (DM) ON DUPUYTREN’S DISEASE CLINIC (DD)Dr. Roxana Marina Toader, MD. Plastic Surgery Reconstructive Microsurgery Clinic, University Hospital Emergency Bucharest, Romania

Background. DD, benign fi broproliferative disorder affecting both hands as etiology has a number of risk factors, whose participation in downgrading disease presents different opinions. Among the risk factors associated to DD lists and DM.

Objective. The objective of this study was to observe that the clinical manifestations of patients with this disease, that associates diabetes as a risk factor, compared whith the general population.

Metods. A retrospective study was performed with the inclusion of 169 patients who were diagnosed and surgi-cally treated for DD in the Plastic Surgery Reconstructive Microsurgery Clinic of the Bucharest Emergency Univer-sity Hospital between January 2000 and June 2012. It was followed DZ frequency, decade minimum/minimum age of onset, gender distribution, affecting uni/bilateral hand, the affected number of digital rays and their distribution, stage of disease, and blood glucose levels.

Results. DM as a risk factor has been revealed in a percentage of 13% (2% DM I, DM II 11%). The minimum decade of the DD debut is maintained between 50-59 years and the minimum age of onset is higher in the case people with diabetes, with value close to statistical signifi cance-general (p_value = 0.08244, Student Test), and with statistical signifi cance at the hand right (p = 0.03689, Student test). Distribution by sex it is in favor of men, with a ratio male/female that prezents DD and DM of 2/1, and for locating uni / bilateral is: bilateral (81%), the left hand (85.7%), right hand (100%). The most frequently affected is one the digital range (50% right hand, left hand 40.9%) and the digital ray IV is most commonly affected (44.7% right hand, left hand 47.2%). Duration of treatment (years) did not infl uence the onset DD, meaning a smaller decade of developing the disease, the Spearman correlation coeffi cient is 0.1176, a very small value, which disproves the hypothesis. DD is found at a lower stage to right hand (stage II 42.9%), and advanced to left hand (stage III = IV, 35%). In the studied group, blood glucose levels were increased at a rate of 25.8%, but there is no statistical correlation between blood glucose levels and location (right hand: p_value = 0.7337; left hand: p_value = 0.4543; MS + MD: p_value = 0.3574, Likelihood Ratio test) and DD stage (right hand, p = 0.4162; left hand, p = 0.2700, Kruskal-Wallis test).

Conclusion. In the presence of DM, in patients with DD minimum age of onset of the disease increases, is main-tained male dominance and distribution of damage uni / bilateral digital rays affected, and with difference in evolution-ary stage between hand. There were no signifi cant changes in clinical patients with DD who associate DM. To confi rm-ing these results are necessary to performing of studies on a larger sample of patients.

Keywords: Dupuytren’s disease, etiology, diabetus mellitus, glucose, age, rays, hand, affected, decade, uni/bilater-ally, distribution, stage.

Cauza rara de hemoragie digestiva si ocluzie intestinala inalta – prezentare caz clinicS. Valcea, M. BeuranSpitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, Clinica Chirurgie III, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Hemoragiile digestive reprezinta o patologie complexa medico-chirurgicala si o cauza importanta de morbiditate si mortalitate, ce implica uneori masuri de urgenta. Ocluziile acute apartin localizarilor inalte si strangularilor. Ischemia ansei strangulate poate ajunge la necroze, perforatie si peritonita, iar asociata cu o cauza de hemoragie digestiva reprezenta o cauza importanta de deces fara tratament medico-chirurgical de urgenta.

Material si metoda. Prezentam cazul unui pacient in varsta de 58 de ani, fara antecedente medico-chirurgicale. Mulitple episoade de melena cu anemie secundara (6,2 g Hb) si lipotimie au fost motivele prezentarii. Examenul CT completat cu angiografi e terapeutica (embolizare) evidentiaza sursa hemoragiei - leziuni angiodisplazice la nivelul primelor anse jejunale. Evolutia postembolizare a fost nefavorabila, cu ischemie de jejun proximal postembolizare si fenomene de ocluzie intestnala inalta, dar si cu mentinerea melenei. Intraoperator se descopera ischemie de jejun la 10 cm distanta de unghiul Treitz pe o lungime de 25 cm, cu necroze parcelare, dar si o tumora hemoragica de ileon de 4/3 cm, situata la 40 cm de valva ileo-cecala, neevidentiata preoperator imagistic, practicandu-se dubla enterectomie jejeunala si ileala cu anastomoze entero-enterale mecanice.

Rezultate. Evolutia postoepratorie fara complicatii. Control radiologic la 7 zile nu evidentiaza traiecte fi stuloase anatomotice. Externare la 10 zile postoperator. Rezultatul histopatologic a evidentiat necroza jejunala postembolizare si carcinom ileal nediferentiat cu celule de tip epitelioid. Pacientul a refuzat tratamentul oncologic.

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Concluzii. Angiodisplaziile reprezinta o cauza rara de sangerare digestiva, obscura, diagnosticul este difi cil si se sprijina pe endoscopie, angiografi e si examen histologic.

Angiografi a selectiva reprezinta investigatia imagistica de electie la pacientii cu sangerari masive iar desi tratamentele endoscopice si angiografi ce sunt de prima intentie, chirurgia ramane optiunea curativa la multi pacienti. Asocierea cu alte leziuni acute sau nediagnosticate ale tractului intestinal poate determina o rata crescuta a morbiditatii si mortalitatii fara tratament de urgenta medico-chirurgical.

Cuvinte cheie: angiodisplazie, hemoragie, urgenta.


Introduction. Gastrointestinal bleeding is a complex medical and surgical pathology and an important cause of morbidity and mortality, sometimes involving emergency measures. Acute occlusions belong to high-level gastrointes-tinal localizations and strangulation. Strangulated loop ischemia can lead to necrosis, perforation and peritonitis, and associated with a cause of digestive bleeding represents an important cause of death without urgent medical treatment or surgery.

Methods. We present a patient aged 58 years, no surgical history. Mulitple episodes of melena with secondary anemia (Hb 6.2 g) and faintness were the reasons for presentation. CT angiography completed by therapeutic emboli-zation highlights the source of bleeding - angiodisplasic lessions in the fi rst jejunal loops. Evolution was unfavorable, with ischemia of the proximal jejunum and high intestinal obstruction symptoms and with persistance of melena. In-traoperative ischemia of the jejunum was found at 10 cm distance from Treitz angle over a length of 25 cm, with patchy necrosis, and a hemorrhagic tumor of the ileum of 4/3 cm, located at 40 cm from ileo-cecal valve, non-disclosure preoperative imaging . A double enterectomy, jejeunal and ileal was performed, followed by entero-enteral mechanical anastomosis.

Results. Postoperative evolution without complications. Radiological control 7 days postoperative does not show anatomotic fi stulas. Discharge to 10 days postoperatively. Histopathological result revealed postembolization necrosis in the jejunum and undifferentiated epitheliod ileal carcinoma . The patient refused the onoclogic treatment.

Conclusions. Angiodisplasia is a rare and obscure cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. Diagnosis is diffi cult and re-lies on endoscopy, angiography and histology. Selective angiography is the imaging investigation of choice in patients with massive bleeding and although endoscopic and angiographic treatment are of fi rst intention, surgery remains cura-tive option in many patients. Combination with other acute injuries or undiagnosed intestinal tract lessions may cause increased rates of morbidity and mortality without emergency medical and surgical treatment.

Keywords: angiodisplasia, bleeding, urgency.

Terapia multimodala a durerii acute in chirurgia abdominalaL.G. Vlasceanu1, M. Vartic1, Prof. M. Beuran2

1Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, Clinica A.T.I., Bucuresti, Romania2Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, UMF „Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere. Durerea acuta apare la un pacient dupa o interventie chirurgicala, putand fi provocata atat prin actul chirurgical in sine, cat si prin complicatiile secundare acestuia. Este un factor ce afecteaza profund calitatea vietii, tratamentul acesteia devenind astfel un obiectiv terapeutic foarte important.

Terapia multimodala include utilizarea unuia sau mai multor medicamente ce apartin unor clase distincte si actioneaza prin cai diferite asupra durerii, determinand analgezie. Aceste medicamente pot fi administrate utilizand aceeasi cale sau cai diferite (sc, im, iv, peridural, etc).

Material si metode. Durerea este un sentiment subiectiv, fi ind destul de greu de cuantifi cat. In incercarea de a o obiectiva au fost descrise mai multe scale, cel mai des folosita fi ind Scala Vizuala Analoaga a durerii (VAS). Aceasta presupune masurarea unidimensionala a intensitatii durerii, fi ind reprezentata de o linie numerotata de la 0 la 10, unde 0 reprezinta absenta durerii, iar 10 este atribuit durerii insuportabile.

Terapia multimodala se poate realiza prin analgezie epidurala controlata de pacient (PCEA), analgezie controlata de pacient (PCA), administrarea alternativa a mai multor clase de medicamente, precum si tehnici de analgezie regionala.

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PCEA (recomandata la un scor de durere 6-8) se realizeaza prin plasarea unui cateter epidural la nivel toracic sau lombar si administrarea de anestezic local. PCA consta in administrarea controlata de catre pacient, prin intermediul unei pompe, a analgezicelor (Tramadol, Petidina in caz de VAS 4-6 si Morfi na 1mg/ml in cazul durerilor intense cu VAS>6).

Analgezia sistemica se realizeaza prin combinarea unor clase diferite de medicamente. In cazul durerilor minime (VAS 1-3) sunt recomandate analgezicele usoare, de prima linie, precum Acetaminofenul si Antiinfl amatoarele Non-Steroidiene. Durerile moderat-severe (scor VAS 4-6) sunt tratate prin administrarea de opioide usoare (Tramadol, Petidina si Codeina), la care se pot asocia sau nu medicamentele din treapta I. Treapta a III-a de analgezie este indicata in cazul durerilor severe/insuportabile (VAS>7) si presupune utilizarea opioidelor majore (Morfi na, Fentanylul si Remifentanylul).

Tehnicile de anestezie regionala periferica includ blocuri de nervi periferici (intercostali, ilioinghinali, blocuri de plex) si infi ltrarea inciziilor, potentand astfel analgezia postoperatorie.

Rezultate. Analgezia multimodala este efi cienta in cazul tuturor pacientilor, atat chirurgicali cat si non-chirurgicali. Desi medicamentele utilizate prezinta numeroase efecte adverse, trebuie avut intotdeauna in vedere raportul benefi u/risc in administrarea lor si optimizarea schemelor de tratament (prin alegerea medicatiei, a dozei, a caii de administrare dar si a duratei terapiei) in functie de necesitatile si antecedentele pacientilor.

Concluzii. Protocoalele utilizate in managementul multimodal al durerii acute cresc confortul si calitatea vietii pacientilor, ceea ce conduce la o evolutie postoperatorie favorabila si la o reintegrare sociala mai rapida.

Cuvinte cheie: durere acuta, chirurgia abdominala, terapia multimodala

Bibliografi e

1. Practice Guidelines for Acute Pain Management in the Perioperative Setting – An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologist Task Force onAcute Pain Management, Anesthesiology 2012; 116:248-73

2. Protocol de analgezie postoperatorie in chirurgia generala, Societatea Romana pentru Studiul Durerii, Proiect CEEX 90/2006 PRO-PAINCONTROL

3. Mc Cormack H.M., Horne Dj, Sheather S. Clinical applications of visual analogue scales: a critical review. Psychol Med 1988; 18:1007-19


1Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Anesthesiology & ICU, Bucharest, Romania 2Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania Introduction. Acute pain occurs in a patient after surgery and it can be caused both by the surgical act itself, but also through its

secondary complications. It is a factor that affects the quality of life, therefor its treatment became a very important therapeutic goal.Multimodal management includes the use of one or more medications belonging to distinct classes and acting through different ways

upon pain, causing analgesia. These drugs can be administered using the same path or different ways (i.e. sc, im, iv, epidural).Material and methods. Pain is a subjective feeling, being quite hard to quantify. In order to do this, there have been described more

scales and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) is most often used. This is an one-dimension scale that involves measuring pain intensity. It is represented by a line numbered from 0 to 10, where 0 represents the absence of pain and 10 the unbearable pain.

Multimodal analgesia involves a combination of interventional analgesic techniques such as patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA), patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), systemic analgesia or regional analgesia techniques.

PCEA (recommended at a score of 6-8) is accomplished by placing an epidural catheter at lumbar or thoracic level and administrating of local anesthetic. PCA consists in patient-controlled drug administration, via a pump (Petidine, Tramadol - in case of VAS 4-6 and Morphine 1 mg/ml in case of intense pain with a VAS >6).

Systemic analgesia is achieved by combining different classes of drugs. Minimum pain (VAS 1-3) is treated with fi rst line analgesics, such as Acetaminophen and Non-Steroidal Anti-infl ammatory. Moderate-severe pain (VAS score 4-6) is treated by administration of mild opioids (Tramadol, Codeine and Petidine) wich may be associated, or not, with the fi rst line therapy. 3rd Stage of analgesia is indicated in case of severe/unbearable pain (VAS > 7) and requires major opioids (Morphine, Fentanyl and Remifentanyl).

Peripheral regional analgesia techniques include peripheral nerve blocks (intercostal nn., ilioinguinal n. and plexus blocks) and incision infi ltration, maximising postoperative analgesia.

Results. Multimodal analgesia is effective in all patients, both surgical and non-surgical. Although drugs used show numerous side effects, it should be always considered the risk-benefi t ratio in their administration and trying to optimize treatment protocols (by selecting drug type, it’s dose, the administration way and the duration of the therapy) depending on the needs and the patient’s history.

Conclusions. Protocols used in multimodal acute pain management contributes in rising both comfort and quality of life, which leads to a favorable postoperative and at a more rapid social reintegration.

Keywords: acute pain, abdominal surgery, multimodal therapy

Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (113)



1Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila- Departmentul de Medicina Celulara si Moleculara2Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Bucuresti, Romania- Departmentul de Oftalmologie

Introducere. Corneea este in mod normal lipsita de vase sangvine si limfatice. Neovascularizatia corneeana este o afectiune ce apare secundar infl amatiei, hipoxiei, traumatismelor sau defi cientei celulelor stem limbice si este a doua cauza de orbire in lume. Tratamentele actuale ale neovascularizatiei corneene includ corticosteroizi topic, antiinfl amatoare nonsteridiene, terapie fotodinamica, fotocoagulare laser, diatermie cu ac fi n si transplant de membrana amniotica, conjunctivala sau limbica. De asem*nea, in urma studiilor clinice si experimentale pe animale se evidentiaza noi optiuni terapeutice pentru bolile corneei si suprafetei oculare. In acest studiu, am investigat efi cienta aplicarii tratamentului topic cu Infl iximab (anticorp monoclonal anti TNFα) asupra neovascularizatiei corneene la iepure.

M. Neovascularizatia corneeana a fost indusa la 32 de ochi de la 16 iepuri prin aplicarea unaterial si metodaei solutii alcaline cu ajutorul unei hartii de fi ltru cu diametru de 2 mm. La 14 de zile dupa arsura chimica se confi rma aparitia neovaselor si subiectii au fost impartiti in 4 grupe a cate 8 iepuri: grupul I (de control, fara tratament), iar grupurile II, III si IV au fost tratati cu Infl iximab picaturi de concentratii diferite (1, 2 si respectiv 4mg/ml) de trei ori pe zi timp de doua saptamani. S-au realizat fotografi i pentru a determina aria procentuala a corneei acoperite de neovascularizatie. Animalele au fost sacrifi cate, ochii au fost enucleati si sectiunile corneene trimise la analiza histopatologica.

Rezultate. Aria de neovascularizatie a fost mai mica procentual la toate cele 3 grupuri experimentale (1, 2 si 4 mg/ml) comparativ cu grupul de control, fenomen vizibil la fotografi ile digitale. Astfel, procentele au fost de 63, 55 si respectiv 43% fi nd semnifi cativ scazute fata de grupul I (72%). Examenul histopatologic evidentiaza reducerea infi ltratului infl amator si neovaselor la grupurile tratate, dar persista celularitatea si grosimea stromala.

Discutii. TNFα, citokina proinfl amatorie, actioneaza pe endoteliul vascular si amplifi ca edemul, vasodilatatia si agregarea leucocitara fenomene care in mod normal sunt asociate cu dezvoltarea neovascularizatiei, iar inhibarea farmacologica a TNFα poate reprezenta o varianta noua de tratament. Infl amatia determinata de arsura chimica poate fi redusa cu Infl iximab, substanta care penetreaza corneea si nu dezvolta fenomene toxice local. Utilizarea topica de Infl iximab poate fi efi cienta in tratamentul arsurilor chimice oculare.

Concluzii. Studiul demonstreaza ca aplicarea topica de Infl iximab inhiba neovascularizatia corneeana indusa de arsura chimica si scade infl amatia si activitatea fi broblastica la iepure.


1University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila- Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine2University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Romania- Department of Ophthalmology

Introduction. The cornea is normally devoid of blood and lymphatic vessels. Corneal neovascularization is a condition that can de-velop in response to infl ammation, hypoxia, trauma, or limbal stem cell defi ciency and is the second cause of blindness worldwide . Cur-rent treatments for corneal neovascularization include topical corticosteroid and non-steroid anti-infl ammatory medications, photody-namic therapy, laser photocoagulation, fi ne needle diathermy, and conjunctival, limbal, and amniotic membrane transplantation. New therapeutic options for diseases of the cornea and ocular surface are now being explore in experimental animals and clinical trials. In this study, we have investigated the effi cacy of topical application of infl iximab [tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) monoclonal antibody] for the treatment of corneal neovascularization in the rabbit model.

Matherials and methods. Neovascularization was induced in 32 eyes of 16 rabbits by pressing a 2-mm diameter alkaline-coated ap-plicator. Fourteen days after chemical burn, corneal neovascularization was confi rmed and the subjects were divided into 4 groups of 8 rabbits: no treatment control (group I), group II, III and IV were treated with Infl iximab eye drops of varying concentrations (1, 2, and 4 mg/mL) three times a day two weeks. Digital photographs of the cornea were taken before initiating the treatment and after 2 weeks. The pictures were analyzed to determine the percentage area of the cornea covered by neovascularization. All eyes were extracted and corneal sections were analyzed histopathologically.

Results. In digital photographs, the neovascularized area was decreased in all 3 experimental groups (1, 2, and 4 mg/mL) compared with the control group (balanced salt solution). The median percentages of corneal neovascularization in groups 2, 3 and 4 (the study groups) were 63, 55 and 43% respectively and was signifi cantly lower than in group 1 (72%). Histological examination showed markedly regressed new vessels and infl ammatory infi ltrate in treatment groups, but corneal stromal thickness and cellularity persist.

Discussions. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, a well known pro-infl ammatory cytokine, acts on the vascular endothelium by promoting vasodilatation, edema, and leukocyte recruitment, which are all commonly associated with the development of corneal neovascularization. Pharmacological TNF-α inhibition might represent an attractive therapeutic option.

The infl ammation caused by a chemical burn can be minimized with Infl iximab which penetrates the cornea and is safe to the ocular surface. We suggest that topical application of infl iximab may be a useful treatment in ocular caustications.

Conclusions. This study demonstrates that topical administration of infl iximab inhibit corneal neovascularization and decrease infl am-mation and fi broblast activity in a rabbit model of corneal neovascularization induced by alkali burn.

ASPECTE TERAPEUTICE MODERNE ÎN ABORDAREA TESTICULULUI NECOBORÂT LA COPILA. Zavate, C. Sabetay1, J. Kamel, I. Purcaru, O. CiobanuClinica de chirurgie pediatrică – Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Craiova

Introducere. Fertilitatea cuplului a devenit o problemă ce în ce mai frecventă în societatea modernă. Pe plan mondial se estimează că bărbatul este responsabil, de aproximativ 35% din aceste cazuri de infertilitate, iar tulburările de migrare a testiculului reprezintă principala cauză de infertilitate de sex masculin.

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Odată cu progresele înregistrate în cercetarea embriologiei, geneticii şi histopatologiei, tulburărilor de migrare a testiculului, atitudinea terapeutică în ceea ce priveşte această afecţiune a fost reconsiderată de nenumărate ori pe parcursul timpului.

Material şi metodă. Autorii încearcă o analiză sintetică a experienţei acumulate în abordarea laparoscopică a testiculului necoborât în cadrul Clinicii de Chirurgie Pediatrică a Spitalului Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Craiova.

Rezultate. Odată cu introducerea chirurgiei laparoscopice în cadrul Clinicii noastre, au fost abordate laparoscopic un număr de 30 de cazuri, cu rezultate încurajatoare, în ceea ce priveşte coborârea testiculară mai ales la copiii care ar fi putut fi consideraţi anorhidici în urma examinării clinice şi a explorărilor imagistice.

Concluzii. Având în vedere limitările pe care le prezintă explorările imagistice clasice, laparoscopia, efectuată atât în scop diagnostic cât şi terapeutic s-a impus la ora actuală ca şi un standard în ceea ce priveşte testiculul necoborât nepalpabil la copil.

MODERN THERAPEUTIC ASPECTS REGARDING THE APPROACH OF THE UNDESCENDED testicl* IN CHILDRENA. Zavate, C. Sabetay1, J. Kamel, I. Purcaru, O. CiobanuDepartment of Pediatric Surgery, Emergency County Hospital of Craiova

Introduction. The fertility of the couple became an increasingly common problem in the modern society. Worldwide it is estimated that the man is responsible for about 35% of the cases of infertility and testicular migration disorders are the leading cause of male infertil-ity.

With the progresses reached in the research fi eld of embryology, genetics and histopathology, the therapeutic attitude regarding the testicl* migration disorders has been reconsidered repeatedly over time.

Material and methods. The authors are trying to undertake an analysis of the experience gained in the laparoscopic approach of un-descended testicl* in the Pediatric Surgery Department of the Emergency County Hospital Craiova.

Results. With the introduction of laparoscopic surgery in our department a total of 30 cases were treated laparoscopically, with encour-aging results in terms of testicular descent in particular to children who could be considered anorchydic upon clinical examination and imaging examination.

Conclusions. Due to limitations posed by conventional imaging explorations, laparoscopy, performed both for diagnostic and thera-peutic purposes has become today as a golden standard in terms of impalpable undescended testis treatment in children.

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Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (116)


Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ· key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (117)


Asociaţia Medicală Română REVISTA MEDICALĂ ROMÂNĂ · key aspects – motor reactivity, verbal communication and eye opening. As the two authors were working in Glasgow, As - [PDF Document] (2024)
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